HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1983 - 03/10 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
MARCH 10, 1983
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Gary Koch, Secretary
Bobby Glass
Michael Hill
Glenn Andrew (Arrived at 7:36 p.m.)
Larry Larsen
City Staff:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Sherry Massett, Secretary
The regular meeting of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:31 p.m., Thursday,
March 10, 1983, at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street,
Allen, Texas.
Approval of Minutes:
February 10, 1983, Regular Meeting
February 24, 1983, Regular Meeting (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of February 10, 1983, Regular Meeting, and
February 24, 1983, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second by Commissioner
Wolfe, the Commission voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed
to approve the minutes of February 10, 1983, Regular Meeting
and February 24, 1983, Regular Meeting. The motion carried.
MARCH 10, 1983 PAGE 2
Tabled Item - Request for Zoning
Change and Site Plan Approval
by Weston Blair (Cont.)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - A request by Weston Blair, for zoning change from
R-2 (Residential) to PD (Planned Development) to include
multi -family, shopping center, and office. This proposed zoning
change is on 16.208 acres of land in the William Perrin Survey,
Abstract No. 708 and the George W. Ford Survey, Abstract No.
328, further described as being the northern portion of the R-2
zoning district located adjacent to and south of the First
United Methodist Church and the Jupiter Road Church of Christ.
Zoning Case No. Z1-28-83-6"
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Kocb, the Commission voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed
to remove this agenda item from the table. The motion carried.
After removing this item from the table, the Commission discussed
the traffic analysis on this proposed development that had been done
by North Central Texas Council of Governments.
The Commission pointed out that all the corrections had been
made in each of the district regulations, except for the engineering
specifications for the masonry screening wall and the statement that
this screening wall is to be totally built out with the first phase
of development.
Each Commissioner expressed his opinion concerning this proposed
development and Commissioner Wolfe read some of his personal findings
into the record as follows:
1. The R-2 zoning that is currently in place on this piece of
property was the city's holding zoning for annexed property. Due
to the cost of the land there is little or no chance that the property
will now or ever develop as R-2 zoning, which means 2 houses per acre.
2. The change is consistant with the 1977 Comprehensive Plan,
both in land use and in density projections.
3. The change is consistant with data presented in the Frank
Osgood update to the Comprehensive Plan reflecting a need for a better
balance of alternative housing units in the city.
4. The location of the property is well suited for multi -family
development due to the east/west access to major thoroughfares.
5. Surrounding property values, in my opinion, will not be
adversely affected by this change. Also the direct neighbors of
this property have voiced no objections to the development.
MARCH 10, 1983 PAGE 3
6. The repair of Jupiter Road and completion of Chapparal
Road that is projected within the next year to 18 months will provide
adequate east way traffic patterns sufficient to encourage traffic
in that direction for relief on Highway 5.
7. The traffic and demographic analysis shows that no negative
impact is a result of this change will occur.
8. The high quality nature of this development sets a new and
important trend for apartment dwellings in Allen that will hopefully
carry over to subsequent multi -family developments.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Andrew, the Commission voted four (4) for, one (1) opposed
(with Commissioner Glass casting the opposing vote), and
one abstention (Commissioner Hill), to recommend to the
City Council approval of this request with the stipulations
that, (1) 100% of the masonry screening wall be completed
with phase one of the development, and (2) that the engin-
eering and specifications and drawings of the masonry screen-
ing and a detailed description of the evergreen shrub screen-
ing be attached to the Site Plan. The motion carried.
Consider Preliminary Plat on
66.70 Acres of Land Owned
by Belz Enterprises (Factory
Outlet Mall) (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Consider Preliminary Plat on 66.70 acres of land owned by
Belz Enterprises. This 66.70 acre tract is located in the
Jonathan Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 719, being further
described as approximately 1,600 feet south of the intersection
of State Highway 121 and U. S. Highway 75 and being on the west
side of U. S. Highway 75. This land is presently zoned SC
(Shopping Center). Zoning Case No. Z3-4-83-10"
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented the
Preliminary Plat of the tract to house the proposed Factory Outlet
Mall to the Commission. He explained that he has worked with and
had considerable input with the engineer on the design of the Prelim-
inary Plat. He further pointed out a couple of possible changes
in the plat before it is brought back to the Commission as a Final
There was some discussion on possibly incorporating a deceleration
land at the U. S. Highway 75 access road at the entrance to Shelby
Lane or at the State Highway 121 entrance.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to approve this Preliminary Plat as submitted. The motion
MARCH 10, 1983 PAGE 4
Chairman Pendleton recessed the regular session of the Allen
Planning and Zoning Commission at 8:33 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:48 p.m.
Public Hearing - On Site Plan
Approval for Multi -Family
Development as Requested by
Larry Hendricks (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - On Site Plan approval for multi -family develop-
ment on 1.34 acres of land as requested by Larry Hendricks.
Said 1.34 acre tract being part of Lot 3, Block A, Bethany
Park Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. This
land is presently zoned MF -2 (Multi -Family). Zoning Case No.
Larry Hendricks, Developer, presented the Site Plan to the
Commission. He explained to the Commission that the proposed
apartment complex contained 32 units, including 24 two bedroom,
two bath units at 872 square feet each and 8 one bedroom, one bath
units at 700 square feet each and that all apartment units would
contain washer/dryer connections and fireplaces. Mr. Hendricks
indicated that the ingress/egress would be at Bethany Drive and
Bethany Park Drive and that he had worked with City Staff regarding
said ingress/egress.
The Commission expressed a desire to receive a detailed landscape
plan of the proposed development; inquired as to if there was to be
any screening between the day care center and the apartment parking
lot; parking lot standards in relation to the fire lane; and the
location of trash receptacles.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, indicated that
the Site Plan meets all requirements of the city, except any the
Commission may have regarding the detailed landscape plan. He also
informed the Commission that after this Site Plan is approved the
property will have to be replatted.
There was some discussion on the landscaping on the proposed
development. Mr. Hendricks said that all of the landscaped areas
will be sprinklered.
Chairman Pendleton opened the Public Hearing.
The fallowing person appeared before the Commission and spoke
for the proposed development:
Pete Ford 408 Coats
Chairman Pendleton closed the Public Hearing.
MARCH 10, 1983 PAGE 5
Public Hearing - On Site Plan
Approval for Multi-Familv
Development Requested by
Larry Hendricks (Cont.)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) apposed
to table this item until a detailed landscape plan with a
typical elevation showing landscaping is submitted. The
motion carried.
Action Related to March 9,
1983, Workshop Session
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Action related to the March 9, 1983, Workshop Session on establi-
shing procedures for developing a Central Business District in
the City of Allen."
Chairman Pendleton informed the Commission that the Workshop
Session on March 9, 1983, was not held due to the lack of a quorum.
There was some discussion as to when another Workshop Session
on the development of a Central Business District could be held.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second by Commissioner
Andrew, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to set the date for a Workshop Session on the Central Business
District for Tuesday, March 22, 1983, 7:00 p.m., at Rountree
Elementary School. The motion carried.
General Discussion:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, informed the
Commission that the city will be moving to the new City Hall Annex
at the end of this month and their first meeting in April will be
in the new Council Chambers in the Annex.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to adjourn the regular meeting of the Allen Planning and
Zoning Commission at 9:40 p.m. The motion carried.
These minuI approved on the day of 1983.
. 1.
Ji Pendleton, CHAIRMAN Gary K ch; SECRETARY-