HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2009 - 08/10 - RegularPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD 1 REGULAR MEETING August 10, 2009 Present: Board Members: Todd McIntosh, Chair Libby Jones Jo Long Bob Burgess Ron Alexander Joey Herald, Councdmember- Board Liaison Staff Members: Guests: Greg Jones, Allen Resident Carolyn Winkler, Allen Resident Absent: Tony Airhan Tricia Losavio Reeular Aeenda Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the members present, the regular meeting of the Allen Parks and Recreation Board was called to order by Chair McIntosh at 7:05 pm on Monday, August 10 2009 in the Community Room of the Allen Municipal Court and Parks and Recreation Administration Building at 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Action Items 2. Approve Minutes from August 10 2009 Regular Meeting Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Jeff Holt, Golf Services Manager 1 Anthony Hill, Resource Development Manager Came Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Matt McComb, Landscape Architect Lydia Nance, Senior Administrative Assistant Guests: Greg Jones, Allen Resident Carolyn Winkler, Allen Resident Absent: Tony Airhan Tricia Losavio Reeular Aeenda Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the members present, the regular meeting of the Allen Parks and Recreation Board was called to order by Chair McIntosh at 7:05 pm on Monday, August 10 2009 in the Community Room of the Allen Municipal Court and Parks and Recreation Administration Building at 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Action Items 2. Approve Minutes from August 10 2009 Regular Meeting MOTION: Upon a motion by Board member Alexander and a second by Board 1 member Jones, the PARB voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed to accept the Minutes from the August 10, 2009 Regular Meeting as presented. The motion carried. Consider Appointments to the Senior Advisory Committee Mr. Dentler explained the Senior Advisory Committee appointment process to the Board and that the appointees were recommended by the Ad -Hoc committee appointed by the Board in a previous meeting. Chair McIntosh presented the proposed appointees to the Board. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member Jones and a second by Board Member Alexander, the Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to accept the appointees as recommended. The motion passed. 4. Consider Recommendations for Fee Increases and Fee Establishment for Recreation Facilities and Programs. Came Cessna presented the recommendations from staff and the AD -Hoc Committee appointed by the Board at a previous meeting on Fee Review and Assessment. The recommendations included fee ranges for adult athletic programs and a recommended after-hours rental policy for the Youth Center at the Edge Skate Park, currently in 1 transition to a Visitor's Center, as well as a recommendation for a rental policy for the Edge Skate Park to relation to private and non-profit groups. The recommendations were as follows for Adult Athletics (all fees are per team): a. Softball- $385-$430 b. Basketball- $425-$520 c. Volleyball- $230-$280 d. Flag Football- $350-$430 e. Ultimate Frisbee- $175-$265 f. Kickball- $325-$415 g. Soccer- $515-$575, it was noted that soccer is a new sport to the program h. Hockey- $3254430, it was noted that this is a future program Mr. Dealer explained the reasoning behind the creation of fee ranges and explained the research process by which the ranges were created. He also noted to the Board that this is not a fee increase but is rather a recommendation of fee ranges from the Parks and Recreation Board that will then be taken to the City Council. Upon a question from Member Long as to the length of the season in relation to the fee, Mr. Dentler explained that the fees are dependent upon the type of the sport and the necessary facility and equipment the department provides. Ms. Cessna then presented the recommendations for the Visitors Center. The fee recommendations are as follows: a. The hourly rental rate of $80 for residents and $100 for non-residents b. Not to include the computer and video room, only the lobby c. Rentals to take place after-hours only d. Use of Skate Park not exclusive Ms. Cessna presented recommendations for fees and policies for rental of the Skate Park 1 a. $250 per hour with a 2 hour minimum for individuals and private groups b. $215 per hour for non-profit groups with a 2 hour minimum c. Discounted rates applied for 4 hour and 8 hour events d. A $500 security deposit required for all events e $1 million in liability insurance coverage for all events f. Rentals will not limit public access to the park g. Entry fees may not be charged for non -City of Allen events It. A maximum of 6 such events per calendar year i. Ms Cessna further explained that these recommendations were in response to regular requests by outside entities to hold events. The recommendations are intended to provide an avenue and process to respond to such requests with consistency. A brief discussion took place regarding the affect the events would have on regular patrons and the neighborhood. The Board was informed that as events will not have exclusive use of the Skate Park; events will be encouraged to include regular patrons in their event in some way, either via participation or by being able to view an exhibition. Notification of all events will be made to patrons and the surrounding neighborhood by staff. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member Alexander and a second by Board Member Jones, the Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to accept the fee ranges, straight fees and rental policies as recommended. The motion passed. ' Discussion Items 4. Review of the Proposed Parks and Recreation Departmental Budget Mr. Deader reviewed the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Parks and Recreation Budget report, with budget highlights from each division of the department. Also reviewed was the proposed Fiscal year 2009-2010 Budget, not yet approved by the City Council. 5. Review of parks and open space master plan, status and process Brian Bristow presented a review of the reasoning for and process of the parks and open space master plan. The previous master plan for Allen Parks and Recreation was completed in the year 2000. Staff is currently working with Consultant Mark Spencer to develop a new master plan for the year 2010 and beyond. Meetings with various groups to gamer input and insight will be taking place in the weeks to come; members will be invited to participate. The process is currently at the data collection phase; as the data is analyzed, a preliminary plan will be drafted. 6. Annual Board Evaluations Mr. Dentler and Chair McIntosh explained the Annual Board Evaluation form and asked for input from the members. Chair McIntosh would be sending the form to members for completion in the next few days. 7. Division Quarterly Reports - a. Recreation Services- Carrie Cessna, Recreation Services Manager Ms. Cessna presented the quarterly report from Recreation Services. b. Golf Services- Jeff Holt, Golf Services Manager Mr. Holt presented the quarterly report from Golf Services. c. Resource Development- Anthony Hill, Resource Development Manager Mr. Hill presented the quarterly report from Resource Development d. Planning and Development- Matt McComb, Landscape Architect Mr .McComb presented the quarterly report from Planning and Development. e. Park Services- Brian Bristow, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Mr. Bristow presented the quarterly report from Parks Services on behalf of Robert Townsend, Park Services Manager. g. Other Business a. Discuss Items for Future Agendas These items were expressed by members as nems they would like to discuss in future • Dialogue with the cities of Lucas and Fairview to look at the park system as regional • Discussion with AISD for a future joint project b. Set next meeting The next meeting is set for November 9, 2009 9. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm These minutes approved on the day of November 9, 2009. APPROVED: BOARD CHAIR ATTEST: / ARD SECRETARY E LJ �,.w..mmrN.,�•�+Mi. 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U l µ� 7m M.1 . p H MUL 8/10/2009 8/10/2009 I 2nd Quarter FY2009 Golf Division Rounds by r D 8/10/2009 Maintenance Projects e Bunker sand and drainage rehab a Tee/Fairway/Rough aerocation o Install safety posts and cables e Equipment restoration e New equipment -lease acquisition 330 Weekend Prime 182 Weektlay Prime 359 BJ SeMorlJumor Weekend 730 BJ Se OmOumor Weekday 89 Allen Resident Weekentl 23 Allen Resident Weekday 371 Tourna end Green Fee 565 GOH 18 Dellael GOH Now 101GOHO 1594 Annual member Play 532 Chase Oaks Web SRa r D 8/10/2009 Maintenance Projects e Bunker sand and drainage rehab a Tee/Fairway/Rough aerocation o Install safety posts and cables e Equipment restoration e New equipment -lease acquisition u I Safety Posts and Cables Blackjack a, 5, a. la, to Sawtooth4 Equipment Restoration Spreader I rk wvawx ate WKS •IID XECRMON WY11 XLW WMQ TODD W IMOBX IIBBYJOBEB �= TBICUL08Mq TOBYNBXMT JOLOXO NOBEBF BDINiE88 BONNE Mfl I f:7m f#• My WM-"P'My 14^ Flselaconm -ryY1• BMO I,-Juroa• BNIEnlwtlm-Jux/JuN Cm0[II,X I-JUNl 9uncarotruNbn-Jury 1P Mtklpete [orotlu[Ibn [wryktlon - FM. 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DM.Wo The REAL Report Allen Senior Necreatlon Center Volunteer Luncheon s/10/2009 Customer Service Ratings arm camerae u a+MmY aenL s.mo. nl � 1^ Annual Duck Derby Upcoming PARB Volunteer Opportunttlw 6u:Mrewm. cmu..m gum: .num-,r.1JN 25 J.:.,A e,Jw 15, J". rMmu,ue.rPax-Yec, vn - YRC.bbcm ]I1O .PmWeUlPt TAGy LxuMwMh: e- b�MmY-p,YNR3C . MJ IMaomIBNm MCM- nil Nwlon h�uvn PkMc- YRC. I/Ic Tuv:dHY:Mwb-pW.1/I] 1 F P p a/10/2009