HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1985 - 02/14 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
Bobby Glass, Vice Chairman
Jerry Wilson
Jack Pennington
John Garcia
Scott Hoover
Wayne Armand
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Kellie Fishell, Secretary
Sally Leeper, Secretary
The regular meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order by Vice Chairman Glass at 7:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
January 24, 1985
(Agenda Item No. II)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Approve minutes of January 24, 1985, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded
by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted 5-0 to
approve the minutes of January 24, 1985, regular meeting.
The motion carried.
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
Approve Minutes
January 28, 1985 (Agenda Item No. III)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Approve minutes of January 28, 1985, Workshop Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wilson and seconded
by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 5-0 to
approve the minutes of January 28, 1985, workshop
meeting. The motion carried.
Tabled Item
Austin Fairchild (Agenda Item No. IV)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a zoning request by Jones & Boyd, Inc.
j agent for Austin Fairchild, being 242.6 acres in the J.J.
Driggers Survey, Abstract No. 274, and in the Shadrick
Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, and approximately 15.7
acres in the D.M. Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914, Collin
County, Texas. The request is to change the present zoning
of "AO" Agriculture Open Space to "FP -PD" Flood Plain Planned
Development, and is further described as being on the south
side of State Highway 121 and east of F.M. 2478."
Bill Petty told the Commission that proponent requested that
the agenda item remain on the table until the next meeting.
Tree Policy
Utal Development (Agenda Item No. V)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider tree conservation policy submitted for Utal
Brian Larson, of Johnson, Johnson & Roy, presented the
plan to the Commission. He stated that an average lot of
14,000 sq. ft. was staked off for the survey. Trees with a
�� 20" circumference are considered the protected tree. The
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
Tree Policy
Utal Development (Cont.)
plan will require a site plan with each building permit issued.
Mr. Larson also stated that they added 10 feet to the building set
Bill Petty stated that the plan posed a problem as far as
enforcement was concerned. He also stated that the enforcement
of this plan was outside our capabilities, and would require
a full time inspector during construction.
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks & Recreation, stated that
he could review the site plans at the time of submittal.
Brian stated that 45 trees will be protected on a typical
lot. Starting off with 100 acres, 80 acres of trees will be left
after the plan is fully developed. Approximately eight acres will
need to be cleared for the streets and utilities, and 108 of the
trees will be lost for the house itself.
Bill suggested to Mr. Larson to try and amend the plan,
making it easier to enforce, and bring it back to the Commission
for approval.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and seconded
by Commissioner Wilson, the Commission voted 5-0 to table
agenda item until next meeting. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Fountain Park No. 8 (Agenda Item No. VI)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a zoning request by Don A.
Tipton, Inc., agent for Ethel H. Richards, being 9.18 acres
of land situated in the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract
No. 324, Collin County, Texas, and being out of the tract
of land as described in a deed to L.C. Richards as recorded
in Volume 291, Page 176, Deed Records, Collin County,
Texas. The request is to change the present zoning of
R-2 (Residential) to 5.7 acres of LR (Local Retail) and 3.4
acres of R-5 (Residential). This property is further
described as being north of and adjacent to F.M. 2170."
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
Public Hearing
Fountain Park No. 8 (Cont.)
Pat Atkins, of Don Tipton Engineering, presented the
proposal to the Commission. The plan consists of 5.7 acres
of local retail and 3.4 acres of R-5, which will be 11 lots.
Vice Chairman Glass opened the public hearing.
Lilly Jo, of Jo & Associates, spoke in opposition to
the proposal. She was concerned with the LR adding to the
existing local retail, making the entire local retail, in her
opinion, too large to be supported by this area.
With no one else wishing to speak before the Commission,
Vice Chairman Glass closed the public hearing.
Mr. Atkins stated that the depth of the local retail will
be 450 ft. This being 100 ft. deeper than the existing local
Commissioner Wilson suggested angling the local retail
district from Sycamore Creek to the requested boundary on the
east edge.
Bill Petty stated that this tract was originally 60
acres divided with the development of Fountain Park No. 6, with
the rules that it would provide access to 2170 and would be
dealt with in a future zoning case. This request is the second
of those cases. Fifty of the acres was rezoned to R-5.
Property to the south is zoned shopping center and the
request here is local retail. He stated that the nine acres
should be viewed as part of the entire 60 acres and not separately.
Vice Chairman Glass had a concern with the severe turn
in Fountain Gate Drive. Mr. Atkins advised the Commission that
the turn will be less severe in the next proposal, and requested
the Commission to allow him to table the proposal, and come
back with the changes mentioned.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded
by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted 5-0 to
table Agenda Item No. VI. The motion carried.
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
The Commission adjourned for a break at 8:47 p.m.
The Commission reconvened at 8:58 p.m.
Public Hearing
J. Frank Polma
(Agenda Item No. VII)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a zoning request on a 41.644 acre
tract of land located in the William Snyder Survey, Abstract
No. 821, Collin County, Texas, and being that 41.644 acre
tract as recorded in Volume 672, Page 82, Deed Records,
Collin County, Texas, and being further described as the
southwest corner of the intersection of F.M. 2170 and
F.M. 2551. The request for change in zoning is from AO
(Agriculture Open Space) to: R-5 (Residential), R-4
(Residential), R-3 (Residential), TH (Townhouse), and
SC (Shopping Center), and is submitted by J.Frank Polma,
agent for Harry Seeligson and Roger C. Sullivan."
Frank Polma presented the proposal. Mr. John Frieble,
who prepared the traffic analysis for the development, also
was present with Mr. Polma. Mr. Frieble gave the Commission
some background information about himself.
Vice Chairman Glass opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak before the Commission on
the proposal, Vice Chairman Glass closed the public hearing.
Vice Chairman Glass suggested that Mr. Polma change the
R-5 zoning to R-4. Commission was in agreement with the
suggestion. Mr. Polma agreed to change the proposal.
Bill Petty told Mr. Polma that we would need a new land
use plan showing the changes.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and
seconded by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted
5-0 to approve Agenda Item No. VII with the change
of changing the two R-5 zoning tracts to R-4. The
motion carried.
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
Public Hearing
J. Frank Polma (Cont.)
° The Shopping Center district was reduced.
° The buffering was accomplished.
° The zoning districts did continue to step down.
Final Plat
Wildwood Village (Agenda Item No. VIII)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider a request for final plat approval as requested
by Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. for Wildwood Village
Addition, a multi family development. This request is
on 10± acres out of the 409 acre tract of land situated in
the R.C. Ingram Survey, Abstract No. 462, R.C. Whisenant
Survey, Abstract No. 1012, William Perrin Survey, Abstract
No. 708, MCBain Jamison Survey, Abstract No. 491, and the
G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas. Further described as being Tract 1 of "PD"
Planned Development No. 13, and being north of Chapparal
Road and east of Jupiter Road."
Sterling Forsythe, of Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.,
presented the plat. The plat showed a 10 foot phone and
electrical easement. Mr. Forsythe pointed out to the Commission
that one additional fire hydrant will need to be added.
Bill Petty told the Commission that the plat was in
conformance with the approved site plan. The plat does need
to have the metes and bounds of the fire lane showing. The
fire lane itself is showing on the plat at this time.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wilson and seconded
by Commissioner Pennington, the Commission voted 5-0
to approve Agenda Item No. VIII recognizing meets and
bounds will be added. The motion carried.
R.O.W. Plat
Allen Heights Road (Agenda Item No. IX)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
R.O.W. Plat
Allen Heights Road (Cont.)
"Consider a request for right-of-way plat approval for
a portion of Allen Heights Road by Don A. Tipton, Inc."
Pat Atkins, of Don A. Tipton, Inc., presented the plat.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and
seconded by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted
5-0 to approve Agenda Item No. IX. The motion carried.
R.O.W. Plat
Bethany Road
(Agenda Item No. X)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider a request for right-of-way plat approval for
Bethany Road Phase B by Don A. Tipton, Inc."
Pat Atkins, of Don A. Tipton, Inc., presented the plat to
the Commission. This is the finish out of the dedication of
right-of-way on Bethany from the Jupiter Road section to
Allen Heights.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and
seconded by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted
5-0 to approve Agenda Item No. X. The motion carried.
Reitinger-White Addition
(Agenda Item No. XI)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider a request for replat approval as requested by
Barry Rhodes & Associates for the Reitinger-White Addition.
Request is for Lots 1, 2, and the east 1/2 of Lot 3,
Block 19, of the Old Donation, an addition to the City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being recorded in Volume 6,
Page 152."
John Reitinger presented the plat. He pointed out that there
will be five office buildings on one lot.
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
Reitinger-White Addition (Cont.)
Bill Petty stated that what the proponent was doing was
replatting five lots into one buildable lot. He also stated
that no additional utilities would be needed. Bill told the
Commission that with there being five buildings, that the request
will require a site plan.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and
seconded by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted
5-0 to approve Agenda Item No. XI. The motion carried.
Request to Appear
Russell Smith
(Agenda Item No. XII)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Request to appear by Russell Smith, attorney and agent
for Martin Titcher Properties, to request a pre -submission
workshop on approximately 440 acres of land."
Mr. Russell Smith came before the Commission to request a
workshop. The property is 480± acres from Highway 75 to
Highway 5. He is wanting to get together a concept plan. The
Martin Titcher Properties will be responsible for half the cost
of the overpass at Highway 75.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Wilson and seconded
by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted 5-0 to
set a date for public hearing for February 25, 1985
at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried.
Discussion Item
Chairman Vacancy
(Agenda Item No. XIII)
Vice Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as
"Discussion Item - Procedures pretaining to Chairman vacancy."
Bill Petty discussed with the Commission the option they
may want to take in filling the Chairman vacancy.
Consensus of the Commission was to hold an officer election
at the next regular scheduled meeting.
FEBRUARY 14, 1985
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Pennington and
seconded by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted
5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The motion
These minutes approved this day of '(' 1985.
Bobby Glass, Vlice Chairman Wayne Armand, Secretary