HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1985 - 04/11 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 11, 1985
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Jerry Wilson, Vice Chairman
Wayne Armand, Secretary
Jack Pennington
John Garcia
Scott Hoover
Doug Braun
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Kellie Fishell, Secretary
The Regular Meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Glass at 7:39 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
March 28, 1985
(Agenda Item No. II)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of March 28, 1985, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner and a second by Commissioner
Wilson, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve the minutes
of the March 28, 1985, Regular Meeting. The motion carried.
Tabled Item
Shelley Realtors (Agenda Item No. III)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a zoning request by Shelley Realtors
on approximately six acres in the William Perrin Survey,
Abstract No. 708, Allen, Collin County, Texas, and
delineated on the Official Zoning Map as a portion of
"PD" Planned Development No. 3. This property is further
described on the north side of Bethany Drive, and extending
approximately 850 feet to the north adjacent to the western
boundary of the shopping center district of "PD" Planned
Development No. 3"
APRIL 11, 1985
Tabled Item
Shelley Realtors (Cont.)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Hoover and a second by
Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 7-0 to
remove agenda item from the table. The motion carried.
Craig Curry, of The Nelson Corooration, presented the plan to the
Commission. He pointed out that the plan was the exact same plan
presented at the last meeting.
John Poer, Vice President of the First National Bank of Allen,
addressed the Commission and stated that he was in favor of the
Allowing the statement in favor of the proposal, Chairman Glass
asked if there was anyone to speak against the request. Dick
Bode, Vice President of DLM, came before the Commission and stated
his objections to the request.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and a second by
Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 4-3, with the
opposing votes being Commissioners Braun and Garcia, and
Chairman Glass, to approve Agenda Item No. III on the
grounds that Commission believes that it would accommodate
a center more desirable to the City. The motion carried.
° There are four corners at the intersection of the two major
thoroughfares. The corner immediately south of this proposal
is zoned light industrial, and neither of the two corners on
the opposite side of State Highway 5 from this proposal, are
large enough to accommodate this type of an anchor store
in a shopping center.
° By taking the land of the shopping center district and revert-
ing the land along State Highway 5 to the light industrial,
we will make a more equal distribution of that light industrial
tract to the north of this proposal.
° The City will pick up an additional 100 ft. of greenbelt in
the area to be reverted back to the light industrial that
cannot be developed to extend the greenbelt further to the south.
APRIL 11, 1985
Development Plan
Allen Business Centre (Agenda Item No. IV)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider development plan for Allen Business Centre as
revised from original site plan approval for Paragon."
Bill Petty addressed the Commission on the request. He explained
the reason for the plan's coming back. Proponent is asking
to develop only their part of the roadway which is on their
property. They want to bring the utilities from Bethany Road
instead of Highway 5 as originally proposed. Their part of
the roadway is 750 feet in depth.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Braun, the Commission voted 7-0 to
approve Agenda Item No. IV. The motion carried.
° It is the intent of the Commission that when the rest
of this street or any other tract of the adjacent property
in the light industrial tract develops, that the entire
street and utilities will be put in at one time.
° Also that request meets the approval of the Fire Marshal.
R.O.W. Plat
Bethany Road Phase B
(Agenda Item No. V)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider right-of-way plat approval for Bethany Road
Phase B. Being 2.126 acres of land owned by Cottonwood
Partners situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract
No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and further
being that tract conveyed to Landtex Development, a
Texas Joint Venture, as recorded in Volume 1171, Page 280
of the Deed Records, Collin County, Texas."
Pat Atkins, of Don Tipton Engineering, presented the plat to
the Commission. He stated that the plat is for the section
of Bethany from Jupiter to the Bridge, up to the creek.
Bill Petty stated that staff had no problem with the plat.
APRIL 11, 1985
R.O.W. Plat
Bethany Road Phase B (Cont.)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wilson and a second
by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 7-0 to
approve Agenda Item No. V. The motion carried.
Utal Development (Agenda Item No. VI)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Zoning consideration for Ural Development on 293 acres
of land located in the James H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract
No. 1017, Collin County, Texas, and further being all
of a tract of land out of those certain four tracts
Conveyed to Connie Holt, Baker and Betty Holt Smith,
as described by Gift Deed, dated December 28, 1976,
and recorded in Volume 1031, Page 880 of the Deed
Records of Collin County, Texas."
Steve Kanoff was present to answer any questions from the
Bill Petty stated that if approved, the approval would be an
amendment to the request previously sent forward. An analysis
was done two ways on the proposal. 1.) in relation to the
new plan, and 2.) try to do it under the old standards.
There is a great deal of problem with the proposal in regard
to the new plan. The problem are the uses above Bethany Road.
Mr. Petty stated that is wasn't really the uses, but what
those uses will generate. He also stated that under the old
guidelines, he still had a problem with some of the proposed
zoning and how it would affect future zoning on adjacent
The new plan does not allow office use in District 21. The
proposed land uses do create good transition for their
development, but they create a problem for the City's future
development. Mr. Petty asked the Commission to think about this
and see if this was really a good trade-off for the dedicated
park site. He stated that the City would eventually pay for
it. The City would pay for it in dollars, or will pay for
it in good land use planning and protection above Bethany Road
of the new Comprehensive Plan.
APRIL 11, 1985
Utal Development (Cont.)
Mr. Petty stated that under the old plan, he cannot find
anywhere in the histroy of Allen that we've taken 55 acres
outisde along the corridor of Highway 75, and put all high
intensity uses on one corner. He also stated that staff is
not taking a position in making any recommendation, but
he wanted the Commission to be aware of what could happen
to that roadway.
There was discussion about the purchase of the park, time
factors, when will the money be available, and the price
of the park at that time.
Steve Kanoff was asked to address this issue. Mr. Kanoff's
comments were as follows: "What if we did dedicate the park -
the City's policy may be to pay cost plus carry on a zoning
piece of property as Community Facility, and they pay in
five years or whatever. We have been discussing this with
the company and our attorneys and all, I think that the park
acquisition policy is not exactly correct. This particular
case is on our property, 10 1/2 acres as Community Facilities,
you will in effect be taking our property and depriving it of
any value of any use. We would expect to be compensated at that
time. We would also expect to be compensated at the appraisal
value of the property, not cost plus carry, because cost plus
carry does not tell the true picture. We had to buy all the
property including 50 acres of flood plain, and that all has
to be added in, so I think it is not exactly accurate to think
that you would simply be paying us cost plus carry, whatever
anybody think that may be. I want to get that out of the way.
I would look at the trade-offs accurately. I think the cost
is much greater than you all may have been led to believe
Secondly, there are funds, he didn't specify how much, there
are funds to buy two 50 acre parks. I think you are much
better off, those funds may and may not be available. The bond
funds may be approved. There may be matching funds available
in the future, you know may, may, may. We are offering you
now an 18 1/2 acre park for sure. You can take the funds when,
or if they are available, and put it in to developing the park
or another park, and not have to acquire the park at whatever
price that may be. I think everybody is beginning to debate
about the price of the land. Single family is not a fair comparison.
We now have an 18 1/2 acre park, and everyone has acknowledged
that you need to adjust the land uses bordering the park. It
is not accurate, or fair to say the City will buy the park, and
just keep all those
other land
uses the
That is not
really good land use
in terms
of our
APRIL 11, 1985
Utal Development (Cont.)
Commissioner responded by asking what the difference was in
dwelling units from this plan and the previous plan.
Mr. Kanoff stated that there are 74 more units in this plan,
but there is less office and retail acreage.
Commissioner Wilson presented his findings to the Commission.
° Consideration on this tract of land was that it needed
to be a planned development. There are very sensitive
environmental areas that have been addressed such as
the tree preservation policy, the increase of lot sizes
in wooded areas.
° There has been offered a community park site to be
donated that meets the approval of the parks director.
° There is a bridge to be constructed over on Alma over the
Creek that not only have they offered to build the
four lanes that would normally be required of the developer
that owned both sides of the property, but they have
offered to build all six lanes including two center lanes
that normally would be the responsibility of the City.
° They have donated a tremendous amount of land over the
entire project particularlythe flood plain that is being
donated to the City in the Rowlett Corridor so that we
cannot conflict with the Rowlett Corridor Study that is
under way, because it only deals with the flood plain of
Rowlett Creek.
° They are donating a 20 acre tributary which is outside the
flood plain independent of the community park that will
enhance the single family residential area, and also the
medium density residential area that is coming down into
the south.
° They have offered to complete a roadway to McDermott from
the south which will be completed before any construction
° will be allowed in the southern part of this development.
The commercial corner at Hedgcoxe and Alma Road is an
appropriate size at an intersection of two major thorough-
fares which is believed to be good planning practice.
APRIL 11, 1985
Utal Development (Cont.)
° Tract 7, the low density residential, addresses the
sensitive environmental areas in that area which we
have had alot of comments from the public, with some
unique platting requirements that we've talked about,
and tree preservation policy to limit the loss of
trees, and also the wish that we have expressed to them
to provide some very large lots in the City.
° Tract 5A is in a correct location surrounding a shopping
center district as long as it doesn't go over the
policy of having no more than 200 units of any one
type in any one location.
Tract 6A, the medium density residential, is in the correct
location because it allows for a gradual step down between
the higher intense uses of the commercial corner down
to the low density residential. Basically is the same
with Tracts 10A, 11, and 9. This also addresses the request
we have asked them to allow for different size lots
and home sizes in the development. Not only do we
have the large lot sizes in Tract 7, we have got some
smaller lot sizes down in those districts.
In Tract 4A, the flood plain community facility addresses
the wish that we have had to avoid any development in
the flood plain, and to donate land to the City for use
in the linear park system, and also the donation of the
tributary between those residential districts of approx-
imately 20 acres is outside the flood plain, and would
also allow for direct communication of all the residential
areas directly up into the linear park system.
° Tract 4B, the park site, addresses the issue the reason
the proposal was sent back to Commission in the first
place. Proponent has offered to the City 18 1/2 acres
outside the flood plain for construction of a community
park, and the design of that park has been worked out
between the developers and our parks director and Commission
in a workshop meeting, and the location provides for all
the major activities that Mark Thornton wants in a
Elcommunity park. Also, the community park will be located
next to a area of open space - the Rowlett Creek Corridor -
to allow for a tremendous amount of passive recreation
APRIL 11, 1985
Utal Development (Cont.)
° On the opposite side of the creek, Tract 6B, the
medium density, allows for uses that are compatible
with the higher intense uses of the community park
directly across the street.
° The tree preservation policy as sent forward to the
City Council is adequate as far as enforceability, and
for the preservation of the sensitive environmental
Also wants to request that Council consider zoning all
of the community park as soon as possible so that it
will be possible to tie down the entire location.
° Recognizing that District 21 will need special consideration
in the future from this retail and office tract that
is under consideration, but believes it is something
that can be worked with.
° Commission was only presented the Use Regulations at the
meeting, and recognizes that although the districts may
have changed, the Use Regulations being approved tonight
are exactly the same as the first submission with the
exception of quantity of acreages and location of acreages.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wilson and a second by
Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 6-1, with
the opposing vote being Chairman Glass, to approve
with the understanding that this is a revision to
the amendment to the plan that has previously been
sent to Council. Also, the findings of Commissioner
Wilson be made the official findings of the Commission.
The motion carried.
Chairman Glass stated that he voted against the proposal because
of the impact it will cause on District 21.
Other Business
Comprehensive Plan (Agenda Item No. VII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Other Business - Staff report of joint Comprehensive Plan
workshop meeting."
11, 1985
Other Business
Comprehensive Plan (Cont.)
Bill Petty addressed the Commission on the agenda item. He
stated that the new Comprehensive Plan is now in effect, and
will be used from now on. He also stated that it would not
do any good to do an analysis on District 21, for it no
longer exists. He requested that in the future that the Commission
take careful consideration on other proposals on the analysis
that is done.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Hoover, the Commission voted 7-0
to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The motion carried.
minutes approved
, 1985.
Bobby Glass, Chairman Wayn Armand, Secretary