HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2006 - 02/13 - RegularPARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Mary Fntche Todd McIntosh Gary Alan Moore MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFFPRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager Carrie Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Michelle Fickle, Administrative Assistant in Charge of Reservations Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Students from Collin County Junior College and Allen Independent School District 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm and announced a quorum was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS ® Former Park Board Member Joey Herald indicated that since he had mailed out ® his intention to file for City Council, his resignation became effective MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2006 PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Mary Fntche Todd McIntosh Gary Alan Moore MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFFPRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Bryan Rauscher, Golf Services Manager Carrie Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Michelle Fickle, Administrative Assistant in Charge of Reservations Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Students from Collin County Junior College and Allen Independent School District 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm and announced a quorum was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS ® Former Park Board Member Joey Herald indicated that since he had mailed out ® his intention to file for City Council, his resignation became effective Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 13 2006 immediately to his position on the Park Board. Joey thanked all the Board members, as well as staff for his association during his years on the Park Board. Everyone wished Joey well in his endeavors. Questions were raised about the City building a Disc Golf Course, and Director Tim Dentler responded that a temporary course is actually ready to bid for installation at Bethany Lakes Park. Another question was asked about the possibility of a dedicated rugby field and Tim announced the possibility of a November 2006 Bond Election at which time something of that nature might be placed before the voters for approval. 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 9 2006 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Gary Moore moved to accept the minutes from January 9, 2006 Regular Park Board Meeting as presented. Todd McIntosh seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. 4. "THREE -CITY TRAIL" — ALLEN, PLANO AND FRISCO ON WEST ROWLETT CREEK Landscape Architect, Brian Bristow did a brief presentation on the cities of Allen, Plano and Frisco jointly identifying a trail project to submit to North Central Texas Council of Government's (NCTCOG) Regional Transportation Council for funding consideration in TxDOT's Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program (STEP). Brian was asking for the support for the project from the Parks and Recreation Board. MOTION: Cheryl Lawson made a motion to recommend approval of a letter of support for a Three -City Trail Project connecting the Cities of Allen, Plano and Frisco on West Rowlett Creek. Mary Fritsche seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. 5. INTRODUCTION OF CARRIE CESSNA, RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER Assistant Director, Lori Smeby introduced Ms. Carrie Cessna to the Board and announced that Carrie comes to the City of Allen bringing 20 years of experience in the Parks and Recreation field. Carrie has been with the City of Carrollton, and Pasadena Texas prior to joining the City of Allen. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 13 2006 Lori also introduced Michelle Fickle to the Board and announced that Michelle had filled the newly created Administrative Assistant in Charge of Reservations position. Michelle actually comes to this position from within the Parks Department at Joe Farmer Recreation Center. Michelle will be working directly for Tony Hill in his new position as Resource Development Manager. 6. TXDOT TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Brian Bristow presented a brief background on the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, and the opportunities for funding of pedestrian and bicycle trails in Allen. Staff has prepared the first round of nominations, and will be scheduling additional public meetings as part of the criteria needing to be met by applicants. These meetings will likely be combined with upcoming Park Board meetings. Brian reviewed the maps for 1) Rowlett Creek Trail Corridor, 2) Cottonwood Creek Trail Corridor and 3) Celebration Pass Trail Corridor as the three projects being submitted for consideration for the ISTEA funding. The Texas Department of Transportation administers transportation enhancements funded through the Surface Transportation Program (STP) by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the US Dept of Transportation. Ten percent of STP funds are set aside for enhancement activities. New funds were authorized under SAFETEA-LU of 2005 to provide funding for an additional five year period. The Texas Transportation Council has issued a call for nominations under the new funding authorization. Projects selected for funding are eligible for reimbursement of up to 80% of allowable costs, which include both design and construction costs. The City will be responsible for the remaining 20% of project costs. 7. WORK PLAN — GOAL 4.13 — REVIEW OF TRAIL SYSTEM Brian referenced an updated map of the Parks and Trail Systems in the City of Allen, and reported that connectivity would be the biggest issue with trails in the near future. The City of Allen has many smaller segments that need connection to other existing trails. E r Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 13 2006 8. FEE RESOLUTION AND PARK ORDINANCE UPDATE Tim Dentler reported that he had been working closely with the City of Allen's legal representatives to combine the existing fee structure into one document. He indicated this would be going to City Council (likely in a workshop format) at their February 28 Council Meeting, and would be placed on their agenda for the March 14 Council Meeting for action. As part of that update, the rental of pavilions is being proposed along with the rental of other facilities within the City of Allen. Michelle provided the Board with research she has conducted regarding what other Cities charge for pavilions, whether they allow bounce house equipment, etc. Michelle also provided the Board a draft of what the reservation form might look like, along with the proposed rules and regulations, and contracts for both pavilions and meeting facilities. These items will be moving along to City Council for approval with the updated Park Ordinance and fees. Tim indicated the ad-hoc sub -committee established to review the fees and ordinances would be called for a special meeting prior to this moving to City Council. 9. WATERFORD PARK TRAIL AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARK Brian Bristow gave the Board a brief background on this property, and indicated staff is working with developers to possibly develop the parkland and apply for reimbursement from the City at a predetermined future date. Tim Dentler pointed out that this piece of property falls within PD54 which when platted, all parkland issues were satisfied. Tim wanted the Board to know that it is not mandatory that the developer provide this park space. Brian provided maps of the proposed area, and showed relationship to hike and bike trails and connectivity as well as how it might influence the park system in that area. 10. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION Todd McIntosh: asked about the status of the dog park in Allen, as well as what the contingency plans were for Allen USA should the bum ban be in effect at that time. Mary Fritsche: supported pavilion rentals and appropriate signage at the available facilities. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 13 2006 Cheryl Lawson: reported on having attended the December Allen Sports Association Annual Meeting, as well as lighting concerns along Cedar Drive as it pertains to Allen Station Park. Gary Moore: supports Pavilion rentals as well. Vicki Wester: inquired as to Tony Hill's new title. 11. OTHER BUSINESS Staff Updates Land Acquisition Update — Molsen Farm Tim Dentler reported that the transaction between the Trust for Public Land and the seller had occurred. The next step will be for the City of Allen to close on their portion of the transaction with the Trust for Public Land on Wednesday at the same time conveying the land to the Park Foundation to hold for the City of Allen. Allen USA Sponsorship Tim Dentler reported that Tony Hill has done a wonderful job in recruiting sponsors for this year's Allen USA event. To date, the sponsorships have exceeded last year's total, and more are expected between now and the event. Tim invited the Board members to congratulate Tony if they see him on his successful venture. TRAPS Award Brian Bristow announced "the Edge" at Allen Station Park will be receiving an award as the best designed recreation facility in Texas at the upcoming TRAPS Conference. Subcommittee Updates Since Joey Herald can no longer fill his position on the Fees and Ordinance Update subcommittee, Mary Fritsche agreed to join Cheryl Lawson in this endeavor. Todd McIntosh volunteered to serve as a member of the Senior Advisory Committee. Ben asked that he consider updating the Board at subsequent Park Board meetings on the Committee. TDMA Award Brian Bristow briefly described the TOMA Award and the Southwest Parks and Recreation Training Institute held annually at Lake Texoma. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 13 2006 This year's award was given for the "Old School Kickball Tournament" hosted by the Allen Parks and Recreation Department Athletic Staff. Joe Farmer Recreation Center Charges Tim Deader informed the Board that staff had begun charging Senior Citizens for their use of the facility. If Seniors purchase the membership at the Joe Farmer, it automatically entitles them to membership at the new Senior Citizens Recreation Center. Calendar Update Chairman Ben Ferguson reviewed the next month's opportunities with the Board and it was determined that the March Board Meeting will be held on the 13'h as planned. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. These minutes read and approved this 13t' day of Much, 2006. Ben Ferguson, Chair Vicki Wester, Secretary P