HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 04/28 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 28, 1986
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Secretary
Ken Browning
John Garcia (left at 8:45 p.m.)
Eileen Karlsruher
Charles Akin
Commissioners Absent:
Charles Lee
Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator (arrived 8:00 p.m.)
Sally Leeper, Secretary
J The Workshop Meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
{1rJ was called to order by Chairman Glass at 7:33 p.m. at the
City Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Buckingham Crossing (Agenda Item II)
Mr. Craig Curry of The Nelson Corporation, appeared before the
Commission and presented an overview of the zoning submission.
He discussed the 60 foot private ingress/egress easement that
currently exists on this property. They are requesting a
secondary thoroughfare running through the property and that
would tie into Highway 5. He stated the ROW at Highway 5 would
be 110 feet to allow for a divided road at that point.
Since the previous workshop meeting, proponent has spoken with
the property owners that were not a part of this request, Mr.
Dyer and Mr. Duke, Mr. Bennett, and Ms. Parks and Ms. West.
As a result of these meetings, proponent has changed the
alignment of the roadway. After further talks with Mr. Dyer
and Mr. Duke, they have indicated a desire to become a part
of this submission.
Mr. Curry discussed the deed restrictions that have been submitted
for each tract. He stated this plan is within 40 units of that
suggested in the Comprehensive Plan. Deed restrictions are as
Buckingham Crossing (Cont.)
- 18
per acre
- 10
per acre
- 3.8
per acre
- 3.2
per acre
Further deed restrictions on unit sizes would be 1400 sq. feet
minimum on the R-5. These deed restrictions would be filed
with the County and enforced by the City.
Mr. Petty discussed the background of this submission for the
benefit of the new Commissioners.
The two local retail and the multi -family tracts are not in
line with the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan shows local retail at
the intersection of two major thoroughfares and multi -family would
be used as a buffer. Mr. Petty advised the Commission of the
COG study in regard to this secondary thoroughfare. COG stated
it would be appropriate at any location from 1/8 to 1/2 mile
from a major thoroughfare.
If the secondary thoroughfare is deemed appropriate in the
location shown by proponent, then the local retail and multi-
family would be appropriate uses in these locations. Mr. Petty
stated consideration needs to be given to the property imme-
diately south of this tract and adjacent to Highway 5. He
stated the commercial allowed in this district needs to be
spread throughout the neighborhood district.
If this ROW is established for a secondary arterial, a procedure
is needed to put this into motion. Zoning districts would go
to the center line of whatever ROW is in place, and the ROW
needs to be established through the platting process. If the
ROW is platted, construction needs to be 50 percent complete
within one year.
Mr. Curry stated that the time -frame for development after
dedication of the ROW would be a problem as this property is
not ready for development at this time. Mr. Petty suggested
the possibility of entering into a facilities agreement.
There was further discussion regarding the alignment of the
road as shown.
Mr. Keener reviewed the zoning analysis with consideration given
to the secondary thoroughfare. He stated that even with the
secondary arterial, the density and intensity are excessive
when compared to that suggested in the Comprehensive Plan.
Buckingham Crossing (Cont.)
This submission, as presented originally, is in excess of
that suggested in the Comprehensive Plan by approximately
80 units, including the multi -family. Without the
roadway, the excess is approximately 140 units.
Mr. Keener suggested that the location of the secondary arterial
needs to be established before any zoning can be set on this
After further discussion of the deed restrictions discussed
earlier, Mr. Keener agreed that the density is closer than he
was indicating to the Comprehensive Plan, but it is still
Mr. Petty questioned those in the audience as to whether they
understood that once this property is zoned and platted, the
development on the land will need to be in accordance with the
development requirements of the City. The area would not be
allowed to develop with septic tanks and asphalt roadways.
Ms. Billie West questioned whether she and others not a part
of this submission would be assessed for the development that
is wanted by the other property owners. Mr. Curry stated the
construction would occur at no cost to those who are not
involved until such time as they do develop their own property.
Ms. Chris Parks stated she did not oppose this submission if
she were not forced to pay an assessment for the development.
Mr. Petty questioned whether all the property owners in this
proposal are willing to dedicate the roadway right-of-way.
Mr. Dyer stated he and Mr. Duke have agreed to this new
alignment of the roadway conditional upon a successful
execution of a land swap agreement they have discussed.
Commissioner Armand stated he has no problem with the location
of the road, but feels the density should be lowered.
Commissioner Browning questioned the audience as to their
intentions for development. He questioned the intent of zoning
the property at this time. Mr. Tom Bennett stated he did not
intend to develop the bulk of the residential at this time.
The multi -family and retail would possibly be developed in
approximately two years. Mr. Dyer stated he was requesting
zoning for the purpose of future development.
Buckingham Crossing (Cont.)
Commissioner Armand suggested that changing the MF2 to MF1 would
pick up 38 of the 90 units the submission is over at this time.
Mr. Keener stated another method of bringing the total units per
acre down would be through open space dedication.
Mr. Petty reiterated that the first consideration needs to be
the location of the roadway. Three items that need to be
examined are:
1. Is this an acceptable location?
2. Are the owners all willing to sign a plat?
3. Are the owners willing to enter into a facilities
agreement prior to development?
Commissioner Browning stated he had no problem with the location
of the roadway. Commissioner Akin stated he had no problem
with the location of the road. Commissioner Karlsruher stated
she had no problem with the location of the road.
Mr. Petty stated that if the roadway goes here, it will mean:
1. The ROW will have to be platted which would require
signatures of every property owner.
2. It tends to suggest that a facilities agreement
would be agreed upon by all the property owners that no
construction or development of the property would occur
until all of the utilities, streets, and necessary
improvements were constructed and in place for the ROW.
3. Although all property owners agree to not develop
their property until this is all in place, on whom
do we place the burden of construction of the ROW
and utilities?
Chairman Glass stated he feels these items need to be part of the
There was further discussion as to the responsibility of those
owners that are not interested in zoning at this time. Ms. Parks
stated that if she is not required to pay an assessment, she does
not have a problem with the request.
Mr. Petty stated that a private contract might protect the separate
property owners not wanting to develop at this time.
Buckingham Crossing (Cont.)
Mr. Petty stated that to consider the zoning on this property,
first the ROW must be designated. Once the decision is made
that the road does in fact go here, it will go here whether
the zoning is granted or not.
A facilities agreement would state that prior to development or
site planning, the road and utilities will be constructed. This
would take the place of the City's requirement of 508 construction
within one year.
The consensus of the Commission was that this was a good location
for the road, if everyone in the submission agrees and the ROW
is submitted by plat.
Chairman Glass suggested the plat on the ROW should come forward
to Commission before the zoning issue appears on the agenda.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by
Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to adjourn this workshop session of the Allen
Planning and Zoning Commission at 9:30 p.m. The
motion carried.
These minutes approved this p tl/- day of
Bobby Gla Chairman
. A4rmand, Secretary