HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2008 - 08/11 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 2008 PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Cheryl Lawson, Chair Todd McIntosh, Secretary Libby Jones Tricia Losavio MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS Several Residents were in attendance, some of whom are making application for appointment to this Board. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Chair, Cheryl Lawson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and announced a quorum was present. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS Cheryl Lawson called for anyone wishing to speak to an item not listed on tonight's agenda to please come forward. No one came forward to speak. 3. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Parks and Recreation Director, Tim Deader reviewed several new issues with the Board as well as revisited with updates on previously discussed items. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11 2008 Tim reported that the ribbon cutting for the event center being built at Stacy and Hwy75 in Allen was held with a great turnout - this facility is anticipated to open in November, 2009. The Parks and Recreation Department will have responsibilities with the contract management of this facility, and working closely with Global Entertainment. The Four Ribbon Cuttings that were held on Saturday, July 26 went well with a nice attendance at several of the facilities. Allenwood saw approximately 75 residents who enjoyed the day with lunch provided by staff. The four parks hosting were Waterford Crossing, Allenwood, Twin Creeks and Spring Meadow Tim reported that the Chase Oaks playability study and review of layout was nearing completion, and he would be reporting back to this Board with the results of these reports/reviews. Tim also indicated he would be returning with more information on the Education Center. Staff has been working with the owners of Twin Creeks regarding the management of the medians in PD54. Initially, the agreement was that the City would pay for the water on these medians, and the plant material, maintenance, etc managed by the Twin Creeks group. Staff feels the time has come to revisit that agreement, carefully clarifying all aspects of it so in the future, there are less grey areas and questions. A Tourism Committee is being formed, and the Parks and Recreation Department will be assisting with this effort to encourage visitation to Allen and to show the amenities. This partnership is encompassing local businesses, developments, hotels, etc. Tim Dentler and Jim Waldbauer have met with a group of Radio Control Aeronautical enthusiasts regarding the possibility of hosting an event in Allen. The Allen Public Library and Mr. Tom Keener are asking for support from the Parks and Recreation Department regarding a possible Civil War Reenactment sometime in the near future. Tim reported having met recently with the representatives of Blue Sky, and reported that the indoor soccer facility to be built in Allen is moving ahead with their plans. Drawings of the facility are now in the works and when available, will begin the review process with the City of Allen. Tim reported the passage/approval of the Inter -Local Agreement between the City of Allen and the Allen Independent School District (AISD) for shared facility usage. This will open several opportunities for both entities. Staff will now begin the process of working closely with AISD officials for scheduling of all facilities. Tim also reported that meetings will be held in the new future between the Allen Sports Association, cities of Lucas, and Fairview - mainly focusing on athletic facilities. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11 2008 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 14, 2008 REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Libby Jones moved to accept the minutes from March 10, 2008 Regular Park Board Meeting as prepared and presented. Tricia Losavio seconded, and the Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. 5. ALLEN SENIOR REC REATION CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY- LAWS Staff provided copies of the proposed by-laws, outlining the major changes to them. Most of these changes involved the appointment process where -by terms of office will be staggered, thereby providing the needed continuity to the make-up of the committee. Staff reported that these changes had been well received by the members at the Allen Senior Recreation Facility. MOTION: Tricia Losavio moved to accept the proposed by-laws as presented and with minor changes to the grammatical format/clarification of issues as noted. Todd McIntosh seconded, and the Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. 6. ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE DISCUSSION Tim Deader lead a brief discussion on the proposed annual event where by the Parks Department could showcase everything we have to offer. Tim invited two people from the Board to work with staff to come up with a venue, format. Cheryl Lawson and Libby Jones both volunteered to serve on this committee. 7. ALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT INTER -LOCAL AGREEMENT Item was previously reported under the Director's Report. 8. PREVIEW ON-LINE REGISTRATION Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Lori Smeby did a presentation of the newly completed process whereby residents can register for classes, and many other services the Parks Department has to offer on line. Residents have requested this service for a long time, and staff has worked diligently to ensure it happens smoothly. This service will be launched with the fall registration process. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 9. 2008-2009 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET OVERVIEW Director Tim Dentler reported that he, along with Brian Bristow and Lori Smeby had participated in the Annual Budget Retreat with other City staff and City Councilmembers this past week. Tim presented an overview of the information regarding the 2008-2009 proposed budgets with the Board members. Two of the main issues discussed were the proposed extended hours of the Allen Senior Recreation Center, and the proposed reprogramming of The Edge Youth Center. 10. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES A list of volunteer opportunities will he emailed to the Board Members. 11. DIVISION REPORTS The following Division Reports were presented to the Board (a copy of each is attached to these minutes). ® a. Park Services b. Recreation Services C. Resource Development d. Golf Course e. Park Planning and Development 12. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Todd McIntosh reported having attended the Allen Senior Recreation Center Advisory Committee meeting. Tim reported a drawing of names having been done for the extension of terms for two members, Those names being drawn were Mary Jane Hamilton and Cathy McClure. Todd also reported the total membership at the Center at 3,314 witb 1,277 active members. 13. OTHER BUSINESS a. Discussion Regarding any Miscellaneous Business There was no information was brought forward for discussion. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 b. Items for Future Agenda Staff invited anyone having something to place on the agenda for future meetings to contact either Tim Deader or Sue Witkowski by email with those requests. 14. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53pm. These minutes read and approved this the l Oth day of November, 2008. Chair S cretary A L 0 J Attachment 1 - Park Operations Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11 2008 rim CrrY OF ALLEN FY2008 Fourth Quarter Park Board Presentation Park Operations Performance Measurers Park Inapeenon Scan nm— Performance Performance Measurers Contracted Services � J Performance Measurers Customer Satisfaction -i I L Performance Measurers Work Orden Completed w Ems_ Ford Park Softball Improvements loom Attachment 1 - Park Operations Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 Celebration Field Four Renovations II 0 II 0 F 0 Attachment I - Recreation Services Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 Quarterly Report—August 11, 2008 Reereaflon Sarvkas Dlr/alon DFW Cryptosporidium Outbreak m r�W P e eaWU Meas nes Eecwwnelitloimatlen vW3 po30eE M1nn,etlw1e1y 01 tlr HRH - 7W HypacHmFN arw ftdW..Pod - ]A1 HygrcMorlrob F.MDM Potl - UV sobam SWIW at and Pool - UV Sy3bm3 FSI+IW at OnN SM Me SpreygmuM Manw3lonr ,adflanawcanalfer OeMM aLNayNd R'at) CmMmsmtlWvf ae Mva v�tM 3pH�panMaCNWwbn�P� u Celebrating July 1 National Parks and Recreation Month Customer Service Ratinas ca. wnw..3wau3a C.O.A.S.T. Participation 20% Increase trom 2007 3 SwMmvs ft. COAS7aena.et(to ON SUN AIM In San Anfonlo 11 C Attachment I - Recreation Services Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 V.%Y/6.rnl�r/rni rM SNpYdEvma 'NM�YP FblieNreYLYABgwe wpm .Mq.YF FUXMeNbVpwn ltlkm .sw•e.r wr.XaYY swum .ss..wevMwXE.wX sooXm :Ybls Yam Yeml N W W h9M]T Our"O Al' Vision: T a u ff. iM .n/o sr,.r.sua. I Uoeomina PARS Volunteer Oaoortunttles wXMNmrnww - wN, un. IXeOM-F+N Im1.M Ye. YnW lNw PgrX 1YC.M . XYSYXn..wY-1eRC.Mf M1M MwMYw'Y-qM. MI �ww.MOXXXXXs- X.eeno.xa fora IYnNMinMM-Y melteC.I. • w.rNCY.ue- Iwe/ ryN cXepwuwX-xxc..Ms Y�.WM�YM-Ym.wF IYWJFXL.1tlD p.Ypw4- YXC.IMI • YUN.F NpNbFXW-JRC.wM N.X.<Y'Mgry 1N LNM.EY�M W.tlYm-♦XXC..M1 Attachment 1 - Resource Development Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 Parks & Rec. Year to Date Rental Comparison a October 06 -July 07 October 07 - July 08 Facility Usage Booking Conrpadaon F W Wl4 IeI-10 r 1n sadaE m moo._■taa- a• xee� a e a F fn W �Dram. awi lnF 0 am ein�e�e� �1M® ylpe~ • � Field Usage Booking Comparison sled - im-m sled r 1n sadaE m moo._■taa- a• xee� a e a F fn W �Dram. awi lnF 0 am I Field Usage Booking Comparison FWft lsam im-m xnee r 1n m epee a• xee� a e a F fn W . ide awi lnF Overview e Outstanding first three quarters a Weether • Cost of services (economy) 1 Attachment I - Resource Development Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 11 2008 New Items at Allen USA • Guitar Hero Exhibit t • Nickelodeon Live • Professional Emcee's on the Community Stage z! -"v Special OP's Trailer Teaq � FeR4 Talent Showcase • Muskl�eay at the event Missoula Children's Theatre • MCT sends two sten members with props and costumes • Hosted two Workshops • 65 cmdriin learned M•.owco.a Trew.Sbe tow to Prod"a c.wso..eYw Mrr musical in 5 days Runpelstihskin .• 2•hpW on Saturday • Sell ats and hand outp ,ME 1 Sponsors . nv.eM.u�w.paeiauu� wiwom xwe.m• • MaMn90w1 • •b�Me IMYp • WvrafaGb • MN SnM via • QI'bao. bWWb/ • XMmI OnW . 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Sep ember E Attachment i - Park Planning and Development Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 PARK PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OniNgNZF,b .uaeer a, aY/ .PARD "AFF aoeaa .nrmNnox cxean uwwx raDO Npanaan �°rv= Laay,oN e.F�wFm' ..A LOSAM cMF.unoiB:,f um aN.xm �Yl�y0a WPI C�� Mj Celebration Park Phaw 11 •epaaY-iY.asYe. as m �.mN'4YF eonHueuw�eomPYNon NUNroN •enFewer.o�w,eNw m+m.FnNDe, : ti e.Necx..Naac.mcwswwro ;< " 5 c :, cc7 s,tiJ• �. ss J' p • aawc mrcpnY mmm vin un A�vw xow • /ieD�Rp CDC IuMF Ip(MnF1M.[NN Mb- Fy1 ]p]a �Tm Inm mow to YaYNn Fvm /nkp/py OgeOw NY! Country Meadows Park EM Enat Main Street kvrdsoapbp • cmnwYp. ura.mx �n�e u.u�ap�+NacYmwF fm six Coles Regional Trak •owpn vex cmnpx. — - �e.N�wer.+'nncwmmaaxemauvr •nmppreoarunnneorinoNDDa - .�[. �, •19001N 41MN�BSmIIN� -r� •11'wbFroNnn n.N f} -T+' D q Attachment I - Park Planning and Development Quarterly Report Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 112008 11 Calawanon Pass Im THANK YOU Traa Uewlopn ra i