HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1982 - 01/28 - RegularI I u ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Session January 28, 1982 Present: Commissioners: Jim Pendleton, Chairman Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman Sarah Chumbley, Secretary Tom Inkman Gary Koch (arrived at 7:38 p.m.) Wayne Armand Carol Henry City Staff: Bill Petty, Building Official The regular session of the Allen Planning and Zoning Com- mission was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:32 P.M. on Thursday, January 28, 1982 at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street. Approval of Minutes: January 9, 1982 - Work Shop Session January 14, 1982 - Regular Session January 23, 1982 - Work Shop Session (Agenda Item II) MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Armand and seconded by Commissioner Inkman to approve the minutes of the January 9, 1982 Work Shop Session, the January 14, 1982 Regular Session and the January 23, 1982 Work Shop Session as presented. The Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed (with Commissioner Koch being absent) in favor of the motion. The motion carried. Public Hearing: Zoning Amendment Request MF -1 TO LR 300 E. Main Street by: Richard K. Cavin Zoning Case #Z12-16-81-5 (Agenda Item III) Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows: "Public Hearing on Zoning Change Amendment request from MF -1 (multi -family one) to LR (local retail) by Richard K. Cavin on property located at 300 E. Main, Allen, Texas and further described as Lot 4, Block J of Original Donation to the City of Allen (Zoning Case No. Z12-16-81-5)." -17- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION January 28, 1982 Page 2 Public Hearing: Zoning Amendment Request MF -1 to LR (continued) 300 E. Main Street (Agenda Item III) Richard K. Cavin, the proponent, spoke before the Commission in regard to this request. Mr. Cavin advised that the property was located at the southeast corner of Main and Cedar Streets and was presently the site of a single family residential dwelling. He further stated that a party was interested in purchasing the property to build a new building on the site for possible uses as dental or medical office facilities or perhaps a small furniture store. Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak either for or against the request. The public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the location of the lot as well as the dimensions of the lot, the proximity to adjacent properties, and whether a site plan for the new building would have to be approved by the Commission. Bill Petty, Building Official, advised the Commission that a site plan approval of a new building with one main use on this property would not need approval from the Commission. However, all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code would have to be adhered to by the developers. MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Armand and seconded by Commissioner Koch to recommend approval of the request for a zoning amendment change from MF -1 to LR at 300 E. Main Street, being Lot 4, Block J, of the Original Donation Addition. The Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed in favor of the motion. The motion carried. Public Hearing: Zoning Amendment Change LR to GB with Specific Use Permit for Machine Shop 203 A E. Main & 101 N. Cedar Robert C. Johnson Zoning Case #1-11-82-6 (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows: "Public Hearing on Zoning Change Amendment request from LR (Local Retail) to GB (General Business) with Specific Use Permit for Machine Shop use by Robert C. Johnson, H. R. Daugherty, Buddy Camper d/b/a "Manufacturing Specialties, Inc.", on properties located at 203A E. Main and 101 North Cedar and further described as Lots 8B, 9A and Lots 4A and 5, all in Block 15 of the Original Donation to the City of Allen (Zoning Case Z1-11-82-6)." -18- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION January 28, 1982 Page 3 Public Hearing: Zoning Amendment Change LR to GB with Specific Use Permit - Machine Shop (continued) 203A E. Main & 101 N. Cedar (Agenda Item IV) Robert Johnson, the proponent, spoke before the Commission on behalf of this request. Mr. Johnson advised that his company was requesting the rezoning from Local Retail to General Business with a Specific Use Permit in order to operate a machine shop as the principal use and with light assembly work as an accessory use. Mr. Johnson provided an artist's rendering of the appearance of the front of the building after refurbishing and advised that the office area would be located at the front of the existing building, with the machine shop and assembly function at the rear of the building. Customer parking would be located in the front of the building on Main Street and the employee parking would be located on the lot at the rear of the existing building. Mr. Johnson presented to the Commission and advised of the type of product that is remachined and assembled by his company. The Commission discussed with Mr. Johnson the type of pro- duct he machines and assembles, the possibility of expansion of the business, the location of waste disposal and the type of waste to be disposed of, the number of employees, being from 40 to 50, the parking area to facilitate that number of employees, the noise factor from this type of operation, the number of com- mercial vehicles entering and leaving this business, and the traffic problems on Main Street. Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing. Chairman Pendleton read into the record a letter from Mrs. Othel C. Patterson, 105 N. Cedar, (See Attachment No. 1) regarding the request for rezoning. No one else appeared to speak either for or against this request. Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing. The Commission continued their discussion on the traffic problems presently existing on Main Street and the increase in traffic from this business, parking lot area to facilitate the employees of this business, the machine shop use being authorized by a specific use permit in the General Business zoning as opposed to the use authorized in the Light Industrial zoning district, the zoning of the adjacent properties in that { area, and the noise level of this type of machine shop facility. �i Bill Petty, Building Official, advised the Commission of 11 the status of the zoning amendment change of General Business with a Specific Use Permit for a machine shop should this company decide to sell the property or close this business. -19- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION January 28, 1982 Page 4 Public Hearing: Zoning Amendment Change LR to GB with Specific Use Permit - Machine Shop (continued) 203A E. Main & 101 N. Cedar (Agenda Item IV) MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Koch and seconded by Commissioner Wolfe to recommend approval of the zoning amendment change request from Local Retail to General Business, with a Specific Use Permit for the Machine Shop use, and to include that the decibel level be no higher than 85, that no more than two (2) parking spaces be allowed in the area in front of the building, and that all storage and operation be inside the building. The Commission voted three (3) for and four (4) opposed, with Commissioners Armand, Henry, Chumbley and Inkman casting the negative votes, in favor of the motion. The motion failed. Consideration of a Request to Annex and Zone 183 Acres of Land - Exchange Pkwy & Malone Rd. Coronet Realty Development Zoning Case No. Zll-25-81-4 (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows: "Action related to the January 14, 1982 Public Hearing on request by Coronet Realty Development Limited to consider annexation and PD (Planned Development) Zoning on 182 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Exchange Parkway and Malone Road (Zoning Case No. Zll-25-81-4)." Commissioner Wolfe advised the Commission of some suggested changes he would like to see in the proposed Planned Development of the 183 acres of land, those being to see the development of the Local Retail five (5) acre tract being done all at once, the developers to provide open space of at least 1 acre of land per 75 dwelling units, and the reduction of duplexes and using the duplexes as a transition between the retail zoned property and the single family residential area. The Commission discussed the proposed changes with the proponent, Gary Kraus of the Coronet Realty Development Limited. Mr. Kraus advised he would take these proposed changes into �n consideration and provide a new site plan. �E■�,Ji MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by Commissioner Chumbley to place this item on the next regular Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda, that being February 11, 1982. The Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed in favor of the motion. The motion carried. -20- ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION January 28, 1982 Page 5 Consideration of the Planned Development Zoning Request on 855+ Acres of Land - Willard McDaniel, Inc., & Cambridge Companies - Zoning Case No. Zll-11-81-1 (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows: "Action related to January 23, 1982 Special Workshop Session on Planned Development Zoning request by Willard McDaniel, Inc., and the Cambridge Companies Development Corporation on approximately 855 acres of land located east of Jupiter Road and north of Chaparral Road." There was considerable discussion by the Commission on preparing the justification of the need for a consultant or planner to review and provide input to the Commission on the proposed 855+ acres of planned development, as well as the proposed method of payment for the services, which can be presented to the City Council for their consideration. The Commission also discussed the use of the Comprehensive Plan when considering this request and the need for the Com- mission to thoroughly review it and compare it to what the proposed request for development of this 855+ acres of land entails. Due to the lapse of time since the adoption of the Compre- hensive Plan, the drastic change in economics, market conditions, and housing requirements, there was a lengthy discussion by the Commission with the proponents, Del Morton and Bob Allison, regarding the Comprehensive Plan and how it relates to this proposed develop- ment. It was suggested that Mr. Sam Wyse, who prepared the Com- prehensive Plan for the City of Allen in 1977, be contacted and asked to review the proposed development as well as asked to explain how he arrived at the figures in the Comprehensive Plan. As an act of expediency, Mr. Morton advised the Commission that if the cost of review and recommendations by the consultant or planner were within reason of his financial means, he would pay for the services. There was further debate on whether the Commission or Mr. Morton and his associates should contact Mr. Wyse regarding questions brought forth on the Comprehensive Plan and how it relates to this proposed development. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by Commissoner Chumbley, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to set the next work shop date on this planned development request for Saturday, February 6, 1982 at 8:00 a.m. at Rountree Elementary School. The motion carried. -9 - ALLEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 28, 1982 Page 6 Consideration of Amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance (Agenda Item VII -A) Bill Petty, Building Official, advised the Commission that certain changes were being recommended by the City Staff for the Commission's consideration in making amendments to the City of Allen's Subdivision Ordinance. One recommendation being that the wording of "Registered Professional Engineer" used for the preparation of plats be changed to "Registered Surveyor", due to a change in State Law. The other recommendation being that due to the court's determination that park dedication requirement by municipalities is illegal, the need to eliminate Section 2.06 "Park Dedication" from the Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Petty also advised the Commission that they might take into consideration the need for the inclusion of sidewalk require- ments in the Subdivision Ordinance due to recent requests for the need of them from the School District and also as recommended by a recent Traffic Survey Study done for the City. The Commission discussed the proposed amendments and the need for sidewalks in the City of Allen. As part of the dis- cussion, it was requested by the Commission that the City Staff research the law for posting of "no parking" on streets where there are no sidewalks and the school children have to walk in the streets. MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by Commissioner Armand to recommend that amendments be made to the Subdivision Ordinance to include the elimination of Section 2.06 "Park Dedication", to change the wording in the preparation of plats from "Registered Professional Engineer" to "Registered Professional Surveyor", and that the City adopt in the Subdivision Ordinance the require- ment for sidewalks in all residential and industrial districts. The Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed in favor of the motion. The motion carried. Adjournment MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and seconded by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission at 10:45 p.m. These minutes approved on the 11th day of February 19 82 . L , J Pendleton, CHAIRMAN Sarah Chumbley, SEQRETARY -22- ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO MINUTES OF JANUARY 28, 1982 3 -23-