HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2005 - 02/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2005 — 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Joey Herald, Vice Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary Cheryl Lawson Gary Alan Moore Todd McIntosh Mary Fritsche Ial old 1331M-11 3-131M None STAFFPRESENT Tim Deader, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Matt McComb, Park Planner Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager Brad Boroughs, Golf Course Superintendent Jeff Holt, Assistant Golf Professional Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Residents of Glendover Park, Dayspring Nature Preserve and Bethany Ridge Neighborhoods 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:05 p.m. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 14, 2005 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Ben Ferguson called for any residents wishing to speak to items not on the agenda. None came forward. PUBLIC MEETING 3. RECEIVE COMMENTS FROM RESIDENTS REGARDING PHASE II OF BETHANY RIDGE PARK, GLENDOVER PARK AND DAY SPRING NATURE PRESERVE Tim Dentler provided a brief background on the Master Planning process that took place for these parks in 1999, and that due to a lack of funding, only Phase I on each facility was completed. He explained that at tonight's meeting, Matt McComb, Park Planner would be reviewing the Phase B of these Master Plans. Matt made a brief presentation on each of the facilities and what could be expected during those processes. (A copy of that presentation is attached to these minutes.) Glendover Park: 44' Pavilion with picnic tables, Trees and trail East side trail with benches and plantings 10 foot wide trail along Exchange Parkway Fishing dock and associated trail Trail with low-water crossing Picnic area with tables (total of 4) Bethany Ridge Park: 28' Pavilion with picnic tables, trees and trail Fishing dock and associated trail Picnic area with tables (total of 3) Earth berm along Bethany Drive with planting Split -rail fencing along Bethany Drive West park area with trail, tables and planting Decorative pond fountain Dayspring Nature Preserve Wood deck overlook Decomposed granite nature trail Trail connection near playground Trail connection to the south Comments received from citizens including the following: Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 14, 2005 Glendover Park: Would there be electricity at the pavilion? Parking Concerns along Scottsman Drive. Drainage from pond concerns. An email from Glendover Park resident, Carl Clemencich, 1424 Shetland Drive was presented to the Board for their information. Those comments were as follows: I would first like to say that we love the park, especially the play equipment, trails and the pond. No matter how stressful a work day might be, the sight of the lighted fountain at night has a real tranquil effect. While I will not be in attendance to see the plans the Park's Department and Park's Boards will present to the community, I would like to offer the following suggestions, if not already under consideration: to • On the Southeast portion of the park, consider ® additional screening to separate the Pond from the Church parking lot • On the Southeast portion of the park, please consider the addition of metal screens/bars/grates to prevent children and wildlife from entering the concrete sewer lines that merge into /out of the pond overflow channel. These openings are on attractive, but dangerous, lure to our neighborhood children and the coyote's that transverse our neighborhood and near -by creek beds. • Consider additional trees on the west and north side of the property. • Consideration ofthe construction of a dock or fishing peer similar to Bethany Lakes and/or Sun Creek. A possible location might be on the south side of the pond over the spill way to keep kids & adults out of the spill way which can become very slippery and has a very sharp drop-off into the pond. • Consider adding benches and/or picnic tables around all sides of the pond which is very popular with fishing activities. • Consider the development of a Gazebo with picnic tables and possible Barbeque Pits similar to Sun Creek, Day Spring and/or Lost Creek Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 14, 2005 Andfrnally, consideration of annual stocking offish to the pond. Fishing is a huge draw of the park for individuals inside and outside of our neighborhood. While this is a neighborhood park, and there is no off-street parking, Scottsman Dr is a wide road with only four homes that actually face Scottsman directly (all on the extreme southwest side of the park). The amenities to be added in the park will serve our neighborhood and beyond, especially since Kerr Elementary (adjacent to Glendover Park) is a school that draws children from various neighborhoods throughout west Allen. Bethany Ridge Park: Size of the cedar trees currently planted along the Caroline Drive alleyway will present a problem in the future. The City might want to consider transplanting these trees away from the vehicular area during the planting phase of this project. Dayspring Nature Preserve: Current decomposed granite trail allowing grass to encroach. Future of old encampment questioned. ACTION ITEMS 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 13, 2004 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Joey Herald moved to accept the minutes from December 13, 2004 Regular Meeting as presented. Todd McIntosh seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF MEMBERS Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager for Chase Oaks introduced two new members of his team to the Board. Brad Boroughs, Golf Course Superintendent and Jeff Holt, Assistant Golf Professional both bring a long history of service in the golf profession to Chase Oaks. 6. ANNUAL EGGSTRAVAGANZA Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 14, 2005 Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Lori Smeby gave a brief over view of the changes that will be occurring relative to this yew's Easter egg hunting activities. She indicated that the event would be moved to Celebration Park, to better define fields of hunting based on age groups. She also indicated she would be contacting each of the Board members regarding their volunteering to help with the event, scheduled for March 26, at 10 am. Joey Herald indicated he would be able to help with this event. 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Ben Ferguson called for Board members wishing to comment on anything. Cheryl Lawson reported the Arts Master Plan Workshop was a very enjoyable experience. She indicated that 50+ people participated in the planning, and visioning process. Joey Heard asked about the process on several properties: Keith Drive (Allenwood neighborhood). Tim responded that there were verbal negotiations in progress, and that likely this item could be placed on the next Park Board Agenda (March 14, 2005). Fox Hollow Tim Dentler reported that the CDC package was awaiting funding. Collin Square. Staff reported that Susan Campbell, Urban Forester for the City of Allen) was working with several Eagle Scouts to clean the area, and will use Parkland Dedication Fees and volunteers to accomplish the clean up and new walk ways. Hillside Ball Fields. No activity at this point- awaiting new water tower to be built on this property specifications and placement before any designs can move forward. Gary Moore reported on having seen a wildflower planting program along major highways, and questioned if this is something the City of Allen might consider along Highway 75. Staff will be working with Texas Department of Transportation on a landscaping plan on Hwy 75 and that there is a possibility of a wildflower planting along a portion of this highway. Gary also questioned the possibility of a climbing bolder being installed in one of the parks. Staff indicated that there would be one placed in the Bethany Lakes Playground over the next few months. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 14, 2005 8. WORK PLAN — BOARD MEMBERS TO REVIEW WORK PLAN PROCESS FOR UPDATING Tim Dentler indicated that it was time for the Work Plan to be reviewed, and recommendations for updating be made. He asked the Board if they would prefer to review the plan in a Regular Park Board meeting format, have an ad-hoc subcommittee meet, review and make recommendations, or do a special workshop meeting. Ben Ferguson indicated he would prefer to appoint an ad-hoc subcommittee to review and return with recommendations to the Board. Ben asked if Gary Moore and Mary Fritsche would agree to work on that subcommittee. Both accepted the assignment. Tim indicated that staff would facilitate this meeting. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Staff Updates: Allen Station Park, Phase II Management Plan Update Lori Smeby reported that staff will be bringing their recommendation to the next Park Board meeting on March 14. These recommendations will include the management, rules, regulations, fees and programs. This item will move forward to City Council for review following Park Board review Staff has reported receiving several inquiry calls from outside the area, and feel it will be a wonderful "draw" to the community. Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen, reported that construction was 85-90% complete, with the youth center being 90% constructed. The hockey rinks and surfacing material (16,000 square feet) remain to be completed. Chase Oaks Golf Course Update Bryan Rauscher provided a brief update on the work being done at Chase Oaks, which includes removal of three trees, topping and pruning of trees, as well as repair of irrigation leaks. Bryan reported that funding was being put into place to repair two large pump stations which will directly improve the amount of irrigation leaks being caused by water pressure changes within the system. Bryan also reported that the removal of plant material in the flower beds was taking place today. Bryan reported that on June 17", there was a golf tournament scheduled in association with Allen USA that staff is very pleased about. 0 P Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 14, 2005 10. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 14'" day of March, 2005. Ben Ferguson, ChaitK Vicki Wester, Secretary I L Attachment I — Phase II of Three Allen Parks Parks and Recreation Board Minutes February 14, 2005 J ALLEN PARKS 00 PHASE II GLENDOVER PARK, BETHANY RIDGE PARK DAYSPRING NATURE PRESERVE FEBRUARYIA2DD5 CAPRA. PROJECTS AND GRANTS DIVISION torr Pe85FNCu46Gi!]!1 aan+ v BETHANY RIDGE PARK • 2B' PaMlm wl pnnn MigUs, Me t VW • Wft N1 boning alone BNhanY Dr. • F1.1no amx a aa•on .mu . 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