HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2007 - 01/08 - RegularMINUTES l PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 8, 2007 PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair (7:50pm) Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Gary Alan Moore Vicki Wester Todd McIntosh, Secretary John Kelley Libby Jones MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT 3 Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Came Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Jeff Holt, Golf Services Manager Leslie Cope, Senior Recreation Center Supervisor Shawn Mosley, Marketing Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS None CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Vice -Chair, Cheryl Lawson called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm and announced a quorum was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January S, 2007 3. STAFF INTRODUCTIONS Carrie Cessna, Recreation Services Manager introduced Leslie Cope, newly hired Senior Recreation Center Manager. Leslie provided a brief background on herself, and indicated she was looking forward to working with the Park Board and City Staff in her new role at the Senior Recreation Center. Leslie brings experience from other cities as well as the YMCA. The Board welcomed Leslie to the Department. 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 13, 2006 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Gary Moore moved to accept the minutes from November 13, 2006 Regular Park Board Meeting as presented. Libby Jones seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. 5. CONSIDER APPOINTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tim Dentler provided a brief background on the Senior Advisory Committee and reminded everyone that the appointments to this committee are to be made by this Board. Tim reported that initially, seven members were appointed with one alternate. During the course of this first year, two resignations have been received with one slot being filled by that alternate. Todd McIntosh and Cheryl Lawson spent two evenings in December interviewing three candidates for this appointment and are bringing their recommendation to the Board this evening. Todd indicated their recommendation for appointment would be Vivian Denbow. MOTION: Guy Moore moved to appointment Vivian Denbow to the Senior Advisory Committee. Vicki Wester seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. Staff explained that due to the stability of this Committee after the first year of operation, it was determined that an alternate need not be appointed at this time. 6. DISCUSSION ON BOARD WORK PLAN Tim Dentler provided the Board with a brief background on this Plan and he also reviewed the need to review and update this plan on a regular basis. Tim Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 8, 2007 indicated he had begun the process by editing the document (a copy of that edited document is attached) with his suggestions. Tim reviewed each of his suggestions with the Board and indicated his idea would be for the Board to spend some time reviewing these proposed changes, and be prepared to discuss and take formal action on this Plan at the next Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting scheduled for February 12, 2007 Several favorable comments were received from the Board members regarding the suggestions being presented. 7. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Brian Bristow did a presentation on some of the current residential/retail developments occurring in the City of Allen. That presentation featured the developments of Cumberland Crossing, Montgomery Farms and Waterford Parks. Brian outlined the parkland in or new these developments and the impact to the City in general. Parks Staff works closely with the developers as they begin the process with the City of Allen for development. 8. CIP PROJECT UPDATE Brian also presented an update on the following CIP projects currently underway under his division's guidance: Allenwood Park Chase Oaks Pavilion Remodeling Heritage Park Bridge Bridgewater Crossing Park Country Meadows Park - Phase 2 Signage for the Joe Farmer Recreation Center Heritage Village Driveway and Sidewalk Ford Pool Renovation Master Plan Six Cities Trail - Dart Interface Civic Organization Plaques 9. QUARTERLY REPORT - CHASE OAKS GOLF CLUB Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 8, 2007 Golf Services Manager, Jeff Holt was on hand to provide the report on Chase Oaks Golf Club. (A copy of that report is attached to these minutes.) 10. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DICUSSION A. Around the Horn - Board Members John Kelley indicated he was looking forward to the completed renovations at Chase Oaks. Ben Ferguson indicated he would like to see a social event staged amongst the Park Boards from surrounding cities. Todd McIntosh reported (in reference to signage referring to a surveillance camera that may not be in place) that as President of his HOA, he had received legal advice that had been negative regarding such signage and liability due to implied safety Cheryl Lawson inquired as to progress on the Hillside Project. B. Subcommittee Reports Todd McIntosh reported that there was nothing to report from the Senior Advisory Committee this month. 11. OTHER BUSINESS Staff Updates Tim reported on the upcoming survey to be conducted and the Park Board involvement with the Parks Master Plan Update. This project will be coming to the Board during the next few months, and Tim announced it would be done "in- house" this time rather than by an outside entity Staff also announced that the Commodores are likely to be the headline performers at Allen USA 2007 12. ADJOURN EThere being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm. E Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 8, 2007 A These minutes read and approved this 12'h day of February, 2007 Ben Ferguson, Chair C 1 -�44 Todd McIntosh, Secretary Attachment - January S 2007 Park Board Minutes Chase Oaks Quarterly Report I A Maintenance Projects october . wwely rak. remllmlw • P—ryue MMe1G[pplk. cn, MglgEe applbYon . owr.wal. akeeon. . WnEtlkmnwln November . C—Hnwaroll.rNMH.mn - • pxlemMon pmle[[bpun brkynCow011wsery9nen�l • eeynhlweylnughdmN PpmoH on Me December • B[ yn Cems,RpoMamegeMvmU[onl[W pmpnm Wndall—p1m,pMyone7Mmowc W nmponryemn • M mplewolnnkrarmranelrtkre[kw[knlw I Repon Quarter FY2U07 Budget Owner Goal Quarter Actual Varian. BHbl Slae Sa5,12600 319,55]00 WM 517,&024 I$1,73B 76) FaOC and bw 5109,75/00 322.420 519,9994 (%2,45055) AICdld Shea I W6470p $17,35700 $13,M55 (365790.5) Gem Fen ise 131.415,9e9W I $29999900 32Men99 (391,(0001) 519550000 53499500 MM81 ($12,57919) FW Total S1,BM,91900 I M,91700 SZ1 iRD (S11229597) Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Chase Oaks Quarterly Report #12 October'06 I 7:9 WON h U qmUoo0 Sawtooth #1 October'06 Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Chase Oaks Quarterly Report A Sawtooth #6 October'06 Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted City of Allen Parks and Recreation Board Work Plan Updated January 2007 CITY OF ALLEN 0 Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CITY OF ALLEN Work Plan Introduction The City of Allen Parks and Recreation Board was established by ordinance in 1980 as an advisory board to the City Council concerning all matters related to parks and recreation The Board's primary purpose is to help the Parks and Recreation Department plan adequate park facilities and recreation programs, to accommodate growth, citizen needs and desires. As representatives of the community, the Board brings to the City a broader knowledge where the interest of the community falls In general, the duties of the Board are "to act principally in an advisory capacity of the city staff and the City Council in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation, shall acquaint itself with and make a continuous study and review of the complete parks and recreation services of the city, and shall advise with the city staff and City Council from time to time as to the present and future maintenance, operation, planning, acquisition, development, enlargement, and use policies of the city park and recreation services" The following plan represents the vision and goals of the current Parks and Recreation Board as determined are important for the next three years. This plan should be utilized as a guide and reviewed periodically. The Board should revise or update this work plan every three years, however, this update period could be shortened or extended as it is also dependent upon outside factors such as community growth rate, significant economic impacts or Board member turnover. Mission Statement "We will represent the citizens of Allen in an advisory role to the City Council and City Staff concerning park and recreation issues and be a knowledgeable, active board providing the citizens with high quality, safe, active and leisure recreational programs and facilities that enhance the quality of life " Board Goals and Objectives Goals state in general terns what the Parks and Recreation Board wishes to accomplish in the future. Achieving these goals is the challenge for the next three years. To assist in this task, objectives for each goal are required Objectives are the incremental steps necessary to allow the Board to monitor their progress toward realizing the goal and ultimately reach its goal The Parks and Recreation Board has established the following goals as issues requiring focused effort over the next three years and the objectives as necessary to achieve these goals. Park an Reere wn Board work Plan Page: Iv 0 I E Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted GOAL 1 Through involvement and training, become a stronger, knowiech eable and more efficient Board by understanding the delivery of parks and recreation services. _- -_- -xnnmleeemme.ne sten etsneal JA PERFORM AN ANNUAL BOARD ORIENTATION IN OCTOBER AFTER THE APPOINTMENT by undermenaine w.w.nd INTMENT OF euemao mutt nail rhe firy's eta. NEW BOARD MEMBERS REVIEW THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT and et—anon pewrimenq STRUCTURE, STAFFING, STRATEGIC GOALS, BUDGET AND THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD BYLAWS o Desenption An continuum of the PARB bylaws and a review of the PARD are necessary to provide a good understanding of the responslbthnes of the Board This Is especially helpful for new board members after Nen appoirurmt In October of each year SmR will pde packets new Board members with updates prodded to eslsting Board members o Schedule Annualally-Ddober, Delefe@Fun _ 1 B REVIEW AND UPDATE THE BOARD'S STRATEGIC GOALS ON AN ANNUAL BASIS THESE Deleaed; uaivany GOALS SHOULD ALSO BE COORDINA TED WITH THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT GOALS o Dawnpoon Revewnig this Work Plan and related goals annually will allow the PARR to adjust Its goals, if necessary, to any changing conditions within the community o Schedule Annually - January _ Debated: Feel, Lau, mmualy IMebed:IC Uvwre TIE PARKS ._ __ ____ 1,Q BOARDMEMBERS TO A TTENDPERIODIC PARKS AND RECREATION RELATED_ CO_NF_E_R_E_N_CE_S ANOREcR ,ewCOrccV OR SEMINARS FOR CITQENAOVISORY BOARD TRAINING OAOIN .a T Neuf o The PARR members should attendtunny board member trammg from outside nae—sm lbe rooted be rooted agencies (s ms (such as TRAPS) and use this opportunity to network with other community park use t cm entem with t eO".—, I" with Ina PARD and the Co, t board board members .n ,Schedule July mmadly¶ w,ebut: o Schedule Each Board Member m attend at least one local conference within Nnr two year '• �; D D term is recommended GOAL 2 Be an active volunteer/participant representing the Parks Board at various City functions. 2A BE AN ACTIVE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE PARKS DEPARTMENT AT VARIOUS MEETINGS, INCLUDING CITY COUNCIL AND OTHER BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS o Description Providing representation at various City meetings Including City Council and other City boards will provide the PARR with more exposure and Increase City Council confidence In the PARB o Schedule Each Board Member to attend at least two meetings each year 2 B PROVIDE BOARD REPRESENTATION AT ALL PARK DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS SUCH AS NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS, DEDICATIONS, SPECIAL EVENTS, ETC I, Description Prmidmg representation at various PARD functions will protide the PARR with more ecpmsure, and increase community awareness and confidence in the PARR Such patt¢ipation also provides a core base of volunteers to help support such programs o Schedule Each Board Member to attend at least three events each year Park and Recreanon Board Work Plan Page 3117 I 0 Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted 2 C PARK BOARD ANNUAL REPORT TO BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL o Description Current PA" Ordinence reginres that an annual report from the PARB bar presented to the City Council each year This presentation will provide needed mformation regarding the parks system to the City Council from the PARR perspective and will enhance communications and relations between the PA" and theCny Council o Schedule Annually September or as scheduleddb theCty Managers Once Deleted: eaeb Sepembu. Continue to seek and enhance the public input process. 3A PERIODICALLY PERFORM A COMMUNITY -WIDE SURVEY OF THE CITIZENS REGARDING PARK AND RECRE47TOILEN EDS o DescriptionGtlzrn input regarding park en ads a ane of the PARB's mem pnonnes Due to the current rapid growth of the city, a random community -wide survey of the cnrzens should be performed annually This Information will be used to determine attaudes and vends of park users o Schedule Performed as needed to update Parks. Recreation, and Open Space Muter Plan a- - PROVIDE ___ 3� PROVIDE BOARD REPRESENTATTION, AS MEETINGS (N IG THE PARKS AND RATION, TA Bat RD S, LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUP MEETINGS (NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, PTA MEETINGS. SERVICE CLUBS AND OTHER EXTERNAL localORGANIZATICNIS) community o Desmption Providing representation at various local communny group meetings is a good way to Collect public comments from a broader audience of involved mtaens Each Board Member will bay, an oatenorl to onean be& to the area bit regular mutably mcetine o Schedule Bach Board memberao open back W The whsle bond at the monthly Parks and Recreation Board meeting GOAL 4 Become an active participant in Park projects, including capital development projects and policy issues. 4 A PERIODICALLY REVIEW THE STATUS AND CONTINUE TO ASSIST WITH THE PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM a Description The Capital Improvements Program approved by the mtreens is the primary, method of Ponding park projects for the City Po addition, the citizens daterinmed priorities Add schedules far the prolems meluded or the CIP program It is essential that the PAM matter the status of the proposed protects and asst with programming and policy issues related to these pro,o s in a timely manner This review will also keep the PAM knowledgeable and informed about park pmyects in the City e Schedule Much and Setatetnllgr 4 B REVIEW THE EXISTING TRAIL SYSTEM IN THE CITY AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ABOUT CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT AND NEEDED MODIFICATIONS o Description The citizens identified hike and bike tend systems to a high priority Therefore, the entire City s trail system should be reviewed regularly by the PA" in order Park aM Recreancen Board work Plan Page i 1. - Deleted: Issues Defend: issues nelehd:38 Off...e.,v FEEDaacn mrvcEwrvlxn PRDOM usenno O,carms NFL Iss. CVDA MenthellC ETJW TS?rs s LLMEEnNG Ri SIrE sPeclor Lourroxsp 11110aacnpnnn Suiveysshoulabe peeronned al --a nns spend!, laceums In un aRnn m identify w.ry m which the PARD tan improve seen— and miemuNsra nwh.Ch tie we dumgu'ell Thnmfomu0cnenabeu¢d .hen e.dutiing pm,mm and policy Schedule mnuallyl 3C CInZE PeCtnENIIVAs. DUaaP. AeCEs.Ar...C.FaC FACILmga(FROMS...PDN.O s) SHJULD BE PRJVICED ID rNE BOAPU¶ Ca-Dnhed at n ow pat shoulder .1seed, drk.viomparr!anilines .hereby apark lusersCon ng can mmedine inputregardingiseie comcmv (sf—simboxed tie Thu C.PARB nd one raid PAID when the PARA anddok PARDwhenreadsavailable in miler to mar em poienoel neMa m 'ansion or sag t 4I>Saheaule PmMselly tie evuUble¶ nektead:..send ono m sans, each Euh Mab and September C I Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted to make a recommendation as to where the existing trails should be extended to maxamn trail usage and the Impact of available funds U Schedule Febriary end August 4 C RE EW THE AGREEMENTS AND POLICIES p OPERATION FOR PAWS ANO RE REAT ON FACILITIES • DeacenothatTh f Perk f I t b th [ [ Th,PAR should tharmidically review the 1 f onnodon, to Sam that the famlatica in go efficaml manner and that the destres of the community being addressed o Schedule Annually - May 4 D UPDATE THE PARKS ANO RECREATION CODE OF ORDINANCES o Description Th PA ode of Ordinances h Id ted m con unction with N PARD and the Cm Atiomey o Schedule: Armwlly - July GOAL Continue to maintain the Board's awareness and knowledge of the City's entire park system. 5 A CONDUCT PERIODIC FIELD TRIPS TO REVIEW THE STATUS OF EXISTING AND FUTURE PARKS AND PARK FACILITIES IN ALLEN o Descrtmon The PARB makes recommendations based on its knowledge of the entire City s park system and m consideration of park Issues that affect the entire community It Is important for PA" members to be knowledgeable about the City s park system and consider the development of the entire City while making Its recommendations As a result, the PARB should conduct periodic field trips to review various park facilities :n the City to remain knowledgeable of the entire park system o Schedule 6natually—AMIonasimeAell, it Part and Nonsense Board Mork Plan Page 5 of Evil Febmmy and Augus: Formatted: Bullets and Numbering fRMM: Fsen April UNGhd: WALE Siri.etoe Mad me na«m' e«n.aontl e:p«ien.<by provldme addl6nne opportunity«in Allen's pinks and rc moan ephm. Thu nA She e.—.'chmooshlps eth OMer oRvncementil onp t 6A TAFGErUEWS u'Reno GY l' NGALIEN'S ITS ceAO W.msrXEMEAND THECAmVv O ( �EVELGPMExioFAu[x Sranory Pana9 P nnnedma nn AIIen planow and penes n emWnuse do andpessf on Fannrywon the-Yneme of merpern �:timedneon thesvt1A mnrey he Allen T—Elerne elto allows peh neve a unmue idennry aIM alloxs IM co,O 1. deet, eeducationalupasmlothe e Until he6n Tom Aflep loeNuncess reamed fork deof —11 Imu Ne Nim Smmn Pinel deep, ell ,.d.,h, a stnane muni oveepenen«in dd ainon ulne recremloiul "nonee ¶ 14ScM1edule As needed¶ se WSSM.LUNNNGnoNWIrNrXE HEFUrVKGoSm KEEPALUeR BEAUTIFUL BOARD HENEU MUSEUM, o ue ALLEN INCEPENCENT SCNOM DetmicTAND OU ER ORGANUAnONS ,TUCaau .IIESccm UNITY PARKS¶ -d>nted thou The h h nu av, indented le shorn M1igh Co, coontlemohed on the Ory , l MneanmpnsMd til several ens t emaudin6 n,—.lneo pvl ystem ism Pulseev,sanNe uum ehwsNl me us No, —in The f—in, indstirveio includeo�e 1. themfm nnenern with 1. mmbuie aihepN ryt,ovssP onnVedumnonel pmpema ewhor mheruvn or Thls sluyncoev acM1wl ednoouss odd hpmme.mm�catNrt orr®nne ana h�aoneal education w pen=t "senwme Asn«hilt f til Wished! GOAL 7 Common to «t roe need, and dnim afdie emon. e.pof 9 TA Rlovew se AGREEMENAAND Pormatha: Normal, Left Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD WORK PLAN PROPOSED CALENDAR JANUARY Work Plan Update — (GOAD Board Member Report —1GOAL 3,8„) Chase Oaks Golf ClubOuarterly Report ,FEBRUARY Board Member Report Review Trail Plan —1GOAL 4.B,f � Park Services Quarterly Report MARCH Board Member Report — (GOAL 3.B) CIP Review — /GOAL 4.4) Resource Development Quarterly Report Recreation Services Ouarterly Report APRIL Board Member Report —&OAL 3.B) Park Facility Tour — fCOAI, SA) - Chase Oaks Golf Club Quarterly Report. MAY Board Member Report —,(GOAL 3.B) Review Owational Policies and Fee Structure for Facilities—(GOAL 4.C1 Park Services Quarterly Report JUNE Board Member Report —fGOAL 3.B) _ Resource Development Quarterly Report Recreation Services Quarterly Report JULY Review Parks and Recreation Code of Ordinances —(GOAL 4.01 Board Member Report—fGOAL 3.B) Chase Oaks Golf Club Quarterly Report AUGUST____ -- Board Member Report — fCOA(. 3B) -- Review Trail Plan —fGOAL 4.81 Park Services Ouarterly Repott Park and Re ion Board Work Plan 0 Page 6 0!1 - [MGbA: PROJLCTM j 11 Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted SEPTEMBER Annual Report to City Council —(GOAL 1.0 Board Member Revert —fGOAL CIP Review —LGQAL 4 -Al Parks and Recreation Operating Budget Resource Development Quarterly Report Recreation Services Ouarterly Report OCTOBER Board Orientation —((LAL LA) Board Member Report —fGOAL 3.1r1 Chase Oaks Golf Club Quarterly Report NOVEMBER Board Member Report—fGOAL 3.B) _ Park Service Quarterly Report DECEMBER Board Member Revert —fGOALL IB) Resource Development Quarterly Report Recreation Service Ouarterly Report Park and Recreation Board Work Plan Page 7 of 7 s• Fom:/IEed: Font and, Ibhc _. FormYf/d: font Bold, italic FHm/tKd: font Bold, halm FOmulted: Pont sold, Italic Fomupe@ Font Bold, IWI¢ Del : Gaal I A Feet— PAaB Fo:nwili Indent. F: t line: 0 B" - Fotmalhd: fon[: Bole, Italic . Dde4d _Gaels `SchedWe F¢Id Tr. -ar�urneam (heNmpecemberY Form/lletl: Indent Left. 0", FamaMe@ Font Bold, ittla DNehd: ----sage Break------- rA/A/ ANO IIIQMAAON DOAMI WOIIN NA" 9 WthroO MIIINI dAe/NDAAl NON.r]AY/N Md¶ I I WYID ewdrr..roYro.d °°aaa�tNaNrNeMi i WYU /W OeY1�ro Yew Ywpea dawHOHrdawYran nady,Fr M rMl P War rA /rl Mr/wrl�H Yew/YrYMfN drsfHYY MIWYYr¶ Oersw rarrYWHMrro ydY. rM., O....0.4r OIr 9 daY s.s JftaN. awYYwlw YbHHµ wae'sr r1 T. xY/ A1MhHMdHrYry¶ n , Oa/ru rYw/.Mw�a+nW Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted Page 5: 111 Delaed Wender 1/3/20078:55 AM GOAL 6 Strive to expand the citizens' recreational experience by providing additional opportunities in Allen's parks and recreation system. This will also enhance relationships with other organizations. 6 A TARGET ALLEN'S HISTORY BY CONTINUING ALLEN'S RAILROAD HISTORIC THEME AND THE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEN STATION PARK Description: Allen Station Park was planned as a multi -use active and passive recreation facility where the "theme" of the park is based upon the railroad history of Allen. This theme allows the park to have a unique identity and allows the City to incorporate educational aspects into the park design. Continuing to enhance the railroad history of Allen into the Allen Station Park design will provide the citizens with an educational experience in addition to active recreational experiences. Schedule. As needed 6 B WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE HERITAGE GUILD, KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD, HEARD MUSEUM, THE ALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO DEVELOP EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN COMMUNITY PARKS Description: The community has indicated that it desires high quality recreational =entries in the City. This can be accomplished in several ways including developing a park system that expands the user's experience in the parks. The PARB should strive to include opportunities for outside entities to contribute to the park system with recreational/educational programs and/or other assistance. This may include school educational programs, horticulture programs and historical education programs. Schedule. As needed 6 C Projects (Refer to Exhibit A) Description Review in October annually Page 5:12] Deleted tdentler 1/3/2007 8:57 AM GOAL 7 Continue to ensure that recreational programs meet the needs and desires of the citizens. 7 A REVIEW THE AGREEMENTS AND POLICIES OF OPERATION FOR PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES. Description The use of Parks facilities by the citizens continues to increase The PARB should periodically review the mles of operation to ensure that the facilities are operating in an efficient manner and that the desires of the community are continually being addressed Schedule: May annually 7.B ENHANCE THE BOARD'S PARTNERSHIP WITH NON-PROFIT CO- SPONSORED ORGANIZATIONS BY PROVIDING PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD (PARE) REPRESENTATION AT THEIR MEETINGS AS WELL AS ASK FOR THEIR REPRESENTATION AT PARB MEETINGS Description: The City of Allen and the Allen Sports Association (ASA) and other non-profit co-sponsored organizations play a vital team role in the youth sports programs in Allen. The PARB should provide representation at these bi-annual Commissioner's meetings. This will enhance the relationship between the Iwo organizations and provide direct feedback of youth sports concerns to the Board as well as other non- profit and co-sponsored organizations partnering with the City of Allen Schedule. At least one volunteer Board member to attend each December annually I Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted Page 6: [31 Deleted Page 7: [41 Deleted 9:20 AM 9:46 AM PROJECT N PROJECT NAME CD0201 Allen Heritage Guild Historic Village PR0005 Trails Construction Phase 2 PRO 102 Allen Station Park Phase 2 PRO105 Spring Meadow Park PRO106 Community Park Land Acquisition PR0201 Collin Square Park Land Acquisition PR0202 Hillside Park PR0302 Jupiter Park PR0303 Park Signage Green Park Suncreek Park Bolin Park Cottonwood Bend Park Reed Park Rolling Hills Park Walden Park Hillside Play Area Country Meadows Park Shadow Lakes Park PR0305 Signs for Service Clubs/ Police Bldg./ Don Rodenbaugh Nat./ Joe Farmer Rec. PR0401 Lost Creek 4 -acre Park (Bradford Crossing) PR0402 Dayspring Nature Preserve PR0403 Celebration Park Lighting PRO405 ITrails Construction Phase 3 PR0406 Allenwood Park Development PR0411 Raintree Park PR0412 Glendover Park Phase 2 PR0413 Bethany Ridge Park Phase 2 PR0414 Twin Creeks Park (Dayspring Nature Preserve) Phase 2 PR0415 Quail Run Park PR0503 Bethany Lakes Playground PR0504 Allen Bark Park PR0505 Heritage Park Bridge Construction PR0507 Brid ewater CrossingRecreation Area PRO508 Fox Hollow Recreation Area PR0509 IFord Pool Redevelopment Plan PR0420/PRO422 Chase Oaks Golf Club Renovations I Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD WORKPLAN GOAUOBJECTIVE CALENDAR NON -TIME SPECIFIC Goal LD Board members to attend one conference per term. Goal 1.A Each Board Member to attend at least two CouncillBoard/Commission meetings each year Goal2.B Each Board member to attend at least three Departmental events each year Goal 3.A Performed as needed to update Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan Goa/3.B Survey performed at various sue -specific locations and Town Hall Meetings held annually Goal 3.0 Provide park users means for input regarding concerns, suggestions, etc. Goal 3.D Each Board member to attend two community group meetings each year E Attachment - January 8 2007 Park Board Minutes Work Plan with Suggested Revisions Highlighted Goal 6.A Continued development of Allen Station Park Goal 6.B Work with community groups to develop educational opportunities in community parks D