HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1984 - 12/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Jim Pendleton, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Secretary
Bobby Glass, Vice Chairman
Jerry Wilson
John Garcia
Jack Pennington
Scott Hoover
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Kellie Fishell, Secretary
LThe Regular Meeting of the Allen Planning 6 Zoning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Pendleton at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers
of the Allen Municipal Annex, #1 Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
November 8, 1984 (Agenda Item No. II)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve Minutes of November 8, 1984, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded by
Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve
the minutes of November 8, 1984, Regular Meeting,. The motion
Tabled Item
J. Frank Polma (Agenda Item No. Elf)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item inti, the record .jam
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Tabled Item
J. Frank Polma (Cont.)
"Tabled Item - Consider a zoning request on a 41.644 acre
tract of land located in the Wiliiam Snyder Survey, Abstract No. 821,
Collin County, Texas, and being that 41.644 acre tract as
recorded in Volume 672, Page 82, Deed Records, Collin County,
Texas, and being further described as the southwest corner of
the intersection of F.M. 2170 and F.M. 2551. The request for change
in zoning is from AO (Agriculture Open Space) to: (R-5) Residential;
(R-4) Residential; (2-F) Duplex; (TH) Townhouse; and (SC) Shopping
Center, and is submitted by J. Frank Polma, agent for Harry
Seeligson and Roger C. Sullivan."
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the Commission
that the proponent was not ready for the tabled item to be removed, and
requested that the item remain on the table.
Public Hearing
Ural Development
(Agenda Item No. IV.)
Chairman Pendleton skipped over this item for there was no one
present to present the proposal.
Public Hearing
Terra Investmen
(Agenda Item No. V)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Public Hearing - Consider a zoning request on 76.188 acres by
Terra Investments, Inc., out of the William Snyder Survey,
Abstract No. 821, and being a resurvey of a called 76.188
acre tract, conveyed from the Corporation for Economic Analysis
of Real Estate Investment to A.N.D. Limited Partnership by deed
dated January 25, 1980, Volume 1230, page 244 of the Deed Records
of Collin County, Texas. The request is to change the present
zoning of AO (Agriculture) to 10 acres of SC (Shopping Center),
t3 acres of TH (Townhouse), 30 acres of R-4 (Residential), and
22 acres of R-5 (Residential). Further described as being the
northeast corner of Bethany Road and Malone Road."
Dwavne Brinkley presented the request to the Commission
Mr. Brinklev changed the proposal from R-4 to R-3 and R-5 t,) R-4.
Chairman Pendleton opened the pith rc hearing
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Public Hearing
Terra Investments, Inc. (Cont.)
There were two residents present to speak at the public
hearing, those being Ira E. Martin, and Bill Beaty of High Point
Estates. Mr. Beaty stated there is too much high density zoning
in Allen.
With no one else present to speak for or against the request,
Chairman Pendleton closed the public hearing.
The consensus of the Commission was to change the SC
(Shopping Center) zoning district to LR (Local Retail) due to the
fact that Malone Road is going to be a two lane street. The
Commission was also concerned with the acreage of the SC (Shopping
Center) zoning district.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and seconded by
Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 6-0 to table
Agenda Item No. V. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Joe Barton King (Agenda Item No. VI)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Public Hearing - Consider a request for site plan approval
on approximately one acre by Joe Barton King, and is located
in the Peter Wetzel Survey, Abstract No 990, as conveyed in
deed from Vance M. Williams, NPH to North Haven Gardens Employees
Profit Sharing Trust, dated 3/25/82, filed 3/26/84, recorded
in Volume 1490, Page 807 Deed Records Collin County, Texas,
situated in Allen, Collin County, Texas. Further described
as being located north of F.M. 2170 and in "PD" Planned
Development No. 5."
Joe Barton King presented the site plan to the Commission for
approval. Mr. King pointed nut that the building was 14,000 sq. ft.,
and providing 78 parking spaces. The site itself is 44,000 sq. ft.
Most of the parking will be at the front of the site He also pointed
out that extending the fire lane as shown will dictate the fire lane
for any future development to the east.
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Public Hearing
Joe Barton King
Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman
Pendleton closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Pennington pointed out to the Commission that he
would have to abstain from voting because of a conflict in interest.
Bill Petty spoke to the Commission on the proposal. Mr. Petty
stated that this development backs up to the existing building with
a continuation of the fire lane, but he did point out to the Commission
that the fire lane does dictate the placement of fire lane and buildings
for future development to the east.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and seconded by Commissioner
Glass, the Commission voted 4-1, with opposing vote being
Commissioner Garcia, to approve Agenda Item No. VI. as submitted.
The motion carried.
The Commission adjourned for a break at 9:25 p.m. The Commission
reconvened at 9:35.
The Commission returned to agenda Item No. IV.
Public Hearing
Ural Development (Agenda Item No IV)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a zoning request on approximately 293
acres of land L,cated in the .James H Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017
Collin Countv, To.a S, and further being all of a trdtt of land out of
those rcrtain four tra,tw onve,ed to Connie Hold, C.:krr and
Bettv 11,,14 Smith, a.,, destrihed by Giit Deed, dated Dcr ember 28, 197b,
and recorded in V�.lume 1031, Prue 880 of the Deed ,I
Coll to Count", I'cxas The request to to change the p,onL Toning
of (10) .ipri, niture Open Spate to FP -PD (Floud P1,1in P1.:nn.d
Develi,pment) .Tod Ls uhrntt,d b, ULal Development, In, Farther
des, ribel .I, hetnq th,� nortw,L intersection ,I Ilodu,o � P.oad and
1 m.: ko J
i DECEMBER 13, 1984
Public Hearing
Ural Development
Mr. Jack Hatchell was present to answer any questions on the
traffic impact of the development. Steve Kanoff of Ural Development
was also present, and Mr. Clarence Roy of Johnson, Johnson, 6 Roy presented
the plan to the Commission.
Mr. Roy presented slides showing the aerial view of the development.
The slides showed all portions of the land. The presentation consisted
of pictures of the flood plain, flood way, the existing nature, and
pictures of the adjacent properties.
Chairman Pendleton opened the public hearing.
Mary McDermott and Frances Williams, of Mongtomery Farm, were both
present to speak against the proposal to the Commission.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Glass and seconded by
Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 6-0 to set a
Workshop Meeting for January 9, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. The motion
The Commission adjourned at 11:17 p.m. for a break. The Commission
reconvened at 11:25 p.m.
Final Plat
Bethany Corner Shopping Center (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested by
Clark D. East 6 Co. for Bethany Corner Shopping Center. Said
tract being 3.217 acres situated in the William Perrin Survey,
Abstract No. 708, and the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas Further described as being
located at the intersection of the ea,tvrly Lino of
State Highway 5, (a 100 foot right -of -war), and the —iutherl}
line of Bethany Road (a 120 foo[ richt-ul-w.ia). Property is alio
located in PD "SC" No. 1.
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Final Plat
Bethany Corner Shopping Center (Cont )
Don Berry, one of the partners of the shopping center, presented
the plat to the Commission.
Bill Petty stated to the Commission that the plat was in
conformance with the site plan previously approved. He also advised
that before development permits can be issued, that funds need
to be escrowed for the southern two lanes of Bethany Road across
the frontage of this property, and in addition funds also need to
be escrowed for 1/2 the median, landscaping, irrigation, and lighting
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve
Agenda Item No. VI. The motion carried.
Final Plat
Cottonwood Business Park (Agenda Item No. VIII)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested by
Ayres Associates for Cottonwood Business Park. Said tract
of land is situated in the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, in the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, and
G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, and being a resurvey of
a called 6.803 acre tract described in a "Decree Confirming
Sale" recorded in Volume 762, Page 804, Collin County Deed
Records, and a called 6.466 acre tract described in a deed
to Thomas C. Cate recorded in Volume 887, Page 211 of the
Collin County Deed Records."
Gordon Summitt, of Ayres Associates, presented the plat to the
Commission for approval.
Bill Petty stated to the Commission that this piece of property
is being developed by the Allen Chamber of Commerce Industrial
Foundation. He also stated that the utilities and street are being
put in by the Foundation (a uon-profit organization). Mr. Petty
stated that the Foundation is asking the approval to use a letter of
credit instead of escrowing the funds.
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Final Plat
Cottonwood Business Park
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wilson and seconded by
Commissioner Glass, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve
Agenda Item No. VIII to include the letter of credit. The
motion carried.
Final Plat
North Texas Land Co.
(Agenda Item No. IX)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested by
North Texas Land Co for Allen Office Center. Said tract
is located in Lot 1, Block A of the Texet Addition, recorded
in Cabinet "C" Slot 582 of the Map Records of Collin Countv,
Texas. Further described as located at the northwest corner
of the intersection of Highwav 5 and Texet Drive."
Bob McNamara, with Lissiak Engineers, presented the plat to
the Commission.
Bill Petty spoke before the Commission on the request. He
stated that the plat is in conformance with the site plan previously
approved. He also stated that he wanted the storm drainage to be
put in at the time of development, rather than escrow funds. Bill
mentioned that at the last minute we might have to ask for the
funds to be escrowed while waiting for State permission.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded
by Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve
Agenda No. IX with the understanding that there be an
option to build the storm drainage at time of development or
escrow funds. The motion carried.
Final Plat
Clyde Richards
(Agenda Item No. X)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Final Plat
Clyde Richards (Cont.)
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested by
Clyde Richards on a 1/2 acre tract of land being a part of
a 5.114 acre tract of land in the Peter Fisher Survey,
Abstract No. 324 as recorded in Volume 1814, Page 402 of
the Collin County Deed Records. Further described as fronting
the east side of Allen Heights Drive, adjacent on the north
to single family homes in the Timberbend I Addition, and
on the east boundary by a property in the ownership of the
Allen Heights Baptist Church."
Clyde Richards presented the plat to the Commission.
Bill Petty told the Commission that the plat was in conformance
with the site plan previously approved with the inclusion of the
8 ft. fence enclosure.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and seconded by
Commissioner Glass, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve
Agenda Item X. The motion carried.
Final Plat
Allen Towne Center (Agenda Item No. XI)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider a request for final plat approval by Graham Associates
on a 9.888'_ acre tract of land situated in the Peter Wetzel
Survey, Abstract No. 990, in the City of Allen, Collin County,
Doug Grady with Stone -Lewis, presented the plat to the
Commission. Mr. Grady had a drawing showing all angles of the
development proving that the air conditioning units were not visible.
MOTION: Upun a motion made by Commissioner Wilson and seconded by
Commissioner Pennington, the Commission voted 6-0 to
approve Agenda Item No. XI. The motion carried
Folsom Investments
(Agenda Item No. XII)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Folsom Investments (Cont )
"Consider a request for replat approval as requested by
Folsom Investments on a tract of land situated in the
Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 990 in the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, and being part of a 52.02 acre tract
conveyed to B. English as recorded in Volume 720, Page 643 of
the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and also being all
of the Wal-Mart Addition as recorded in Volume C, Page 117
of the Deed Records of Collin County."
Robert Todd, representative of Folsom Investments, presented
the plat to the Commission. He stated that Wal-Mart is going to
expand the facilities approximately 20,000 feet. There will be
a new facing on the store, and the parking lot will be redone.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and seconded by
Commissioner Pennington, the Commission voted 6-0 to
approve Agenda Item No. XII. The motion carried.
Jupiter Road
(Agenda Item No. XIII)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider a request for right-of-way approval for a portion
of Jupiter Road from Bethany Drive to Chaparral Road."
Ken Chenault, Vice President of Land Mark Development Corporation,
presented the plat to the Commission. He advised that Land Mark
is going to pave half of Jupiter Road from the top of Tract 10 down
to Chaparral, and Chaparral all the way to Tract 4.
Bill Petty spoke to the Commission on this development. Bill
stated that the City has took a stand to help developers putting in
off-site roading. If a corner property owner does not want to help
a developer putting in the roadway, the City will file an assessment
against the property. He also stated that a facility agreement has
been made with Land Mark, whereby, that at the time they develop
they will put in all four lanes of Jupiter Road. He also stated that
Land Mark has also agreed to put in the southern two lanes of
i DECEMBER 13, 1984
Jupiter Road
Bethany Road between Highway 5 and Jupiter Road, and they have
also agreed to put in the third inside land on Chaparral Road.
Then the City will make this a priority bond item and will pay
back the developer. He also stated the platted right-of-ways
are sufficient.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 6-0 to approve
Agenda Items No. XIII, XIV, and XV. The motion carried.
Holiday Season (Agenda Item No. XVI)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Discussion Item - Consideration of December meeting in
relation to Holiday Season."
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and seconded
by Commissioner Glass, the Commission voted 6-0 to
eliminate second meeting in December. The motion carried.
NCTCOG (Agenda Item No. XVII)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Discussion Item - Update on NCTCOG right-of-way evaluation."
Mr. Petty addressed the Commission concerning the right-of-way
along F.M. 2170 between Highway 75 and Watters Road. Mr. Michael
Morris, of NCTCOG, had expressed the opinion that a minimum
right-of-way of 124 feet and preferably 140 feet is needed along
F.M. 2170. There was further discussion with Jack Hatchell, of
Barton -Ashman, concerning the location of entrance/exit ramps
along Highway 75 and its effect on the loop system.
DECEMBER 13, 1984
Final Plat
Allen Business Center (Agenda Item No. XVIII)
Chairman Pendleton read the agenda item into the record as
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested
by Acrey, Roberts, 6 Pierson, Inc. for Allen Business
Centre. Said tract being 41.0383 acres is situated in
the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, Collin County,
Texas. Further known as being located west of Highway 5 and
north of Bethany Road, and located in "PD" No. 3."
Danny Olsteen, of Acrey, Roberts, & Pierson, presented the
plat to the Commission.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded
by Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 6-0 to
approve Agenda Item No. XVIII. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded
by Commissioner Pennington, the Commission voted 6-0 to
adjourn the meeting at 1:07 a.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the �l_J day of �u A�;. 1985.
SPendleton, Chairman Wa_ a Armand, Secretary