HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2007 - 05/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 2007 PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Todd McIntosh, Secretary Gary Alan Moore Libby Jones Vicki Wester John Kelley Ben Ferguson, Chair MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Senior Landscape Architect Tony Hill, Resource Development Manager Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager Carrie Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Leslie Doran -Cope, Senior Center Supervisor Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Ross Obermeyer, Councilmember Tania Foster, Dallas is Love Ms. Linda Foster Sgt Carr, U.S. Army Boy Scout Troop 837, First Baptist Church CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair, Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:04pm and announced a quorum was present. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 14, 2007 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS No comments were received. 3. PRESENTATION TO STAFF Ms. Tania Foster introduced herself as representing a charitable organization known as "Dallas is Love" Ms. Foster explained the mission of her organization, and the role that Development Resource Manager, Tony Hill has played in her efforts to raise funds to support troops overseas. Ms Foster briefly explained that "Dallas is Love' is a non- profit organization she started to benefit the troops that are stationed in South Korea. This has been so well received by the troops and the Amy that as of January 1, 2007, she has decided to help troops stationed anywhere in the world. In support of this effort, Tony has played a role in soliciting donations, providing autographed donations and support to the troops stationed overseas. Sgt. Carr, U.S Army spoke briefly thanking Tony for the support of this program. Tony thanked everyone for the recognition, and reiterated that Tania was the driving force in this effort. 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 9, 2007 REGULAR MEETING Gary Moore pointed out that Ben Ferguson had volunteered to attend the Collin County Open Space Committee along with himself as a Parks Board Work Plan Assignment. MOTION: Gary Moore moved to accept the minutes from April 9, 2007 Regular Park Board Meeting as amended. Todd McIntosh seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 5. PROGRAM PRESENTATION ON SILVERSNEAKERS Leslie Doran -Cope provided information la copy of that presentation is attached to these minutes) on a proposed program for the Allen Senior Recreation Center. The program is a comprehensive older adult physical fitness program that addresses the needs of seniors 65 years and older. SilverSneakers members receive a basic fitness center membership, free of charge, as a part of their Heathways Health Support Insurance plan. SilverSneakers offers core fitness programs: A) Muscular Strength and Range of Movement B) Cardio Circuit. Q. Silver Splash and D) Yoga Stretch. All are offered free of charge to Medicare persons 65 and older and to persons with disabilities. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 14, 2007 Heathways partners with YMCA's, municipalities and fitness centers whose target populations include a prominent percentage of Medicare (65+) populace. SilverSneakers programs are free activities and each partnering agency receives reimbursement per member visit for members participating in the SilverSneakers programs at our locations as well as SilverSneaker members who might participate in our existing programs. SilverSneakers program is a reciprocity program, allowing all members, once enrolled, to visit any Heathway network fitness center the same user rights as facility members. In essence a SilverSneakers card will work the same as a Senior Recreation Center membership, with the benefit of reimbursement being paid to the city by Heathways Staff is proposing entering into a partnership with Heathway's and to become a SilverSneakers Host City Staff recommends that the Natatorium be designated as the primary SilverSneakers facility with the Allen Senior Recreation Center being a satellite site. By allowing the Natatorium to be the primary site, the city will be reimbursed at a higher rate because the fitness amenities available at the Natatorium are greater (including the aquatic feature and expanded fitness area upstairs.) The City of Allen would be reimbursed by Healthways: $3 per member, per visit up to 10 visits per month. Healthways will provide all of the equipment necessary for the programs and will pay for instructor costs until the program is viably established. Thereafter, the City will be responsible for paying for the program instructors, which average $25 per hour. Leslie fielded a couple of questions from the Board, clarifying aspects of the budget issues and marketing that might take place from the insurance companies. 6. CIP UPDATE Brian Bristow, Senior Landscape Architect updated the Board on various Capital Improvement Projects currently underway under the Parks and Recreation Department. Those areas reported on were: Chase Oaks Clubhouse, staff working with Contractor to ensure timely opening of addition to the clubhouse. Ford Pool Master Plan, June 11 scheduled as second public meeting to be held during regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Brian also provided the Board Members with a reminder card for taking the survey related to this Master Plan. Trail Construction Grant will be submitted to TxDOT by May 25, and if awarded, could be in an amount up to $750,000. Mustang Branch hike and bike trail, staff has recently overseen a curb -cut in the median on Main Street providing better access from the south hike and bike trial to the north Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 14, ?007 Vail. This will provide better across Main Street for operation of strollers, bicycles, scooters, etc. Allenwood Property, demolition and building moving process almost completed 7. WORK PLAN: "REVIEW OPERATIONAL POLICIES AND FEE STRUCTURE FOR FACILITIES" No updates were provided at this time since staff has been coming to the Board on a regular basis regarding fees. 8. QUARTERLY REPORT - PARK SERVICES DIVISION, ROBERT TOWNSEND Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager provided a presentation (a copy of which is attached to these Minutes) that featured the storm damage done recently to threes throughout the City of Allen, and role of the Department in removing that debris. Staff was congratulated on ajob well done regarding the removal of debris within hours of the storm from public streets, alleyways, medians, etc. The Department has a major on- going role in conjunction with the Community Service Department in assisting with residential debris removal. 9. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION A. Around the Horn - Board Members Todd McIntosh inquired as to the status of those projects which had been put on hold due to the drought conditions. Since we've received so much rain, are those projects back on the board? John Kelly was pleased over the results of our recent bond election Vicki Wester reported the Art -To -Go Program as the recipient of a national award through NRPA. Gary Moore reported that he thought the various sound systems used at special events within the Department might be refined so they would not be so loud - maybe stage speakers throughout the area equally Gary also thought there might be an opportunity for some artistic mosaics at Ford Pool during the proposed upgrade of that facility Cheryl Lawson requested verification of the entertainment for this year's Allen USA production. I A I Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 14, 2007 B. Subcommittee Reports Todd McIntosh reported having attended the Allen Senior Recreation Center Advisory Committee for their April Meeting. Todd indicated that staff was working on a project whereby the members might become more familiar with those serving on the Senior Advisory Committee. This project will entail a short bio, along with photos of members that will be posted in the facility Todd reported there are now 1,752 members at the Senior Recreation Center, with 365 of those being non-residents Todd also reported that on May 7, the original Allen Senior Citizens Organization held their final meeting. 10. OTHER BUSINESS Staff Updates None were received Current Articles Prepared for Allen Image Staff directed the Board Members to their packets for copies of articles prepared by Shawn Mosley for the next edition of the Allen Image. Calendar on Upcoming Events Staff provided a list of upcoming events to the Board members. 11. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. These minutes read and approved this the 11th day of June, 2007 i i Ben Ferguson, Chair Todd McIntosh, Secretary Auaclunent 2 - Park Services Manager Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Minutes May 14, 2007 ;TMCrrY OF ALLEN CA11" FY2007 Third Quarter Park Board Presentation Park Operations Pool Preparations Ford Park Spring, 2007 I I Ford Pool Preparations Ford Park Spnng¢OS7 Strom Damage May 2, 2007 Storm J Attachment 2 - Park Services Manager Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Minutes May 14, 2007 Strom Damage May 2, 2007 Storm Strom Damage May 2, 2007 Storm Included Bark Strom Damage May 2, 2007 Storm Newest Innovation in Environmentally friendly Grounds Maintenance Equipment D I Attachment I - SilverSneakers Parks and Recreation Board Minutes May 14, 2007 Silver Sneakers® III . RmrEiHnnln9 Ntnn1 Pn,,nm Ineewa mambrualpe br MFM1aNm PM aenW C. n,rn. numW runs lur �vuxaaa. 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