HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1984 - 04/26 - Regular0
APRIL 26, 1984
Gary Koch, Secretary
Bobby Glass
Wayne Armand
Jack Pennington
Jerry Wilson
Dick Erickson
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Kathy Kerby, Secretary
The Regular Meeting of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:30 p.m. at the Allen Municipal
Annex, Ill Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes of
April 12, 1984
Regular Meeting (Agenda Item II)
Secretary Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Approve minutes of April 12, 1984, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the minutes. The motion carried.
Approve Minutes of
April 2,3,14, 1984
Workshop Sessions (Agenda Item III)
Secretary Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Approve minutes of April 2, 3, 14, 1984 Workshop Sessions with Council."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Erickson, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
Lto approve the minutes. The motion carried.
APRIL 26, 1984
® Elect Vice
(Agenda Item IV)
Secretary Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Elect Vice Chairman."
Secretary Koch asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Commissioner
Glass responded with the nomination of Gary Koch for Vice Chairman.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed to
cease nominations for Vice Chairman. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed
to elect Gary Koch as Vice Chairman. The motion carried.
Vice Chairman Koch asked for nominations for Secretary. Commissioner
Glass responded with the nomination of Wayne Armand for Secretary.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Erickson and second by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed
to cease nominations for Secretary. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed
to elect Wayne Armand as Secretary. The motion carried.
Set a Date for
Public Hearing By
Atkinson Land Co.
(Agenda Item V)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Set a date for a Public Hearing as requested by Atkinson Land Company
on a tract of land situated in the Simon Burns Survey, Abst. 1192,
in Collin County, Texas, and being conveyed to William Brown recorded
in Vol. 1116, Page 132 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
Further described as being the southeast corner of the intersection
of Allen Heights and Park Place Drive. Zoning Case No. Z4-13-84-21."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
to set the date for Public Hearing on May 10, 1984. The motion
Consider a Final
Plat for Fountain
Park V Add't.
(Agenda Item VI)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
APRIL 26, 1984 PAGE 3
Consider a Final
Plat for Fountain
Park V Add't. (Agenda Item VI)
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested by Don Bass
for Fountain Park V Subdivision. Further described as north of 2170
and west of Roaring Springs. Zoning Case No. Z4-20-84-23."
Pat Atkins, representative of Don Tipton Engineering firm, presented the
request to the Commission. He pointed out that the final plat was in con-
formance with the preliminary plat.
Concerns of the Staff were the finalizing of the engineering. The tie
in of Roaring Springs Blvd. to the Fountain Park VI Subdivision with their
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and second by Commissioner
Wilson, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
recommend approval of the plat contigent upon Roaring Springs Blvd.
tie to development and completed within 60 days of acceptance by
Staff of Fountain Park VI. The motion carried.
Consider a Pteiiminary
Plat for Cottonwood
Bend Addition (Agenda Item VII)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Consider a request for preliminary plat approval as requested by Don
Bass for Cottonwood Bend. These tracts situated in the R.C. Ingraham
Survey, Abst, 11462; R.C. Whisenant Survey, Abst. 111012; Wm. Perrin
Survey, Abst. 11708; McBain Jamison Survey, Abst. 11491; and the G.W. Ford
Survey, Abst. 11328 City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. Further des-
cribed as being north of Chapparal Road, east of Jupiter Road and west
of Cottonwood Creek. Zoning Case No. Z4-3-84-17."
Pat Atkins, representative of Don Tipton Engineering Firm, presented the
request to the Commission. He presented tracts 3,4,5,6a, 6b,7, and 10.
This request considered as two different items because of ownership. Tract 1
being tracts 3,4,5,6b, and 10. Tract II being tracts 6a and 7.
Concerns of the Commission were with the backing up of houses along part
of Jupiter Road and Chapparal Road. All alleys being turned back into the
subdivision rather than going out on thoroughfares. Possible rearranging of
streets to exit onto Jupiter Road.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
recommend approval of tracts 6a and 7 contigent upon providing
berm areas on houses on cul de sac area backing up to Bethany Road
in Tract 7 and all alleys turning in rather than exiting on thorough-
fares. The motion carried.
�^+ APRIL 26, 1984 PAGE 4
t j Consider a Preliminary
Plat for Cottonwood
Bend Addition (Agenda Item VII)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and second by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to table Item VII including Tracts 3,4,5,6B and 10. The motion
Vice Chairman Koch recessed the Commission at 9:15 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:30 p.m.
Consider a Final Plat
for Greengate Sect. II (Agenda Item VIII)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested by General
Homes for Greengate Section I1. Said tract of land being situated
in the J.A. Taylor Survey, Abst. #908, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, being part of a 213± acre tract known as Greenwood Valley PUD
Zoning District to the City of Allen, Texas, as recorded in Vol. 1172,
Page 766 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. Zoning Case
No. Z4-3-84-18."
Mike Tolley, representative of General Homes, presented the request
to the Commission. He pointed out that the final plat is consistent with
the site plan.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
recommend approval of the agenda item. The motion carried.
Consider Prel/Final
Plat by Bethany Tech (Agenda Item IX)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Consider a request for a prel/final plat by Bethany Tech Center on
4.251 acres out of the William Perrin Survey, Abst. #708, and being
part of Tract #6 north and part of Tract U5 conveyed to Charles A.
Forbes, trustee by deed recorded in Vol. 1407, Page 342, of the Collin
County Deed Records. Further described as fronting the north side of
Bethany Road and approximately 240 feet east of U.S. Hwy 75. Zoning
Case No. Z4-13-84-22."
Steve Cobb, representative of Bowes 6 Associates, presented the request
to the Commission. This request conforms with the site plan.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, pointed out that the
owner might consider a left turn lane area from either the east or west.
APRIL 26, 1984 PAGE 5
Consider Prel/Final
Plat by Bethany Tech (Agenda Item IX)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wilson and second by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
recommend approval of the request contigent upon negotiations be
requested from the owner for possible left turn lane for either
east or west direction. The motion carried.
Public Hearing -
William Marshall (Agenda Item X)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Public Hearing-Considera request by William Marshall for rezoning on
a tract of land being part of a 22.42 acre tract out of the David
Wetsel Survey, Abst. 11977, conveyed to Homer Coffman by Richard B.
Shultz and wife by deed recorded in Vol. 352, Page 244 of the Deed
Records of Collin County, Texas. Further described as 1.5i acres at
the southeast corner of the intersection of Park Place Drive and
Jupiter Road. This zoning change would be from R-2 to G. Zoning
Case No. Z4-5-84-19."
Joe Lockburn, presented the request to the Commission.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, pointed out that the
existing zoning on the adjoining property was developed at the time zoning
was established for the use that was at present. Consequently, the zoning
pertained to the auto repair that was presently in existence. Also, there
was some concern to the property as to the alignment of driveways due to
the fact that the Jupiter Road Bridge is near by.
Vice Chairman Koch opened the public hearing.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Vice Chairman Koch closed the public hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Wilson, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to recommend denying the request. The motion carried.
Request for New
and Unlisted Use (Agenda Item XI)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Consider a request as allowed under the provisions of Section 2.08 of
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance submitted by Mr. Gene D. Jackson
on the question of a new and unlisted use of a U -Cart concrete
blending system."
APRIL 26, 1984
Request for New
and Unlisted Use (Agenda Item XI)
The Commission did not feel they could justly give a concensus
on this request without someone being present to discuss it.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and second by Commissioner
Koch, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to
table the request. The motion carried.
Workshop by
Tomlin Properties
(Agenda Item XII)
Vice Chairman Koch read the agenda item into the minutes as follows:
"Workshop requested by Tomlin Properties."
Dave Denison, representative of Tomlin Properties, presented the re-
quest to the Commission. He pointed out some changes that had been made
from the last workshop meeting. They had increased the medium density
area, modified some of the multi -family area, modified some of the shopping
center area and classified the service station in a specific use category.
Concensus of the Commission was to look further into the site plan
at the time of Public Hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner
Pennington, the Commission voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed
to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the day of 1984.
I. Pendleton, Chairm
Wayne Armand, Secretary