HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2018 - 11/12 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
NOVEMBER 12,2018
Parks and Recreation Board
Tricia Losavio, Chair
John Holley, Vice-Chair
Paul Davidson
Tom Cowart
Geoben Johnson III
LaReeda Rentie
Michael Smiddy
Council Liaison:
Carl Clemencich
City Staff:
Tim Dentler, Director, Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Carrie Cessna, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Travis Cunniff, Recreation Manager, Parks and Recreation
Zach Francis, Facility Superintendent, Parks and Recreation
Jonathan McCloskey, Center Supervisor, Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium
Matt McComb, Park Planning& Development Manager, Parks and Recreation
Joey Ramos, Athletics Program Supervisor, Parks and Recreation
Jennifer Stewart,Administrative Assistant, The Courses at Watters Creek
Kim Spearman, Site Superintendent, Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Losavio called
the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. on Monday,November 12, 2018 in the
Community Room of the Municipal Court and Parks and Recreation
Administration Building at 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
1) Election of Officers
Chair Losavio, opened the floor for nominations of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary.
After a short discussion, the following motions were made:
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Holley and a second by Member Davidson,the
Board voted seven(7) for and none (0) opposed to appoint Michael Smiddy
as Chair. The motion carried.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
November 12,2018
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Motion: Upon a motion by Member Rentie and a second by Member Holly,the
Board voted seven(7) for and none (0) opposed to appoint Geoben Johnson
as the Vice-Chair. The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Smiddy and a second by Member Holly,the
Board voted seven(7)for and none (0) opposed to reappoint Paul Davidson
as the Secretary. The motion carried.
2) Approve Minutes of the August 13,2018,Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Cowart and a second by Member
Smiddy,the Parks and Recreation Board voted seven(7)for and none (0)
opposed to approve the minutes from the August 13, 2018 Regular Meeting
as presented. The motion carried.
3) Appoint Senior Advisory Committee Liaisons
The Board decided to continue the rotating schedule established last year, allowing for
one Board member to serve as a liaison each month, as opposed to appointing one
liaison. The schedule was distributed, and board members were reminded they are
responsible for finding a substitute if they are unable to attend their assigned meeting.
4) Appoint Artist Selection Panel Representative
Member Holley was appointed to serve as the artist selection panel representative for
the Allen Event Center Rotunda Project.
5) Staff Recognitions and Awards
Carrie Cessna, Assistant Director, recognized Joey Ramos,Athletics Program
Supervisor, for receiving the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation North Region
Professional of the Year.
She then recognized Kim Spearman, Site Superintendent, and the Site Services staff on
receiving the Field of Excellence Award for Celebration Park.
6) Review Parks and Recreation FY19 Budget and Outlook
Director Dentler walked the Board through the FYI budget and department outlook,
including the division responsibilities of each of the Assistant Directors. Council
Liaison, Carl Clemencich,provided Council perspective on the budget process.
7) Receive Subcommittee Updates
No subcommittee updates to report.
8) Update on Recreation Programming
Travis Cunniff, Recreation Manager,provided the Board with an update on Ford Pool,
including admissions, season passes and rentals. Jonathan McCloskey, Center
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
November 12,2018
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Supervisor at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium and Ford Pool then spoke about the
special events and the loyalty program.
9) Update on Facility Maintenance
Zach Francis, Facility Superintendent,provided the Board with an overview of the
facility maintenance program including building walkthroughs and work orders and
then gave an update on completed and upcoming projects.
Travis Cunniff, Recreation Manager discussed the importance of annual building
closures for maintenance and deep cleaning.
10) Update on the Trail Master Plan and Ongoing Projects
Matt McComb, Park Planning &Development Manager, provided updates on ongoing
projects including the Trail Master Plan and Spirit Park. He then shared that Rolling
Hills, Heritage Park, Ford Park,Allen Station Park and Molsen Farm will be among
future projects that will be brought to the Board for input.
11)Items of Interest
a. Items for Future Agendas
b. Next meeting Monday, February 11, 2019
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and a second by Member Holley,the
Parks and Recreation Board voted seven(7) for and none(0)opposed to
adjourn the meeting at 8:15p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 11 h day of February 2019.
Chair Secretary