HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2005 - 08/08 - RegularPARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Joey Herald, Vice -Chair Vicki Webster, Secretary Cheryl Lawson Todd Mchnosh Mary Fritche Gary Alan Moore MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentley Director of Parks and Recreation Lon Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Invited Residents Lane Olivo, Halff and Associates 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and announced a quorum was present. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 2005 PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Joey Herald, Vice -Chair Vicki Webster, Secretary Cheryl Lawson Todd Mchnosh Mary Fritche Gary Alan Moore MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentley Director of Parks and Recreation Lon Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Invited Residents Lane Olivo, Halff and Associates 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and announced a quorum was present. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 8, 2005 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS Following a call for guests wishing to speak to the Board about anything not on the agenda for the evening, no one came forward. ACTION ITEMS 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 13, 2005 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Gary Moore moved to approve the minutes from June 13, 2005 Regular Meeting as presented. Joey Herald seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 4. RECOGNITION OF CITIZENS BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Director Tim Derider introduced Mr. Jim Coker to the Board and gave a brief background and history on Jim and his dedication to the Community at large, but to the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department as well. Jim has spent countless hours repairing scoreboards at all facilities for the City of Allen always free of charge. Jim also serves on the Allen Sports Association Baseball Board. Jim was presented a certificate form the City, and all expressed their appreciation to him. 5. PUBLIC MEETING — SPRING MEADOW PARK REVIEW OF SPRING MEADOW PARK CONCEPT PLAN Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen presented a brief background on the process of the public meetings regarding this facility as well as the phasing that the residents could expect in constructing their neighborhood park. Mr. Lane Oliva, Project Manager with Halff and Associates was on hand to review the site plan, site amenities, as well as the latest concept plan. This plan was designed based upon the input from the residents received at the June 13, 2005 Park and Recreation Board Meeting. Some of the highlights reviewed were the placement of the basketball court to the south and west, the sundial, the public art area, and the Y: mile of trails. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 8, 2005 RECEIVE COMMENTS FROM RESIDENTS Chairman Ben Ferguson called for a show of hands of those residents who had attended the meeting on June 13. None indicated they had attended. He then called for any residents wishing to comment on the latest concept plan for the neighborhood park to come forward. Some of the comments received were as follows: Concern over drainage area in park Stagnant Water Fencing to keep children out of drainage area Better access to facility Better mowing behind fence and along drainage area Police and fire accessibility Fencing along south and west perimeter of park Timing of Phase II Placement of basketball court Length of construction Sidewalk placement Residents in attendance were as follows: Patrick Arnold 404 Spring Leaf Court Rex and Mencha Jhngala 450 Trinity Drive Ed Bowers 403 St Andrews Dr Jan Cervenka 412 Spring Leaf Court Rickey Green 419 Spring Air Abdul Ghaffar 427 Trinity Drive Cindy Smith 413 St Andrews Drive Imtiaz Baloch 1402 Sunshine Drive Kal Elshatali 442 Trinity Drive Michelle Parletto 1418 Sunshine Drive Don and Esther Weaserth 1522 Redeemer Rd PARKS BOARD COMMENTS AND WRAP-UP Brian Bristow and Tim Dentler both took a moment to explain the phasing of this project. Tim Derider indicated that Phase I would include as many amenities as possible for the Park, and that Phase II would only be done when funding becomes available. Staff does not know when that will be. Some other parks in Allen have seen a time -spread of from 5-7 years between Phase I and Phase H. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 8, 2005 Brian Bristow explained that normally the residents could expect a seven -eight month construction period, and that could depend upon the time of the year during which construction would take place. Ben Ferguson called for comments from the Board regarding the Spring Meadow Park Concept Plan and comments received. Joey Herald indicated he liked the plan as presented. Ben Ferguson indicated he thought Halff and Associates did a good job of taking the responses received at the first meeting and incorporating them into the current concept plan. All residents were thanked for their attendance at tonight's meeting. 6. APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES TO THE "SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY APPOINTMENT SUBCOMMITTEE" Ben Ferguson called for anyone wishing to volunteer for this subcommittee, and Gary Moore along with Cheryl Lawson indicated they would like to serve. Tim explained that this subcommittee would be working along with three staff members to review applications received and make recommendations to the Park Board for appointment. 7. NAMING OF GREENVILLE CROSSING SUBDIVISION PARKLAND Brian Bristow informed the Board that this subdivision had been under construction for approximately 4-6 months, and that the parkland being discussed tonight is in the heart of what is known as the "Greenville Crossing" Development. Staff has just today learned that this subdivision will likely be named "Silhouette", based upon this information, a brief discussion was held regarding possible names for the parkland located within this development. Todd McIntosh suggested the name of"Greenville Heights Park" since the parkland touches both Greenville Avenue on the West, and Allen Heights on the East. Following a brief discussion, MOTION: Todd McIntosh moved to recommend to City Council the adoption of "Greenville Heights Park" as the name of the parkland located within the Greenville Crossing Development. Gary Moore seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. I1 Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 8, 2005 DISCUSSION ITEMS 8. REVIEW OF PROPOSED PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY2005-2006 Tim Dentler provided the Board with a brief background on last year's budget versus what they could expect this year. Tim also outlined the projections for this year in revenues, and increased focus on revenue generating programs. Tim reminded the Board that this was the proposed budget, and it would be under consideration this weekend during the annual budget retreat that Tim would be attending. Tim reviewed segments of the Department including Senior Citizens, Chase Oaks Golf, as well as the Youth Center. Along with this review, Tim made a brief presentation on real costs associated with operating both indoor facilities, (cost per square foot) as well as outdoor facilities (cost per acre). These numbers will give staff a much truer picture of long term development of new facilities and what it will take to operate them. Tim indicated he would be sharing the Capital Improvement Projects portion of this budget presentation with the Board at their next regular meeting. 9. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Mary Fritsche reported concerns brought to her by citizens regarding the pegs not being covered on bicycles entering the skating area at The Edge. Mary also asked about a volunteer opportunity if someone wanted to volunteer to monitor the skate park.Tim reported that beginning immediately, the Allen High School Skate Club will be doing a Park Assistant Program whereby they will be monitoring the facility They have shirts that clearly identify them, and staff will continue to monitor the facility closely Tim also reported that the Allen Police Department will be doing regular "foot patrols" of the skate park. He indicated that several arrests were made and citations issued this past Friday at the facility. His hope is that the message will be clear, that the City of Allen will not tolerate unacceptable behavior at The Edge @ Allen Station Park. Vicki Wester reported that a neighbor of hers was leaving Allen and moving to El Paso. The neighbor was concerned that programming for children would not measure up to Allen. Vicki felt the Parks Department definitely has an impact. Todd McIntosh shared with the Board his concern that more amenities be added at Celebration Park, and provided a visual printout of some of his suggestions Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August g, 2005 regarding additional benches and picnic facilities along with an extended hike and bike trail. Cheryl Lawson asked about Ford Pool and if any funds would be available for refurnishing that facility. Joey Herald asked if injuries were occurring at The Edge @ Allen Station Park. He also expressed concern that guests at the Natatorium were not being informed that lap lanes would only be available a short time before the swim team came in for their workouts. He felt guests were being allowed to pay, enter the facility, then not receive the space to swim in. Gary Moore spoke briefly to the VIP puking provided this past year at Allen USA (on Malone). 10. OTHER BUSINESS STAFF UPDATES: Update on The Edge @ Allen Station Park Tim Dentler indicated he felt this had been covered under the previous agenda item, but reiterated the facility is still under close observation and all options for operating and managing it are under consideration. Update on Allen USA Tim reported another successful Allen USA event, and invited the Board to review comments received from both staff and from a poll taken via the intemet following the event. Once again, staff was very pleased with this year's event. Public Art Master Plan Tim provided the Board members with a draft copy of the Arts Master Plan that will be presented to City Council on Tuesday, June 9 for approval. The only change he reported from the previous presentation was it was changed from "2%" to "up to 2%". 11. ADJOURN 1 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 pm. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 8, 2005 j These minutes read and approved this 12`h day of September, 2005. Be, Fergusoq Chazr I Vicki Wester, Secretary