HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2003 - 11/10 - Regular�+ MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 2003 — 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Cheryl Lawson Carl Clemencich, Jr., Vice Chair Joey Herald Gary Alan Moore Rich Elder MEMBERS ABSENT Vicki Wester, Secretary STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Matt McComb, Park Planner Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Residents of Collin Square Neighborhood 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:05 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 13, 2003 REGULAR MEETING Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 10, 1200 MOTION: Gary Moore moved to approve the Minutes from October 13, 2003 Regular Meeting as presented. Cheryl Lawson seconded and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no guests wishing to speak at this time. 4. PUBLIC MEETING ON COLLIN SQUARE RECREATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Director, Tim Dentler introduced Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen and Matt McComb, Park Planner for the Parks and Recreation Department and provided a brief history on the proposed project. Matt presented a slide presentation of the project, funding, timeline and as well as conceptual drawings of what might be included in this project, following this 1 presentation, (attached to these minutes) the residents were invited to speak to the Board, ask questions, or express opinions on the proposal. Staff emphasized that this would be a phased project, and that there was not enough funding in place at this time to complete all the elements proposed. Those speaking to the Board were as follows Elizabeth Cline 23 Crockett Court Allen, TX 75002 Liked the idea of a playground, was very concerned about possible tree removal and that the bridge should be a wood -like structure that would blend with the natural environment in that area. Dennis Williams 1543 Collin Drive Allen, TX 75002 Spoke in opposition to the proposed project, citing concerns with traffic, speeding on Collin Drive; playground would be a nuisance, expense and liability that would disturb the wildlife in the area. Wants trail improved, trees trimmed, and signage. Does not want playground or picnic tables. Reza Shohoudi Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 10, 1200 1215 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Spoke against the project, was concerned about the noise the improvements would generate — wants quiet area maintained. Cheryl Pestana 31 Crockett Court Allen, TX 75002 Expressed concern that children would be at risk along Collin Drive with the playground located in the greenbelt. Leah Anne Kleiman 1105 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Spoke in opposition to the project. Likes natural area, doesn't want outsiders coming into the facility. Opposed to playground. Wants facility kept as it is. Jeff Reed 1107 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Was opposed to the project, opposed to the picnic tables, and opposed to the seclusion. Wants trail improved and nothing else. Barry Sage 1113 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Wants no trees removed, wants quiet, totally opposed to project. James Merva 1101 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Thinks traffic speed in alley much too great to have children crossing to park area. All -terrain vehicles brought in on weekends, wants money spent in other areas — okay with trails and natural areas, likes open space for kids to play football in. Dan Foley 1217 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 10, 1200 Likes trails, wants no other development except possibly a trash receptacle and benches. Rita Gohlke 11 Buchanan Place Allen, TX 75002 Is opposed to the improvements — thinks it would encourage more crime, wants it left natural, and was concerned about needs of"Section 8 Housing" residents. Suzanne Chatham 1115 Matagorda Allen, TX 75002 Has five children, loves the creek area, natural spaces and would like to keep it that way. Wants trails expanded, would not use the playground. A few picnic tables would be okay — keep it natural. Likes the "small hills" used by children on their bicycles Jason Kearney 24 Crockett Court Allen, TX 75002 Would enjoy the wider trail, and some clearing of underbrush — one or two picnic tables would be okay, likes the area left as natural as possible. The following are names and addresses of people who attended the meeting, but did not wish to speak: Sandi Acheson 7 Buchanan Place Allen, TX 75002 "I thank you for your concern in `updating' my area. I would appreciate walking paved area and a clean-up of the creek, underbrush, etc." Jamie Worth 520 Ridgemont Allen, TX 75002 "Please notify me of upcoming meetings regarding the greenbelt." Jan Wright 12 Buchanan Place Allen, TX 75002 Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 10, 1200 "No playground — we need a nature preserve." Mario and Angie Meraz 1217 Collin Drive Allen, TX 75002 "Please notify of next meeting." Chairman Ben Ferguson closed the public meeting by thanking the residents for their time and interest. He invited anyone who wishes to call the office, or email staff with additional questions or concerns and assured the guests they would receive a written notice regarding the next public meeting on this project. 5. ANNUAL READING OF BY-LAWS The Parks and Recreation Board by-laws specify that at the first regular meeting following the election of officers, the Secretary shall read the Board by-laws as prescribed in Ordinance 306 and in the by-laws. Due to the absence of Vicki Wester, Secretary, Vice Chair Carl Clemencich read aloud the by-laws as prescribed. 6. PREVIEW OF PARK AND RECREATION BOARD REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Tim Dentler made a brief presentation, previewing the report to the Board members, which will be presented to City Council members during their Regular meeting on Tuesday, November 11, 2003. 7. BOARD WORK PLAN REVIEW Goal 5 Schedule Field Trip to Various Parks and Facilities It was determined that this Saturday, November 15, 2003, Board members along with Staff would meet in the parking lot of City Hall at 8:45am for a 9am tour that will conclude by noon. 8. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Carl: had questions regarding the Cancer Wall of Hope Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 10, 1200 Rich: Expressed surprise at the public meeting consensus Gary- saw a fund-raising idea regarding tree plantings and memorial plaques associated with them. Ben: Felt need to consider apartment residents close to Collin Square and their possible needs. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Updates by Staff: Update on Project Partnerships Tim Dentler made a brief presentation on the possibility of jointly partnering with community groups regarding a stadium and the possibility of a shared service center. Tim emphasized the fact that these were in the very early stages of discussion, and that a great deal more ground -work and information gathering would be done prior to any concrete steps being taken. Upcoming Events Board Members were reminded of the upcoming ASA Board Meeting on December 9`n as well as encouraged to attend as many Parks and Recreation events as possible. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION Legal, Section 551.071, Property, Section 551.072; Personnel, Section 551.074; Staff Presentations, Section 551.075 As Authorized by Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code, the Workshop Meeting and/or the Regular Meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to the Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) Deliberation Regarding Real Property ( §551.072 Government Code) - proposed park land. 11. RECONVENE AND CONSIDER ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no action to consider following Executive Session. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting November 10, 1200 1 12. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12ih day of January, 2004. Ben Ferguson, tlair Vicki Wester, Secretary P P Attachment 1 — Collin Square Greenbelt Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes November 10, 2003 Collin Square Greenbelt NOVEMBER 10, 3003 ALLEN PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD PABdtl`ID�LM CITY O- uu w WNW I EXISTING CONDITIONS LOCATION •Sounddl.1,A 0c.ma.1 RNv 0.. Rlapvwni G.., 3 cn+p+ml Ra SIZE33+vn DERSCRIPTION • unwemnem rvn. nc. ro.., nnc r.-. n++, dMnvq M+nml., inn Ivwn ann—uMnelm+.d+ M+auMalavP. I COLLIN SQUARE GREENBELT EXISTING CONDITIONS • man • 91n ' Dw[.pllan T.11 Clump CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Now •NIN6lhvTNl •P.I.S ,l Gone FRIMMUnd • Picnic SMv • Pvh Sl3nvpv J • Budpvll InP EXISTING CONDITION TRAIL • r.YalM+a..0 In .n.; ondxbn.p—u . mm and elmmlonp.nnn xnpn. 11 0 1 Attachment I — Collin Square Greenbelt Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes November 10, 2003 EXISTING CONDITIONS CLEANUP •Wcnx, Wmp and Gtl r piMwlgx pYlpm pGrpn adn•npn ^aw p.F B YGp•xmn Y a.rPwwwxx.r. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN NIKE b BIKE TRAIL •!'-YwlW cmrnk pP q.pn, mmlmuda u. Conceptual Design CONCEPTUAL DESIGN •XIp6BW TnlI • PXnIc B .l GUMC • P ,,.Ynd •Ppdcsp. • PU451pnPp. • Budpul l Fundlnd CONCEPTUAL DESIGN HIKE b BIKE TRAIL •TrWwn pmbro nGaw.r•. vIxyt,awm ,Mdox.r„dllnw N , 01 I I Attachment 1 — Collin Square Greenbelt Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes November 10, 2003 CONCEPTUAL DES PICNIC SHELTER / GAZEBO • 3p' eYmaWrwM pIMk YWaa. ptllk.aM o-ss� nop,a[ka ci'Y`B1 Dmf CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PLAYGROUND •Moeuhr plana—nd N=MNn p •a WWa nM many pMmt pYy xllvllln • WlxtlWlnIXwnlEla •3aM pw Nrkclnp CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PARK SIGNAGE • C....".0 INNN., .Wm Eax • Mnwww oppIXWnlma Inoxx.. wmnnkl.,.wryrwn pr.unewmr IX.nmpW 11 0 If Attachment 1 — Collin Square Greenbelt Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes November 10, 2003 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN BUDGE T •rWIM mlbl&b TmY, mmI 04WLf. $I... • H• eMp• "Id. •H'pHaw ada ed Gamma w, F—HaInds W'. • Raydmand Hdwd • 19rn1c Man H0.Ho •hm HpmW ffa.. •DanmllnmaCkmindlanaw', Made • T., H.ddd • Cdndnmmry ifd,ddd TdaI HH.ddd J Open Discussion CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ORGANIZATION FUNDING • Andaat CDC Hands wa m eonsinuMn and bNkpMm Ipknk amaMa. plapdmpnd,allaNmmbmbpa,mm bmaYllm) f1f5,Hp •COCma0-dand.funds. faN,140 Toml HH.UW M Attachment 1 — Collin Square Greenbelt Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes �n November 10, 2003 71 j 1