HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2002 - 11/12 - RegularMINUTES S PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 2002 — 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Joey Herald Dan Stenger Ben Ferguson, Chair Scott Neice, Vice -Chair Carl Clemencich, Jr., Secretary Rich Elder Vicki Wester MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFFPRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Robert Townsend, park Services Manager Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Will Mitchell, Adult Athletic Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Administrative Secretary GUESTS Ken Geest, Allen Sports Association Executive Director 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p in 0 C Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 11, 2002 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 23, 2002 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING. MOTION: Scott Neice moved to approve the Minutes from October 23, 2002 Special Called Meeting as presented. Rich Elder seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY HIRED STAFF AND STAFF UPDATES — TIM DENTLER Tim Derider, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation introduced Robert Townsend who will oversee all Park operations. Robert comes to the City of Allen from Ft. Worth, and brings a background of administration, grounds maintenance and forestry to Allen. Tim Dentler introduced Will Mitchell to the Board, and reported that he will be serving Allen in the capacity of Athletic Coordinator. Will reports to Tony Hill, and has worked at the natatorium, then the City of Frisco, then back to Allen. Will reported that he grew up in Farmersville and lives in McKinney. Tim also introduced Ken Geest, Executive Director of the Allen Sports Association to the Board and reported that Ken or a representative of that association will be attending the Park Board meetings on a regular basis. Don Horton informed the Board that the Aquatic Coordinator has resigned and that the City will begin the process of filling that position as soon as possible. Meanwhile, an interim plan will be in place by Wednesday to cover the vacancy. 4. ANNUAL READING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD BYLAWS — CARL CLEMENCICH Secretary, Carl Clemencich read aloud the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws as prescribed by Ordinance #306. 5. NEW DESIGN OF PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT WEB PAGE — DON HORTON Don Horton gave the Board a brief "walk-through' of the new Parks Department i web page to be launched within the near future. The address will be I 0 Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 11, 2002 "Allenparks.org" Don reported that Marketing Coordinator, Teresa Warren is responsible for the design of the web page. 6. PARK NAMING POLICY REVIEW -DON HORTON Don referred the Board to the draft of a policy for naming parkland and facilities and presented a brief background on the need for this policy. Several suggestions were made, some of which were that a "background check" process should be included, as well as a "resending of name" policy. The wording of 'overseeing body" will be changed to read "City Council' Staff will incorporate these suggestions and return to the Board with an updated policy in December. Don assured the Board that the Park Foundation while a separate entity from the City of Allen, could accept both money and land as a donation. MOTION: Joey Herald moved to table this nem until the next Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Rich Elder seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. FACILITY HOLIDAY HOURS OF OPERATION - TIM DENTLER Tim Derider provided the Board with a copy of the current and proposed hours of operation for both the Natatorium and Recreation Center as follows: CURRENT HOURS OF OPERATION JOE FARMER RECREATION: Monday 6am- IOpm Tuesday 6am - l Opm Wednesday 6am-IOpm Thursday 6am - l0pm Friday 6am - 9pm Saturday I Oam - 6pm Sunday Ipm-6pm DONRODENBAUGHNAT: Monday 6am-9pm Tuesday 6am-9pm Wednesday 6am-9pm Thursday 6am - 9pm Friday 6am - Spm Saturday Sam - 6pm Sunday Ipm-6pm PROPOSED HOLIDAY HOURS OF OPERATION JOE FARMER RECREATION New Years Eve Sam- Ipm New Years Day Closed All Day Memorial Day'* Closed All Day July 4' " Closed All Day Labor Day'* Closed All Day Thanksgiving Day Closed All Day Post Thanksgiving Sam - ]pm December 24 Sam- ]pm DONRODENBAUGHNAT: Sam- Ipm Closed All Day Ipm - 6pm Sam - ]pm Ipm- 6pm Closed All Day Sam - Ipm Sam - 1 pm Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 11, 2002 IDecember 25 Closed All Day Closed All Day ** Fitness members at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center will allowed access to the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium on posted dates. Tim advised the Board that a survey had been taken of the users to determine preferences, as well as consultations with staff operating the facilities. The suggestion was made to consider lengthening the hours of operation for the Rodenbaugh Natatorium until at least 10 p.m. Staff will take that under advisement and return at a later date with a proposal for updated normal hours of Operation at both facilities. MOTION: Rich Elder moved to accept the Proposed Holiday Hours of Operation for the Joe Farmer Recreation Center and the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium as presented and recommended by staff Carl Clemencich seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. S. PRIORITY LISTING FOR MINOR UPDATE OF MASTER PLAN — BRIAN BRISTOW Brian Bristow presented a brief background on the Master Plan Update that is being done for the Parks and Recreation Department. Brian enforced the fact that this document is critical to funding and grants applications for the Parks Department. The Minor Update will be done every two years, and a Major Update will be done every five years. Brian pointed out that several items had been dropped from the previous priority listing (municipal golf course and indoor recreation center) These items have been addressed in other areas or have been dropped from the short-term list of projects by the City of Allen. A brief discussion was held on the playground item being lower on the list of priorities, and staff assured the Board that the parks would continue to contain playgrounds and neighborhood parks will continue to be built and refurbished on a regular basis. MOTION: Rich Elder moved to support the Listing for Minor Update as presented. Vicki Wester seconded and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. E 9. DRAFT FIELD USE POLICY REVIEW — TIM DENTLER E Tim provided the Board with a draft copy of the Field Use Policy which is still a working document Along with this document, the Board were given draft copies Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 11, 2002 of the Co -Sponsored Facility Utilization Agreement and a draft of the Tournament Agreement Tim indicated a meeting would be set up with the Field Use Policy Subcommittee to review these documents prior to the next Park Board Meeting. Tim indicated these documents would hopefully provide a framework for the final documents. It was requested that if these documents are being brought to the Board in their final form for the December meeting that they be emailed in advance for review Tim indicated his goal was to have these documents in their final form prior to the opening of Celebration Park. 10. RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT TEXAS PARKS ACCOUNT — DON HORTON Don reported that during the past year, the Texas Legislature had pulled some funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department "Texas Recreation and Parks Account' to fund other projects. This resolution (a copy of which is attached to these minutes) is asking that the legislature not support projects that do not go through the grant process. This resolution is being supported by other Texas cities, and it will be forwarded along with others to the Texas Legislature once adopted by City Council. MOTION: Dan Stenger moved to recommend the resolution as presented to City Council for adoption. Joey Herald seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 11. PROJECT UPDATE —BRIAN BRISTOW Allen Station Park Bnan briefly updated the Board on Allen Station Park. He reported that the consultant has completed the design phase, and staff has requested a platting update. Celebration Park Brian reported parking lots completed, trail completed, underpass walkway 90% complete, infrastructure for concessions and restrooms in place, and that the grassing of soccer fields should take place prior to the next meeting of this Board. Heritage Center Brian reported that the site work is complete, inside framed and plumbing completed. Rain has put this project off -schedule and may not be completed until 13 3-4'h week of December. Don reported that the Allen Heritage Guild will be Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 11, 2002 manning this facility and it will have tourist information on Allen and be available for rental. 12. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Joey: had questions regarding history and status of a municipal golf course in Allen. Rich: wanted a review of the priorities and funding for Celebration Park — in particular, the lighting of soccer fields and practice facilities. Carl: had questions regarding the Twin Creeks Trail system. Scott: wants meeting soon to plan "Soccer Tournament" Dan: nothing at this time. Vicki: encouraged all to consider going to NRPA Conference in October 2003. Ken Geest: reported ASA has begun a track program, and that football supporters would be coming soon to this Board requesting a football facility. A request was made for a park tour, and staff will pursue that item. 13. OTHER BUSINESS Upcoming Events — Chair Ben Ferguson encouraged the Board to support as many of the events as possible with their presence. 14. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 9ih of December, 2002. Ben Ferguson, Ch. r CYl Cl encich, Secretary