HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1983 - 07/14 - RegularALLEN PLANNING S ZONING COMMISSION
11 JULY 14, 1983
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman
Gary Koch, Secretary
Glenn Andrew
Bobby Glass
Larry Larsen
Jack Pennington
City Staff:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Kathy Kerby, Secretary
The regular meeting of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, #1 Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
Approval of Minutes:
June 23, 1983, Regular Meeting (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of June 23, 1983, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commis-
sioner Andrew, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to approve the minutes of June 23, 1983, as
submitted. The motion carried.
Appoint Officers for
the Coming Year (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Appointment of officers for the coming year."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commis-
sioner Glass, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed to appoint the existing officers for another year.
3 The motion carried.
JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 2
Table Item- Request to
Rezone 409± Acre Tract
as Requested by Bass Dev. (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Pendleton asked for a motion to remove this item from the
table because it was old business from the June 23, 1983, meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to remove this item from the table. The motion carried.
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Table Item -A request to rezone 4093 acre tract as requested by Bass
Development Company. Said 409± acres being situated in the R.C.
Ingraham Survey, Abstract No. 462; R.C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract
No. 1012; Wm. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708; McBain Jamison Sur-
vey, Abstract No. 491; and the G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. Further described as being
north of Chapparal Road, east of Jupiter Road, and west of Cotton-
wood Creek. Zoning Case No. Z5-23-83-23"
Don Bass, developer and owner of Bass Development presented this
tract to the Commission with the specified changes.
Some of the concerns from the Commission were the density of the
proposed development and open space area. These were rectified in the
Commissioner Wolfe's findings read into record and the consensus
of the Commission.
(1) The proposed zoning request has been found to be consistent with
the use, distribution and density set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and
the recent update for the effective district.
(2) The distribution of home sites has been found to be consistent
with the intent of the city's unofficial development goals.
(3) The developer/owner has been extremely cooperative in working
with the Staff and P 6 Z to refine the plan and has an established,
positive record of development in this city.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Larsen, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend approval of the PD request and preliminary site plan
and further recommended that all developments including single
family residential require final site plan approval. The motion
JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 3
Set a Date for Public Hearing
to Consider Rezoning by
Willard McDaniel, Inc. (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Set a date for public hearing to consider rezoning on 6± acres of
land as requested by Willard McDaniel, Inc. The request is to change
the zoning on 6± acres from R-4 (Residential) to SC (Shopping Center).
This tract being situated in the McBain Jamison Survey, Abstract
No. 491, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. Further described as
being the northwest comer of Chapparal Road and Jupiter Road.
Zoning Case No. Z6-20-83-32"
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Andrew, the Commission voted seven (7) to none (0) opposed to
set the date for public hearing on this agenda item for July 28,
1983. The motion carried.
Public Hearing -Consider Rezoning
and PD on 183 Acres by 4 -Way (Agenda Item V)
�$ Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing -To consider recommendation of PD (Planned Devel-
opment) zoning on approximately 183 acres of land as requested
by 4 -Way Development Company, agent for Coronet Realty Develop-
ment. Said 183 acres being located in the Peter Fisher Survey,
Abstract No. 324, and being a resurvey of a called 183 acre tract
of land conveyed by H.A. Rothfus and wife, Halye Rothfus to Cecil
0. Patterson as recorded in Volume 397, page 335 of Collin County
Deed Records. Further described as being at the southwest corner
of Exchange Boulevard and Malone Road. Zoning Case No. Z6-8-83-28"
Wayne Claycomb representative for Murray Development presented
the tract to the Commission. After extensive considerations from the
Commission, a motion to table this item until the end of the Regular
Meeting, July 14, 1983, was made.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Andrew, the Commission voted seven (7) to none (0) opposed to
table this item until the end of the Regular Meeting, July 14,
1983. The motion carried.
Chairman Pendleton recessed the Regular Meeting of the Allen Plann-
ing and Zoning Commission at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m.
JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 4
Public Hearing -Consider Rezoning
on 12.8 Acres by Weston Blair (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing -To consider rezoning on 12.8 acres of land as re-
quested by Weston Blair. The request is to change the zoning on
12.8 acres from AO (Agricultural Open Space) to PD (Planned Devel-
opment) to include multi -family. This tract being situated in the
Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 990, Collin County, Texas. Further
described as being west of State Highway 5 and north of the Cotton-
wood Creek Shopping Center, Phase II. Zoning Case No. Z6-15-83-29"
Weston Blair presented this tract to the Commission. He gave an
indepth view of the proposed development and landscaping of it. He
showed slides to better inform the Commission of his proposed plans for
landscaping. Mr. Blair also requested moving the tennis courts from the
park area in order to reserve a large tree line. This movement would
reduce the parking by 30 spaces. Mr. Blair also presented a traffic
study to the Commission.
Some concerns of the Commission were the landscaping size and main-
taining this landscaping. Also, the traffice study helped eliminate some
of their questions on the traffic situation. The Commission was also
concerned about the movement of the tennis courts and reducing 30 parking
Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing.
No one appeared to speak either for or against this request.
Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Wolfe's findings read into record and the consensus
of the Commission.
(1) The proposed zoning request has been found to be consistent
with the Land Use Divisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
(2) The proposed zoning would fulfill an existing need for
additional rental housing for the city.
(3) The proposed plan provides for amenities beyond those required
by the standard multi -family requirements.
(4) The traffice study indicates that the traffic does not deter-
iorate below accepted standards which the city designed to enforce.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the zoning request and site plan and further recommended
that Mr. Weston be allowed to move the tennis court area from the
existing plan into a parking area which would require the removal
of thirty (30) parking spaces. The motion carried.
July 16, 1983 Page 5
Public Hearing -Consider
Annexation and Zoning on
130± Acres 6 Rezoning 15
Acres by Combined America (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - To consider recommendation of annexation and
zoning 130± acres and rezoning on approximately 15 acres as re-
quested by Combined America Development. The request is to change
the 15± acre tract from LR (Local Retail) to PD (Planned Development)
aad to establish zoning on the 130± acres as PD (Planned Development).
Said 145 acre tract being situated in the John Davis Survey, Abstract
/255 and the Simon Burns Survey, Abstract 1192 in Collin County, Texas.
Further described as being south F.M. 2170, last present Allen Heights
Road, and west of the Greenwood Valley Development. Zoning Case No.
Russell Smith presented this tract to the Commission on behalf of
Combined America Development.
Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing.
Cliff Stilwell attorney for Mr. Bill Brown, property owner adjacent
to this location, (presently located outside the city limits) appeared
at the public hearing to speak against this development. He pointed out
the concerns of Mr. Brown were the devaluating of his property, the pos-
sible loss of his fish in his lake from insecticides, and causing drain-
age problems in the future.
Ed Basely, President of Combined America Development, and Ralph
Kelman from Combined America Development spoke in favor of this develop-
Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Wolfe's findings and the consensus of the Commission.
(1) The proposed zoning request has been found to be consistent with
the intent of the unofficial goals for house size distribution.
(2) The proposed zoning request has been found to be consistent with
the Land Use Provision of the Comprehensive Plan.
(3) The evaluation of the proposed zoning request was based upon
density and distribution impace for Planning District No. 5 of the Com-
prehensive Plan.
(4) The developer has been extremely cooperative with the Staff and
P S Z in refinement of the plan.
Some concerns of the Commission were the property owners rights and
helping to preserve them, the density of the proposed development, and
that the issue for this meeting is on zoning only. The property owners
being adjacent to this tract.
JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 6
Public Hearing -Consider
Annexation and Zoning on
1303 Acres S Rezoning 15
Acres by Combined America (Cont.)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Koch and second by Commissioner
Larsen, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to approve rezoning and after agreeing upon the final amendment
to the plan to have the 2-F and Townhouse minimum house size in-
creased to 1200 square feet and based upon the preliminary site
plan with the contingency that final site plan approval must be
obtained on all tracts including single family. The motion carried.
Set a Date for Joint
Workshop With City
Council for CBD (Agenda Item IX)
Chairman Pendleton read the request into the record as follows:
"Set a date for joint workshop meeting with City Council to consider
CBD (Central Business District) recommendation"
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented the possible
dates given to the Commission from the City Council. These dates being
Monday, July 25, 1983, or Tuesday, July 26, 1983.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
set the date for the Joint Workshop with the City Council for
Tuesday, July 26, 1983, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, #1
Butler Circle. The motion carried.
Public Hearing -Consider Rezoning
and PD on 183 Acres by 4 -Way Dev. (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Pendleton asked for a motion to remove this item from the
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Larsen and secondy by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to remove this agenda item from the table. The motion carried.
Bill Clark, representative of Murray Development, presented this tract
to the Commission with the specified changes.
Commissioner Wolfe's findings read into record and the consensus
of the Commission.
(1) The proposed zoning request has been found to be consistent with
the use distribution of the density set forth in the Comprehensive Plan.
(2) The distribution of home sizes has been found to be consistent
j with the intent of the City's unofficial goals.
(3) The developer/owner has been extremely cooperative in working
with the Staff and the P 6 Z to revise the plan and has in the past
established a positive record with the city in the field of development.
JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 7
Public Nearing -Consider Rezoning
and PD on 183 Acres by 4 -Way Dev. (Cont.)
Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing.
No on appeared to speak for or against this request.
Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing.
NOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wolfe and second by Commissioner
Andrew, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to approve this request for rezoning based upon the preliminary
site plan and required in their motion that all development within
this tract require final site plan approval including single fam-
ily development. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Andrew and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
adjourn the regular meeting of the Allen Planning and Zoning
Commission at 11:15 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the fx day of /�Jv..i �,ii _,t 1983.
Jim Pendleton, Chairman Gary Koch, ecretary