HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1982 - 03/11 - RegularALLEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
March 11, 1982
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Sarah Chumbley, Secretary
Tom Inkman
Carol Henry
Wayne Armand
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Bill Petty, Building Official
Sherry Massett, Permit Clerk
The regular session of the Allen Planning and
Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman
Pendleton at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 11, 1982,
at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
Approval of Minutes:
February 25, 1982 - Regular Meeting (Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and
seconded by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commi-
ssion voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to approve the minutes of the February 25,
1982, meeting. The motion carried.
Action related to Coronet Realty -
Annexation and Zoning of 183
Acres at Exchange Parkway and
Malone Road
Zoning Case No. Z11-25-81-4 (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Action related to the January 14,
1982, Public Hearing, and Regular Meetings of
January 28, 1982, February 11, 1982, and February
MARCH 11, 1982 PAGE 2
Coronet Realty Annexation &
Zoning of 183 Acres (Continued)
25, 1982, on request by Coronet Realty Development
Limited to consider recommendation of annexation
and PD (Planned Development) zoning on 183 acres
of land located at the southwest corner of Exchange
Parkway and Malone Road (Zoning Case No. 711-25-81-4)."
The first action taken by Chairman Pendleton was to
ask the Commission if there was a motion to remove from
the table the above item.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Armand and
seconded by Commissioner Wolfe to remove from
the table the above request. The Commission
voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed in
favor of the motion. The motion carried.
The Commission was informed, by letter from City
Staff (copy attached), that a representative of Graham
Associates requested this item once again be tabled
until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the
Planning and Zoning Commission. Bill Petty, Building
Official, reminded the Commission that they must make
a recommendation on this item no later than April 8,
1982, as this is the 90 -day limit after the Public
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and seconded
by Commissioner Henry, the Commission voted
seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to table
the action on this request until the next
regular meeting on March 25, 1982. The motion
Action Related to 855± Acre
Planned Development Zoning
Request by Willard McDaniel,
Inc. and Cambridge Companies
Development Corporation
Zoning Case No. Z11-11-81-1 (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Action related to the 855± acre Planned Develop-
ment Zoning Request by Willard McDaniel, Inc.,
and the Cambridge Companies Development Corpor-
ation. The 855± acres of land being located east
of Jupiter Road and north of Chapparal Road
(Zoning Case No. Zll-11-81-1)."
MARCH 11, 1982 PAGE 3
Planned Development Zoning
Request of 855± Acres
The Commission was given an update on the results
of the Planning and Zoning Subcommittee meeting of
Tuesday, March 9, 1982. The subcommittee met to set
guidelines for the consultant, for the above referenced
item, to follow.
Bill Petty, Building Official, provided the Commis-
sion with a copy of these guidelines and cost estimates
from two consultants based upon these guidelines.
There was considerable discussion on the consultants
proposals as to whether an upper price limit should
be established, as opposed to just an hourly rate, and
the time they proposed it would take to complete their
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Armand and
seconded by Commissioner Henry that the Sub-
committee should meet with the City Staff on
Tuesday, March 16, 1982, 6:00 a.m., at City
Hall, to discuss and decide on a consultant
for this agenda item. The Commission voted
seven (7) for and none (0) opposed in favor
of the motion. The motion carried.
Set Date for Public Hearing
on Request from McDonald's
Corporation for Site Plan
Zoning Case No. Z3-4-82-7 (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Set date for Public Hearing on a request from
McDonald's Corporation for site plan approval
for development of a .896 acre tract, being
part of a 24.341 acre tract, as described in a
deed from Homer L. Adams to H. Molsen and Company,
recorded in Volume 639, Page 344, Deed Records,
Collin County, Texas, and lying within the Wm.
Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, further described
as starting at a point 195 feet south of the
southwest corner of F.M. 2170 and U.S. Highway
75 (Zoning Case No. Z3-4-82-7)."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Henry and
seconded by Commissioner Wolfe, the Commis-
sion voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to set the date for Public Hearing for the
next regular meeting on March 25, 1982. The
motion carried.
MARCH 11, 1982 PAGE 4
Set date for Public Hearing
to Amend the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81,
to Include "Arcade" use (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Set date for Public Hearing on action initiated
by the Planning and Zoning Commission to amend
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81,
to allow "arcades" as a principle use in the
Planned Development District and by Specific
Use Permit in the Shopping Center District."
Bill Petty, Building Official, provided the
Commission with a copy of a final draft of the Proposed
Zoning Ordinance and a letter from the City Attorney
on same.
Mr. Petty informed the Commission that since
the proposed Zoning Ordinance affects the citizenry
of the whole of Allen that 15 days notice, by public-
ation, was required by law.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and
second by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commission
voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
set the date for Public Hearing for April 8,
1982. The motion carried.
Site Plan Approval by Fox &
Jacobs, Inc., on 37± Acres
Presently Zoned TH-PD, Located
to the South of Ridgemont and
North of Chapparal Road (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the
record as follows:
"Site Plan Approval request by Fox and Jacobs,
Inc. on approximately 37 acres presently zoned
TH-PD No. 7 (Town -House), located to the south
of Ridgemont Drive and North of Chapparal Road,
and bounded on the west by the Corporate City
Limits line and on the east by the floodway
Steve Bezner, of Fox and Jacobs, Inc., spoke
before the Commission on the proposed site plan. He
explained the difference between this proposed site
plan and the ones brought to the Commission previously
that were denied.
MARCH 11, 1982 PAGE 5
Site Plan Approval Request
on 371 Acres by Fox & Jacobs (Cont.)
Ron Morris, of Fox & Jacobs, Inc., then spoke to
the Commission concerning the current trends in housing.
He presented their proposed site plan, using working
models and drawings. Mr. Morris explained that there
would be four forms of housing on the site:
1. Courtyard Homes
2. Cluster Homes
3. Duplex Townhomes
4. Traditional Single Family Homes
He further explained that the streets would consist of
main entry streets with a system of cul-de-sacs and
that there would be a large amount of open space.
The Commission told Fox & Jacobs representatives
that a workshop session needed to be held before setting
a date for Public Hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second
by Commissioner Chumbley, the Commission voted
seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to hold
a workshop session on Monday, March 22, 1982,
at 7:30 p.m., at Rountree Elementary School.
The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Henry and second
by Commissioner Wolfe, the Commission voted
seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to ad3ourn
the regular session of the Allen Planning and
Zoning Commission at 8:50 p.m. The motion
These minutes approved on the 25th day of March
i I
Jim,/Pendleton, CHAIRMAN Sarah C umbley, SECRE
PO BOX 487
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March 11, 1982
To: Allen Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Bill Petty, Building Official
Subj: Request to Table Action on Agenda Item III
Mr. Bob Shawn, of Graham Associates, contacted
my office today and requested that Agenda Item III
be tabled once again until your March 25, 1982,
Regular Meeting, for the following reasons:
1. Gary Kraus, who has represented this plan
to you on numerous occasions, is no longer associated
with Graham Associates and Mr. Shawn had a previous
meeting scheduled for tonight and would be unable
to attend.
2. Mr. Shawn has indicated that because Coronet
Realty Development, Ltd., is a Canadian Company, that
he has not been able, to date, to meet with the owners
on the request for additional open space to satisfy
the P.D. requirement. He did indicate that he felt
he would be able to meet with the owners prior to
your next meeting and definitely would be able to
plan to attend that meeting and represent the proposal.
NOTE: As you recall, Public Hearing has already
been held on this property on January 14, 1982, and
the Commission recommendation must be made within
a 90 day period. Staff recommendation would be that
your recommendation on this proposal be completed no
later than your April 8, 1982, meeting to stay within
the calender framework required.
Bill Petty
Building Official
302W WDERMOT • 214727-3336 • 214-424 5918 (DALLAS LINE)