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Min - Parks and Recreation Board - 2003 - 08/11 - Regular
MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 2003 — 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Scott Neice, Vice -Chair Joey Herald Vicki Wester Dan Stenger MEMBERS ABSENT Rich Elder Carl Clemencich, Jr., Secretary STAFFPRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Matt McComb, Park Planner Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Michelle Miller, Representing The Cancer Monument CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:06 p.m. 1 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JULY 14, 2003 REGULAR MEETING Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11, 2003 MOTION: Joey Herald moved to approve the Minutes from July 14, 2003 Regular Meeting as presented. Scott Neice seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no guests wishing to speak at this time. 4. PRESENTATION REGARDING THE CANCER MONUMENT "WALL OF HOPE" Michelle Miller of The Cancer Monument briefly reviewed her history with the Monument effort and the relationship with the City over the past few years. She indicated that for $135 per name (35 characters), anyone could have a name engraved on the granite surface. There are opportunities for corporate names and sponsorships as well. Tim Derider indicated Michelle would be visiting with City Council regarding this project at the Workshop portion of their meeting on August 26. Tim also reviewed the proposed location in Allen Station Park with the Board, and briefly discussed the history and original design for the proposed area. Ben Ferguson indicated his support of this project, and anticipated benefit to the City. Scott Neice questioned the usage of open space for the proposed monument, and what other options had been considered. Dan Stenger suggested the budgeting of security cameras for this site to monitor activity as well as provide internet access for viewing of the monument. It was suggested that should another facility become available that would be more appropriate prior to the beginning of construction that all options be left open for final placement. 5. FIELD UTILIZATION ORDINANCE AND ASSOCIATED AGREEMENTS Tim Dentler gave a brief history of the field use issues that the Parks Department has faced over the years, and the challenges those presented. He reviewed the subcommittee participation as well as staff members. (See Power Point presentation attached to these minutes.) d Discussion of Field Utilization Ordinance and Agreements PW,VW 11 CITYOFALLEN Committee Members r W MIinlarbaMb,�IMba aw ,aamw�m wiue.r Challenges of Current Policy Contended Currently there is nota process or procedure to manage entities other than eoaponsomd organizations, currently ASA., for others requesting use of Athletic Facilities - Co-sponsored organinfiam have phony use - OManvsbone Metered through other communmee even though they are Allen roedents have landed H any aosse to Allen athletic f ealites - There are many unauthodmd ounce and dents bean, held by for profit enables I Discussion Topics • Committee Members • Challenges of Current Policy • Facts to be Considered • Philosophical Discussion • Format and Fee Structure Challenges of Current Policy Current policy does not allow for closure of facilities with enforcement authority -Games are being played with field conditions that are potentially dangerous to the participant aro damaging to the facility -Management of camps and choice have been difficult due to the openness of the athletic faclhbes and ability to monitor such activities Challenges of Current Policy Continued Application of fees for residents versus non-residents -Currently, all non resident fees are established at time of reglstraton through the co-sponsored organization - Collection of these fees have been difficult to obtain due ro verification Issues and alignment of financial management systems with the City of Allen and the Co-sponsored Organization d r Facts to be Considered Continued Recreational sports have been a priority for the City of Allen There is no policy or document that defines what a game facility is and at what level it is maintained There are many citizens of Allen who are not associated with a Cosponsored organizabon requesting access to game facilities Management of the current competitive or game facilities must playa role in the allocation method in order to maintain quality Philosophical Considerations continued Establishment of the following categories -Co-sponsored Organizabon -Non-cosponsored Organization Resident • Individual Team -Non-cosponsored Organizabon Non -Resident • Individual Team Philosophical Considerations Continued Proposed written structure - Establishment of an ordinance provldnq enforcement authority M game gold closure - Creation of a Coaponeored agmercenl %trch degrees the requirements necessary to be recognaed as a ozawnsored oryamratan by the City d Alen - Crean. of a TWmaneent agreement apeatying fees for all of the pmvausty named Wades - Creation of a ceMp/denec agreement sp« f N fees for all of the prevbusly, instant panes - Creation of a reality rental agreement a xmpng fees for all of the previously named parses Facts to be Considered Continued Positive fiscal management of recreational services through agreements for use of facilities -Tools for management of tournaments/ camps/ clinics a must - Establishment of a fee structure for the profitable management of tournaments and faollmes through a rental agreement Philosophical Considerations Continued Celina. An nuaum WelselbMd C0;=w` "—`a CT=. 1 pynyL ICY baa uYdesMdbyte [ire b Uw CwpamvMq Ape«mnl fqWe 0.19 ryA Comn pwpN �ptemen dm«..I = ran TN awn. Ey1M1e Z'ry d Nim 14 0W%pus me0 pexn.l PN tnntCETJ p11M GlydNlmglNl NitlYn tl n au esM«IO.nnrmpoIHlnyevIXIXWnenNa«IMEpmTNTvW-]E(GA «m�no«e Md- �s"' irrydNryleWpnMa�wNSmItln«m5«n0 %ApN omwIXp5 Philosophical Discussion Continued Proposed written structure J F I Philosophical Considerations Continued Proposed Content - Establish a list of game facilities that will be recognized by the ordinance and agreements — Identify an internal policy for allowing resident non-league day without hindering maintenance or daily rentals — Identify level of maintenance and mmmuniy expectations — Establish long tens relationship between the A.S A. and the City of Allen How Are Fees Established? cumnarue M. �Aveaaem pm M W ao.IM1+Fleere *Feo Fisk eWrrarwu sin a FiFuM uvepa ba W rero ws of ;r2MNe Zof8%W' MMESUAGW SIe.M. W, DJ In lM1e]� al ukn tlmEn 9I mlmvo�Wmaf � kemlr W ure ml ie tl¢9kIfY, wales. aoYnaa Mc iPlia wle dnounyn awu� 1.MASAMws Ixua rale lore"�"eeOoaoowa°°w ee�or�l:aem.re uw nm.�Fw�� as.+mlwae.aanl ee.mialml er�rwnre rew�°0 wuNOniue�lww�ge°x:na arwyma a xwel faouy sk evreaewnn rlainerence ras Thank you! Any Questions? Format and Fee Structure How Are Fees Established? (Estimated) Co-sponsored? Resident Rate $4.00 per hour - per field $3.00 per hour - lights per field Noncosponsoredl Non-resident Rate $25 per hour- per field $16 per hour - lights Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11, 2003 Following this presentation a brief discussion followed at which time Tim told the Board that should City Council approve this Ordinance he was recommending the effective date for enforcement of January 1, 2004. It was suggested that page 4, (c) (4) of the proposed Ordinance be amended to read "The scheduled turning on and turning off of lights shall be the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Department or as established by agreement." MOTION: Dan Stenger moved to approve the Field Utilization Ordinance and associated agreements with suggested rewording. Joey Herald seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 4. REVIEW OF TRAIL SYSTEM Brian Bristow made a presentation regarding the trail system focusing on Recent Trail Projects of Celebration Park Trail, Aylesbury Trail and Waterford Crossing Phase II Trail. Along with these, he reviewed the Proposed Trail Projects of Allen Station Park, Phase 11 Trail, Story Park Trail, Stacy Ridge Park Trail, and Waters Branch Transition. (See Power Point "Allen Trails Initiative" attached to these Minutes.) Following a brief discussion, it was suggested that in the future a one -mile asphalt loop running, walking facility might be included in a park as it is developed. It was also suggested that at some point we might want to consider wider hike and bike trails to better accommodate all users and heavier traffic. 7. BOARD WORK PLAN REVIEW — GOAL 4.11 REVIEW OF TRAIL SYSTEM, AND GOAL 7.11 BOARD MEMBER TO BI -ANNUAL MEETING OF CO-SPONSORED GROUPS The presentation this evening by Brian Bristow met the goal of reviewing the trail System. Goal 7.B was discussed and the Board members informed of an Allen Sports Association Annual Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for December 9, 2003, 7 p.m. at a local elementary school. S. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Joey Fox Hollow Greenbelt questions by homeowners continue to come his way Dan: CDC funding for lights at Celebration Park has been approved d n 0 Allen Trails Initiative P WTII."" ALLEN PARNS MD MCRMMNSOMD t PARKS AND RECREATION TRAIL PROJECTS •GNMtlm MTN •AyyWxy Tnll • WdnlmE uuYry I.. TY PROPOSED TRAIL PROJECTS E •MW�Bbbn MPXw PTIdI •81wy MTri •Rory RNp�MTnM • WMn MnNTnlultlm ©I RECENT TRAIL PROJECTS AYLESBURY TRAIL • BYlnprp�}el •Toll hlwn Nxl IM/untl cpnlo lMlNM PmII •yRMtl NnbegxrMwe • m.m Nmba q coc PARK AND RECREATION BOARD WORK PLAN RENEWTHEEMIBTINOTMILSMTEMWTHECR MDM RECOMMENDATIONS.T WCOM UEDO LOPWWMD NEF DWMMAMNS. • TlX tlllnntl lbntlMJMMrnC WnbW MXime •Ndl plwlly. TXXXXR �Molltl W nub dmtln mLlNrytlbmwlenMn lMOIpNP NXIb YmuNqubnbtl pm.n�lm..b��hW Iop�rlp MYllpddMlMpb Nob. YYID.L'MRrvbwE UWhMMtlu PMBrtlFdnunYmq Z IQ RECENT TRAIL PROJECTS .I Fmb P.bmb, u.N •P�wXYt cmtlnum w�bNl • Mf.Om lutlml q CCC D�mu MII d pvF) RECENT TRAIL PROJECTS WATERFORD CROSSING PRASE II TRAIL • 1 mINEW Ilnp PNp II •GnlaPnluNJ • Cmnub b T W n crwFNWMtl BnaM TId • DNNW wucwn bRXlpnwlXl. RAMI 1 r PROPOSED TRAIL PROJECTS ALLEN STATION PARK PHARE II TRAIL . lmYbW • unY YwN PoMMW M1& mm. ul..umMwaWlw alw. xMWq Wr.w. wmmWo Yodrx rruc i PROPOSED TRAIL PROJECTS STACY RICBE PMK TRAIL •InWiul qlF bdl 1 I PROPOSED TRAIL PROJECTS I K ... STORY PMK TRAIL L 4� •InMIUIMb•N •CrWln.l mlNdraW1 In qM PROPOSED TRAIL PROJECTS WATERS BRANCH TRMSIWN • 1]MMNnFMMnTVIn CIwF�bYwl W�Mf/nMq PnF •�IXN�uW mmctlm bFl AlnW pN� •p^ Pmt Open Discussion E Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11, 2003 9. OTHER BUSINESS STAFFUPDATES Haunted House Plans Tony Hill briefly reviewed the history of the Haunted House produced by the Parks and Recreation Department staff, and reported that the event had not been able to show a profit, and therefore it was determined that the staff support could be focused on Booville which has always been a success. He announced the event would take place on October 25 from 1-5 p.m., with the price of a wristband remaining at $5. He also announced the possibility of a partnership with AISD on this event. Natatorium Survey Tony announced the collection of 200 surveys at this present time, and indicated the survey would remain open for another week. The results will be tabulated and presented to the Board at the September 2003 Regular Meeting. UPCOMING EVENTS Board members were reminded of upcoming events within the Parks and Recreation Department. 10. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 8'" day of September, 2003. r Ben & rgu n, Chair Carl Clemencrch, Secretary D