HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2003 - 10/13 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 13, 2003 — 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Cheryl Lawson Carl Clemencich, Jr., Vice Chair Joey Herald Vicki Wester, Secretary Gary Alan Moore Rich Elder MEMBERS ABSENT None ISTAFF PRESENT Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Shelli Siemer, Assistant City Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:02 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 REGULAR MEETING Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting October 13, 2003 MOTION: Joey Herald moved to approve the Minutes from September 8, 2003 Regular Meeting as presented. Rich Elder seconded and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no guests wishing to speak at this time. 4. INTRODUCTION OF RECREATION SUPERVISORS Recreation Services Manager, Tony Hill introduced some of the key state in the Recreation Division of the Department to the Board. The following were introduced: Fries, Brakebill, newly appointed Aquatics Program Supervisor Will Mitchell, Adult Athletics Coordinator — hired October 2002 Margaret Andelman, Senior Program Coordinator — hired 2002 Autumn Castleberry, Administrative Assistant — hired April 2002 Lisa Anderson, Joe Farmer Recreation Center Supervisor as well as Special Events coordination Jim Diehl, Recreation Specialist II from the Rodenbaugh Natatorium 5. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS, CHERYL LAWSON AND GARY ALAN MOORE All Board members took a moment to introduce themselves and give a brief background on their tenure on the Board, along with their residency in Allen. Newly appointed members were congratulated on their appointment and welcomed to the Board. 6. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Chair Following the floor being opened up for nominations, the following nominations were received for the office of Chair: MOTION: Carl Clemencich nominated Ben Ferguson for the office of Chair. Joey Herald seconded. There were no other nominations for the Office of Chair, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against to elect Ben Ferguson as Chair. P' Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting October 13, 2003 B. Vice -Chair Following the floor being opened up for nominations, the following nominations were received for the office of Vice Chair: MOTION: Joey Herald nominated Carl Clemencich for the office of Vice Chair. Rich Elder seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations for the office of Vice Chair, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against to elect Carl Clemencich as Vice Chair. C. Secretary Following the floor being opened up for nominations, the following nominations were received for the office of Secretary: MOTION: Rich Elder nominated Vicki Wester for the office of Secretary. Joey Herald seconded. There were no other nominations for the Office of Secretary, and the Motion 1 carried 7 for, 0 against to elect Vicki Wester as Secretary. 7. BOARD WORK PLAN REVIEW Goal La Perform Park Board Orientation Shelli Siemer, Assistant City Manager for the City of Allen was on hand to perform the Park Board Orientation (Power Point Presentation attached to these minutes). Shelli outlined the responsibilities and roles of the Board members, as well as a brief outline structure of the Parks Department. 8. REVIEW OF ALLEN CIVIC PLAZA PROJECT Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen reviewed the Allen Civic Plaza Project. Brian made a Power Point Presentation to the Board (attached to these minutes) that had been presented to City Council August 26. The presentation outlined the budget, overview of the plans, stonework, etc. Brian indicated the project should be completed in August 2004. Gary Moore inquired about the status of the trees in the ROW along McDermott and if those could be �p saved and transplanted. Staff explained that quotes were being gathered and that ® due to the maturity of the trees and the hard-scape (street and sidewalk), expectations are that the bids will be quite expensive. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting October 13, 2003 4. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Carl: concerns were expressed regarding broken bleachers at Ford, parking on both sides of the street along Park Place during ASA football games, and irrigation timing at Celebration Park (lower soccer fields). Joey: Fox Hollow concerns at parkland Rich: Dayspring Nature Trail — over growth, rye seeding at Celebration Park, status of competition field Cheryl: portable restroom facilities needed at roller hockey court, trailsignage and maps needed. 10. OTHER BUSINESS Updates by Staff: Texas Recreation and Park Society (TRAPS) Regions 2&3 Conference Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, encouraged Board members to consider attending and asked that the contact staff with their intentions as soon as possible. Spring Classic Soccer Tournament and "Sweet 16" College Showcase Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager, reported that both soccer events were going forward as scheduled, and would be operated under the Field Use Agreements specified for non-resident/non-cosponsored events. Tony reported that both present opportunities to showcase the City of Alien as well as bring in revenue. Urban Forestry Award Announcement Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager provided a brief background on the Urban Forestry program in the City of Allen, and the level of competition involved in this award. Robert indicated this award would be officially presented to City Council at their meeting Tuesday, October 14, Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) Award Announcements Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager provided information on the TAAF awards, and announced that the Male Athlete of the Year and Female Athlete of the Year would be announced and plaques presented at the City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 14. Tony reported that the male athlete (aged 13) is Rob Gulley, and the female recipient is Nicole McCarter (aged 11). Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting October 13, 2003 Hassle Hunt Development Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect, indicated this proposed development was in the very early stages of negotiations with the City of Allen, and is located between Allen Heights on the east, Highway 5 on the west and Stacy Road on the north. There will be a neighborhood park and trails in this development, and staff will keep the Board apprised of progress with the proposal. Quail Run Neighborhood Park Update Brian Bristow reported on the 110 acre proposed subdivision located between Exchange Parkway and Main Street, and Curtis Lane and Watters Road. There are 413 residential lots proposed for this development, along with a neighborhood park. David Baldwin has been hired by the developer to design the park. Upcoming Events Board members were reminded of upcoming events within the Parks and Recreation Department. 1 11. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 10�h day of November, 2003. Ben Ferguson, Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary 1 Attachment 1— Park and Recreation Board Orientation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes October 13, 2003 Park and Recreation Board Orientation ICM OF At I Per October 13, 2003 Shelli Siemer, Assistant City Manner Lon Smeby, Assistant Director Parks & Rmmbon Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . What does "Advisory' mean? . According to Websters Dictionary. • A se means: Yo give advice, counsel, inform, notify, consult and confer • Advisory mans: (n) a report giving Information and often recommending action to be taken . advisory, information gathering, and reporting function to City Council • Chaim. prowtlea an annual report to City Coundl on activities of Park BoeN Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . Establishment of Park Board • City Council created the Park Board in July 1980 through Ordnance No. 308. . The Park Board acts in an advisory capacity to City Council and staff: . to all matters pertaining to parks and recreation, • know and understand Me citys parks and recreaten ..moss; • provide adnce on policies, maintenance, apdaban, plannm aceunulion, development, and enlargement of he *a paha antl recresbon services. Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . What does "Advisory' mean? . Provides recommendations to City Council and staff • Policy Setting is City Council's role • Day -t ay operations is ensure role . Example - Propose facility rental fees 11 Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . Advise the director on problems related to the development of recreation areas, facilities, programs and opportunities for improved recreation services a Example - Be the eyes and ears in the community on park and recreation activities by offenng feedback and suggestion that staff may implement Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . Study and review the master planning guide for parks and recreation facilities . Advise on long range capital improvement programs. . Example - Town Hall meetings to collect public input and to identify community needs related to parks development I Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . Recommend standards, policies & procedures . Recommend the adoption of standards for areas, facilities, programs and financial support . Example- Field tltilctation Ordinancerpolicy . Recommend written po licies and procedures for recreational activrtias . Example - Parks and facilities rules and regulations Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities . Actions of board as a unit. All powers and duties of the board shall be exercised by the board acting as a whole. No action of any individual member is authorized except through the board. . Example -Acting together as a Board vs. representing an individual interest r P Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities "Advisory" does not include. a Setting Policy - • City Council eslabliahetl policy Park Boardprovides comm reendations to staff an E City Council a Employment— a Park IlueN shell have no authority over the direction, supers n, employmentmi or termination of city employees a Budget— . Park Boats is not authonz M add, deals or change ati the Parks & Recreon Budget . Park Went shall not have the power to expend any city funds or incur any debt on behad of the any Parks Administration T r Department Organization & Functions Admin. Parks Planning W% P Recreation Services Park Board Meetings . Monthly meetings consist of the following: . Consideration Iters such as policies, procedures, etc. Typically requires Board recommendation to forward to City Council . ExampleMaster Plan of a pads facility . Discussion or Presentation Items are presented to the Park Board as information only items and do not require board approval . Example: Status of project or program Park Services Park Board's Roles & Responsibilities ■Questions? F Attachment 2 — The Allen Civic Plaza Project Parks and Recreation Board Minutes October 13, 2003 The Allen Civic Plaza ouou�m 26, 2 0 Funding and Budget am Phase II Project Costs J. 6.aold.... Me.• *@M,< 1669,67 d E0,n3 Nam 6tone Att Mto M1mYhW1. 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