HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2004 - 02/09 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 9,2004-7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Cheryl Lawson Carl Clemencich, Jr., Vice Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary Joey Herald Gary Alan Moore Rich Elder MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Matt McComb, Park Planner Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Ken Geest, Executive Director of Allen Sports Association 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:05 p.m. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS IThere were no guests wishing to speak at this time. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 9, 2004 3. FINAL PUBLIC MEETING FOR REVIEW OF THE COLLIN SQUARE GREENBELT DEVELOPMENT PLAN Matt McComb, Park Planner for the Parks and Recreation Department, gave a brief presentation to the Board regarding the proposed design of the linear greenbelt in the Collin Square Subdivision. Following that presentation, comments were received from the Board that included the following: suggested possibility of including swings, as well as benches and some trash receptacles along the trail. Tim Dentler explained that there would a meeting on Tuesday, February 10 with the invited homeowners from that area and encouraged any Board members that might be available to join staff in the Training Room, second floor of City Hall beginning at 7 p.m. Following that meeting, the Board would receive a summary of comments from the residents and a public meeting would be scheduled for the March 8, 2004 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. 4, APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 12, 2004 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Gary Moore moved to approve the Minutes from January 12, 2004 Regular Meeting as presented. Rich Elder seconded and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 5. ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY PROJECT City Councilmember, Susan Bartlemay was present to update the Board on the background and current status of the Arts of Collin County Project. (Presentation attached to these Minutes.) 6. DISCUSSION OF CAL RIPKENBABE RUTH TOURNAMENTS Tim Dentler provided the Board with information from the Allen Sports Association regarding the proposed tournaments to be held at Allen Station Park. It is estimated that between 15-20 teams will be coming to Allen for the Cal Ripken Regional Tournament from Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma. Staff believes this to be an excellent opportunity for the hotels/motels, eating establishments, etc in Allen to benefit from the visitors. The Babe Ruth State Tournament is expected to attract between 6-7 teams from South Texas. The Board was very supportive of this type of activity being attracted to Allen. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 9, 2004 7. DISCUSSION ON FEE STRUCTURE AT JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER AND DON RODENBAUGH NATATORIUM Tim Dentler provided a presentation (attached to these minutes) to the Board, along with a brief history of the fee structure at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. He indicated he was hoping the Board would appoint two members to serve on an ad-hoc committee to study different fee structures and proposals before making a formal recommendation to the Board. This issue would then move to City Council for review, prior to adoption. Following a brief discussion of certain aspects of the structure at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center and Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium, Chairman Ben Ferguson asked Carl Clemencich and Gary Moore to serve as ad-hoc committee members to work with staff and bring a proposal back to the Parks Board Members. Both agreed to serve. 8. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Cheryl: Compliments to staff Ree and Roll fees proposed to remain the same? Tim responded that no changes were being proposed with this program. Carl: Update on Glendover Park pond drainage? Tim reported that the Engineering Department is taking steps to redirect the stone waters down to the creek by working with Glendover, Twin Creeks and D. R. Horton. Vicki: Thanked all for plant, support and concern during her recent illness Joey, Reported the Senior Center Planning Committee has narrowed down the design options, and might have more information for an update to Park Board at the March meeting. Reported trees down along historic trail to damn site. Tim responded that unless they are presenting a danger, or blocking the trail that this area is intended to remain in a natural state. Gary: Sweet 16 Tournament plans moving ahead? Staff reported that the tournament plans are moving along well. I Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 9, 2004 Ben: Any possibility of Joe Farmer Recreation Center square footage being increased? Tim reported that no plans were in place at this time Tim: Reported that staff is in the process of evaluating temperature and moisture control issues at the Rec Center, and members might notice variations over the new few weeks in the thermostat settings. 9. OTHER BUSINESS ASA Update by Ken Geest: Ken Geest reported that number of participants continue to rise at the Allen Sports Association (ASA), and reported that participation was 11,514 last yew (up 750) mainly due to new track program, and spring basketball. Ken reported that the ASA will be looking for new offices to rent in the near future, and that their office staff had increased form 4 to 6. Cheryl Lawson complimented Ken and the ASA on their Roller Hockey program and how well it had been run. Tim reported delays at Allen Station Park, Phase II due to contracts with the State of Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife and the $500,000 grant funding for this facility. Updates by Staff: Matt McComb reviewed the proposed enhancements to the open space in the Fox Hollow neighborhood. He indicated staff had met with the homeowner's association in this area (Parkside and Fox Hollow) to inform them of the City's intention regarding this 4.3 acre site. He indicated a formal proposal would be brought to the Board at a future Parks and Recreation Board meeting. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Legal, Section 551.071; Property, Section 551.072; Personnel, Section 551.074; Staff Presentations, Section 551.075 As Authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Workshop Meeting and/or the Regular Meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to the Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) Deliberation Regarding Real Property (§551.072 Government Code) - proposed park land. 11 d I Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 9, 2004 11. RECONVENE AND CONSIDER ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no action to consider following Executive Session. 12. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 8'n day of March, 2004. Ben Ferguson, Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary d 0 Attachment 1 — Arts for Collin County Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes February 9, 2004 r,un What Is the best way to proceed? can Original 2002 Phase 1 '�"'^ Recommentlations • $uppon aS.Ppm.nagalkry pecea, Ir, Ididan. d . e, dflcea, cevengs e, eakdrg kechan, hpx olfioa end enrage • Iniamel addwrddlltlea NWN la di 10p acre site wM Infre9sucllxa aM kMeuiwre -=a n Revised 2003 Phase 1 — Project • Themel. lull Will be wpporud by a cMppoom, rehearsal man (whl h am be use" as a smeller peelamaiwe space seaWg 200), ribby and suppon Meese • The 5,0110 WuareJaot visual arts gellery, Me sewn" rehearsal hell, and Me Bllf}sast Muf ,ma. venue Al he "afened aM wt lndudsd In Pluea 1 ,, Original 2002 Phase 1 '�"`"' RewmmentlMlons eased on our msafch, Collin County can support e range d nav facllMea We recanmeM. A mulb-fern delay Met can a¢anMoMM, Cdlin CountyLasad arms agenipsh.. as well ae high eualM touring programs This sugi em a hall wnh a maximum capacity of 2,100 eead Met can M sped n 1,200 an n mmud de amaper usve A 5511- n 81 muapulposa hall Two large, muMpug ore reheaieaaperfameroe .paces W Ih cepacMea up k 200 ens Revised 2003 Phase 1 Project • The wmm"derapanmeind... of gip hoflely1W evens lnwo,nng-dm1 greWledianeofop ThlWfut predevelfame preakat range of op8an fakkre development In alar n ecmrnmodad the widest range of programmhg kr eMknn, the n e.tye al en a menustile bueie plan, on c she ifflahss 2.1 ratan aWMe spp unuond Me2.100seed fee in a kc111ry m eppnixlmakly 129,000 square kat. e,n Comparison of Original and Revised Project $eating Original RaNsnd 21100 2,100 (mak heti) Seel 800 0 (smell hell) G.. FMpr 193,500 129,000 1 Pil d 71 Attachment 1—Arts for Collin County Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes February 9, 2004 1%uo Revised Business Plan oa, xfv2000 orytral 20125ury We I' s xnmm Remak wainud, osu oaewm Nn rzGx mo,gp tee ulebm ."Am FNm 21. SMa.gp 34% f2Posw 3141.107 euamw Ike% soemoo ox W Rso n1x 3B m. d% kat. 4b2W TdY 32NQW] si.ed.W Oi Main Theater 91 .msmrmmme�w Why Move Forward? ('oul. aelltlptob deonoor lam for our Cpr.d1(y Endumbes xcnarnlo development I,odnes ads eduptlon for all reagent Heightens Ne overall Quality of life by making me arts more ."able end eaeealbb Main Theater —updan OUR ��k� Why Move Forward? adds an Imponenl amenity N our conmunrty Prevides Ne bead maw of devebplre his kind of faol by therm, be wd end op Vow wIN currngbborn,ons Noodedrypndo Nison ba own Enbouraps Na highest fecdky Wanted by wren lrine Na resources and teknb of tineas communetee Nurtures and g. our local end aeemmtwna. Keep our adi t and art pmgrema and event within tomo county 1 ('"ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY www.artsofeollineounty.ora K Attachment I — Arts for Collin County Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes February 9, 2004 Key Points— Additional Participants Inter -local Agreement with Prison and Plano Update— February 2, 2004 Key Points —Additional Participants ♦MMINCdIhetlY'®tlmnlm[as M1ar4vavv Awrtbavb ' ♦d®N..Im.•v®w'rasweau.w. wares tlYplmia[Mo[IAYYAup'f atm M.sr1 PMYmVwYbwolabbem htlYYrbWWY MV MueraglwgWYe • ♦l4 KLCv014ie.�YYanrsW YrYayWit,beNb. Te ♦ Y Wtl ♦O.vw -sookeWN.Mw rlpvypypereaaWAatln�. Uekr�foa®fats avnm..YesofwVlefM4ebv[Wb ♦M.Wrivyeaife Nl4 egmlbtlNe Oef®'LLvb! ARTS ♦hwOa4NmbvnwrtYYwYlala�efvryM ea PM1enf MP'veYle43Y.b Asa Mede..JrMPw. 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DISCUSSION ON FEE STRUCTURE Joe Farmer Recreation Center Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium Mwraewpuwl�.l slaw Slm �tl xe Crrp eer�(�xl 5v6 xatrrys Mmo.vyvoim n.-ni.l slu x.a.a. vwnll.-mm�iwl s]m wCNp sw+m lsslnudar-ml slu Ib Gvp s.u.l�.ml 5]a MOCNw ligan p-,]M�1 ]R]U MOClrps oMo..n-u]n,nw.l F— xorn.ys mwu.Fq is s ], Joe Farmer Recreation Center seam gmeWm66u1�1 5N a]�sa 350 OM4awr1 N. 565 PpMkn Ydn111-I]MI sl] 534 FIYm W.'.).M116.'.) 1 S16 Ib+]b M.V1 6ebYlYem,1 Fm GiSn B-u1b F— Nn 5fiL4/. �n-vv.sl b] ..] rv. FM Proposed Additions Discount for AISD & City Employees - Wellness Programs Temporary Membership Promotions -3 month, 6 month (residenU non-resident) Leisure Punch Pass -10115120 visit Pass