HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1982 - 02/25 - RegularA
Regular Session
February 25, 1982
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Sarah Chumbley, Secretary
Tom Inkman
Wayne Armand
Gary Koch
Carol Henry
City Staff:
Bill Petty, Building Official
Sherry Massett, Permit Clerk
The regular session of the Allen Planning and
Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman
Pendleton at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 25, 1982,
at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
Approval of Minutes:
February 11, 1982 - Regular Session
February 16, 1982 - Work Shop Session (Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wolfe and
seconded by Commissioner Armand, The Commission
voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve
the minutes of the February 11, 1982 - Regular
Session and the minutes of the February 16, 1982 -
Work Shop Session except for paragraph four
(9) of page 3 of the Work Shop Minutes which
needs to be modified as follows:
It was the consensus of the Commission
that they could consider a Planned
Development Ordinance without district
locations specified.
February 25, 1982 Page 2
Action Related to Coronet Realty -
Annexation and Zoning of 183 Acres
at Exchange Parkway and Malone
Zoning Case No. ZII-25-81-4 (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
Action related to the January 14, 1982, Public
Hearing and Regular Meetings of January 28, 1982,
and February 11, 1982, on request by Coronet
Realty Development Limited to consider recommend-
ation of annexation and PD (Planned Development)
zoning on 183 acres of land located at the south-
west corner of Exchange Parkway and Malone Road
(Zoning Case No. Z11-25-81-4)."
The first action was taken by Chairman Pendleton,
that being to ask the Commission if there was a motion
to remove from the table the above item.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Wolfe and
seconded by Commissioner Koch to remove from
the table the above request. The Commission
voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed in
favor of the motion. The motion carried.
Gary Kraus, with Graham and Associates, came before
the Commission with revised plans for the 183 acre
tract and addressed the issue of open space.
Using the revised plan, Mr. Kraus showed the
Commission where the two proposed open space areas
would be located. As they were presented, there would
be two 115 acre open space areas in the duplex area.
Mr. Kraus explained that, if these two open space areas
were to be maintained by a Homeowner's Association,
there were two objectives they were trying to achieve.
The first of these being to make the open space areas
accessible to the people who would be maintaining and
using them. Secondly, to discourage people from out-
side the immediate area from using them. With this in
mind, Mr. Kraus noted that the open space areas were
kept away from main streets and that some of the duplexes
would have front access. Mr. Kraus further explained
that of the 115 duplex lots in the area, 11 would have
front entrances.
The Commissioners discussed with Mr. Kraus access
to the open space, amount of open space shown on the
proposed plan as opposed to what is required by the
February 25, 1982 Page 3
Zoning Ordinance, use of a Homeowner's Association
to maintain open space versus the city maintaining
the facilities, and intended use of open space by the
entire city as opposed to adjacent property owners.
There was considerable discussion and review on the
need for 10 acres of open space and the use of same
as small parks or one large park.
The Commission recommended that Mr. Kraus
leave the two 1' acre parks in the duplex area and
place one 7 acre park within the single family home
Commissioner Wolfe stated that, in his opinion,
new Use Regulations (to be included in the Ordinance)
needed to be submitted to the Commission. Mr. Kraus
The Commission expressed a concern over the mini-
mum number of square feet in single family houses versus
the size of the lots. There was some discussion concern-
ing this matter.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and
second by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commis-
sion voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to table the action on this request until
the next regular meeting on March 11, 1982.
The motion carried.
Public Hearing - On Revised
Request for Zoning Amendment
Change from LR to GB, with
Specific Use Permit for Machine
Shop Use, at 203 E. Main and 101
N. Cedar
Zoning Case No. Z1-11-82-6 (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Revised Zoning Change Amendment
request from "LR" (Local Retail) to "GB" (General
Business) with Specific Use Permit for Machine
Shop use by Manufacturing Specialties, Inc. on
properties located at 203A E. Main and 101 North
Cedar and further described as Lots 8B, 9A, and
Lots 4A and 5, all in Block 15 of the Original
Donation to the City of Allen (Zoning Case No.
February 25, 1982 Page 9
Bill Petty, Building Official, informed the Com-
mission that at 9:00 p.m. this afternoon, February
25, 1982, Mr. Johnson, President of Manufacturing
Specialties, Inc., called him at his office and asked
to withdraw his zoning request.
No action was taken on this item.
Report from Chairman Pendleton
and Vice Chairman Wolfe on
Request for Council Approval
to use Consultant for Willard
McDaniel and Cambridge Companies
Planned Development Request (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Report from Commission Chairman Jim Pendleton
and Vice Chairman Jim Wolfe on the request for
Council approval to use a consultant on Willard
McDaniel, Inc. and Cambridge Companies Develop-
ment Corporation planned development request."
Commissioner Wolfe informed the Commission that
the City Council did approve the use of a consultant,
but he also wanted the Commission to know that the
Council expressed concern with regard to the practi-
cality of the use of a consultant.
No action was taken on this item.
Action Related to February
16, 1982, Work Shop Session
with Willard McDaniel, Inc.
and Cambridge Companies Develop-
ment Corporation
Zoning Case No. Zll-11-81-1 (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Action related to the February 16, 1982, Work-
shop Meeting with Willard McDaniel, Inc. and
Cambridge Companies Development Corporation on
their Planned Development Request (Zoning Case
No. Z11-11-81-1)."
dip There was no discussion on the Work Shop Session
of February 16, 1982.
At this time Bill Petty, Building Official,
submitted to the Commission, staff recommendations
February 25, 1982
Page 5
on the procedure for selecting a planning consultant
or consultants for the above mentioned Planned
Development Request (Copy Attached).
The Commission discussed staff's recommendation
for a 2 or 3 member subcommittee to act in behalf
of the Commission.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and
second by Commissioner Koch, the Commission
voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, that
the subcommittee consist of the 3 officers
of the Planning and Zoning Commission - the
Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary.
The motion carried.
Chairman Pendleton recessed the regular session
of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission at 8:55 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:13 p.m.
Staff Update on Amendment
to Subdivision Ordinance
(Agenda Item VII -A)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Staff update on amendment to Subdivision
Bill Petty, Building Official, advised the Commi-
ssion that the City Council had adopted the Amendment
to the Subdivision Ordinance as presented.
No action was taken on this item.
Staff Update on Recommendation
to City Council on Zoning
Amendment Related to Arcade
Use and Request for Moratorium (Agenda Item VII -B)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Staff update on recommendation to City Council
for initiating action on Zoning Ordinance
Amendment related to arcade use and request
for Moratorium on Building Permits and Certi-
ficates of Occupancy for arcade use."
Bill Petty, Building Official, provided the
Commission with an update on comments made by the
City Council on the proposed ordinance for "arcade
use" and their concerns regarding same.
February 25, 1982 Page 6
Mr. Petty advised the Commission that the
Resolution for the moratorium was adopted, however,
during that time coin operated machines can still
be placed in existing buildings.
The Commission was also advised that the City
Council directed city staff to prepare an ordinance
establishing an occupation tax, permits, and regulations
for coin operated machines and their use. Mr. Petty
added that this was not a zoning ordinance and it would
go directly to the City Council for adoption.
No action was taken on this item.
General Discussion
Commissioner Armand asked staff if there was any
action the Commission could take to correct the traffic
and parking situation on the 800 Block of Rivercrest.
His concern was expressed for the safety of the school
children in this area. After some discussion, Bill
Petty, Building Official, advised that the Commission
might approach the City Council with their concern.
The Commission briefly discussed how to make a
developer responsible for streetlighting for traffic
control and drainage problems in future developments
in the city.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and second
by Commissioner Wolfe, the Commission voted
six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn
the regular session of the Allen Planning
and Zoning Commission at 9:40 p.m.
These minutes approved on the
11th day of March
JYm Pendleton, CHAIRMAN Sarah Chumbley, SB6RETARY
PO BOX 467
February 24, 1982
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Bill Petty, Building Official
Subj: Staff Recommendation - Procedure for Selecting
Planner for 855 Acre Planned Development
The staff would like to offer a recommendation
for the procedure to select a planning consultant or
consultants to accomplish the following objectives:
A. Update Planning District 4 in the Comprehen-
sive Plan;
B. Meet with the Planning Commissioner and devel-
opers in a 4 -hour Work Shop Session to answer questions
pertaining to planning and zoning.
Staff recommendations would include the following
1. An appointment, by the Commission, of a 2
or 3 member subcommittee to act in behalf of the
Commission in a decision making process with the
2. Staff and subcommittee to meet at City
Hall, Tuesday, March 2, 1982, at 6:00 p.m. to establ-
ish a process for:
a. Selection of consultants to be considered;
b. Determining preference for 1 or 2
C. Establishing a selection process for
d. Structuring a contractual agreement between
the City of Allen and the developers
for escrow of funds and payments;
e. Providing specific information to the
consultants in regards to the expected
302W MCDERMOTT • 2147273336 • 2144245918(DAUAS Uw1)
Memo to Planning and Zoning Commission
February 24, 1962
Page 2
f. Establish method of escrowing funds and
payment of fees by the City;
g. Establishing a time frame for completion
of the consultants study and meeting.
At this point the staff would institute proceedings
to accomplish the results of the outlined procedure
and submit a report back to the Commission at their
next regularly scheduled meeting for their review and
agreement to proceed.