HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2005 - 10/24 - Special CalledPARB MEMBERS PRESENT
Ben Ferguson, Chair
Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair
Joey Herald
Vicki Webster, Secretary
Mary Fritche
Gary Alan Moore
Todd McIntosh
Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation
Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect
Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager
Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager
Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant
Residents of Allenwood Subdivision
Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and announced a
quorum was present.
Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation did a brief introduction to the
process and purpose for this meeting. Tim provided a history of the neighborhood
OCTOBER 24, 2005
Ben Ferguson, Chair
Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair
Joey Herald
Vicki Webster, Secretary
Mary Fritche
Gary Alan Moore
Todd McIntosh
Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation
Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect
Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager
Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager
Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant
Residents of Allenwood Subdivision
Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and announced a
quorum was present.
Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation did a brief introduction to the
process and purpose for this meeting. Tim provided a history of the neighborhood
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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
October 24, 2005
and the identification as an "underserved neighborhood" of Allen. Tim
introduced Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City, and indicated Brian
would be working with the design firm on the amenities for this parkland.
Brian Bristow gave a brief power point presentation, with background and survey
information for 603 Keith (1.32 acres), 605 Keith (1.25 acres), and 205 Keith
(1.32 acres). (A copy of that presentation is attached to these minutes.)
Anyone wishing to speak to the Board regarding amenities they would or would
not like to see at this facility was invited to come forward.
Glen Renfro
606 Keith Drive
Mr. Renfro had concerns about what the City planned to do about the streets in his
neighborhood, safety of patrons visiting the parks, and expressed his concern
1 about an already serious drainage problem. Mr. Renfro expressed a concern about
how bad the mosquitoes were and wants no more water as well as safety concerns
at the blind comer of "Bookout Property" Mr. Renfro expressed his opposition
to the park.
Amy Nichols
211 Watson Drive
Amy expressed her opposition to the park location. She preferred the comer of
Cedar and McDermott be purchased for parkland.
Debra Primavera
206 Watson Drive
Debra asked who would be doing the design, and how that process would work.
Brain responded that the first step would be tonight's meeting to gather
information, pass that information to the consultant (Farris Studios), at which
point a conceptual plan will be drawn up and presented to the residents at a
second meeting (November 21), then refined and put out to bid.
Chris Primavera
206 Watson
Chris requested the trees be kept for their shade value and that an open space for
Frisbee and basketball be allowed. Safety was a concern for Chris, as well as the
1 drainage issue. Chris expressed his disappointment that no conceptual plan was
available for viewing at this evenings meeting.
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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
October 24, 2005
1 Jimmy Moore
202 Keith
Jimmy expressed his appreciation for the possibilities, energy and money being
put toward this project. He indicated that water had been an issue for many years
and that sidewalks would be nice. Jimmy felt the natural terrain was a plus, and
would like to see "natural' colored equipment.
Vickie Moore
202 Keith
Vicki wants the natural wildlife kept as they are a wonderful asset to the facility;
she also expressed her excitement about the park. She reminded the Board of the
uniqueness of this property and neighborhood. She feels a walking track would
be a great asset, and that a playground is needed. Off street parking would be a
help, as well as cleaning out the shrubbery along the curve on Keith Drive.
Phyllis Catton
204 Keith
Phyllis indicated she and her husband (Carlo Troia) were very concerned about
this park across from their house — noise, home values and privacy. Phyllis wants
earlier curfew enforced and asked about the care and clean-up responsibilities
once the park is completed. She also asked how this facility would be paid for
d if the fence would remain.
Carlo Troia
204 Keith
Carlo indicated he and his wife (Phyllis Catton) were very concerned about this
park across from their house — noise, home values and privacy.
Giulio Troia
208 Keith Drive
Giulio said that while he likes the park, access is a concern. Puking might be
provided in the comer — currently a blind spot; also drainage needs to be reworked
and speed bumps added to Keith.
Kenneth Lindsey
213 Ellis Drive
Ken indicated there were plenty of children in this neighborhood to utilize the
park, and indicated he would enjoy walking to a park. He was not concerned with
people from outside Allenwood visiting the facility, and that most of the traffic
concerns that were expressed would not happen. He felt the parkland would not
hurt property values and that the off -the -street parking slots would be a good idea.
Ken felt that if Keith could be a "closed" street — that would be a good idea.
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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
October 24, 2005
Marion Schaefer Robards
305 Ellis Drive
Marion said the speed bumps were needed; security lighting needed, and likes the
idea of a park in her neighborhood.
Pat Buckley
316 Ellis
Pat commended the Board for their pursuit of parkland in this neighborhood, and
verified the wonderful trees and wildlife available on this property She felt a
playground would be important, and would like to see basketball available.
Joe Fockler
209 Allenwood Drive
Joe wants to see a basketball court and a sand volleyball court. A walking trail
would be nice, along with a picnic pavilion. Joe wants the "curve" area on Keith
Drive cleared of low shrubbery to increase visibility
Mr. Boone (not present)
207 Keith
Mr. Boone asked his neighbors to speak on his behalf for fencing/screening to his
property at 207 Keith Drive.
Kimberly Ortiz
316 Ellis
Kimberly recently moved to Allen from New Orleans, La., and likes the idea of
something closer for her children. She would enjoy having the children play in
their own neighborhood.
The following are from people who filled out the comment/attendance card, but
did not speak before the Board:
Jean Cantrell
301 Allenwood
In support of the facility.
Dawn Troia
208 Keith
In support of the facility.
Jackie Cantrell
301 Allenwood
Support of the facility.
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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
October 24, 2005
John and Irene Drastata
315 Allenwnood
Kathy and Mark Brown
500 Keith
In support of the facility — `Please make sure that the park blends into the
neighborhood and that no trees will be cut down. Make it a green space. Walking
trails. Keep the wildlife. Mosquitoes are a huge problem. No parking lot"
Ronald and Teresa Rodenbaugh
401 Keith
In support of the facility.
Tom and Ellen Salmon
202 Allenwood (PO Box 638)
In support of the facility — "For children, seniors, sidewalks to park from all areas,
care for tributary (creek) to insure drainage, mosquito control, natural, walkways
for walking, benches for sitting, gazebo and picnic tables, concern for blind curve,
walkway from Willow Creek, love the nature labeling ideas (like the arboretum in
Dallas), flag, historical marker (history of area), sculpture"
Pat Paxton
200 Watson
"The parking area for the park will need to be in the middle of the property so that
no neighbor will look at a parking area (concrete)."
Margaret Miller
207 Ellis Drive
"Please give us a gazebo — picnic tables — walking trails — please do something
about the drainage."
After thanking all for taking the time to attend tonight's meeting, a call was made
for comments from the Board.
Joey Herald: indicated his appreciation for the interest and comments heard at
tonight's meeting. He likes the natural approach, and said a trail would be nice.
Gary Moore: thanked all for their attendance, and reported that all feedback
would be taken to the consultant.
Mary Fritsche: appreciated attendance this evening and indicated her concern for
safety in this area.
Cheryl Lawson: thanked all for attending, and indicated a walking trail was very
important with possibility of some type of public art.
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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
October 24, 2005
Ben Ferguson: said he lives close to a neighborhood park very similar to the
Allenwood Property, and doesn't see it attracting a lot of people from outside the
Chairman Ben Ferguson indicated the next public meeting on this issue would be
held on November 21".
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
These minutes read and approved this 7`h day of November, 2005.
Ben 7ergp n, Chair
Al ,
Vicki Wester, Secretary
Attachment — Allenwood Park
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
October 24, 2005
Attachment — Allenwood Park
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
October 24, 2005
Attachment - Allenwood Park
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
October 24, 2005
Public Meetinas
1. October 24, 2005
2. November 21, 2005
3. December 12, 2005 (tentative)
Planning and Desian
October 2005 - March 2006
April 2006 — December 2006