HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 04/10 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 10, 1986
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Secretary
John Garcia
Eileen Karlsruher
Ken Browning
Charles Akin
Charles Lee
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Nadine Hopps, Secretary
The oaths of office were administered to Charles Akin and
Charles Lee by Marty Hendrix, City Secretary, at 7:34 P.M.
prior to the Call to Order of the Allen Planning & Zoning
Regular Meeting.
The Regular Meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Glass at 7:37 P.M. in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
March 27. 1986
(Agenda Item III)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of March 27, 1986, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by
Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 6 FOR and
0 AGAINST, with 1 ABSTENTION to approve the minutes
of the Regular Meeting of March 27, 1986. The
motion carried.
APRIL 10, 1986
Tabled Item
(Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider setting workshop date on the
following five tracts of land for Folsom-Whisenant:
1. Being 160.770 acres in the Mary Standifer Survey,
Abstract No. 812, Collin County, Texas;
2. Being 64.563 acres in the Catherine Parsons Survey,
Abstract No. 711, Collin County, Texas;
3. Being 91.887 acres in the Henry Brandenburg Survey,
Abstract No. 110, Collin County, Texas;
4. Being 100.035 acres in the Henry Brandenburg Survey,
Abstract No. 110, and the J. W. Parsons Survey,
Abstract No. 705, Collin County, Texas;
5. Being 6.129 acres in the Catherine Parsons Survey,
Abstract No. 711, Collin County, Texas;"
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a second
by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0
AGAINST to remove Agenda Item IV from the table. The
motion carried.
Mr. Tom Keener reminded Commission that they were to check their
calendars to set a workshop date for this submission. Commission
set a workshop date of April 16, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. in the Lunch
Room of the Allen Municipal Annex.
Tabled Item
Buckingham Crossing
(Agenda Item V)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider setting workshop date on 52.3+
acres in the J. T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, and
also being part of a tract of land situated in the Henry
Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026 for Buckingham Crossing
represented by The Nelson Corporation."
APRIL 10, 1986 PAGE 3
Tabled Item
Buckingham Crossing (Continued) (Agenda Item V)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Akin, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 AGAINST
to remove Agenda Items V & VI from the table. The
motion carried.
Mr. Bill Petty advised Commission that they could combine
Agenda Items 5 & 6 into one workshop date since they were
in the same location. Chairman Glass read Agenda Item V
into the record but did not read Agenda Item VI into the
Mr. Craig Curry was present to represent Buckingham Crossing,
and Mssrs. Bill Dyer and Richard Duke represented themselves.
Public Hearing
Mr. Don Jones
(Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Don Jones
for a Specific Use Permit for a private stable and
accessory building for incidental storage for residential
use in an R-2 zoning district, and Site Plan approval.
This 9.0718 acre tract of land is known as the Don Jones
Addition to the City of Allen, being situated in the City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and lying in the William
Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, said tract being part of
a 10.0 acre tract of land conveyed to Robert E. Lowman,
et ux, from Gentry T. Jones, et al, dated January 11, 1969,
further described as being located at 507 S. Greenville."
Mssrs. Tony Rossi and Don Jones made the presentation to the
Commission. Mr. Rossi stated that this was the second time that
this request has come forth. They are requesting a stable and
an accessory building to store equipment to maintain the grounds.
They agree to adhere to the conditions that were previously set
forth in the first submission.
set workshop
date for Monday,
28, 1986,
7:30 P.M.
in the Council
Chambers of the
Public Hearing
Mr. Don Jones
(Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Don Jones
for a Specific Use Permit for a private stable and
accessory building for incidental storage for residential
use in an R-2 zoning district, and Site Plan approval.
This 9.0718 acre tract of land is known as the Don Jones
Addition to the City of Allen, being situated in the City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and lying in the William
Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, said tract being part of
a 10.0 acre tract of land conveyed to Robert E. Lowman,
et ux, from Gentry T. Jones, et al, dated January 11, 1969,
further described as being located at 507 S. Greenville."
Mssrs. Tony Rossi and Don Jones made the presentation to the
Commission. Mr. Rossi stated that this was the second time that
this request has come forth. They are requesting a stable and
an accessory building to store equipment to maintain the grounds.
They agree to adhere to the conditions that were previously set
forth in the first submission.
APRIL 10, 1986
Public Hearing
Mr. Don Jones
(Continued) (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Glass opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak FOR or AGAINST this request,
Chairman Glass closed the Public Hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second
by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 6 FOR and
1 AGAINST to approve Agenda Item VII as presented
with the following modifications:
1. Limiting the number of horses to three.
2. The Specific Use Permit will expire with the
vacancy of the premises by the Don Jones family
either by sale or change of occupants.
The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Utal Development
(Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Stephen H.
Kanoff of Utal Development. Inc., to amend "PD" Planned
Development No. 31 on 48.81 acres of land to amend the
use and area regulations on Tracts 6A, 6B, and 11. This
is a tract of land in the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract
No. 326, the Joseph Russell Survey, Abstract No. 775,
the Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, and the J. H.
Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1018, Collin County, Texas,
and bieng part of a tract of land conveyed to The Cambrige
Companies, Inc., Trustee, from David M. Sherer, Trustee,
as recorded in Volume 857, Page 451 of the Land Records
of Collin County, Texas; more particularly described as
being three tracts of land west of Alma Drive and south
of F.M. 2170, and north of Hedgecoxe Avenue."
Mssrs. Steve Kanoff and Chris Ryder made the presentaion to
the Commission and stated that they were requesting an adjust-
ment to "Planned Development 31" in order to better utilize
their land. The densities, lot sizes, and house sizes on
Tracts 6A, 6B, and 11 were discussed.
City of Allen
DATE: APRIL 10, 1986
Mrs. Bryan Williams telephoned the office this date and
asked that you be informed of the following:
"In regard to Utal Company request for variance,
Case No. Z3-7-86-27, I would urge the Commissioner's
to adhere to the well thought-out plan and deny this
One Butler Circle Allen, Texas 75002.214/727-9171 •Metro 214/424-7518
City of Allen
DATE: APRIL 10, 1986
Mrs. Mary Cook telephoned the office this date and
asked that you be informed of the following:
"I request on behalf of the McDermott Ranch that this
variance in zoning not be granted in that the reduction
in lot sizes is over one third. The areas specified
in the zoning as 6A, 6B, and 11 are already small, and
to reduce the lot sizes any more would increase the
density. The prior zoning was granted after much
debate and should be considered to be final."
Mrs. Mary Cook
McDermott Ranch
McDermott Drive
Allen, Texas
One Duller Circle •Allen, Texas 7500'2.214/727-9171 •Metro 214/424-7518
APRIL 10. 1986
Public Hearing
Otal Development (Continued) (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Glass opened the Public Hearing. Written statements
by Mrs. Bryan Williams and Mrs. Mary McDermott Cook were read
into the record, and their letters are heretofore attached to
these minutes.
Chairman Glass closed the Public Hearing.
Mr. Bill Petty stated that consideration was given to the
original request because additional requirements were made
to that planned development. Consequently, the PD is already
at variance with the Allen Zoning Ordinance. Staff reiterated
that this request should not be an instrument for obtaining
further variances, and he further stated that Staff recommends
against allowing any variances from Allen's Subdivision
standards. There were no reasons for granting any variances
to Tract 11 since there was not a reciprocal advantage to
the City. Any modifications to Tracts 6A and 6B should be
within the constraints of the existing PD.
Commission had
look at Tracts
w a s to set a
regular meeting
Public Hearing
Alma 121 LTD.
a concern with Tract 11 and they would like to
6A and 6B in a workshop session. Consensus of the Conviission
workshop date for April 24, 1986 after their
of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission.
(Agenda Item IX)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. James M. Brown
of Alma 121 LTD., for permanent zoning of FP -PD Flood Plain
Plannea Development to include Office, Garden Office, Corridor
Commercial, and Industrial Technology uses to coincide with
annexation. This 103.5339 acres of land is situated in Collin
County, Texas, in the F. Dosser Survey, Abstract No. 280,
being a resurvey of the 103.337 acres of land described
FIRST, herein designated as FIRST TRACT, conveyed to Lubelle
Byrd and Elizabeth B. Roberts, dated May 12, 1971, recorded
in Volume 784, Page 322, of the Collin County Deed Records,
further described as being south of State Highway 121."
APRIL 10, 1986 PAGE 6
Public Hearing
Alma 121 LTD. (Continued) (Agenda Item IX)
Mr. Mike Hoffman, J. T. Dunkin and Associates, made the
presentation to the Commission. He stated that the "Industrial
Technology" IT tract had the same area and use regulations as
the IT tract on the Bryan Bush property. He said the uses
in the Corridor Commercial tracts were similar to those in
the "General Business" GB district of the zoning ordinance,
and the requested height and intensity were compatible with
the specifications of Special District 2.
Mr. Jack Hatchell, Vice President of Barton-Aschmann, prepared
the traffic study, and summarized the conculsions by stating
that the traffic impact would be at a level of Service C.
Chairman Glass opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to
speak either FOR or AGAINST this request. Chairman Glass
closed the Public Hearing.
There was some discussion on the necessary set -back from 121
for this development.
Mr. Keener discussed the history of the conceptual development
of SD 2 in reference to the Comprehensive Plan. Specific
attention was given to his understanding of the height and
intensity of this district.
Since there were two new Commissioners, Mr. Petty suggested
they might be unfamiliar with the Bryan Bush case and the
Comprehensive Plan, and he recommended that the Commission
consider a workshop.
Mr. Keener stated that we have not received a decision from
COG on this tract at this time.
Commission set a workshop date of May 6, 1986 at 6:30 P.M. in
the City Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
Final Plat
Heritage Park I (Agenda Item X)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval by Mr. Pat
Atkins, Don Tipton, Inc., for Heritage Park I being
78.83 acres out of the G. W. Fora burvey, Abstract No.
328 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and
further being part of a 91.995 acre tract of land
conveyed to Landtex Development, a Texas joint venture,
APRIL 10, 1986 PAGE 7
Final Plat
Heritage Park I (Continued) (Agenda Item X)
"as recorded in Volume 1170, Page 871, of the Collin
County Deed Records, and further described as being
north of Bethany Road and south of Park Place Drive."
Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton Engineering, made the presentation
to the Commission. He reminded the Commission of the .9 acre
that is to be dedicated to the City of Allen for a fire station.
Mr. Petty stated that 20' of the 60' right-of-way along the
western portion of Heritage Parkway was included in this
submission. The remaining 40' right-of-way would be dedicated
under a separate plat when all property closings had been
completed. Staff would not file this plat until the remaining
right-of-way plat was submitted.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by
Commissioner Akin, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 AGAINST
to Approve Agenda Item X with the following modification:
1. That Staff not file until the Right -of -Way Plat is
The motion carried.
Final Plat
Heritage Park II (Agenda Item XI)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval by Mr. Pat
Atkins, Don Tipton, Inc., for Heritage Park II being
22.80 acres out of the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No.
328, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and
further being part of a91.995 acre tract of land conveyed
to Joseph W. Reddick, as recorded in Volume 1068, Page 496,
of the Collin County Deed Records, and further described as
being north of Bethany Road and east of Cottonwood Creek."
Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton Engineering, made the presentation
to the Commission. He stated that he is representing Bethany
409 Venture. This is their twin-nlex development that was
approved on the preliminary plat. Mr. Atkins stated that they
have met all of Staff's recommendations.
APRIL 10, 1986 PAGE 8
Final Plat
Heritage Park II (Continued) (Agenda Item XI)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Akin, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 AGAINST
to approve Agenda Item XI as presented. The motion
Preliminary Plat
Heritage Park 3A
(Agenda Item XII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval by
Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton, Inc., for Heritage Park 3A
being 51.297 acres out of the R. C. whisenant Survey,
Abstract No. 1012, further being part of a tract of land
as conveyed to Landtex Development, a Texas joint venture
in Volume 1711, Page 289 of the Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas, and also being part of Volume 1207, Page
892, further described as being south of Bethany Road
and east of Cottonwood Creek."
Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton, Inc., made the presentation to the
Commission. He stated that he is working with Staff to alleviate
the problem of the cul-de-sac on Bethany. He also discussed
the screening of the major thoroughfare.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Akin and a second by
Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 7 FOR and
0 AGAINST to approve Agenda Item XII with the following
1. They would work with Staff prior to final platting
on the cul-de-sacs and left turn lanes entering
onto a major thoroughfare.
The motion carried.
Other Business•
(Agenda Item XIII)
Mr. Keener advised the Commission of the upcoming Agenda Items
on the next Agenda.
Mr. Petty commented that the review of the Comprehensive Plan
and Zoning Ordinance would have to be delayed due to workload
with workshops and other items at this time.
APRIL 10, 1986
Other Business: (Continued) (Agenda Item XIII)
Mr. Keener stated that Staff and a Sub -Committee had been
devising a format for analyzing zoning cases. He asked
Commission which of the two formats they would like to adopt
and send a recommendation to the Council.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 7 FOR and
0 AGAINST to recommend to Council that the new
format for Zoning Analysis Review be used. The
motion carried.
(Agenda Item XIV)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 7 FOR
and 0 AGAINST to adjourn the Allen Planning and
Zoning Commission Meeting at 9:45 P.M.
These minutes approved this o?'-`
Jill W
day of Q ��� 1986.
Wa e L. Armand, Secretary