HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2007 - 06/11 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2007 PARR MEMBERS PRESENT Todd McIntosh, Secretary Libby Jones Vicki Wester John Kelley (717pm) Ben Ferguson, Chair MEMBERS ABSENT Cheryl Lawson, Vice -Chair Gary Alan Moore STAFF PRESENT Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Senior Landscape Architect Tony Hill, Resource Development Manager Came Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant GUESTS Various residents CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair, Ben Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and announced a quonun was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS No comments were received. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Lori Smeby introduced Brian Bristow, Senior Landscape Architect for the City of Allen. Brian gave a brief background on the Master Plan being put together for this facility, indicating this was the second Public Hearing at which residents have been invited to review the presentations and make comments and/or suggestions regarding the ideas presented. Brian reminded everyone that these are concept plans only, and that no funding has been identified for re -development of this facility The Master Plan is the only portion that is currently funded An on-line survey was conducted and 80% of those responding enjoy some form of outdoor aquatic facility Brian indicated this survey had proven insightful and helpful to the process. Brian then introduced Bernie Zofcin representing Brandstetler Caroll Zofcin of Cleveland, Ohio who has been hired to do the Master Plan for this facility Mr. Zofcin presented three different conceptual plans ranging from "lower budget concept' to a "total redo of the facility" (A copy of those three conceptual plans is attached to these minutes.) Chair, Ben Ferguson called for comments from the audience, and the following were received: Elizabeth Mow 122 Parkhurst Allen, TX 75013 Ms. Mow asked if consideration had been given to the architectural identity to Allen. Bernie responded that yes, there will be tie-ins to the community facilities that already are in existence and that this facility should make an architectural statement. Kathy Barnette 1022 Hidden Creek Court Allen, TX 75002 Resident indicated the location of the bathhouse was important and asked if it could be moved to south side in concept "a" She also inquired as to if the maintenance costs will be included in estimates for operation. Bernie indicated that operational, revenue, and development projections would all be included in the Master Plan. !4, Jim Waldbauer ® 1014 Hopkins Drive Allen, TX 75002 Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 11, 2007 3. PUBLIC MEETING FOR FORD POOL Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Lori Smeby introduced Brian Bristow, Senior Landscape Architect for the City of Allen. Brian gave a brief background on the Master Plan being put together for this facility, indicating this was the second Public Hearing at which residents have been invited to review the presentations and make comments and/or suggestions regarding the ideas presented. Brian reminded everyone that these are concept plans only, and that no funding has been identified for re -development of this facility The Master Plan is the only portion that is currently funded An on-line survey was conducted and 80% of those responding enjoy some form of outdoor aquatic facility Brian indicated this survey had proven insightful and helpful to the process. Brian then introduced Bernie Zofcin representing Brandstetler Caroll Zofcin of Cleveland, Ohio who has been hired to do the Master Plan for this facility Mr. Zofcin presented three different conceptual plans ranging from "lower budget concept' to a "total redo of the facility" (A copy of those three conceptual plans is attached to these minutes.) Chair, Ben Ferguson called for comments from the audience, and the following were received: Elizabeth Mow 122 Parkhurst Allen, TX 75013 Ms. Mow asked if consideration had been given to the architectural identity to Allen. Bernie responded that yes, there will be tie-ins to the community facilities that already are in existence and that this facility should make an architectural statement. Kathy Barnette 1022 Hidden Creek Court Allen, TX 75002 Resident indicated the location of the bathhouse was important and asked if it could be moved to south side in concept "a" She also inquired as to if the maintenance costs will be included in estimates for operation. Bernie indicated that operational, revenue, and development projections would all be included in the Master Plan. !4, Jim Waldbauer ® 1014 Hopkins Drive Allen, TX 75002 Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 11, 2007 Resident commented that he would like to consider ways of utilizing Ford Park Pool area as a year-round facility "It seems somewhat inefficient to have prime parkland that is only utilized 2.5-3 months per year. Let's try to think outside the box." Ben Ferguson indicated that a Board Member who is absent tonight had suggested the possible tie-in of public art maybe with a mosaic format within one of the pool/water areas. Ben also asked about public art in other areas of the facility Lori Smeby indicated that there was a Public Art Committee appointed to oversee the implementation of the Public Art Plan adopted by the City of Allen as their guidelines for Public Art. 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 14, 2007 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Libby Jones moved to accept the minutes from April 9, 2007 Regular Park Board Meeting as prepared and presented. Todd McIntosh seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. S. FEE STRUCTURE FOR CHASE OAKS GOLF COURSE PAVILION RENTAL Lori Smeby updated the Board on the Pavilion at Chase Oaks which is nearing completing and expecting their "certificate of occupancy" this week. Lori indicated that the hope for the facility would be to generate revenue through private rentals. Lori indicated that these rentals would use some of the same format currently in place for the use of the Allen Senior Recreation Center. The plan is to charge a $150 refundable deposit, and to rent the facility from Tuesday -Thursday for $100/hour (2 hour minimum), and Friday -Sunday for $100/hour (4 hour minimum). Chase Oaks is closed on Mondays, therefore no rentals will be accepted. Lori indicated staff would be going to City Council to amend the current fee -setting resolution to include the Pavilion at Chase Oaks Golf Course. 6. QUARTERLY REPORTS - TONY HILL, RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER AND CARRIE CESSNA, RECREAITON SERVICES MANAGER Tony Hill and Carrie Cessna both presented their quarterly reports to the Park Board regarding activities in their particular divisions. Tony reported that the reservations might be a bit low on ball fields, but very high on facility rentals. Tony also provided an update on the successful Battle of the Bands held this week at the Lowery Center. Tony provided a brief update on the sponsorships for Allen USA, as well as the entertainment scheduled for this yew's event. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 11, 2007 Carrie Cessna reported that programs had seen no negative impact due to the increased fees approved earlier this year. She reported an increase in the COAST (City of Allen Swim Team) program enrollments. Carrie reported that adult athletics had been impacted by the weather this spring and had many games postponed due to wet field conditions. Carrie reported on the first women's basketball league formed this summer, as well as the Senior Citizens trips to Savannah Georgia, and Alaska that were well received 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS DISCUSSION A. Around the Horn - Board Members Todd McIntosh commented on the Ford Pool Redesign concepts that he thought they were well laid out, and particularly liked "Concept B" with the lazy river concept and the bathhouse on "Concept C" Todd also questioned if the idea of a public/private partnership had been considered in the realm of funding of the development of this facility Vicki Wester commented on the Ford Pool Redesign that she had not seen a toddler's pool in any of the concepts. Bernie responded that the Vend is more toward the spray ground areas, and zero -depth areas rather than the traditional wading pool areas. Libby Jones commented on the Ford Pool Redesign that she liked the "Concept B" best with entry areas as shown on "C" Ben Ferguson said he liked the lazy river and slides concepts for the Ford Pool Redesign. Ben also reported being at Celebration Park last Sunday and appreciated the bathroom facilities placed close to the fields. B. Subcommittee Reports Todd McIntosh reported having attended the Allen Senior Recreation Center Advisory Committee for their May 21 meeting. Todd reported a photographer being on hand to photograph the Committee members. Those photos will be attached to a brief biographical statement that will hopefully help the members get a better idea of who has been appointed to their Advisory Committee. 8. OTHER BUSINESS July Park Board Meeting - Following a brief discussion, it was decided to cancel the July 2007 Park Board Meeting. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 11, 2007 Staff Updates Waterford Parks, Phase 5 Neighborhood Park Brian Bristow presented a brief conceptual plan for the planned neighborhood park at Waterford Parks Subdivision. (A copy is attached to these Minutes.) Brian indicated the Developer - Wynn Jackson would be building the park, and at some future date, the City would agree to reimburse. Calendar on Upcoming Events Members were referred to the packet for a listing of upcoming events produced by the Parks and Recreation Department. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm. 1 These minutes read and approved this the 13th day of August, 2007 J_� x Ben Ferguson , Chair Todd McIntosh, Secretary P L AttacMnent I - Brandstetter Carroll Zofcin Pool Study Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 11, 2067 I I Attachment 1 - Brandstetter Carroll Zofcin Pool Study Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 11, 2007 Attachment I -Brandstetter Carroll Zofcin Pool Study Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 11,2007 J� Brandstetter Carroll 'Pool St • a. Attachment 2 - Waterford Parks Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes 1 June 11, 2007 I I PARKS & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PROJECTS CrrYOFALLF.N - WATERFORD PARKS I I :J I Attachment 2 - Waterford Parks Presentation Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 11, 2007 I z