HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2004 - 07/12 - RegularMINUTES PARKSPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 2004 — 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Rich Elder Ben Ferguson, Chair Carl Clemencich, Jr., Vice Chair Cheryl Lawson Joey Herald Gary Alan Moore MEMBERS ABSENT Vicki Wester, Secretary STAFF PRESENT Tim Derider, Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Anthony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Lisa Anderson, Joe Farmer Recreation Center Supervisor Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Residents of the Allenwood Estates Subdivision CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to Order at 7:12 p.m. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting 1 July 12, 2004 Ben Ferguson called for any citizens wishing to speak to the Board on any issue other than what was currently called out on the agenda. There were no guests wishing to speak at this time. PUBLIC MEETING 3. RECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT REGARDING THE PROPOSED ALLENWOOD ESTATES PARK PROJECT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation welcomed the residents to the public meeting and presented a brief overview of the history and project of underserved neighborhoods, in particular Allenwood Estates Subdivision. A copy of that Power Point presentation is attached to this record. During this presentation, Tim presented a very preliminary concept plan of some of the features this proposed park might contain. Tim reinforced that this was only a concept plan and if the project moved forward, further public meetings would be held to invite the residents of this neighborhood to bring forth ideas for the development of this facility. 1 Following this presentation, there was a call for questions from the Board and guests present. Among several questions brought up, some of which were as follows: would the City be removing the current structure on this property, how far would the proposed walking path be, could the playground be moved to a more visible vantage point on the property, and would this be a lighted facility Some of the residents had questions as follows: Daniel Botcher 304 Allenwood Asked if there would be a fence wound the park, would it be gated/locked Tim responded that the parkland might have some type of buffer fence, but that it would not be a gated, locked facility Mr. Botcher was concerned about noise and very late night activity at the facility as well as questioned whether his taxes would be raised with the purchase and development of this property Tim responded that there was an 11 pm curfew for all City facilities that is enforceable by the Allen Police Department, and that this facility would be purchased and developed with the one-half cent sales tax monies funded through the Community Development Corporation Board. Bill Cocke (33 year resident of Allenwood Estates) 301 Allenwood Asked if the City had investigated the property at Cedar and McDermott as a possible location for the proposed neighborhood park. Tim Dentler responded that the City had approached the Allen Independent School District regarding this land and since it is located in the "Central Business District', and fronts McDermott, it Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 12, 2004 is a very expensive piece of property. Also great consideration was given to the safety of potential park users as this site because of the current and anticipated traffic on McDermott. Joe Faulkner 209 Allenwood Asked about future expansion possibilities should the proposed project develop. Tim responded that at this time, there is no way for staff to determine when and if property adjacent to the proposed site might become available. Mrs. William Bookout 603 Keith Has the City considered the drainage issues with this location and will the City be responsible. Staff responded that should the proposed project move forward, the development of parkland should not impact negatively on the current conditions. Teresa Rodenbaugh 401 Keith How long to actually build the facility. Tim indicated that normally, construction contracts for this type of facility are anywhere from 180-240 days. If everything were to move forward in a timely manner, the facility should be completed by December 2004. At this point, Chairman Ben Ferguson introduced guests and responses received from the "Appearance Cards" turned in prior to the beginning of the meeting. He also invited anyone else wishing to speak to either in favor or against the proposal to fill out a card. Mr. William Bookout (Allenwood Estates resident of 43 years) 603 Keith Opposed to the park proposal Likes his neighborhood the quiet place that it is Kenneth Lindsey (Allenwood Estates resident of 20+ years) 213 Ellis In favor of proposed park — another site would be better (likes the Cedar/McDermott land) Glen Renfro (Allenwood Estates resident of 30+ years) 606 Keith Opposed to park proposal Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 12, 2004 Felt no one was asking for a park in their neighborhood Primarily grown families in area Likes quiet of neighborhood as it is Offer to go to AISD Board with fellow former Board members on behalf of the City to negotiate property at Cedar/McDermott Feels lots on Keith already provide ample open space for children to play in Would like a traffic light at Cedar/McDermott intersection Jimmy Moore (Allenwood Estates resident of 15 years) 202 Keith In favor of proposed park Felt empty house (currently at 605 Keith Drive) having a negative impact on neighborhood Questioned whether the back '/, of the property for sale (approximately $400,000 at Cedar/McDermott had been considered by the City B. J. Willis 311 Allenwood In favor of proposed park Feels another location might be better suited Chairman Ben Ferguson read the following "Meeting Appearance Card" responses to the Board from guests not wishing to speak: Ellen Boone 207 Keith Drive Opposed to park proposal Larry Kelly 510 Keith Dove In favor of proposed park Peggy Snider 6 Ellis Circle In favor of proposed park "I think a park will be a wonderful asset to our neighborhood." Zach Moore 202 Keith Drive "This park is essential to the area. Poor City planning in earlier years left this neighborhood without any green spaces for residents to enjoy. This park will greatly benefit the neighborhood." Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 12, 2004 Chairman Ben Ferguson recognized the following residents wishing to speak: Jackie Shelton (Allenwood Estates Resident for 10 years) 300 Allenwood In favor of proposed park It is badly needed Elena Troiani (Allenwood Estates Resident for 33 years) 208 Watson In favor of proposed park Wants the Cedar/MCDemott location for a park Unidentified Resident (Allenwood Estates Resident for 35 years) In favor of proposed park Worried about dangerous curve on Keith Drive in relationship to the proposed parkland Anne Campbell 305 Willow Creek Circle In favor of proposed park After having served several years on the Parks and Recreation Board and working toward the goal of supplying park space to several areas in Allen designated as "underserved", she feels like while this may not be the best site, staff needs to act on this property while it is available. She felt it could be several years before another opportunity presented itself to the City to develop a park in the Allenwood Estates Subdivision. After a call for any further comments or questions from the residents, Ben Ferguson closed the Public Meeting. 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 14, 2004 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Carl Clemencich moved to accept the Minutes from June 14, 2004 Regular Called Meeting as presented. Gary Moore seconded and the Motion carried with 6 for, 0 against. 5. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING THE ALLENWOOD ESTATES PROPERTY Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 12, 2004 Chairman Ferguson called for a discussion by the Board regarding the proposed Allenwood Estates property Tim Dentler restated that the property at Cedar and McDermott was not currently a viable option for neighborhood park development and that the most viable property currently available for the development of a park is at 205 Keith Drive. Joey Herald indicated that the property at Cedar and McDermott owned by AISD is not over -priced for the location and current zoning. He felt the property was at market value for commercial property in the Downtown Business District Joey felt the property would sell and be developed in the somewhat near future. Carl Clemencich felt that property on Cedar and McDermott was not as well suited for parkland as something deeper in the residential neighborhood. Carl also asked if the property would be large enough for soccer practices. Carl also stated that he would like to see all neighborhoods treated equally in the City of Allen, and for years nothing suitable for parkland has become available. He would hope that the addition of parkland would be providing a value to the majority of residents in the subdivision. It was discussed that the half -cent sales tax revenue cannot be used for traffic lights and drainage issues. Joey Herald indicated he would prefer the Board solve the problem of the underserved area now rather than put It off for another 5-10 years not knowing what property might become available. Joey also indicated the demographics are changing in the Allenwood Estates with the median homes selling for $110,000- 140,000 making it attractive to younger families. Joey also stated that he felt the addition of a park at 205 Keith Drive would in fact increase property values and marketability of the properties in that area. Rich Elder indicated his concern with the Cedar and McDermott location with the cost of the land as well as the safety of the potential users of a park. Cheryl Lawson stated that if this was the best option currently open to staff to develop a park then she felt it was important to move ahead as soon as possible with the acquisition of this property MOTION: Joey Herald made a motion to recommend the proposed property on Keith Drive as the location for the development of a neighborhood park in the Allenwood Estates Subdivision. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Carl Clemencich asked about the construction of the church near Glenwood Park and the drainage issues created for residents of Twin Creeks. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 12, 2004 Cheryl Lawson asked about the requested funding for the upgrades to Ford Pool. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Staff Updates Major CIP Project Update — Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department shared a Power Point presentation of current major CIP Projects with the Board. A copy of that presentation is attached to these Minutes. Arts Master Plan Review Committee - Ben Ferguson asked Cheryl Lawson to serve on a subcommittee that will be reviewing the Arts Master Plan. Cheryl agreed to serve in this capacity 2004 Allen USA Festivities Wrap -Up - Lisa Anderson, Supervisor of the Joe Farmer Recreation Center provided a wrap-up report on this year's Allen USA Celebration. Lisa reported 20,000 estimated in attendance and that by several management changes in this year's event, everything went very smoothly Comments from the Board were that the kid -zone was very well placed this year, and the fireworks were great. It was suggested that better signage be placed on the ticket booths in the future. Bethany Lakes Playground Community Meeting Follow -Up — Tim Deader reported that 12 people attended this initial meeting. Personnel Updates — Tim Deader reported that Teresa Warren, Marketing Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department has accepted the position of Pubic Information Officer for the City of Allen. Tim indicated her position would be refilled. Upcoming Events — Ben Ferguson reminded all Board Members of upcoming events they might want to be aware of. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Legal, Section 551.071, Property, Section 551.072; Personnel, Section 551.074; Staff Presentations, Section 551.075 As Authorized by Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code, the Workshop Meeting and/or the Regular Meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to the Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) Deliberation Regarding Real Property (§551.072 Government Code) - proposed park land. I Page 8 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 12, 2004 8. RECONVENE AND CONSIDER ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no action to consider following Executive Session. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 9' day of August, 2004. Ben Fergus n, Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary I Attachment 1 — Allenwood Community Meeting Parks and Recreation Board Minutes July 12, 2004 Project History (continued) Several locations were explored but the lot at 205 Keith became the most likely candidate A written/ verbal agreement was reached in late May for the purchase of 205 Keith The Allen Community Development approved funding for the acquisition on June 28, 2004 along with tentative approval of development funding Project History For many years, the residents in Allenwood Estates have made requests to City Council, Parks Board and to City Staff for a park in their neighborhood Several years ago based upon these requests, the City Council and Parks and Recreation Board declared Allenwood Estates as an underserved neighborhood (as declared by the Master Plan) In November, 2003 staff began researching prorpetry for the development of a neighborhood a Future Action Staff will proceed with formal acquisition following decision by City Council on July 13, 2004 It is anticipated that community meetings to receive input on proposed designs to begin late August early September I I lL Attachment 2 — Capital Projects and Grants Update Parks and Recreation Board Minutes July 12, 2004 XFNMBgMD PAR"m --- ---- JULY u,]aa AD X I X I S T X G T IDX ecu rweuw_auv EI -DRAT RICH CAM LM1wElV. o8NI .VCE CXnp BGEW,IRGWEN E,yyDw� C.YPrt.YL PROJECTS DI V,810X GRADMYNw110Qu MWIEHTB WTpv. 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