HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1959 - 10/22 - RegularRegular Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Allen; Allen, Texas October 22, 1959 Members present as follows, Mayor V.B. Watson, Aldermen J.C. Hefner, R.B. Young, R.L. Cooksey, and W.E. Ford. Absent R.J. McClure & City Secy. Motion by J.C. Hefner to make amendment to the City Ordinance which reads as follows, quote, "That a building Ordinance be passed that any new CONSTRUCTION or BUILDING being moved in or TRAILORHOUSE parked, be set back (15ft.) fifteen feet from the front property line or in comparison with other buildings in the same block. They must also leave a clearance of (6 ft.) six feet on each side and (5 ft.) five feet on the back property line. Also if SEWAGE is available they must tie on to the SEWER SYSTEM.". Unquote. Motion sec. by E.B. Young, ayes (4) four, noes (0) none. AMENDMENT to above ORDINANCE as follows. City of Allen Collin County, Texas, and does hereby restrict said property as herein after set out, which restrictions shall be binding upon the owners or any purchasers of the lots, his or their heirs, executors, administrators or a signs, as follows, to wit: 1. There shall not be erected on any lot more than one private dwelling house and the necessary outhouses; such buildings to be erected upon substantial foundations, of good materials, and first class workmanship; and said premises shall be used for private dwelling purposes only. 2. The exterior construction of any dwelling erected on any lot shall be of frame, brick, brick veneer, rock, rock veneer and shall not exceed two stories in height. 3. The improvements erected on any lot shall be in keeping with the minimum set back from the front and side property lines as shown on the recorded plat of said addition and in all instances shall comply with the City of Allen requirements. 4. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 5. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the track shall be used at any time as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence, except it be taken up with the Town Council, of the Town of Allen. 6. The ground floor area of the main structure, exclusive of all porches, garages, terraces, breezeways, and unfinished rooms, shall not be less than 300 square feet. 7. That all plans and specifications of all improvements to be erected shall be approved by one of the Town Council A duly appointed representative of said Council, prior to the time any work is started. Second by Earl Young, ayes (4) four,/ none (0) none. Council made the decision approved by all of the Council to let W.D. Angel & T.H. Cundiff tie to the sewer with no expense except at them own for tapping, over Drug Store bldg. Motion by W.E. Ford that the City pass an ARSON Ordinance, Sec by R.L. Cooksey. Council appointed Gordon Smythe Fire Warden. Motion made City adopt Fire Marshall Ordinance, motion made by Earl Young, sec. by J.C. Hefner. Ayes (4) four / Noes (0) none. Part of restriction is: Permit to be given with each new structure, and the price is $1.00 per permit. CITYoof ALL. CN.LIN CalPITY,TIAA3 To whoever it may concern, In compliance with the Building Code A of the City of Allen,Tezaa passed by the City Council ?eb. 26,1959 and an Amendment to seme,passed on Cst.22,1959, No building or alterations of any kind shall be pezmited with out first seoureing a building sormit issued by the City secretary and passed on by the City Council, This shall become effective on November 1,1959, o.B.tfataor f- ..Its { A.C.Btory Cit � f I CITYoof ALLEN COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS To whoever it may concern, In compliance with the Building Code #1 of the City of Allen,Texas passed by the City Council Feb. 26,1959 and an Amendment to same,passed on Oct.22,1959. No building or alterations of any kind shall be permited with out first secureing a Building Permit issued by the City secretary and passed on by the City Council. This shall become effective on November 1,1959. v.B 7):9,1 Mli2r A.C.Story City S"ec. 1