HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 04/16 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 16, 1986
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Charles Akin
Eileen Karlsruher
Wayne Armand
John Garcia
Chuck Lee (arrived 7:95 p.m.)
Commissioners Absent:
Ken Browning
Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation
Sally Leeper, Secretary
The Workshop meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Glass at 7:35 p.m, at the
Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Folsom-Whisenant (Agenda Item II)
Mr. J. T. Dunkin presented the land use plan for this property.
He stated that he understood the alignment of the thoroughfare
had been agreed to at a previous Planning & Zoning meeting.
He stated he intended to address the Shopping Center in Tracts
10 and 5; the church site; and the park and school sites.
He stated that they are aware of the open space requirement of
19 to 16 acres and questioned whether the land for the parks
should be dedicated or if the City would share in the cost of
the land.
Mr. Mark Thornton stated that of the 29 acres of open space
that is required, approximately six are in the flood fringe,
leaving the location of 18 acres to be determined. Ten
acres in the Single Family tract 13 and eight acres in Single
Family Tract 1 would provide basic neighborhood park facilities
for these districts. He stated that this would satisfy the
requirements in the two Neighborhood Districts involved.
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Folsom-Whisenant (Cont.)
Mr. Dunkin stated that he felt a public facility used by
everyone in the community should be purchased by funds
brought in by everyone in the community.
Mr. Bill Petty stated he advocated the idea of not putting
the burden of development on the new residents. He stated
he would advise Mr. Dunkin that the City was not requiring
dedication of park land. The Planned Development zoning
requires a certain amount of open space. The question
here is satisfaction of the Planned Development Ordinance
for open space. One way to accomplish this is through a
homeowner maintenance association; another is park land that
would be maintained by the City. He reiterated that the
City does not have a dedication requirement for park land.
Mr. Denny Holman stated that he would like to look at a
hike and bike trail along the creek, and a five-foot concrete
path. He stated he feels some type of compensation for the
park land would be fair. An alternative would be for them
to develop the open space themselves as outlined above in
the way of a hike and bike trail.
Mr. Thornton stated the City only needs to be comfortable
that the residents of the neighborhood would be served
appropriately. He stated further that the City does plan to
purchase the larger, community park sites.
Mr. Petty discussed the flexibility of the Planned
Development ordinance.
Mr. Ben Whisenant asked if the City in fact ultimately wanted
the park site. Staff answered that the City wants the needs
of the neighborhood to be met. The City had only suggested
the park as an accommodation to the developer.
Staff is asking the developer to tell us what they want to
do with the open space that is required.
Discussion followed as to when a park would be developed by
the City, if dedication of the land would take place. Staff
stated that development would probably occur as the need arose.
Mr. Dunkin stated a school site would probably be taken from
the Folsom tract, if the school desires one. Mr. Holman
added that there would be no problem with allowing the school
to purchase land at their cost plus carry.
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Folsom-Whisenant (Cont.)
Mr. Holman suggested the City could give developers some
incentive to develop the open space and then convey
it over to the City.
Mr. Petty discussed the fact that the density that would
be in the open space can be transferred to the remainder
of the development.
Mr. Thornton explained the difference between the terms
"flood plain," "flood way," and "flood fringe." The flood
plain is the entire portion of the 100 -year flood plain.
The flood way is the portion that actually carries the
water and flood fringe is the portion where excess water
would be stored. In other words, the flood fringe is the
outside area of the flood way, where the flood fringe and
the flood way together make up the flood plain.
Mr. Tom Keener discussed the calculations for density based
on the flood fringe. The Planned Development requires 24
acres of open space, allowing the flood fringe to be a part
of that. The density calculated for the flood fringe is
appropriate to be transferred. Depending on the use of the
remainder of the open space, that would decide whether the
transfer of density would be allowed. If the open space is
dedicated, the City would necessarily transfer the density.
Mr. Charles Akin questioned Mr. Thornton's recommendation as
to where the additional 18 acres of open space should be.
Mr. Thornton stated that 10 acres would be appropriate in the
southern part of Tract 13 and the remainder would be appropriate
in the southern part of Tract 1.
Mr. Holman questioned whether the development of a school
site would count for open space.
Mr. Dunkin asked if one to two acres of open space can be
reserved in a multi -family tract. The answer was that yes,
but there would be no transfer of density.
Commission discussed the thoroughfares. The consensus was
that Alma and Exchange should cross at a perpendicular angle.
Mr. Keener discussed with the Commission the analysis of the
zoning. He stated that the northerly location of Exchange
increases the retail use of that intersection. He stated
the church site should be addressed. The shopping center
on the east of Alma is 11 to 16 acres larger than designed
in the Comprehensive Plan. As shown, the area not designated
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Folsom-Whisenant (Cont.)
in this plan at the northeast corner of Alma and Rowlett
would probably be zoned shopping center if this plan is
He stated that the densities are slightly over that in the
Comprehensive Plan. The single family and townhome tracts are in
desired locations. The office tract is probably a good location
since it is adjacent to a creek. The office tract would not be
desirable for single family as it is too small. Mr. Keener
discussed the multi family allowed in Neighborhood District 8.
Proponents are showing more than would be allowed. He stated
Tract 7 is in compliance. Tract 9 is also in compliance.
Mr. Keener reiterated that the main problem appears to be the
two shopping center tracts.
In Neighborhood District 8, the Comprehensive Plan would
allow 7 acres of multi -family, with the balance single family.
In Neighborhood District 9, the Comprehensive Plan does not
reflect Rowlett Road as an arterial. It will need to be
allowed if the office and multi -family in Neighborhood District
16 is allowed. If this is done, then Rowlett and Alma will
become a major intersection, and therefore entitled to retail
In Neighborhood District 16, all 31 acres remaining for Shopping
Center have been included in this submission.
Mr. Dunkin suggested moving the multi -family that is shown
south of the shopping center area up into the shopping center
area and move some of the retail south of Rowlett. The
multi -family would become single family.
One solution would be to reduce the shopping center, prezone
the northeast corner of Alma and Rowlett as Office or Multi -family,
and change the Office and Multi -Family to Single Family.
The consensus of the commission was that the secondary arterial
of Rowlett and Alma was a good decision.
Mr. Holman stated that he disagreed with the idea of the southeast
corner of Rowlett and Alma being Single Family. He feels that this
should be a retail corner. Mr. Keener suggested that there was
flexibility in the Single Family to use townhomes.
Mr. Gary Yost of Barton-Aschmann addressed the Commission in
regard to the traffic study. He stated Mr. Morris of North
Central Texas Council of Governments has apparently found a
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Folsom-Whisenant (Cont.)
problem with the traffic at Exchange and Hwy. 75. It appears
it will be below a Level C.
Mr. Petty stated the Comprehensive Plan was based on existing
Planned Developments and uses. This, combined with what is
shown on the plan and in the tables we are still supposed to
maintain a Level C of traffic. This does not appear to be
the case. Level of service F is now being shown from Raintree
Circle to Hwy. 75 by the COG.
Commissioner Garcia stated he would like to discuss area
regulations at the next opportunity.
Commission directed proponents to give consideration to
the following items:
1. Alignment of Exchange.
2. Creation of a secondary arterial.
3. The inclusion of shopping center in District 8,
not shown on the tables.
9. Traffic report needed from COG.
5. Outparcel at the northeast corner of Rowlett and
Alma in relation to future zoning and the size of
the shopping center.
6. Location of the open space.
The question remains whether the property for the school will
count toward the open space. Mr. Petty read from the zoning
ordinance the definition of open space as being open land
intended to stay in its natural state. Therefore, it is
interpreted that a school would not count as open space.
Chairman Glass asked if the proponent would request another
workshop or want to come back with another submission.
Mr. Petty suggested this be placed on the next agenda as an
item for discussion which would lead to a final decision.
The consensus of the Commission was that this should appear on
the agenda for May 8 as a discussion item.
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Folsom-Whisenant (Cont.)
Mr. Whisenant stated the church will probably be moved to
the west of the Shopping Center tract in Area 12, and this will
also allow a buffer from the Shopping Center tract to the
Single Family.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a
second by Commissioner Armand, Commission
voted 6 FOR and 0 AGAINST to adjourn the
April 16, 1986, workshop meeting of the
Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:00
p.m. The motion.
These minutes approved this day of
[Qayn L. Armand, Secretary