HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2003 - 07/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JULY 14, 2003 — 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Scott Neice, Vice -Chair Joey Herald Vicki Wester Carl Clemencich, Jr., Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT Dan Stenger Rich Elder STAFFPRESENT Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Amanda Wallace 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:34 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 9, 2003 REGULAR MEETING AND JULY 7, 2003 SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP MEETING MOTION: Joey Herald moved to approve the Minutes from June 9, 2003 Regular Meeting and July 7, Special Called Workshop Meeting as Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 14, 2003 presented. Vicki Wester seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no guests wishing to speak at this time. 4. APPROVE NEW START TIME FOR PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETINGS TO 7 P.M. MOTION: Scott Neice moved to set the regular meeting time for the Parks and Recreation Board to 7 p.m. unless otherwise posted. Joey Herald seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 5. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR KIDMANIA PLAYGROUND AND SPRAY GROUND AT CELEBRATION PARK Brian Bristow presented this item and gave a brief background on the popularity of this new facility, along with the need for some guidelines for its usage. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the hours of operation should be noted for the spray ground only, and that a note regarding operation during winter months be added The following are the rules as discussed: o Sprav ground hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.(sprav ground closed during winter months) o No pets allowed on spray ground or playground o kidMania is designed for children ages 2 through 12 o Children wearing diapers must wear a "swim diaper" if using the spray ground o Only rubber soled shoes allowed on spray ground rubber deck o For your safety, please do not climb on spray apparatus, railings or barriers o No skateboards, bicycles or roller skates are allowed on playground or spray ground o Plav at vour own risk o Have FUNi !f von have any questions about these rules, please contact the Allen Parks and Recreation Department at 972-727-0140. All participants must adhere to parks and recreation rules as established by Ordinance #1873-9-00. Far information. please visit the City of Allen Parks Department website at ury iv. allenparks in D Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 14, 2003 MOTION: Joey Herald moved to approve and adopt the proposed rules as amended for the use and operation of kidMania and that said rules are posted on the kidMania grounds at the earliest opportunity. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the Motion earned 5 for, 0 against. 6. CONSIDER PROPOSAL OF OFFERING MASSAGE THERAPY AT THE RODENBAUGH NATATORIUM Tony Hill introduced Amanda Wallace, a Licensed Massage Therapist to the Board, and indicated the proposed availability of her services at the Rodenbaugh Natatorium. These will be scheduled by appointment, and her fees will be based upon a 75%25% split with the City. Tony indicated this service would be available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays as well as alternate Saturdays. MOTION: Scott Neice moved that the City of Allen allow a licensed massage therapist to operate at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 7. REVIEW SURVEY OF ATTENDANCE AFTER 9 P.M. AT THE NATATORIUM Tony Hill presented the Board with the draft of a survey to be conducted at the Natatorium regarding several issues, one of which is the usage of the facility after 9 p.m. Following a review of the proposed survey, it was suggested that question number 6 ("Would you be willing to pay an extra fee for child care") be eliminated since the facility cannot absorb the cost of programming for children without an additional fee. Lori Smeby also indicated that programming for children would be listed as an option on the survey rather than child care. Lori also indicated that the results of the survey will be discussed in either the August or September Park Board Meeting. S. FINALIZATION OF BOARD MEMBER CRITERIA The Board agreed that the document was now ready to be forwarded to the City Secretary's Office, 9. APPROVE CHANGE OF AGE FROM 55 TO 50 YEARS AT SENIOR CENTER Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 14, 2003 Tony Hill briefly reviewed the policies of other metro-plex cities regarding ages of participants at their facilities It was also pointed out that AARP memberships begin at age 50. MOTION: Carl Clemencich moved that the City of Allen change the age requirement at the Senior Citizens Center to include anyone 50 years of age and older. Joey Herald seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 10. APPROVE REVISIONS TO PARK BOARD WORKPLAN A brief discussion was held on the changes to the Board Work Plan, and a concern was expressed that the terminology "co-sponsored" was used in Goal 7.B. Also, the "Town Hall Meeting" (Goal 3.13) was added to the list of "Non - Time Specific" issues. The Board members felt Dan Stenger had done a great job of revising this plan and was thanked for his efforts. MOTION: Joey Herald made a Motion to approve the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Board Work Plan as proposed. Vicki Wester seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 11. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Vicki Wester - reported that she still has not received a renewal notice for her membership at the natatorium. Carl Clemencich — indicated he'd read an article in the Allen Image that referred to the trail in The Woods, and asked if it had been officially named. Carl also, issued a concern over the conditions of the chairs at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. He has rented the facility on two occasions within the past 18 months, and said the chairs were very dirty and unacceptable for rental occasions. 12. OTHER BUSINESS Staff Updates Site Selection for Senior Citizens Center Joey Herald and Brian Bristow reviewed the site selection with the Board, and indicated that currently, the property across from the Historic Village and St. Mary's Church, currently known as the St. Mary's Soccer Fields had been selected. Concerns were expressed that the City would loose two 1 L F Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 14, 2003 soccer fields with this plan. It was pointed out that there are actually two additional fields at Celebration Park that were not previously included in the soccer field count that will offset this. Brian reported that the 6 light poles will be moved to Celebration Park for lighting of athletic fields. Tony Hill reported that wrist bands were being issued to patrons who paid to use the Natatorium. This is being done on a trial basis to see if there is an increase in revenue from patrons paying to enter the facility Upcoming Events Board members were reminded of the art exhibit currently going on at the Heritage Center. 13. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 11 `h day of August, 2003. Ben Fergu on, Chair Caz] Clemencich, Secretary