HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2005 - 12/12 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2005 PARR MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Joey Herald Vicki Webster, Secretary Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair MEMBERS ABSENT Mary Fritche Todd McIntosh Gary Alan Moore STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Anthony Hill, Resource Development Manager Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Matt McComb, Park Planner Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager Shannon Craft, Cultural Arts/Special Events Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Residents of Allenwood Subdivision John Baumgartner, City of Allen, Engineering Jimmy Knipp, City of Allen Community Services Ken Geest, Executive Director, Allen Sports Association 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT 1 Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm and announced a quorum was present. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 12, 2005 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. 3. REVIEW OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARK DESIGN PLAN—ALLENWOOD ESTATES Matt McComb introduced the residents and Board to this piece of parkland with a brief overview of the property and the associated history. A copy of that presentation is attached to these minutes. Following the presentation of two different conceptual plans, a call was made for comments and ideas from the residents in attendance. A brief review of the existing conditions such as structures, vegetation and drainage was presented. Drainage improvements to the site were discussed, along with gate/fence removal at Keith Drive, and general clean up. Estimated costs associated with Concept "A" was placed at $536,210, and Concept "B" was placed at $398,156. It was pointed out that these two plans could be combined if that met the needs best. 4. RECEIVE IDEAS/COMMENTS FROM RESIDENTS REGARDING ALLENWOOD PARK DESIGN Glen Renfro 606 Keith Drive Glen thanked the Board, Tim and his staff for coming on site and assessing the drainage concerns. He is still concerned that there is no good route for pedestrians to access the facility; likes Concept "B" — stated that overall staff, has done a good job. Phyllis Catton 204 Keith Drive Asked about "dark green" on the concept plans, and was informed those were existing plant material scheduled to be kept. The "light green" denotes new plant material to be brought in. Tim Dentler indicated that normally a 2" (or larger) caliper tree is the standard. Phyllis also asked about the budget for this facility. Phyllis said she liked "Plan A" the best. H Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 12, 2005 Jimmy Moore 202 Keith Said staff had done an excellent job, felt it was a good investment in the neighborhood. Said he prefers concept "A" — but that the speeders on Keith need to be addressed with possible speed bumps. Jimmy felt the benefits of the facility far outweigh any side effects. Wilma Smith 198 Keith Drive Felt most of the issues had already been covered by her neighbors, but is still concerned about speeders around the corner on Keith. Likes plan "A", and felt it would enhance the neighborhood and her home. Jim Ken 406 Watson Likes plan "K'— doesn't feel it will be over -run with children/users. Jim thanked the City for their hard work on this issue, Joe Fockler 209 Allenwood Asked if a small basketball court could be included in the plan. Likes plan "A" Pat Buckley 316 Ellis Drive Pat likes plan "A"— in particular, likes the trees that border the west side of the playground. Glen Renfro asked about the depth of the proposed pond. Pat Paxton 200 Watson Is worried that plan "A" parking not fair to the Renfro's. Chris Primavera 206 Watson Likes plan "A" — wants parking lot moved, but retain large pond. Elena Troiani 208 Watson Wants parking lot moved more to interior of parkland. Those not wishing to speak turned in the following comments: Prefer "A", but smaller pond and no concrete trails, wood mulch trail. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 12, 2005 1 Would like to see a basketball court, and sidewalks in the neighborhood. Concept "A" favorite with Concept "B" parking — smaller pond — basketball court would be great. After thanking all for taking the time to attend tonight's meeting, the following comments were received from the Board. 5. WRAP-UP COMMENTS BY BOARD REGARDING ALLENWOOD PARK DESIGN Joey Herald: said he agreed with many comments on plan "A", he is worried about sidewalk around the pond — would like to see more than the minimum standards used when looking at the safety around the water feature. Joey would also like the consideration of speed bumps, and asked questions about the berm height being proposed. Joey also indicated he did not like the parking lot as designed in Concept `B" Cheryl Lawson: likes "A", gazebos, likes parking on "A" best. Cheryl would like to see "strategic benches" near pond and playground. Vicki Wester: wants to see speed impediment on curve. Ben Ferguson: likes plan "A" 6. APPROVE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 7, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING AND NOVEMBER 21, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING MOTION: Joey Herald moved to accept the minutes from November 7, 2005 Special Meeting and November 21, 2005 Special Meeting as presented. Vicki Wester seconded, and the Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. 7. PRESENTATION BY KEN GEEST, ALLEN SPORTS ASSOCATION Mr. Ken Geest, Executive Director of the Allen Sports Association announced the Annual Meeting of their organization to be held December 13, 7pm at the Allen Heritage Center. Ken also provided the Board with a copy of his presentation (attached to these Minutes) outlining the major concepts and changes to be announced regarding the Allen Sports Association. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 12, 2005 I Ben Ferguson indicated that these changes should strengthen the organization. Tim Dentler complimented Ken Geest on all the hard work put into the proposed reorganization. 8. EGGSTRAVAGANZA 2006 REPORT Shannon Craft reported on a brief history of this event, along with the proposed plans for the re -vamped event in 2006. Shannon reported that she will invite businesses and the community into the Civic Plaza to man their individual tables and hand out eggs to the children, rather than the traditional egg hunt. Should inclement weather arise, the event could be moved to the "community room" in the newly renovated Courts/Parks and Recreation Building. She indicated his would be a non -revenue generating event. She also indicated it would be advertised as a "come and go" event. The Board supported the direction this event is taking. 9. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Vicki Wester asked about membership options at the Natatorium and Joe Farmer Recreation Center. Cheryl Lawson: indicated there was definitely some confusion amongst staff at both facilities regarding memberships that were available. Joey Herald: Wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Ben Ferguson: Wished all a Merry Christmas. 1117 1111: FOVAPIIRIPLDM� Staff Update Project Update Tim referred the Board members to their agenda packet and the list of projects/map contained therein. Tim also indicated he was updating the existing ordinances dealing with fees charged by the Parks Department, at this time in preparation for forwarding to the subcommittee for their review Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 12, 2001 11. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. These minutes read and approved this 9ih day of January, 2006. Ben Fergusolh, Mair Vicki Wester, Secretary n II 1 I I Attacbment I — Allenwood Park Parks and Recreation Board Minutes December 12, 2005 M L 0 11 Attachment 1 — Allenwood Park Parks and Recreation Board Minutes December 12, 2005 �\/� 2�\\\ Pmb;ihlr (lu..l - l �on'ao Vl I i nw. ¢.tl P-1 I '.Ime ,, , I 1 rob:bl, .. 1. I — l�G T.. -A--, yf - aw o TWO� y t I. 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