HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2005 - 06/13 - RegularMINUTES
JUNE 13, 2005
Ben Ferguson, Chair
Joey Herald, Vice -Chair
Vicki Webster, Secretary
Cheryl Lawson
Todd McIntosh
Mary Fritche
Gary Alan Moore
iTim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation
Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect
Anthony Hill, Recreation Services Manager
Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager
Matt McComb, Park Planner
Lydia B. Nance, Administrative Assistant at Chase Oaks Golf Club
Invited Residents
Susan Bartlemay, City of Allen Council Member
Mr. Lenny Hughes, Halff and Associates, Architect
Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 6:41pm and announced a
quorum was present.
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June 13, 2005
Following a call for guests wishing to speak to the Board about anything not
on the agenda for the evening, Mr. Byron Nielson came forward.
Byron Nielson
604 Meadow Lane
Mr. Nielson is a past PARB member during the time period under which the
Bethany Lakes and Allen Station Park Projects were in the planning and progress
stages. He is involved in youth sports in Allen currently and voiced concerns
regarding issues with the Baseball fields at Celebration Park and suggestions for
improvements. He was concerned about the distance from the parking area to the
field as well as the distance from the fields to the restrooms. Also, in his opinion,
the locations of the fences allow too many teenage batters to be able to hit the ball
over the fence. He would also like to see the addition of lighting for evening
games. Another concern was practice facilities for older ages, enhancements to
the practice batting areas and additions of lighting and practice pitching mounds.
Ben Ferguson stated that the board was aware of some of the issues and indicated
that solutions were being worked on for future improvements. He indicated that
the parking and restroom situations were of particular interest. Mr. Neilson also
indicated a desire to see more emphasis on adult baseball. Mr. Ferguson thanked
Mr. Nielson for his input and attendance.
MOTION: Joey Herald moved to approve the minutes from May 19, 2005
Regular Meeting as presented. Cheryl Lawson seconded, and the
motion carried 7 for, 0 against.
Tim Dentler explained the need for an Advisory Committee for the Allen Senior
Center. He cited that with the new facility, there is a need to establish a
Committee to advise Senior Center Staff on guidelines. Tim then explained that
the Park Board's role would be to approve applicants for the Advisory
Committee. Each Advisory Committee member would serve a term of 1 year,
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June 13, 2005
with the ability to serve 3 consecutive terms if approved. One purpose of this
committee is to ensure diversity in who represents the senior population of Allen
and allow participation by the senior population. City Staff will be appointed to
sit on the subcommittee, and asked the Park Board to review and decide which of
their members would sit on the Advisory Appointment Subcommittee. He then
cited the amount of citizen excitement surrounding the upcoming Senior Facility
and the idea that there would be a Advisory Committee established to advise on
issues concerning the facility. He then asked for questions.
Mr. Ferguson asked for clarification about the number of members of the Board
sitting on the appointment committee, and if the Board's participation would be
simply to select members of the committee. Mr. Dentler verified that two Park
Board Members will sit on the Appointment Subcommittee.
Mr. Herald asked if he was correct in reading that the appointments would be
made in the March/April 2006 time frame, while the facility was scheduled to
open in January 2006. Mr. Dentler explained that the establishment of the
committee at that time was intended to enable a transition from the initial opening
time period of the facility
Lori Smeby gave an update on the Arts Master Plan. The updates to the facility,
staff and other issues will be presented to the City Council in Workshop on July
12, 2005. She hoped for approval on the Maser Plan at the City Council meeting
on July 26, 2005. She cited that the Master Plan is a great working document,
particularly in regard to staffing, and it is specific enough to let staff know where
everything should be. She also stated that many of the ideas and suggestions
received from the public were incorporated into the Master Plan. She cited that
funding is the largest issue facing the project. The Arts Alliance is happy with the
result of the Master Plan. Mrs. Smeby congratulated the oversight committee for
an outstanding job.
Tim Dentler stated that the Master Plan is a lengthy detailed document and would
take some time to peruse and become familiar with.
Mr. Ferguson asked members if they had any other items they wished to
1 discuss before the Board.
Mary Fritsche - No other items
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Vicky Webster asked if inline skaters could use the Edge at the same time
as skateboarders. Tim Dentler stated that they could.
Mr. Ferguson said that he had watched them, and they all worked together
Todd McIntosh asked what contingency there was to give preference to
Allen residents if the skate park became extremely popular and was
continuously full.
Tim Derider said that staff would wait to see how everything played out
over the next few months and then determine the best plan of action. He
said that the highest priority is to minimize the addition of staff.
Cheryl Lawson - No other items
Joey Herald thanked the Staff at Chase Oaks Golf Club for hosting an
event for his Realtor's group. He was pleased with the staff and their
service. He also asked what the status was on the park at Hillside.
Tim Dentler stated that staff was waiting on a determination from the City
of Allen Engineering Department on the size of the new water tower at
that location before moving forward. He reminded the Board that the
location is not Park property.
Mr. Herald also wished to know what the role of the Parks board members
would be at the Allen USA Celebration. Mr. Dentler stated that their role
would be basically the same as the year prior, meeting and greeting the
VIP's, expressing gratitude to the sponsors.
Gary Moore thanked the Parks Department for the Edge and its grand
opening. He thought the event was great and was very proud of the staff.
Mr. Ferguson wished to compliment the Parks and Recreation staff on
their general friendliness, not just at this event, but also in everyday. He
also voiced his desire to look at Celebration Park in the next phase in
regards to parking and restrooms, and also look into shaded areas for
Wrap up on "The Edge @ Allen Station Park" Grand Opening
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June 13, 2005
Tim Dentler gave an overview of the grand opening festivities for the
Edge at Allen Station Park. There were an estimated 1000 visitors, the
park opened at 10 AM, but there were visitors waiting for the opening as
early as 5 AM. The ribbon cutting took place at 10:30 AM. The
architects of the projects sponsored most of the day's events including the
food. Mr. Dentler felt that it was a great day. He stated that the project
has gone well so far, that staff was still leaming some of the workings of
the facility, and that there was still a punch list of things to be worked on.
He said that visitors have been at the park until 10:30 PM nightly since the
June 25 Allen USA Celebration
Mr. Ferguson asked how people were informed about the event.
Tim Dentler cited that there are posters at all parks facilities, and
that the normal advertising campaigns are underway, radio,
newspapers and the like. Invitations have been sent to VIP's.
Mr. Ferguson inquired as to whom was scheduled to perform.
Mr. Dentler informed the Board that Eddie Money is the headliner,
and Colin Hay from Men at Work is also scheduled to perform,
along with John Waite and local artists. He also stated that the
2005 event is a longer event than year's past.
Lori Smeby informed the Board that radio sponsors would be
broadcasting advertisements on air, and asked the board to listen
for the spots and report back to staff if they heard them.
July 4 -Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium open from Sam- 1pm
July 8 - First Annual Mayor's Classic Golf Tournament
July 18-23 - Missoula Children's Theater Camp
Mr. Ferguson asked what "Missoula" was.
Lori Smeby explained that it is a weeklong children's theater
camp, taught by college students. There will be sign ups for those
interested; the production will be Snow White. There will be
practices through the week, with 2 performances on Saturday. The
performances will be at the Library; practices will be at the
Heritage Center and Library. The Allen Arts Alliance is
sponsoring the camp. She also noted that there had been the
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formation of the Allen Community Theater Group, which the Arts
alliance will likely support in the future.
Mr. Ferguson inquired as to the time of the performances.
Lori stated that she was not sure, but would inform the Board.
Mr. Ferguson closed the regular meeting and opened the Public Meeting.
Tim Derider explained the process of the public meeting to the invited
residents. The architect would first present the plan, then Brian Bristow
would explain the timeline for the project, and the floor would be opened
for citizens to comment and prioritize. The architect would then come up
with a master plan for the project incorporating as much citizen input as
possible. The master plan would then be reviewed again at another public
meeting. He then turned the floor over to Brian Bristow
Brian Bristow introduced himself, welcomed the residents, and explained
this is the first public meeting concerning this project. He explained that
there is $410,000 budgeted for the project and that the staff wished to get
as much for the budget as possible. He further explained that there would
be a Phase 2 to the park in the future. He introduced Lenny Hughes from
Halff Associates, the representative from the architect on the project, who
began the presentation of the project concepts.
Project Overview -
The site is 5 acres, north and east of residential neighborhoods
located at the intersection of Trinity and Summerplace Drives
The site is heavily wooded; there is undeveloped land to the south
and east of the project, a drainage ditch at one side of the project,
and an existing walk rail and bridge, which will be the likely
access point to the park.
Analysis of Site -
The architect's goal was to identify places on the site that would be
the likeliest places for activity, with the preservation of as much
vegetation and trees as possible. There was a focus on how the
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1 entry area would relate to all other components of the project
during the idea phase of the project.
Program Elements -
Presentation of the standard improvements for a 5 -acre park
Vision Ideas & Concepts -
Presentation of elements that may be incorporated. The inclusion
of a children's playground, a theme for the park, and an
opportunity to include art in the project were specified.
Mr. Hughes then presented the two project concepts.
Concept "A"
This concept will use the existing bridge as a gateway, preserve existing
trees, and incorporate a walkway to a picnic pavilion, which would be a
custom shade arbor with a solar observation area, a 5-12 year old
playground and a 2-5 year old playground. An artistic element to this plan
is the Human Sundial. The project also incorporates a half -court
basketball area, a walking path in and around the project, and a stylistic
portal at the entry. The visual theme of this concept is stone and wood.
Concept `B"
A typical pavilion in the center of the project, with typical 2-5 year old
playground and 5-12 year old playground, a landscaped gateway into the
park from the existing bridge with areas for art elements or seating, a
central focus tree in the center of the park, a half -court basketball area on
the opposite side of the pavilion from the playgrounds, buffers with
landscaping between the houses and the pavilion. A walking path will run
in and around the project.
Mr. Hughes then concluded his presentation of the project concepts.
Mr. Ferguson then opened the floor for citizen questions and comments
He asked for a show of hands of who owned homes backing up to the project.
Three citizens owning such property raised their hands.
Brian Bristow wished to point out the schedule for the process of master plan
approval. Then the project will go into more focused design for 4 months, the
project is expected to go to bid in late 2005. He pointed out that it takes time to
get a detailed project started.
Citizen Comments:
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Cristopher Yeary of 20 Saint Andrews Drive asked if parking had been taken into
account in the planning. Brian Bristow explained that since this is a neighborhood park,
intended to serve the residents of the immediate area, there was not need for parking, also
the site itself does not allow for parking.
Albert Quiambao of 437 Saint Andrews Drive noted that the drainage ditch tends to
present a mosquito problem, and asked how that was going to be addressed. Brian
Bristow explained that the City of Allen's Environmental Services department has a
mosquito control program in place, and if warranted, this area could be included in the
program. He also requested that residents direct any concerns to Joey Allette, so that
they can be addressed.
Mr. Quiambao also asked what was going to be done to alleviate any drainage issues that
may arise, as at times the ditch can get fairly high. Brian Bristow and Tim Dentler voiced
that issue would be looked into. Joey Herald encouraged working with other departments
to resolve issues.
Ikram Syed of 414 Spring Air Drive asked if the information and plans were available on
the website. Mr. Dentler responded that they were not as yet but would be. Mr. Syed
also asked if there could be more entry areas into the site. Mr. Ferguson voiced that this
was a concern of his as well. Mr. Bristow stated that that issue could be looked into, that
the developer put in the existing bridge at the height it is to provide for high water levels
in the drainage ditch. He stated that if another bridge could be included functionally
within budget that the planners would look into the addition. Mr. Herald asked what the
cost of such a bridge would be. Mr. Ferguson asked how large the ditch is. Mr. Bristow
stated the ditch is approximately 40 feet wide. He explained that bridges normally used
in Allen park sites are $1,000- $1,500 per linear square foot. Based on that, such bridge
would cost about $40,000. Mr. Ferguson asked the residents if there was water in the
drainage ditch year round and how high the water gets. A citizen stated the water gets
high enough to fish from the bridge. Mr. Ferguson asked what the zoning is on the
backside of the property Mr. Bristow explained that the opposite property to the west
belongs to Allen Station Business Park. He further included that to the North of the
property is Reid Farm, another residential area, where there could possibly be further
residential development in the future.
Paul Granados, of 428 Sunshine Drive asked if there would be lighting at the site. Mr.
Bristow replied that there would be no lighting at this phase, as this is not a typical park
improvement. He also pointed out that in most areas similar to this one; the citizens
preferred the site not be lighted. Mr. Dentler pointed out this was to discourage use of
the park at night. Mr. Bristow also noted that lighting the site would cut into the budget.
Mr. Granules also asked if there could be outdoor grills added to the plan, and what the
surface of the basketball court would be. Lenny Hughes responded that the surface
would be concrete and that there would be picnic tables at the pavilion, but not a grill.
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Carlo Santos, of 431 Spring Air Drive asked if the basketball court could be a full court.
Mr. Bristow cited experience that tells staff that full -courts tend to become formal game
facilities. This site is intended for pickup games. It is also intended to not encourage
outside persons to come to the site. Mr. Santos asked what could be done if there was
great interest in having a larger facility. Mr. Bristow stated that there had been cases
where 2 %: court facilities were placed in parks. Mr. Santos indicated that would be
Charlotte Johnson of 446 Trinity Drive expressed excitement about the improvements,
and then expressed her concerns as to security, shade, keeping the trees, having a nice
entrance, and expressed a wish to link the walking path to exchange parkway to provide
access to the Natatorium. Mr. Hughes stated that the path would connect to the existing
sidewalks. Mr. Bristow explained that there was a connectivity constraint to Exchange
Parkway due to undeveloped property He expressed the hope that the connection could
be made after development.
Mr. Roam asked if the path could go back into the wooded area. Mr. Bristow stated that
the wooded area is intended to stay as is.
Patrick Arnold of 404 Spring Leaf Court stated that the developer had promised the area
in question would be a tree preserve. His property backs up to the site. He expresses a
desire to have trees remain as a privacy barrier. He also asked what the curfew would be
for the park. Mr. Dentler replied that the curfew for all City of Allen parks is l 1pm. Mr.
Ferguson stated that privacy was his concern as well.
Tyrone Bland of 431 Trinity Drive expressed excitement about the upcoming project and
thanks for the concepts presented. He then asked for clarification concerning whether
there would be a tree line =and the perimeter and fencing at the residences to enclose
the site. Mr. Denner indicated that that would be looked into as future development of
the area took place. He cited the City of Allen's strict tree removal ordinance. He also
stated that a great deal of landscaping would be included in the project as well as tree
buffers. Mr. Bland expressed that the trees should be close together to prevent
unauthorized entry to the site.
Nancy Chandler of 1509 Redeemer Drive asked the cost and pros and cons of adding a
pool to the site. Mr. Dentler explained that that would not be viable option due to cost.
Mr. Ferguson pointed out that would bring outside persons into the site. Ms. Chandler
sited the neighboring subdivision having a pool facility specified to their residents. Mr.
Ferguson explained that the developer of the subdivision provided the facility for the
residents living there.
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Mr. Ferguson stated that he would be asking for a show of hands from the citizens
to determine which concept they preferred, he then asked Mr. Hughes to give a
brief review of both concepts, Mr. Hughes complied.
Discussion Concerning Concept B
Mr. Herald asked how much open space was in Concept B. Mr. Hughes replied
that there was approximately 100' x 100'. Mr. Bristow pointed out that that is
roughly %a acre.
Mr. Ferguson asked where another basketball court could be included in this
concept. Mr. Hughes responded that it would be placed in the open area. Mr.
Ferguson noted that adding an additional basketball court would sacrifice open
area. He then asked if the walking path could be kept away from the residences.
Mr. Hughes replied that would be possible. Mr. Bristow asked the citizens if that
would be agreeable to them. The citizens indicated it was.
Discussion Concerning Concept A
Mr. Herald noted that the walking path was located in generally the same places
as Plan B. Mr. Hughes stated that it could be moved. A citizen asked if the vote
was to finalize the concept. Mr. Dentler explained that this meeting was to
present the initial concepts to the residents to get an idea of what direction they
would like to go. Mrs. Lawson noted that this is why the board was asking what
the citizens would like to change about the concepts.
Mr. Bland asked if the areas of open space were equal on both concepts. He
indicated that he preferred the larger pavilion on Concept A, but also preferred the
amount of open space on Concept B.
Mr. McComb asked if it was fair to say A was a more natural concept. Mr.
Hughes replied that Concept B was more natural in relation to vegetation.
Mrs. Johnson stated that she fell the basketball court would be better placed in the
southwest portion of the site, as the concept location placed it in close proximity
to residences. Mr. Ferguson asked if the homeowner closest to the court was
present. Mr. lkram indicated that it was his property and he would prefer the
court to be placed further away.
Mr. Ferguson then asked the citizens to vote by a show of hands for which
concept they preferred. 13 residents preferred Concept A, 6 residents preferred
Concept B.
Mr. Bland asked if there were any focus on pets. Mr. Dentler replied that there
was a new focus on pets in City of Allen Parks. He indicated that implementation
would begin in the larger parks, with the possibility of adding improvements to
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smaller parks in the future. He also indicated that with the newer neighborhood
parks such as this one, the additions could be made during the planning stages,
such as adding a "doggy -do" station.
Mrs. Johnson asked when construction was expected to begin. Mr. Bristow
explained that the project had to go through the normal procedures set forth by the
City of Allen, but that expectations were for project completion in the summer of
2006. Mrs. Johnson then asked if the project was definitely going to be built. Mr.
Dentler answered in the affirmative. Mr. Ferguson stated that it might be built in
two Phases. Mr. Dentler added that there was not a set time frame for a Phase 2.
Mr. Ferguson asked if there were any questions.
Mr. Ferguson asked the Board members for comments.
Mary Fritche - None
Vicky Webster—None
Todd McIntosh - Asked Mr., Hughes if there were space for 2 basketball courts
on Concept A if the courts were moved to the southwest portion of the project.
Mr. Hughes replied that would have to be looked into.
Cheryl Lawson - Indicated her preference of Concept A, but felt that the sport
court should be relocated. Her understanding was that it was placed there for
security and access reasons. She also liked the addition of art features.
Joey Herald - Noted the elevation differences on the site and asked if it would
make relocating the basketball court difficult.
Gary Alan Moore - Noted that preference given to concept A did not mean there
could not be art implemented
Ben Ferguson - Noted his preference to concept A, would like to see more
vegetation and the relocation of the basketball court. He preferred the larger
playground and arbor and idea of including artistic objects.
Tim Dentler thanked the residents for attending the meeting. He informed them
that the concepts would be on the website within one week, and they could call or
email the parks and recreation department with any further input or questions. He
also stated that the residents would be informed of when the next meeting would
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be to review the concept. He anticipated this meeting to take place in June or
July, giving the architect time to make changes to the concept.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.
These minutes read and approved this 8`" day of August, 2005.
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Ben Fe(fuson,'CfKr Vicki Wester, Secretary