HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1981 - 09/10 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Session September 10, 1981 PRESENT: Commissioners: Jim Pendleton, Chairman Carol Henry, Vice Chairman Sarah Chumbley Tom Inkman Wayne Armand Absent: Joe Moseley, Secretary Jim Wolfe City Staff: Bill Petty, Building Official Marty Hendrix, City Secretary The regular session of the Allen Planning and Zoning Com- mission was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 1981 at the Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street. Approval of Minutes - July 23, 1981 August 27, 1981 (Agenda Item II) Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry and seconded by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commission voted 5 for and 0 opposed to remove from the table the minutes of July 23, 1981 for con- sideration. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry and seconded by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 5 for and 0 opposed to approve the minutes of the July 23, 1981 and August 27, 1981 regular sessions as presented. Public Hearing: Revised Site Plan Glen Hollow Addition Fox & Jacobs, Inc. Zoned TH-PD and R4 -PD (Agenda Item III) Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows: -40- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION September 10, 1981 Page 2 Public Hearing: Glen Hollow Addition (Agenda Item III) (continued) "Public Hearing on a request from Fox & Jacobs, Inc., for approval of a revised site plan of Glen Hollow Addition. The site plan consisting of 230 townhouse lots and 177 single family dwelling lots, located within a 96.304 acre tract in the MCBain Jamison Survey, Abstract 908 and further described as being located south of Windridge II Addition, west of Jupiter Road and north of Chaparral Road, is presently zoned TH-PD (Townhouse - Planned Development) and R4 -PD (Single Family Dwelling - Planned Development)." Tom Cravens, with Fox & Jacobs, Inc., spoke before the Com- mission on the proposed development of the Glen Hollow Addition. He presented the revised site plan and explained that the site plan now proposes 27 single family dwelling lots,containing 7,500 sq. ft. lots, to be located north of the townhouses,fronting on Ridgemont and located west of the green belt (drainage channel). The remainder of the site plan shows 230 townhouse (duplexes) lots, located west of the green belt (drainage channel) and east of State Highway 5, and the remaining 150 single family dwelling lots, containing 9,000 sq. ft. lots, to the east of the green belt area and west of Jupiter Road. Mr. Cravens went on to explain that Fox & Jacobs still plans to clear out the underbrush in the green belt area and leave the existing trees and dedicate that area, which contains a drainage channel, to the City of Allen, perhaps to be used as a park site. Mr. Cravens advised that two collector streets, being 60' of right-of-way and 37' of paving, had been added to the site plan, that one on either side of the green belt area. These streets would run north and south from Ridgemont to Chaparral. Belton Street would be constructed on the west portion of the property, also running from Ridgemont to Chaparral. In addition, Chaparral Road would be paved with two lanes adjacent to the Fox & Jacobs develop- ment and Fox & Jacobs had agreed to resurface the remaining portion of Chaparral, from their west property line to State Highway 5, with asphalt since that portion was in the Plano city limits. Fox and Jacobs also agreed to maintain the asphalt portion of Chaparral until such time as the Glen Hollow Addition is completely developed and all of the homes sold. Mr. Cravens added that two lanes of Jupiter Road would be repaved, the portion adjacent to this deve- lopment. The Commission briefly asked questions and discussed the paving of Chaparral along the Fox and Jacobs development, which would be from Jupiter Road to the west property line of the development, and the resurfacing of Chaparral from the west property line of the development to State Highway 5, being in the Plano city limits. There was also discussion on the fact that the revised site plan did not incorporate a through street across the green belt area to connect the two phases of development and to provide another access to Jupiter Road. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION September 10, 1981 Page 3 Public Hearing: Glen Hollow Addition (continued) (Agenda Item III) Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing. The following persons spoke before the Commission on the proposed revised site plan either in opposition to the town- houses (duplexes), in regards to the traffic situation and effects of this development on the traffic, and/or asked questions per- taining to the site plan and the development: Andrew Alexa, 548 Ridgemont Carol Streetly, 544 Ridgemont Hank Redmille, 539 Ridgemont Beth Fox, 537 Ridgemont Philip G. Cox, 516 Ridgemont The Commissioners discussed with the residents the traffic situation on Ridgemont and to the Boyd Elementary School. Com- missioner Armand advised the Commission and those present of a traffic survey he had conducted on Ridgemont and Hawthorne on August 25, 1981 between the hours of 7:26 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Steve Bezner, with Fox and Jacobs, Inc., spoke before the Commission on the estimated number of school children that can be expected from the townhouse (duplex) development. Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing. At the request of the Commission, Mr. Cravens advised the Commission of the timeframe for development of this addition, being approximately six to nine months before Fox & Jacobs starts construction. Mr. Bezner advised of the price ranges for the townhouses, being from $40,000 to $50,000, and the single family dwellings being from $90,000 to $100,000. Bill Petty, Building Official, advised that the green belt area (drainage channel) would be dedicated to the City of Allen as a utility and drainage easement, since it was part of the City's flood plain, and would not be dedicated to the City as a park site. Mr. Petty further advised that City Staff had reviewed in detail the revised site plan for the Glen Hollow Addition. He pointed out that this property had been zoned TH-PD and R4 -PD for approximately ten years. After reviewing the revised site plan, the City Staff recom- mended the following: ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION September 10, 1981 Page 4 Public Hearing: Glen Hollow Addition (continued) (Agenda Item III) 1. Fox & Jacobs to submit to the City of Allen a letter from the City of Plano indicating that future plans for Chaparral Road in their Thoroughfare Plan will coincide with the Thoroughfare Plan for the City of Allen, being that Chaparral Road will be developed into a six lane thoroughfare. Due to the fact that a portion of Chaparral Road, from the west property line of the Glen Hollow Addition to State Highway 5, is in the City of Plano and they will not maintain substandard streets, which Chaparral Road is at this time, Fox & Jacobs is to submit to the City of Allen a written mainte- nance agreement providing that Fox & Jacobs will maintain that portion of Chaparral until all of the homes in this addition are sold. The Commission briefly discussed with Mr. Cravens the resur- facing of Chaparral Road and that Fox & Jacobs was amenable to providing an agreement for maintaining that portion of Chaparral from their west property line to State Highway 5. The Commission also discussed the property located to the south of Chaparral Road in the City of Plano, being Carl Oland's Egg Farm and the fact that it was currently being considered for rezoning to Light Commercial and Multifamily. The Commission reviewed again the traffic flow on Ridgemont and discussed again with Mr. Cravens the lack of a through street on the green belt area providing access to Jupiter Road. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Chumbley and seconded by Commissioner Henry, the Commission voted three (3) for and two (2) opposed, with Commissioners Pendleton and Inkman casting the negative votes, to approve the revised site plan for the Glen Hollow Addition as presented; and with the stipulation that Fox & Jacobs provide the City of Allen a written agreement to maintain Chaparral Road, from their west property line to State Highway 5, for a period of five (5) years. General Discussion: The City Secretary advised the Commission that the scheduled workshop on the new proposed Zoning Ordinance with the City Council set for Tuesday, September 15, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. had been cancelled. -43_ ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION September 10, 1981 Page 5 General Discussion: The Commission discussed briefly with the Building Official the definition of townhouses versus the definition of duplexes in the existing Zoning ordinance and as proposed in the new Zoning Ordinance. The Building Official read the wording of both ordinances to the Commission and they discussed the requirements. With no further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Armand and seconded by Commissioner Henry to adjourn the regular session of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 8:46 p.m. The Commission voted 5 for and 0 opposed in favor of the motion. These minutes approved on the �day of 1981. ARY Joe Mose ey,SECRE Jicry; Pendlet-onHC AIRMAN _94_