HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1982 - 02/11 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Session
February 11, 1982
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Sarah Chumbley, Secretary
Tom Inkman
Carol Henry
Wayne Armand
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Bill Petty, Building Official
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Sherry Massett, Permit Clerk
The regular session of the Allen Planning and Zoning Com-
mission was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:36 p.m.
on Thursday, February 11, 1982 at Rountree Elementary School,
800 E. Main Street.
Approval of Minutes:
January 18, 1982 - Regular Session
February 6, 1982 - Work Shop Session (Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded
by Commissioner Henry, the Commission voted five (5)
for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes of
the January 28, 1982 - Regular Session and the minutes
of the February 6, 1982 - Work Shop Session as presented.
The motion carried.
Consideration of a Request to
Annex and Zone 183 Acres of Land
Located on Exchange Parkway and
Malone Road - Coronet Realty
Zoning Case No. Zll-25-81-4 (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Action related to the January 14, 1982, Public Hearing
and Regular Meeting of January 28, 1982, on request by
Coronet Realty Development Limited to consider recommendation
February 11, 1982 Page 2
Request to Annex and Zone 183 Acres
Coronet Realty Development
Zoning Case No. Zll-25-81-4 (cont'd) (Agenda Item III)
of annexation and Planned Development zoning on 183 acres
of land located at the southwest corner of Exchange
Parkway and Malone Road (Zoning Case No. Zll-25-81-4)."
Mr. Bob Shaw and Gary Kraus, with Graham and Associates,
who represent the proponents, spoke before the Commission on
this item.
Mr. Shaw advised the Commissioners that Graham and Associates
had taken the comments made at the last Planning and Zoning Com-
mission meeting and had revised their plans for the 183 acre tract
accordingly. Mr. Shaw advised the Commission of the market trends
today for types of housing units.
Mr. Kraus presented the originally prepared site plan for the
planned development of the 183 acres and then provided a color -
coded overlay of the revised site plan which took into consideration
the recommendations made by the Commissioners. Mr. Kraus advised
that they had moved all of the 9,000 sq. ft. lots to the east of
the development, with a transition down from them to the 8,500 sq.
ft. lots, to the 8,000 sq. ft. lots, and then to the 7,500 sq. ft.
lots on the east. Mr. Kraus added that they had eliminated all of
the 7,500 sq. ft. lots for the duplexes and used only the 8,000 sq.
ft. lots for the duplexes. They are also proposing to place the
duplexes to the north of the tract along Exchange Parkway.
Mr. Kraus further advised that the Commissioners' concern in
the development of the retail tract could be handled by making
part of the Planned Development Ordinance require a site plan for
the entire development of the retail tract at one time and not on
a piecemeal basis.
The other area of concern was the need for open space to
adhere to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and where to
put the open space. Mr. Kraus advised that they had calculated
that approximately 10 acres of open space would be required for
this development, however, they wanted some guidance from the
Commission as to where that open space would be placed.
There was considerable discussion between the Commission and
the proponents regarding the open space and the use in one large
park site, small pocket park areas thoroughout the development,
recreational areas to be maintained by Homeowners Assocations, and
maintenance of the park sites by the City of Allen.
It was suggested by the Commission that consideration be given
to placing some type of recreational areas in the duplex districts.
February 11, 1982 Page 3
Request to Annex and Zone 183 Acres
Coronet Realty Development
Zoning Case No. Zll-25-81-4 (cont'd) (Agenda Item III)
Mr. Kraus went over the new figures for the number of lots
represented in each square footage. The Commission had considerable
discussion on the location of the various lot sizes and the dis-
tribution of the size of houses. It was suggested by the Commission
that Graham and Associates come up with more variation of dwelling
unit sizes and not just use the minimum sizes as defined in the
City's Zoning Ordinance.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by
Commissioner Henry, the Commission voted five (5) for
and none (0) opposed to table the action on this request
until the next regular Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting, being Thursday, February 25, 1982. The motion
Consideration of the Planned Development
Zoning Request on 855+ Acres of Land -
Willard McDaniel, Inc., and Cambridge
Companies - Zoning Case No. Zll-11-81-1 (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Action related to the February 6, 1982, Special Workshop
meeting on Planned Development Zoning request by Willard
McDaniel, Inc., and the Cambridge Companies Development
Corporation on approximately 855 acres of land located
east of Jupiter Road and north of Chaparral Road (Zoning
Case No. Zll-11-81-1)."
Bob Allison, with Cambridge Companies, spoke before the
Commission regarding this item.
Commissioner Wolfe had previously prepared some statistics
on this 855+ acre development, taking into consideration pro-
jections of District 4 of the City of Allen's Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Allison had taken that comparison and, after reviewing
the Comprehensive Plan, had come up with figures he felt were
more accurate for their development.
Mr. Allison went over his projections and showed the changes
in the figures to the Commissioners and explained the differences.
Mr. Allison provided the Commission with a comparison of the
costs of housing in the City of Allen today.
The Commission discussed with Mr. Allison the need for an
up date of the District 4 of the Comprehensive Plan and the need
for professional help in order to do so, as well as having the
consultant attend a work shop session. The Commission went over
the outline for consulting services as prepared by Commissioner
February 11, 1982 Page 4
Consideration of the Planned Development
Zoning Request on 855+ Acres of Land -
Zoning Case No. Zll-11-81-1 (continued) (Agenda Item IV)
Wolfe and discussed making their request for consulting assistance
from the City Council.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded by
Commissioner Inkman, the Commission voted five (5) for
and none (0) opposed, that the Commission make a request
to appear before the City Council so Chairman Pendleton
and Vice Chairman Wolfe can make a request for consulting
assistance relating to the proposed 855+ acres of planned
development. The motion carried.
As part of this item, the Commission discussed the next work
shop session to be scheduled and what the discussion would entail.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry and seconded by
Commissioner Chumbley, the Commission voted five (5) for
and none (0) opposed, to set the next work shop session
on this request for Tuesday, February 16, 1982,at 7:30 p.m.
at Rountree Elementary School. The motion carried.
Chairman Pendleton recessed the regular session of the Allen
Planning and Zoning Commission at 9:20 p.m. The meeting recon-
vened at 9:45 p.m.
Set Date for Public Hearing
on Revised Request for Zoning
Amendment Change from LR to GB,
with Specific Use Permit for
Machine Shop Use,at 203A E. Main
and 101 N. Cedar
Zoning Case No. Z1-11-82-6 (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as
"Set date for Public Hearing on a revised Zoning Change
Amendment request from "LR" (Local Retail) to "GB"
(General Business) with Specific Use Permit for Machine
Shop Use by Manufacturing Specialties, Inc., on pro-
perties located at 203A E. Main and 101 N. Cedar and
further described as Lots 8B, 9A, and Lots 4A and 5,
all in Block 15 of the Original Donation to the City
of Allen (Zoning Case No. Z1-11-82-6)."
The Commission briefly discussed the date to set the
public hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry and seconded
by Commissioner Wolfe, the Commission voted five (5)
for and none (0) opposed, to set the public hearing date
for the next regular Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting, being Thursday, February 25, 1982. The motion
.... , PS _
February 11, 1982 Page S
Before consideration of the next request, Bill Petty,
Building Official, advised the Commission that their recom-
mendations for amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance had
been placed in the form of an ordinance and that ordinance
would be coming before the City Council for final adoption
at the next Council Meeting. Mr. Petty provided the Commission
with copies of the ordinance for their information.
Review Proposed Ordinance
Amending the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance to Include
the Now Unlisted Use of
"Arcade" (Agenda Item VI -A)
Bill Petty, Building Official, presented to and spoke before
the Commission on the proposed ordinance which would amend the
Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81. This proposed ordinance would
determine the appropriate classification for the presently
unlisted use of "arcade", define the term "arcade", define coin-
operated machines, define principle use, define property where
exhibited, allow use by a specific use permit and delineate the
districts within which such use shall be permitted.
Mr. Petty reviewed the entire ordinance with the Commission
Ell and provided the Commission with information on this type of
ordinance from other municipalities, as well as pending litigation
on some ordinances. Mr. Petty also reviewed the State Law on
coin-operated amusement machines with the Commission.
The Commission discussed various aspects of the proposed
ordinance with Mr. Petty, as well as the procedure for holding
of public hearings on this proposed ordinance.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded
by Commissioner Henry, the Commission voted five (5)
for and none (0) opposed to recommend forwarding to
the City Council the ordinance for the use of "arcade"
in the City of Allen, that has been drafted by the
Staff based in part on recommendations made by the
Planning and Zoning Commission, along with the
Resolution for a 90 -day moratorium on any permits for
construction or certificate of occupancy for the use
of arcade, for their consideration and return to the
Planning and Zoning Commission so that a date for the
public hearing may be set. The motion carried.
Discussion on State Requirements
for Establishing an Occupational
Tax and Permit for Coin -Operated
Machines (Agenda Item VI -B)
Bill Petty, Building Official, reviewed with the Commission
the State Law requirements regarding the occupational tax and
licensing fees required by the State and by the City in regards
to coin-operated amusement machines.
February 11, 1982
Discussion on State Requirements
for Establishing an Occupational
Tax and Permit for Coin -Operated
Machines (continued)
1 �v
(Agenda Item VI -B)
Mr. Petty advised the Commission that the City Staff was
in the process of preparing an ordinance to deal with the tax
and licensing requirements and to provide further regulations
regarding coin-operated amusement machines.
There was no action taken on this item.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Henry and seconded
by Commissioner Wolfe, the Commission voted five (5)
for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session
of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission at 10:55 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 25th day of February
Jif Pendleton, CHAIRMAN
Sarah Chumbley, 5 CRETARY