HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1985 - 10/24 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
OCTOBER 24, 1985
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Jerry Wilson, Vice Chairman
Wayne Armand, Secretary
Jack Pennington
John Garcia
Eileen Karlsruher
Ken Browning
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks & Recreation
Sally Leeper, Secretary
The Regular Meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Glass at 7:33 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
October 10, 1985
(Agenda Item II)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of October 10, 1985, Regular Meeting."
Secretary Sally Leeper informed the Commission of two correc-
tions that had been made to the minutes of October 10, 1985.
One was to correct the motion on Page 3, and the other to
correct the motion on Page 4.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a
second by Commissioner Wilson, Commission voted
7 FOR and 0 AGAINST to approve Agenda Item II
as corrected. The motion carried.
Tabled Item
Allen Towne Joint Venture (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a request by Peter Kavanagh
for Allen Towne Joint Venture to approve the site plan
on 0.623 acres, and a request for a specific use permit
to allow an automotive lube and oil change facility.
This 0.623 acre tract of land situated in the Peter Wetsel
OCTOBER 24, 1985 Page Two
Tabled Item
Allen Towne Joint Venture (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
"Survey, Abstract No. 990, in the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, also being all of Tract 5 in the Allen
Towne Center, as recorded by plat, Cabinet E, Drawers
139 and 140, M.R.C.C.T., of the Deed Records, Collin
County, Texas. Further described as being on the north-
east boundary of Jupiter Road, east of Highway 5. This
property is currently zoned "SC" Shopping Center."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 7 FOR
and 0 AGAINST to remove Agenda Item III from the
table. The motion carried.
Peter Kavanagh presented the site plan to the Commission and
explained the change that had been made in the fire lane desig-
nation. Bill Petty stated this new site plan has been approved
by the Fire Marshal and the Fire Chief. Mr. Kavanagh stated
that the dumpster would be completely enclosed.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Wilson, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0
AGAINST to approve Agenda Item III with the stipulation
that the dumpster be completely enclosed.
FINDINGS: 1. This is a compatible use.
2. The school district sees no problem with
this use as an adjacent property owner.
Public Hearing
Exchange Addition (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Larry Francisco
of Exchange Addition to amend "PD" Planned Development
No. 14 to approve the Site Plan for an additional office
building consisting of 3,325 square feet. This .335 acre
tract of land located in the Lewis Wetsel Survey, Abstract
No. 978, and proposed to be an addition to the south side
of the Exchange Addition to the City of Allen. Further
described as being north of F.M. 2170 and west of Hwy. 5."
Mr. Tom Bilich presented this Site Plan to the Commission.
Chairman Glass opened the public hearing.
Mr. Larry Francisco stated he was presently occupying a space
in the building to the north of this property and will be
the owner of this new building.
OCTOBER 29, 1985 Page Three
Public Hearing
Exchange Addition (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Glass closed the public hearing.
Staff addressed the fire lane, and clarified the fact that this
is a request for an amendment to the Planned Development site
plan and not a variance request.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and a
second by Commissioner Wilson, Commission voted
7 FOR and 0 AGAINST to approve Agenda Item IV as
presented. The motion carried.
FINDINGS: 1. This site plan is consistent with PD 19.
2. Existing zoning to the west is MF2, thus indicating
the commercial use is compatible.
Public Hearing
Bryan Bush Tract (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by J. T. Dunkin
for the Bryan Bush Tract to change the current zoning
from "AO" Agriculture -Open Space to "PD" Planned
Development. This 180.170 acre tract of land located
in the Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract No. 280, and the
George Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 719, and being a
resurvey of a called 152.5 acre tract of land and a
called 295 acre tract of land in said Dosser Survey and
a 5 acre tract of land in the said Phillips Survey as
described in a deed recorded in Volume 203, page 31
of the Collin County Deed Records. This property is
currently zoned "AO" Agriculture Open Space."
Mr. J. T. Dunkin presented this zoning case to the Commission.
He discussed the proposed thoroughfares and the uses proposed
for the property.
He indicated the "IT" designation on Tract 6 was meant as
Industrial Technology. He presented the proposed realignment
of Ridgeview Drive.
Mr. Dunkin introduced the adjacent property owners that were
in the audience.
OCTOBER 24, 1985 Page Four
Public Hearing
Bryan Bush Tract (Cont.) (Agenda Item V)
Mark Thornton addressed the issue of the neighborhood park
as shown on the Comprehensive Plan. He stated he saw no need
for a neighborhood park in this area, possibly a pedestrian
easement would be appropriate.
Chairman Glass opened the Public Hearing.
MR. CHARLIE BUSH, 5710 Maple Shade Drive, Dallas, spoke
in favor of this proposal, but he had some concerns with
the road alignment.
MR. BILL WINES, 7606 Lairds, Dallas, stated he was in favor of
this plan. He wants to see the road located along the southern
border of his property.
MR. JIM BROWN, 3200 Southwestern, stated he had voiced objection
to the first proposal, but the new alignment being proposed is
appropriate for his use. He has tentatively agreed to enter into
a land swap with Bryan Bush for the two triangles at the inter-
section of Ridgeview and Watters.
MRS. BETSY SANDERSON stated she was in agreement with the proposal.
Chairman Glass closed the Public Hearing.
Chairman Glass stated that the alignment of Watters and
Ridgeview with respect to Hwy. 171, the bridge across the
creek, and the Roberts tract need to be addressed with some
representation from the owners of the Roberts tract.
Staff recommended a workshop session be set on this submission
with an invitation extended to all adjacent property owners
for input.
Commission stated traffic concerns will need to be addressed
at a workshop.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Pennington, Commission voted 7 FOR
and 0 AGAINST to table this agenda item and to
schedule a workshop session on November 13, 1985,
at 7:30 p.m. at the Allen Municipal Annex. The
motion carried.
OCTOBER 24, 1985 Page Five
Preliminary Plat
Park Place Townhomes (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider preliminary plat approval by Dr. Joel Goldsteen
for Park Place Townhomes. Being a tract of land which is
part of the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, Collin
County, Texas. This property is further described as being
east of Jupiter Road, north and south of Park Place."
Staff indicated this preliminary plat is in agreement with the
site plan that has been approved previously.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and second
by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and
0 AGAINST to approve Agenda Item VI. The motion
Preliminary Plat
Allen Place (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider preliminary plat approval by Nelson Corporation
for Allen Place. This tract of land being a replat of
Lot One, Block One of the Molson Addition, Cabinet C
Map 374, P.R.C.C.T. Further described as being south of
McDermott and west of Highway 75."
Mr. Craig Curry presented the preliminary plat to the Commission.
Mr. Petty discussed with the Commission the Right -of -Way on the
collector street and the need to have this platted. Discussion was
held regarding the abandonment of the east -west right-of-way
and the proposed collector street placed north -south on the
western boundary of the property.
Mr. Lewis, an adjacent property owner, addressed the Commission
and stated he was in favor of this collector street; however, he
was concerned about giving up more than his share of the right-
Commissioner Wilson questioned the number of lots that front
on Highway 75.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Pennington and a
second by Commissioner Browning, Commission voted
5 FOR and 2 AGAINST to approve Agenda Item VII
with the stipulation that at the time of final
OCTOBER 24, 1985 Page Six
Preliminary Plat
Allen Place (Cont.) (Agenda Item VII)
platting, the north/south collector road on the
western boundary of the property would show
40 feet of right-of-way until the road turns
back east, then 65' of right-of-way; or at the
time of final platting, the full roadway be platted
by all property owners. The motion carried.
Other Business (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Glass stated that this agenda item would be postponed until
after the workshop session.
(Agenda Item IX)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wilson and a second
by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and
0 AGAINST to adjourn the October 24, 1985, meeting
of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:44 p.m.
The motion carried.
Workshop Session
Pat Atkins, Heritage Park
(Agenda Item X)
The workshop session of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was reconvened at 10:50 p.m.
Mr. Pat Atkins of Don Tipton Engineering spoke on behalf of the
Heritage Park proposal. He explained that the concept plan
presented would be eliminating Townhouse and Garden Homes and
concentrating on single family detached houses. He further
described to the Commission a new concept of product for duplexes
described as "Z" lot line homes. There are 356.57 acres of land
Mark Thornton discussed the park situation. He stated he would
like to take this proposal to the Park Board at the proper time.
He indicated he was very pleased with this proposal.
It was suggested that having rear entry requirements would give
the Commission control in the area of duplexes.
Consensus of the Commission was that this is an excellent
project, and they would encourage proponent to bring forward
their zoning amendment to the Planned Development.
Mr. Petty suggested that the single family and Tracts 2, 4, and 5
could be site planned at this time.
OCTOBER 24, 1985 Page Seven
Workshop Session
Pat Atkins, Heritage Park (Cont.) (Agenda Item X)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second
by Commissioner Wilson, Commission voted 7 FOR and
0 AGAINST to adjourn the Workshop Session of the
Allen Planning & Zoning Commission. The motion
Other Business
(Agenda Item VIII)
Mr. Petty explained this item will be on each agenda in the
future. He advised the Commission that a cut-off date of
15 days prior to a meeting will be put into effect and adhered
to. A calendar of upcoming items for the following meeting
will be included in future packets.
Commissioner Browning made two suggestions as follows:
1. Either through a meeting or through a staff memo
or combination of both, he would like to see some
attention given to Commission in an educational
format dealing with the scope of their authority.
2. Staff review policy (zoning analysis) is difficult
to understand and he is requesting a simplified
The October 24, 1985, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning
Commission was dismissed at 12:15 a.m.
These minutes approved this 11/71 day of
Bobby Gla*, Chairman
. -
Way _ Armand, Secretary