HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1981 - 11/12 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Session
November 12, 1981
Present: Absent;
Jim Pendleton, Chairman Tom Inkman
Carol Henry, Vice Chairman
Joe Moseley, Secretary
Sarah Chumbley
Wayne Armand
Jim Wolfe
City Staff
Bill Petty, Building Official
Linda Fuller, Staff Assistant
The regular session of the Allen Planning & Zoning
Commission was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at
7:30 P.M. on Thursday, November 12, 1981, at the Rountree
Elementary School, 800 E. Main.
Approval of Minutes - October 8, 1981,
Regular Session (Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion for approval made by Commissioner
Moseley and seconded by Commissioner Armand, the
Commissison voted 6 - 0 to approve the minutes
for October 8, 1981, regular session, as presented.
Approval of Minutes - October 19, 1981,
Joint Public Hearing (Agenda Item III)
MOTION: Upon a motion for approval made by Commissioner
Chumbley and seconded by Commissioner Henry,
the Commission voted 6 - 0 to approve the
minutes for October 19, 1981, joint public
hearing, as presented.
Set Date for Public Hearing -Site Plan
Approval -Animal Hospital, Lot 1, Mr.
Quik Addition #2 (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record
as follows:
"Request date be set for Public Hearing for site plan
approval to construct an Animal Hospital (no outside runs),
on Lot 1, Mr. Quik Addition #2. This property is further
identified as fronting the east side of South Greenville
November 12, 1981 Page 2
Set Date for Public Hearing -Site Plan
Approval -Animal Hospital, Lot 1, Mr.
Quik Addition #2 Cont: (Agenda Item IV)
Ave., (Highway 5), between the Allen National Bank and the
Mr. Quik convenience store. This request is submitted by
Jerry W. Wilson, D.V.M. and delineated on the Zoning Map
as PD -SC No. 4, (Shopping Center Uses)."
In connection therewith and at the request of Chairman
Pendleton there was a brief discussion on the fact that
two of the regularly scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission
meetings fall on the holidays of November 26, 1981 and
December 24, 1981.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and
seconded by Commissioner Henry, the Commission
voted 6 - 0 in favor of having one regularly
scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
in November and December, those dates being
on November 12, 1981, and December 10, 1981.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and
seconded by Commissioner Henry, the Commission
voted 6 - 0 in favor of setting the Public
Hearing date on the request for site plan approval
to construct an Animal Hospital on Lot 1, Mr.
Quik Addition #2, for December 10, 1981, at 7:30 P.M.
Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main.
Staff Report and Discussion on Newly
Adopted Procedures for Appointments
to City Boards and Commissions (Agenda Item V -a)
Bill Petty, Building Official, reviewed and discussed
with the Commission the New Procedure for Appointments to
City Boards and Commissions, in it's entirety, as adopted by
Resolution 375-11-81(R), and asked the Commissioners who
were interested in being reappointed to complete the data
sheets which were attached to their packets.
Mr. Petty also discussed the new boards that must
be established after the first of the year, with the
adoption of the new Zoning and Sign Ordinances.
There was no action taken on this item.
Staff Report and Discussion on Newly
Designed Zoning Applications and Flow
Charts for Zoning Procedures (Agenda Item V -b)
Mr. Petty reviewed with the Commission the newly
designed Zoning Applications and Flow Charts in their
November 12, 1981 Page 3
Staff Report and Discussion on Newly
Designed Zoning Applications and Flow
Charts for Zoning Procedures Cont: (Agenda Item V -b)
entirety, which were designed as an aid to the new
Zoning Ordinance.
There was no action taken on this item.
General Discussion:
Mr. Petty advised the Commission of an upcoming
Zoning Application and Planned Development, on 800+
acres of land, located at the, and in the area of,
Jupiter Road, Allen Heights Road, Bethany Road and
Park Place, which will be brought forth by Willard
McDaniel Inc.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry, and
seconded by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commission
voted 6 - 0 to adjourn the Planning and
Zoning Commission meeting at 8:40 P.M.
These minutes approved on the day of
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