HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1982 - 03/22 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
MARCH 22, 1982
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Sarah Chumbley, Secretary
Carol Henry
Gary Koch
Wayne Armand
Steve Bezner, Fox
City Staff• & Jacobs, Inc.
Ron Morris, Fox &
Bill Petty, Building Official Jacobs, Inc.
Sherry Massett, Permit Clerk
The called workshop session for the Allen Planning
and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman
Pendleton at 7:35 p.m., on Monday, March 22, 1982, at
Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
This Workshop Session was called by the Planning
and Zoning Commission to review and discuss the proposed
Planned Development Zoning of approximately 44 acres
(zoned Townhouse) by Fox & Jacobs, Inc. The property
being located south of Ridgemont Drive and north of
Chapparal Road (Zoning Case No. Z3-8-82-8).
Steve Bezner, of Fox & Jacobs, Inc., spoke before
the Commission on the problems Fox & Jacobs had encount-
ered with their previous site plans which had been
Ron Morris, of Fox & Jacobs, Inc., then began
a presentation on the site plan by talking about the
current trends in the housing market.
Mr. Morris continued by explaining their analysis
of the site and why it was laid out as it is. He
further explained that 20% of the entire site was
i designated as open space, that the total number of
MARCH 22, 1982 PAGE 2
dwelling units would not exceed 265 units, and that
the average lot size and average square footage of the
dwelling units would exceed that required by Townhouse
Mr. Morris then classified and explained each type
of housing proposed in the site plan.
1. Single Family Homes - To be placed on lots of
not less than 7,500 square feet and will provide for
about 4.6 dwelling units per acre.
2. Cluster Homes - A single family detached
dwelling sharing a common access with one or more other
detached dwelling clustered in such a way as to provide
common open space. Minimum lot size to be 3,500 square
feet and density not to exceed 10 units per acre.
3. Courtyard Homes - Single family detached
dwellings sharing a common access with one or more other
detached dwelling. To be 8 to 10 homes clustered
around a courtyard. The homes would range from 800
to 1,276 square feet and have a minimum yard of 150
square feet.
4. Duplex Townhomes - Single family attached homes
with a range of 900 to 2,400 square feet. The parking
would be in the rear and they are designed to look like a
single family home. The density shall not exceed 10
dwelling units per acre.
There was considerable discussion on the Homeowner's
Association that would be established to maintain the
open space for the proposed site. Mr. Morris explained
that the Homeowner's Association would cost approximately
$25.00 to $50.00 per month, per unit, and that there
would be two types of Homeowner's Associations involved.
1. An Umbrella Homeowner's Association which will
control maintainance of all of the open space and enforce
all deed restrictions (to be the political and legal
2. A Unit Homeowner's Association will maintain
and control the individual courtyard areas.
There was further discussion on how Homeowner's Associations
work and how well they work.
Considerable discussion was held on the square
footage requirements of the dwellings. As set forth,
the average square footage of each area would exceed
the requirements as set forth in the zoning ordinance
MARCH 22, 1982 PAGE 3
but some of the homes would be below the square foot
f minimum. Mr. Bezner felt that the design of the house
IJ and the amenities are more important than the square
footage. He and Mr. Morris also felt that they could
live with a 1,000 square foot minimum in all areas
except the courtyard homes. Here they felt they needed
at least 15 homes below that requirement.
There was further discussion on the minimum set-
backs from public streets, the fact that all homes
must be 758 masonry, minimum distances from fire hydrants,
providing sidewalks on each sides of the street, and
garbage collection.
After discussion concluded, the Commission felt
that the plan is very workable, but new Use Regulations
need to be submitted by Fox a Jacobs on their proposed
site plan.
Chairman Pendleton recessed the Workshop Session
at 10:45 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 25th day of
March , 1982.
Jim Pendleton, CHAIRMAN Sarah Chumbley, SECR ARY