HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1984 - 09/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 Present: Commissioners: Jim Pendleton, Chairman Bobby Glass, Vice Chairman Wayne Armand, Secretary Jerry Wilson John Garcia Jack Pennington Scott Hoover Staff: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Kellie Fishell, Secretary Approve Minutes July 26, 1984 Regular Meeting (Agenda Item II) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: "Approve minutes of July 26, 1984, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Glass and seconded by Commissioner Pennington, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the minutes. The motion carried. Approve Minutes August 23, 1984 Regular Meeting (Agenda Item III) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: "Approve minutes of August 23, 1984, Regular Meeting." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 Approve Minutes August 23, 1984 Regular Meeting Cont. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the minutes. The motion carried. Election of Vice Chairman (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: "Election of Vice Chairman for Planning & Zoning Commission." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and seconded by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 7-0 to nominate Bobby Glass as Vice Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission. The motion carried. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Pennington, the Commission voted 7-0 for nominations to cease for the election of Vice Chairman, and elect Bobby Glass. The motion carried. Public Hearing Don Bass (Agenda Item V) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: "Public Hearing - Zoning request on approximately 50 acres situated in the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, Collin County, Texas. Further described as being part of the tract of land as described in a deed to L.C. Richards as recorded in Volume 291, Page 176, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and further described as being located west of Timberbend Addition, south of Reed School and Reed Park, and east of the Fountain Park Addition. This request is being made by Bass Development to change zoning from R2 (Residential) to R5 (Residential) with voluntary Deed Restrictions to establish minimum house size to 1600 sq, ft." Don Bass, of Bass Development, presented the request to the Commission. He stated that one of the major problems with this site is that they are resolving a major storm drainage problem for all the rest of the land. He also stated that when all engineering is done it is a possibility that they may have to do some work down on F.M. 2170 in the way of culverts. ALLEN PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 i Public Hearing Don Bass Cont. Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing. Mr. Charles Moore, of 921 Autumn Lake, spoke at the public hearing. He had some questions to ask Don Bass. He wanted to know how he was going to handle the drainage problem. Mr. Bass stated that it would be opened. Mr. Moore also stated that he thought we needed a little more egress and ingress on the property for emergency purposes. He also added that he would like to see some 1,800 sq. ft. houses an the west side and 1,600 sq. ft. houses on the east - he would like some transition. With no one else wishing to speak before the Commission on this request, Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing. Commissioner Pennington asked Mr. Bass if there was going to be a mix of sizes of the homes. Mr. Bass said there would be a mix, but there would be few that would be of the minimum size. Commissioner Pennington also asked Mr. Bass about the possibility of putting in the deed restrictions the mixing of house sizes. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before the Commission about this development. He stated that we were only looking at the use of the land, and not thinking about the lay out of streets and lots at this time. This is only a zoning request. Mr. Petty briefed the Commission on the history of the property. When it was first annexed into the City, it was zoned R-2. The property to the east and west is R-5, with the exception of a few houses, and to insure the development as seen in both sides, Mr. Bass has volunteered to deed restrict with the minimum of 1,600 sq. ft. on all houses. Chairman Pendleton stated to Mr. Moore, that the drainage would be handled at the time of platting, and would probably be more enhanced than it is now. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wilson and seconded by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve Agenda Item No. V as submitted. The motion carried. Public Hearing tgma, inc. (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 Public Hearing tgma, Inc. cont. "Public Hearing - Consider a site plan for a shopping center development on 3.2171 acres by tgma, Inc. This site plan being a tract of land, Tract 10, owned by Sherwood E. Blount, Jr. Trustee, situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708 and the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. Further described as being located at the intersection of the easterly line of State Highway 5, (a 100 foot right of way), and the southerly line of Bethany Road (a 120 foot right of way). This property is currently zoned PD "SC" No. 4." Mr. Tom Hutch came before the Commission to withdraw the request to consider the site plan until a later date. Mr. Hutch was advised that the agenda item was to hold a public hearing on the request and that if the request was withdrawn, the project would have to be resubmitted if further consideration was sought. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and seconded by Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 7-0 to allow the proponent to withdraw his request on Agenda Item No. VI. The motion carried. Preliminary Plat Allen Towne Center (Agenda Item VII) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: "Consider a preliminary plat for a shopping center development on 9.8881 acre tract of land situated in the Peter Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 990, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. This request is made by Stone -Lewis Companies. (Allen Towne Center)" Mr. Doug Grady, Vice President of Stone -Lewis Development Corporation, presented the plat to the Commission. He stated that Winn Dixie would be building a 36,000 sq. ft. grocery store facing Highwav 5. ALLEN PLANNING S ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER 13. 1984 Preliminary Plat Allen Towne Center Cont. The Commission was concerned with the F.M. 2170 driveway closest to the intersection. The driveway is 285 feet from the street intersection - but only 90 feet from the property line, and Mr. Grady saw no danger in the driveway. Bill Petty spoke to the Commission about the development. Mr. Petty stated that staff did not see why tract 5 needed two driveways onto Highway 5. Bill also stated that we would be trading some right-of-way for realignment of Jupiter. Mr. Grady stated that Bob Shawn wanted to eliminate the use of the culverts under the driveways. Mr. Petty mentioned another item of disagreement, the City of Allen requires sidewalks on both sides of new streets. What staff is recommending is that the street on the east side be required to have at least one sidewalk. Mr. Petty is expecting the developer to request a variance on this, but staff is recommending that they have at least one sidewalk on the school side. Chairman Pendleton stated that we might want the curb cut on the corner of F.M. 2170 to exclusively be used for traffic going in a westerly direction. Mr. John F. Reglin, of PAWA Winkelmann 6 Associates, Inc. also spoke on the behalf of Stone -Lewis Comanies. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Hoover and seconded by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted six (6) for and one (1) against, with the opposing voted being Chairman Pendleton, to approve the preliminary plat with amendments. The motion carried. Amendments: (1) The possibility of excluding the sidewalk on the west side of Jupiter. (2) Westerly most exit on F.M. 2170 make that a forced turn to the west. (3) Ommission of the northerly most entrance onto tract 5. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 SEPTEMBER 13. 1984 Commission adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Commission reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Preliminary Plat Allen Business Centre (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the minutes as follows: "Consider a preliminary plat for an Industrial Park development on 41.0382 acres of land out of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, Collin County, Texas. This request is for Allen Business Centre. Further known as being located west of Highway 5 and north of Bethany Road, and located in "PD" No. 3. Danny Olsten, with Acrey, Roberts, & Pierson, submitted the preliminary plat to the Commission. Bill Petty passed out to the Commissioners a copy of the Engineer's review. He told the Commission that the property adjacent to this property is zoned LI and to please be aware of this while considering approval. He also stated that the property would be coming before the Commission for a zoning change. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and seconded by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve Agenda Item VIII. The motion carried. Annexation of Pranerites (Agenda Item IX) Bill Petty came before the Commission to review the properties suggested to be annexed. He pointed out each piece of property on a City map. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wilson and seconded by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 7-0 to recommend to City Council, recommendations for annexation of these properties. The motion carried. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 Other Business Comprehensive Plan (Agenda Item X) Bill Petty spoke before the Commission about the Comprehensive Plan. He told the Commission that the total amount of surveys turned in were 1210. Adjournment: MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded by Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 7-0 to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. The motion carried. d �m Pendleton, CHAIRMAN ay e Armand, SECRETARY