HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2003 - 05/12 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MAY 12, 2003 — 7:30 P.M. PARR MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Joey Herald Dan Stenger Rich Elder Vicki Wester Carl Clemencich, Jr., Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Neice, Vice -Chair STAFFPRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS None 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 14, 2003 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Joey Herald moved to approve the Minutes from April 14, 2003 Regular Called Meeting as presented. Dan Stenger seconded and the Motion carred 6 for, 0 against. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 12, 2003 1 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no guests wishing to speak at this time. 4. STAFF UPDATES Tim Derider announced the hiring of the Park Planner, Matt McComb on April 21, 2003. Matt comes to the City of Allen from the private sector, and was educated at Texas Tech University Matt reports to Brian Bristow 5. SKATE PARK PRESENTATION FROM TRAPS CONFERENCE Brian Bristow shared his presentation on the planning of Allen Station Park, Phase 11 with the Board. Brian told the Board he, along with Clark Condon Associates were presenters at the State TRAPS Conference in San Antonio, and that it had been very well received by 75-100 participants. 1 Following Brian's presentation, several comments were received especially pertaining to security at the planned facility and the idea of ID Cards and a School Resource Officer (SRO) was brought forward as a possibility. 6. DISCUSSION ON THE NAMING OF "THE TRAIL AT THE WOODS" Brian gave a brief history of this facility and how it was dedicated to the City of Allen by the developer. This 76 -acre facility has a planned trail through it, and staff will receive suggestions for the naming of the trail through this facility. A brief discussion was held regarding the postponement of naming the trail until the parkland itself was officially named. Suggestions received were as follows: The Woods at Suncreek, Trail at The Woods, McDermott, The Woods, Rowlett Woods, The Woods at Rowlett Creek, McDermott Nature Trail, Old Growth Forest Trail. It was determined that the above list of names would be emailed to the Board for further consideration. Additional recommendations will be received by staff for the naming of this trail area, and this item shall appear on the agenda for our next Board meeting. 1 7. UPDATE ON FIELD UTILIZATION ORDINANCE AND AGREEMENTS Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May l2, 2003 Tim Dentler gave a brief history on the ad-hoc committee working on this process, and told the Board that as of the last meeting, the decision was made to move toward a fee structure. After a brief review on the status of this project, it was determined that this process might be ready for City Council review in July. Tim assured the Board that it will be on the Park Board Agenda for final approval prior to moving to City Council. It was also suggested that an effective date of October would give the participating entities time to adjust their budgets. 8. REVIEW AND UPDATE WORK PLAN FOR PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Dan Stenger indicated he would be emailing out the electronic version of this work plan for himself, Rich Elder and Ben Ferguson to review This item will be placed on the June Park Board Agenda to review/approve revisions to the Work Plan. 9. EVENT UPDATES Allen USA Celebration Update Tim reviewed with the Board advertising methods being used for the Summer Sounds Concert series as well as the Allen USA Celebration. The suggestion was received that Allen Service Groups need to be included in the distribution process for all events. Tim also asked Board members to consider serving as hosts/hostesses for the Sponsor Tent and VIP Tent at this year's celebration. He said that the role of goodwill ambassadors to "meet and greet" would be very beneficial. Second Annual Wild Water Rodeo The Board was reminded of the Saturday, June 14ih event and encouraged to form a team of Board members. Scott Neice volunteered along with Joey Herald. It was suggested that maybe Scott's daughter would once again like to join them as a team member and Ben Ferguson said he would check with his daughter regardingjoining the team as well. 10. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION I Natatorium Renewal letters still not received 2) Request for new, short -sleeved golf -style shirts for Park Board Members 3) Encourage Board members to be present at as many functions as possible I Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 12, 2003 4) Why new trees at Allen Station Park? 5) Poor visibility from bleachers at Allen Station Park 6) Consider 7 p.m. start -time for Parks and Recreation Board Meetings 7) Need to publicize Extreme Teen program to sixth graders, possibly with flyers at Saturday night Rec `n Roll events and Cable Channel 17 11. OTHER BUSINESS Upcoming Events were reviewed and Board members encouraged to participate. 12. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 9'" day of June, 2003. Ben Ferguson, Chair Carl Clemencich, Secret