HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2011 - 05/09 - RegularPARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
May 09, 2011
Board Members:
Todd McIntosh, Chair
Tony Airhart
Libby Jones
Tricia Losavio
Jo Long
Bob Burgess
Paul Davidson
Joey Herald, City Council Liason
Staff Members:
Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Carrie Cessna, Recreation Services Manager
Anthony Hill, Resource Development Manager
Robert Townsend, Administrative Services Manager
Matt McComb, Landscape Architect
Brandy Rentz, Marketing Manager
Kim Spearman, Parks Site Services Superintendant
Paul Naughton, Park Planner
Lydia Nance, Senior Administrative Assistant
Blake Biedleman, Allen Resident
Ken Byler, Allen Resident
Jennifer Monte, Allen Resident
Mike Orr, Project Consultant, 02 Group
Van On, Project Consultant, 02 Group
Allen Resident, anonymous
Regular Agenda
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quomm of the members present, the regular meeting of the Allen Parks and
Recreation Board was called to order by Chair McIntosh at 7:01 pm on Monday, May 9,
2011 at Blue Sky Sports Center, 905 E. Main Street, Allen. Texas 75002.
1. Approve Minutes from January 10, 2011 Regular Meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board member Jones and a second by Board member
Losavio, the PARB voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to accept the
Minutes from the January 10, 2010 Regular Meeting with I correction.
The motion carried.
Discussion Items
2. Conduct Town Hall Meeting concerning community input for park at
Hillside Property- Tim Dentler welcomed the group and introduced Mike and
Vann On from the 02 Group, consultant for the conceptual site plan for property
The consultants presented the conceptual design. The concept is being termed a
"wellness park" with static exercise features and a pavilion which could
conceptually be used for classes. Possible features also presented were a water
feature and meditation area. The overall look of the park would utilize the feng
shut, 5 element approach. The concept was to serve the adult and senior
community, but it would be appropriate for ages 13 and over. Mr. Dentler opened
the floor for comments from attendees and board members. Chair McIntosh
thanked the consultants for the concept and presentation and appreciated the 5
element concept. Member Burgess asked why the concept was being utilized at
such a distance from the senior center if it the intent is to serve them. Mr. Dentler
reiterated that the overall concept was for use by those ages 13 and over. Member
Jones spoke of the programming possibilities for yoga and tai chi, as well as
runner and those who circuit train. Resident Monte, who lives close to the
property, appreciated that she would not have to travel to Bethany lakes to
participate in outdoor exercise. Member Burgess questioned whether the location
would become a gathering place for the teens, and a possible target for vandalism.
Mr. Dentler stated that there would not be much to attract teens, and the location
close to Main Street, would make it visible enough to deter vandalism. Resident
Biedelman asked if additional parking would be added. Mr. Dentler informed the
group that spaces would be added but the Blue sky property will allow parking in
their spaces. Resident Biedleman felt that the addition of the park would appeal
to parents whose children took part in the programming at Blue Sky, then asked if
additional parking would be added for the soccer field. Mr. Dentler stated that
that was a possiblitity. Resident Byler asked if there would be any usage fees at
the park. Mr. Dentler responded in the negative. Mr Byler then asked if another
park of this type existed. The consultants responded that they had not been able
to find a similar park. Member Jones stated that the concept had been utilized,
but not in a clustered format, which is key to the current concept. Other locations
have the elements spread out over a large area or trail. Mr. McComb explained
where the future additional parking could be located, and indicated that he and his
staff would be working with the staff at the Allen Senior Recreation Center to
determine the programming possibilities. Member Jones asked how programming
would balance with general use. Mr. Dentler responded that departmental
programming takes precedence and private sector use is limited. Programming
would take place at times opposite to the likely general use, staff monitors use and
adjusts accordingly. Member Airhart asked whether the exercise stations and
overall area would be lighted. Mr. Dentler stated that the soccer field lighting
would light the overall area, but would be low due to the adjoining neighborhood.
The bulk of the lighting for the wellness park would be concentrated on the
pavilion and sufficient for usage up to early evening. Member Davidson asked
about the size of the area. Mr. Naughton stated that the property to be developed
was 4 acres, including the loop trail around the property. Member Davidson then
asked if the trail would connect to the neighborhood. Mr. Dentler stated that this
is a challenge due to the existing alleyways, the design needed to minimize access
through the alleys due to nuisance and safety concerns. The only true connection
is along Fountain Gate. With no further comments, Mr. Dentler then explained
that the next step in the process is to compare the concept to the project budget
and logistics in order to look toward development. Phasing may be used. Staff
may be able to come back at the next meeting of the Parks Board with a more
formal plan and a project bid. The public meeting was closed.
3. Review of Annual Report to City Council- Chair McIntosh reviewed the report
given to the City Council for the board members.
4. Update on Hydrous at Allen Station Park- cable wakeboard park- Matt
McComb gave an update on the Hydrous wakeboard Park at Allen Station Park.
He briefly explained the lease agreement, and the site and concept. The project is
currently under constmction and anticipated completion is set for July 2011. A
competition event is scheduled for September.
5. Update on CIP Projects- Brian updated the board on the progress of current CIP
projects and the anticipated fund allocation for 2012. Brief updates were given on
Public Art Program- Mr. Bristow spoke to fund allocation, a brief update on
current projects was given by Lori Smeby
Land Acquisition- development
Estivie Property- ready for bond and 4B funds for development, partnership with
Allen Sports association possible
West Allen Athletics complex to be located at Watters Branch, will issue bonds
for design/master plan, to be finalized and developed in 2012
Trail development- $250,000 allocated for the next year (2012), as well as
$50,000 for side streets (biker/walker lanes)
Maxwell Creek- redevelopment and environmental education center (or at
General Neighborhood Park funds- $500,000
Joe Farmer Recreation Center- new lighting and gym floor, Oncor rebate funds
and federal stimulus funds will be used for the energy efficient project
i. Identification of a redevelopment concept for Ford Pool
6. Update on CARE event- An Evening with Neal McCoy- Lori Smeby updated
the board on the results of the event. 1.210 persons were in attendance. When
Including sponsorship funds, various auctions and general admission ticket sales
as well as donations, the event raised $26,998.97 for the CARE program. The
program will be presented to the public so those in need can apply.
7. Update on Allen USA 2011 event- Tony Hill gave a brief update on the planning
status for the event, as well as informing the board of the main acts.
8. Update from the Marketing Division- Brandy Rentz updated the board on the
efforts of the newly formed Marketing Division. The division now has a staff of 4
and will utilize the strengths of each to develop and implement marketing
strategies for the department.
9. Discussion on Sports in Allen focus group- Mr. Dealer explained the concept.
There is an opportunity for tournament hosting in Allen due to growth and
economics driven by visitors, the group will identify how to approach these
opportunities while maintaining service to citizens. Staff will identify an
inventory of fields and facilities, how they are currently utilized, and compare that
with opportunities. The focus group will include representatives from Allen ISD,
1 Allen Sports Association and the Allen Parks Board. Tim asked that 2 members
be appointed to serve. Tony Airhart and Tricia Losavio were appointed.
10. Items of Interest
a. Discuss Items for Future Agendas
b. Next meeting Monday, August 8, 2011
6. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm
These minutes approved on the day of August 8, 2011.