HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1983 - 03/24 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
MARCH 24, 1983
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Gary Koch, Secretary
Bobby Glass
Larry Larsen
Glenn Andrew
Mike Hill
City Staff:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Sherry Massett, Secretary
Chairman Pendleton called the regular meeting of the Allen
Planning and Zoning Commission to order on Thursday, March 24,
1983, 7:34 p.m., at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street,
Allen, Texas.
Approval of Minutes:
March 9, 1983, Workshop Session
March 10, 1983, Regular Meeting (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of March 9, 1983, Workshop Session, and March
10, 1983, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second by Commissioner
Larsen, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to approve the minutes of the March 9, 1983, Workshop
Session, and March 10, 1983, Regular Meeting, as submitted.
The motion carried.
The Commission expressed their appreciation to the late Jack
Decatur, a former member of the Planning & Zoning Commission, for
his dedication in service and concern for the City of Allen.
MARCH 24, 1983
Tabled Item - Consider Site Plan
Approval for Multi -Family Develop-
ment by Larry Hendricks (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider Site Plan approval for multi -family
development on 1.34 acres of land as requested by Larry Hendricks.
Said 1.34 acre tract being part of Lot 3, Black A, Bethany
Park Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas.
This land is presently zoned MF -2 (Multi -Family). Zoning Case
No. Z2-18-83-8"
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to remove this agenda item from the table. The motion carried.
Larry Hendricks, developer, presented the Commission with the
detailed landscape plan and detailed landscape elevation plan that
the Commission had requested at their last regular meeting.
The Commission had questions concerning the access to the
apartments from Bethany Drive; where the trash dumpsters would be
located; whether the proposed apartments would be geared for individ-
uals with children and, if so, whether there would be playground
areas for them; and drainage in the area.
Mr. Hendricks then presented the Commission with the replat
of the property for their consideration as requested at their previous
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second by Commissioner
Andrew, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend to the City Council approval of the Site Plan
for multi -family development and that the landscape plan be
included as part of the Site Plan. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend approval of the replat of the Bethany Park Addition
to the City of Allen with the understanding that Lot 4,
as submitted on the replat, will become Lots 4 and 5 instead
of Lots 3E an 3D. The motion carried.
Consider Preliminary and Final
Plat on 162 Acres of Land
Owned by Taxer, Inc. (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Consider Preliminary and Final Plat on 162 acres of land awned
by Texet, Inc. Said 16± acres of land being situated in the
Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, Collin County, Texas.
Further described as being west of State Highway 5 and north of
Ridgemont Drive and continuing to the Southern Pacific Railroad.
This tract of land is presently zoned LI (Light Industrial).
Zoning Case No. Z3-10-83-11"
MARCH 24, 1983
Consider Preliminary and Final
Plat on 16± Acres of Land
Owned by Texet, Inc. (Cont.)
Mr. Kim Johnson, Beltway Construction Company, representing
Texet, Inc., presented the plat to the Commission. He explained that the
Texet addition is proposed to be a light manufacturing firm that will
consist of a 27,000 square foot building manufacturing small computer
chips. Mr. Johnson further advised the Commission that Texet would
be hiring approximately 100 individuals.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, explained to
the Commission that the west portion of this addition is in the
floodplain and that prior to the development of Lot 3, a flood plain
studv will have to be done.
There was a question on the drainage of the addition in relation
to Lot 3.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat
as submitted with the stipulation that a letter of agreement
concerning the fact that Texet must complete the improvements
(paving and utilities) to Ridgemeont Drive when Lot 3 is
developed or at such time that Ridgemont is developed from
west to east is forthcoming. The motion carried.
Consider Replat of .2640 Acre
Tract of Land as Requested
by Don Rodenbaugh (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Consider replat of .2640 acre tract ofland as requested by
Don Rodenbaugh. Said tract of land being Lots No. 15 and No.
16, Block No. 7 of the original town of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, as recorded in Volume No. 6, Page 152 and 153, of the
Collin County Deed Records. Zoning Case No. Z3-14-83-12"
Gary Rodenbaugh presented the replat to the Commission and
explained why the land is being replatted.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, explained to
the Commission that the replat was essentially to replat two lots
of record into one buildable lot.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend to City Council approval of the replat of the
Rodenbaugh North Addition. The motion carried.
Chairman Pendleton recessed the regular meeting of the Allen
Planning S Zoning Commission at 8:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:40 p.m.
MARCH 24, 1983 PAGE 4
Public Hearing - On a Request for
Zoning Change from MF -2 to MF -2
on Approximately 8 Acres of Land
by the Landowners (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - On a request for zoning change from MF -1
(Multi -Family) to MF -2 (Multi -Family) on approximately 8 acres
of land. This request is made by the landowners, Herbert Jones,
Nora Washington, Leola Howell, Luther Washington, Thomas Cate,
and George and Hazel Anderson. Said 8t acres being located in
the J. L. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 758, and being a part of
Lot 2, Block E, Old Donation; part of Lots 9 and 10, Block D,
Old Donation; part of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block D, Old Donation;
all of Lots 11 and 12 and parts of Lots 9, 10, 1, and 2, Block D,
Old Donation; and Lot 4B, Block G, Old Donation. Further described
as being the block south of St. Mary Drive, east of Cedar Drive,
and north of east Coats Drive. Zoning Case No. Z2-15-83-7"
Mary Melton, Realtor, presented the request to the Commission.
She addressed the fact that the City of Allen needs more multi-
family dwellings and the property owners are asking for the rezoning
to make the property more marketable so as to develop more apartments
for the city.
The Commission asked Ms. Melton if she is aware of the work
that is now being done on the establishment of a Central Business
District and what this could possibly mean to the property in question.
Chairman Pendleton opened the Public Hearing.
No one appeared to speak either for or against this request.
Chairman Pendleton closed the Public Hearing.
The Commission discussed the fact that they are now in the process
of establishing a Central Business District and they need to see how
this request relates to the CBD boundaries.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, expressed a
concern as to the substandard housing and inadequate streets in this
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second by Commissioner
Larsen, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to table this agenda item until their regular meeting on
June 9, 1983. The motion carried.
Consider Final Plat on 66.70
Acres of Land Under Contract
by Belz Enterprises
(Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
MARCH 24, 1983 PAGE 5
Consider Final Plat on 66.70
Acres of Land Under Contract
by Bels Enterprises (Cont.)
"Consider final plat on 66.70 acres of land under contract by
Belz Enterprises. Said tract of land situated in Collin County,
Texas, in the Jonathan Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 719, being
a resurvey of part of the 150.550 acres of land described in a Deed
from Roy G. Roberts, Trustee, to Trustees, E-Systems, Inc Pool
Trust dated May 12, 1982, recorded in Volume 1508, Page 730;
and, a part of the 1.6791 acres of land described in a Deed from
Harley D. Roche and wife Barbara S. Roche to Trustees, E-Systems,
Inc. Pool Trust dated December 21, 1982, recorded in Volume 1585,
Page 809; and, a part of the 12.102 acres of land described in a
Deed from Ethel La Follett to Trustees, E-Systems, Inc. Pool
Trust dated December 14, 1982, recorded in Volume 1583, Page 267,
all three deeds of the Collin County Deed Records. Further
described as being approximately 1,600 feet south of the inter-
section of State Highway 121 and U. S. Highway 75 and being on
the west side of U. S. Highway 75. This land is presently zoned
SC (Shopping Center). Zoning Case No. Z3-21-83-13"
Bob Sweeney, of Sweeney and Reeves, presented the final plat
to the Commission for their consideration.
Gene Geer, engineer for the project, pointed out the differences
between the preliminary and final plat.
There was some discussion as to if a deceleration lane had been
considered along U. S. Highway 75 and State Highway 121.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, explained that,
as per Subdivision requirements, staff has not reviewed the engineering
but that he has met with the engineer and worked closely with him on
this project. Mr Petty indicated that the engineering would be
reviewed before submission of the plat to the City Council.
There was some discussion upon the right-of-way at State Highway
121 as it relates to the proposed mall.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Wolfe, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend to the City Council approval of the final plat
contingent upon (1) there be a mutual agreement drawn up
between Betz Enterprises and the City regarding the right-
of-way at State Highway 121 and (2) staff approves the engin-
eering on the plat before submission to the City Council.
The motion carried.
Consideration of Setting a
Date for Workshop Session
for Preliminary Concept
of Golf Course & Country
Club by Willard R. Baker
Development Company (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Pendleton read the request intotthe record as follows:
MARCH 24, 1983 PAGE 6
Consideration of Setting a
Date for Workshop Session
for Preliminary Concept
of Golf Course & Country
Club by Willard R. Baker
Development Company (Cont.)
"Consideration of setting a date for Workshop Session for preli-
minary concept and feasibility review submitted by Willard R.
Baker Development Company pertaining to establishing a possible
golf course and country club estates on approximately 700 acres
on land fronting the north side of F.M. 2170 beginning at a
point approximately 2 miles west of F.M. 2170 and U. S. Highway
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, explained to
the Commission that what they are dealing with in this request is a
very preliminary concept plan and that the developers are only asking
that a workshop session be scheduled to discuss the aforementioned
plan. Mr. Petty further informed the Commssion that this request
has not officially been submitted to the City and is only a concept
Bob Harper, joint developer, presented the proposed development
to the Commission. He explained that the proposed project consists
of approximately 700 acres of land and that it requires a great deal
Of planning. Mr. Harper asserted that the master plan of the develop-
ment will include a mix of various types of housing styles and types
and they they are still determining the economic feasibility of instal-
ling a golf course and country club. Mr. Harper then gave the
Commission a breakdown of proposed acreage amounts in the country
club (including the golf course), housing, retail sites, church site,
offices, school site, and multi -family.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Larsen, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to set a date for workshop session on this agenda
item for Monday, April 4, 1983, 7:00 p.m. in the Allen
Municipal Annex City Council Chambers. The motion carried.
Action related to March 22, 1983,
Workshop Session on Establishing
Procedures for Developing a
Central Business District (Agenda Item IX)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Action related to March 22, 1983, Workshop Session on establish-
ing procedures for developing a Central Business District in the
City of Allen."
Commissioner Wolfe gave the Commission a proposed memo to the
City Council setting forth statements of need and general procedures
for establishing a Central Business District. The Commission reviewed
and discussed the memo.
MARCH 24, 1983 PAGE 7
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Larsen and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to adopt the Statement of Need and associated procedures for
establishing a Central Business District and that these be
sent to the Council for their approval. If the City Council
approves the above stated document, that they appoint their
representatives at that time. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to adjourn the regular meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning
Commission at 10:30 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 14th day of April , 1983.
Sim Pendleton, CHAIRMAN 4Galych/YSECRETARY'