HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1981 - 06/11 - RegularI ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Session June 11, 1981 Present: Commissioners: Jim Pendleton, Chairman Carol Henry, Vice Chairman Joe Moseley, Secretary Sarah Chumbley Tom Inkman Jim Wolfe Absent: Wayne Armand City Staff: Bill Petty, Building Official Marty Hendrix, City Secretary The regular session of the Allen Planning and Zoning Com- mission was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:31 p.m. on Thursday, June 11, 1981 at the Rountree Elementary School, 800 W. Main Street. Approval of Minutes: May 28, 1981 (Agenda Item II) Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry and seconded by Com- missioner Moseley, the Commission voted 6 for and 0 opposed to approve the minutes of the May 28, 1981 regular session as presented. Public Hearing: Revised Site Plan Approval (Agenda Item III) Caruth Building Service 5.765 Acres Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows: "Public Hearing on a request from Caruth Building Service for a revised site plan approval on 5.765 acres out of the Wm. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708 and known as Tracts 15D, 20B, 15E, 15F, 20F, and 20G. This property is further described as fronting the south side of Bethany Road and adjacent to the west side of the Southern Pacific Railroad and containing an existing metal structure of approximately 35,000 square feet. The request includes the use of the above described property for the use of retail and builder sales and storage of lumber and building supplies. The present zoning is GI -PD (General Industrial - Planned Development)." -23- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION June 11, 1981 Page 2 Public Hearing: Revised Site Plan Approval (cont'd) Caruth Building Service (Agenda Item III) Les Marquart, with Caruth Building Service, spoke before the Commission on the fact that Caruth had made several important changes in the site plan for the existing structure located on Bethany Road. He further advised that the proposed use would stay the same, that being a building materials center serving primarily commercial and contractor -type customers. Jack Morgan, architect for Caruth Building Service, presented to the Commission a small revised site plan of the existing building on the property along with the proposed parking area, landscaping, and rear exterior lumber storage area; a large more detailed site plan of the existing building showing the interior layout of the office space and interior storage of lumber, with the proposed parking and landscaping; an artist rendering of the front elevation of the remodeled building; and an artist rendering of the west elevation of the building. Mr. Morgan explained the proposed changes included several things. First of all, the front two bays of the existing building would be removed, thus placing the front of the building approximately 76' from Bethany Road. The front exterior and portions of the sides of the building would be finished in a stucco material, with a columnar front for a viranda effect. The columnar effect would be carried out in the gate area and along a portion of one side with the wooden fence. The remodeled front elevation would also include a mansard roof with an illuminated sign. Another sign would also be located on the west elevation. The exterior of the existing building not covered in stucco would be repainted. With the removal of the two front bays, there would be more land area for additional parking. The customer parking and employee parking would be an asphalt surface, with a total of 52 parking spaces. There would be more proposed landscaping in the front of the building in the form of a berm area with trees, shrubs and groundcover. Mr. Morgan added that the median in Bethany Road could also be added by Caruth, if the City so permitted. The fence would be a solid wooden fence at a height of 8', however, the gate would still be proposed as a wrought iron for appearance and security. The stacking heights of the lumber in the outside storage area will be reduced to 8' around the perimeter and 12' on the interior so that the lumber cannot be seen from �� outside the property. The surface of the outside lumber storage area would still be the white crushed stone surface and maintenance would be handled by sprinkling trucks when necessary. Mr. Marquart read portions of an engineering report from South- west Laboratories regarding the use of the white crushed rock as an appropriate paving surface. _29_ ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION June 11, 1981 Page 3 Public Hearing: Revised Site Plan Approval (Agenda Item III) (cont'd) Caruth Building Service Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing. Vern LaHart, with the D.L.M. Company, spoke before the Com- mission in opposition to the approval of the proposed revised site plan. With no one else appearing to speak either for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed by Chairman Pendleton. Chairman Pendleton read a letter from the John Deere Company into the record which also spoke in opposition to the request (see Attachment No. 1). The Commission discussed the height of the wooden fence, painting of the exterior of the existing building, the white stone surface to be used for the surface of the outside lumber storage area, including the fire lane, and the maintenance of the dust problem from the white crushed stone. Building Official Bill Petty spoke before the Commission on the use of the white crushed rock as it pertains to the fire lane and reviewed the Subdivision Ordinance with the Commission as it pertains to fire lane easements. There was further discussion on the issue of using concrete or asphalt which is heavy-duty rather than the white crushed stone in the lumber storage area. A motion was made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by Commissioner Moseley to deny the revised site plan as submitted by Caruth Building Service. The Commission voted three (3) for and three (3) opposed, with Commissioners Pendleton, Chumbley and Inkman casting the negative votes. The motion failed due to the tie vote. The discussion continued on the white crushed rock versus paving in concrete or asphalt. Chairman Pendleton recessed the regular session at 8:36 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:47 p.m. Discussion continued on the fire lane being used by equipment and perhaps the paving of it. A motion was made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by Com- missioner Moseley to deny the revised site plan as submitted by Caruth Building Service. The Commission voted three (3) for and three (3) opposed, with Commissioners Pendleton, Chumbley and Inkman casting the negative votes. The motion failed due to the tie vote. -25- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION June 11, 1981 Page 4 Public Hearing: Revised Site Plan Approval (Agenda Item III) (cont'd) Caruth Building Service Upon a motion made by Commissioner Chumbley and seconded by Commissioner Henry, the Commission voted five (5) for and one (1) opposed, with Commissioner Wolfe casting the negative vote, to table this request until the next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, being Thursday, June 25, 1981. Discussion of the Planning & Zoning Commission Terms of Office Scheduled to Expire on the Last Day of June, 1981 (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Pendleton advised the Commission that the City Council, at their last regular meeting held on June 4, 1981, had extended the expiring terms of Commissioners Tom Inkman, Carol Henry and Joe Moseley until the last day of August, 1981. The Council extended the terms due to the work in progress on the new proposed Zoning Ordinance. There was no action taken on this item. With no further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Moseley and seconded by Commissioner Chumbley to adjourn the regular session of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 9:10 p.m. 4 n These minutes approved on the vis day of �,ry� 1981. { J Pendleton, CHAIRMAN JqFe Mos ley, SECRfARY -26- ATTACHMENT N0. 1 to Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes of June 11, 1981 Meeting JOHN DEERE COMPANY vo BOX nWSe oeLu5. 1E 75220 2 June 1981 Mr. Bill Petty Building 6 Zoning Official City of Allen P. 0. Box 487 Allen, TR 75002 Dear Mr. Petty: We have your notice of public hearing on a request from Caruth Building Service for revised site plan approval on 5.765 acres for retail sales and storage of lumber and building supplies. We will not be able to attend the public hearing, but as an adjoining property owner, we ask that you use this letter as our opposition to this intended retail use. All of the surrounding area is zoned GI -PD to provide space for industrial facilities such as the one we expect to build, the Exxon facility now under construction, and the DIM building just east of the railroad tracks. To allow this type retail use and storage would be detrimental to future industrial growth for the area. Our position is the same as it was with the previous zoning request change in April, 1981. Yours truly, M. B. Wood Controller NNW/vc cc: D. G. Noble Ren Rutherford, Manufacturing Engineering, Deere Jon McCarty - City Manager, Allen _27_