HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2007 - 02/12 - RegularPARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Gary Alan Moore Todd McIntosh, Secretary Libby Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Vicki Wester John Kelley STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Jim Rushing, Leadership Allen Jerry McNair, Leadership Allen 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair, Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7 pm and announced a quorum was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 2007 PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Ben Ferguson, Chair Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Gary Alan Moore Todd McIntosh, Secretary Libby Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Vicki Wester John Kelley STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Jim Rushing, Leadership Allen Jerry McNair, Leadership Allen 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair, Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7 pm and announced a quorum was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. A Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 12, 2007 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 8, 2007 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Gary Moore moved to accept the minutes from January 8, 2007 Regular Park Board Meeting as presented. Libby Jones seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 4. REVIEW AND APPROVE UPDATED BOARD WORK PLAN Director, Tim Dentler spoke briefly to the board again reviewing the suggestions received at the January meeting. Tim indicated that he had received no responses from the Board members preceding this meeting regarding questions or further suggestions. Ben Ferguson requested further clarification on some of the items being suggested for deletion Tim indicated that the calendar items would be coming to the Board each month on their regular agenda, and that the Board would likely be updating this plan on a regular basis. Following comments by other Board members, the following Motion was received. MOTION: Todd McIntosh moved to adopt the proposed Parks and Recreation Board Work Plan as presented. Gary Moore seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 5. REVIEW AND APPROVE RECOMMENDATION FOR FEE STRUCTURE Assistant Director, Lori Smeby made a presentation to the Board outlining the need for an increase in fees as it pertains to the Daily Pool Admissions at the Natatorium. Lori reported that the daily pool admission fees and learn to swim lesson fees have remained as originally established in 2001. She also reported the rise in operation costs since the opening of this facility in 2001. Lori indicated that the cost for "punch cards" would remain at the current rate. Punch cards allow patrons to purchase multiple visits to the pool with value benefit. The daily admission price increase will hopefully encourage more punch card purchases. Participants with a punch card spend much less time at the desk, hence faster and more efficient customer service. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 12, 2007 Recommendation: From $3/youth, $4/adult, $3/senior To $4/youth, $5/adult, $4/senior Lori also outlined the following issues that were presented as information only - and indicated that fee increases for these items we being supported by Resolution # 1993-9-01 in which ranges of fees were set by City Council: Learn - to -Swim at the Natatorium From $60/member, $65/non-member To $60/member, $75/non-member Camp Fees at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center From $105/wk/person+costs To $110/wk/member,$120/wk/non-member inclusive Preschool Camp From $70/week To $75/week member, $80/wk/non-member Lori reported that staff had conducted a market analysis of other similar municipal summer camps and while many variables exist in each camp setting, these camp fees are within range with other camps offering similar opportunities. The projected budget impact is as follows: Daily Pool Admission Increase: $13,651, Swim Lesson Increase: $22,820; and Camp Increase: $3,700. MOTION: Cheryl Lawson moved to support the increase in daily pool admission fees at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium to $4 per youth, $5 per adult and $4 per senior adult. Todd McIntosh seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against 6. DISCUSS STRATEGIC PLAN SURVEY Tim Dentler provided the Board with a sample of the survey currently being completed by Parks and Recreation Department staff members. Tim indicated that a similar survey will be coming to the Park Board in the new future. The results of these surveys will assist with the development of a new Strategic Plan for the Parks and Recreation Department. Tim indicated staff would likely email this out to the members prior to the actual meeting. Tim also reported that in prior plans that have been developed for the department, the major focus has been on Parks - this plan will focus on both the Parks Division and Recreation Division. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 12, 2007 7. DISCUSS PROCESS AN DPLAN FOR CITIZENS SURVEY Tim discussed some very preliminary ideas for doing a survey with the residents of Allen. His hope would be that the survey might be conducted "on-line' Several discussions were held on the feasibility and making sure all residents would have access to this survey Tim reported that statistically, 400 responses were required, but with the current population in Allen, his hope would be for considerably more than the 400. Ford Pool segment will be added to this survey, rather than doing a separate collection on that one issue. Turco did a survey for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department 4-5 years ago that was a phone survey Tim indicted he found this a difficult survey to interpret the data collected. Tim also indicated that the Board would likely be involved with the collection of data on this survey and that he hoped to have a timeline ready for review at the next meeting of this Board. 8. CIP PROJECT UPDATE Tim directed the Board Members to the packet of information containing a list of CIP Projects and a map. Tim indicated that in the future, the CIP Project list would be provided every other meeting, with the CDC Project list being provided on the alternate meetings. 9. QUARTERLY REPORT - PARK SERVICES DIVISION Robert Townsend, Pak Services Manager provided a report on his division (a copy of that report is attached to these minutes). Robert's report featured topics as follows: Arbor Day 2007, Seiridium Canker; Winter Renovations, Greenville Heights Park Well, Vandalism, Allenwood Property Storage Building, Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute Participation and Awards Received. Tim Dentler reported that in addition to those awards received, the Texas Recreation and Parks Society (TRAPS) had awarded the "Design Award" to the Allen Senior Recreation Center. In addition, staff has been notified that the National Recreation and Park Association (NAPA) has awarded the Southwest Region NRPA Award for "The Edge @ Allen Station Park" Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 12, 2007 10. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION A. Around the Horn - Board Members Cheryl Lawson inquired about Arbor Day this yew, as well as the possibility of installing more attractive/covered trash cans at our park facilities. Cheryl also inquired as to the possibility of on-line registration in the near future and issued concerns about the vandalism at the Heritage Village. Libby Jones reported the HOA newsletter for her subdivision indicated the residents should call the City of Allen for information on the parkland that borders her subdivision. Gary Moore provided some input regarding the survey being proposed and had questions regarding projections/demographics/park needs. Todd McIntosh indicated the online survey would be a great idea as well as program registration in an online format. Todd indicated his concern over the City of Allen and the Parks and Recreation Departments webpage information not being updated on a regular basis. Todd reiterated his concern that additional benches were needed at Celebration Park. Ben Ferguson inquired about the shades to be installed at Allen Station Ballpark, and also expressed concerns about an online survey guarding against duplicates being entered. B. Subcommittee Reports Todd McIntosh reported that a meeting was held basically to introduce Leslie Cope, newly hired Senior Recreation Center Supervisor, along with Vivian Denbow, newly appointed member of the Senior Advisory Committee. 11. OTHER BUSINESS No other business was received. 12. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52pm. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 12, 2007 I These minutes read and approved this 12`h day of March, 2007 BenFguson, Chair /J Todd McIntosh, Secretary I I Attachment 1 - Park Operations Quarterly Report Park Board Minutes February 12, 2007 CI= FY2007 Second Quarter Park Board Presentation Park Operations Arbor Day 2007 Allen SWlion Pvan Grove Fcbmary 24, 2007 wnrtaa— PLFAIA MWo. Dorennf� � Mmmm rink va.p. Mery sNu. aneA�mrvw Arbor Day 2007 Allen Station Pecan Grove February 24, 2007 I . Allen Station Park Pecan Gnn�` . war szo,000 aokabona ID06 Leadership AllenV•Cl.,(,,,,.a"Wary Wise ungabon due tohe droht and funding CMme of Daren —a) Seiridium Canker what is it? . Funpal dixase that resnmts water and ntnrnl mOv¢menl Sa-d,— uvmrire . Can rause bramh diebsck and plant death Sarula. Cancer occurs on Arborvitae, Bald C,,r ,,, A, lW an and Laylam Cmreaxa, am o¢¢amaally Junipers . S, oTrRs'n uoamg rrom me cankers.a cnnaaaa 1 I Attachment 1 - Park Operations Quarterly Report Park Board Minutes February 12, 2007 Seiridium Canker Do we nave it? il. The semdiam bscmna is na"ally present on almost all trees . TypiWlyonlyeeesdtwaresuRenngfiom so -ea u e aongm, ware mggea soda been damagry will develop Ore drsease . Prevention is itis only effective treaanent Winter Renovations French Brain at Allen Station Baseball I E Attachment 1 - Park Operations Quarterly Report Park Board Minutes February 12, 2447 Winter Renovations Trash Receptacles a tx Vandalism t'nnmry TU d.x, Park Vandalism Hiaside Play Area Attachment I - Park Operations Quarterly Report Park Board Minutes February 12, 2007 11 Vandalism Hillside Play Area Allenwood Property Storage Building Refurbishment and Relocation lN Vandalism Hdlside Play Area Southwest Park & Recreation Training Institute E WA Attachment 1 - Park Operations Quarterly Report Park Board Minutes February 12, 2007 I SWPRTI ISA Arborist School SWPRTI TOMA Award 0 SWPRTI Jaaaery 31, 20117 Eastern Oklahoma lce Storm Mwm W^^EMfa,m,N Y Mw\^9k M� OEWSEW1,MwLa9s PMmn SII WpMVRvwd