HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 06/12 - RegularI ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 12, 1986 ATTENDANCE• Commissioners Present: Bobby Glass, Chairman John Garcia Charles Lee Ken Browning (arrived 7:31 p.m.) Eileen Karlsruher Charles Akin Wayne Armand Staff Present• Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant Sally Leeper, Secretary CALL TO ORDER: (Agenda Item I) The June 13, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes Mav 22. 1986 (Agenda Item II) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of May 22, 1986, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Akin and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of May 22, 1986. The motion carried. Approve Minutes May 28, 1986 (Agenda Item III) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of May 28, 1986, Workshop meeting. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Akin, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of the Workshop meeting of May 28, 1986. The motion carried. 123 L- I I ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWO Approve Minutes June 3, 1986 (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of June 3, 1986, Workshop meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of the Workshop meeting of June 3, 1986. The motion carried. Tabled Items (Agenda Items V, VI, VII. VIII. IX X) Chairman Glass asked if there was a desire on the part of the Commission to remove any items from the table. Consensus was that all items would remain on the table. Review of Comprehensive Plan (Agenda Item XI) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Continuation of review of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Thoroughfare Plan, and the Comprehensive Plan." Mr. Bill Petty presented to the Commission a summary of the work staff had accomplished in regard to the review of the Comprehensive Plan. Commission reviewed the information presented to them by staff and suggested the following items to be added, changed, or deleted: 124 C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.010: "Provide for high quality residential neighborhoods." A. Accomplishments. a. Implemented Comprehensive Planning Land Use and Dwelling tables as part of Comprehensive Plan. b. Developed review format for zoning cases. C. Implemented the 31 Neighborhood District concept. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A. d. Reference should be made to the Subdivision Ordinance implementation. B. a. Improvements to be made to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. b. New ordinances should be drafted for the control of neighborhood integrity ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THREE 125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.020: "Develop a well balanced community." A. Accomplishments. a. Housing analysis review is used in all zoning cases. b. Planning tables have been used to regulate number of dwelling units in each proposal. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? C. Status: The achievement of this goal is hindered by the direct conflict between its P/IS statements; first, to obtain a diversity of ages and income levels, and second, to obtain larger house sizes. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Ell B. a. P.IS 1.022: this statement is not compatible with the Comprehensive Plan in terms of the neighborhood districts. Recommendation is made to drop this statement. b. P.IS 1.022: If we are to continue to implement the Plan, this statement is in conflict. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FOUR 126 I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.030: "Provide adequate retail and commercial services for the shopping needs of Allen." A. Accomplishments. a. Incorporated National standards for sufficient commercial acres into the Planning tables. b. Approved 36.5acres of commercial zoning since inception of Plan. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. a. Consider new retail corner design standards. b. Explore ways to encourage new businesses to locate in Allen and expand existing ones. C. Consider incentives for new businesses. d. Continue residential growth. e. Implement ESS switch through Southwestern Bell. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FOUR (A) 127 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I A. Accomplishments. a. Zoned 1851acres of office since the inception of the Plan. b. Zoned 36.5 acres of Commercial since the inception of the Plan. c. Zoned 232.7 acres of Light Industrial since the inception of the Plan. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A. d. Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. B. a. Joint public/private endeavors to create a strong tax base. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FIVE 128 SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.040: "Provide a strong tax base capable of supporting the high quality residential community desired." I A. Accomplishments. a. Zoned 1851acres of office since the inception of the Plan. b. Zoned 36.5 acres of Commercial since the inception of the Plan. c. Zoned 232.7 acres of Light Industrial since the inception of the Plan. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A. d. Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. B. a. Joint public/private endeavors to create a strong tax base. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FIVE 128 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.050: "Provide open space throughout Allen, preserving the natural resources." A. Accomplishments. a. Greenbelt/Linear Park study is scheduled for completion in June, 1986. b. Required delineation of all floodplain in all zoning cases. C. Require one acre of open space for every 75 dwelling units in a Planned Development. d. Require delineation of wooded lots in all zoning cases. e. Established tree preservation ordinance in a Planned Development. a. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Strengthen and apply tree preservation ordinance to the entire City. b. Implement Greenbelt/Linear Park study. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A. f. Park Acquisition Policy has been adopted. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE SIX 129 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC WORKS ISPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.060: "Establish land use pattern." A. Accomplishments. a. Evaluate zoning cases according to land use plan. b. Evaluated land use and dwelling unit tables according to plan. C. Zoning cases are sent to and received from neighboring cities. d. Hired City Engineer to coordinate land development with the extension of utilities and public services. e. Cooperated with developers on west side of Allen in constructing a major sewer trunk line. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A. f. Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. B. a. Secondary thoroughare plan should be developed. b. Recommendation to be made for additional districts to be incorporated into the Comprehensize Zoning Ordinance. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE SEVEN 130 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARRS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 1.070: "Redevelop the Central Business District." A. Accomplishments. a. Enforced CBD ordinance. b. Completion of Phase I of Plain Street Project by June, 1986. C. Implementation of streetscape project. d. Begun Master Plan for City complex. e. Fund raising and design for Sesquicentennial Park. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Complete Phase II and Phase III of Main Street Project. b. Consideration of other public amenities in CBD area. C. Consideration of tax increment financing, enterprise zones, and other financing mechanisms for development of CBD. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No additions ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE EIGHT 131 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 2.010: "Develop a thoroughfare system with sufficient capacity and including provision for mass transit and light rail (such as DART)." A. Accomplishments. a. All major zoning requests must contain a traffic study, which is forwarded to NCTCOG for review. b. Traffic study reviews now take into consideration the surrounding zoning of adjacent and nearby properties, thereby increasing the limits of the study area. C. Obtained sufficient ROW's in platting necessary thoroughfares. d. Recommendation by Planning and Zoning Commission for a secondary thoroughfare plan. e. City takes regular traffic counts along F.M. 2170 and S.H. 5. f. City requires escrow of funds for signalization along S.H. 5. g. Preliminary engineering reflects the necessary signalization along F.M. 2170. h. Signalization at F.M. 2170 and S.H. 5 was improved, to include right -turn lanes. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Improve City capabilities for traffic study review, including computer software and hardware. b. Establish communication with DART for planning mass transit. C. Construct grade separation across railroad. d. Improve signalization at major thoroughfares. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. c. Add the statement "at Exchange or Stacy." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE NINE 132 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Limit ingress and egress on the thoroughfares. C. Regulate parking on shoulders of major thoroughfares. d. Improve signalization. e. Develop secondary thoroughfare plan. f. Increase radar police patrol. g. Evaluate street light policy ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1966 PAGE TEN 133 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARKS AND RECREATION 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 2.020: "Emphasize safety on the major thoroughfares." A. Accomplishments. a. Provided technical assistance to developers to encourage the placement of high intensity uses and high density residential along major thoroughfares. b. Acquisition of Park/School site on Malone Road which is a collector and not on an arterial. C. Planning and Zoning, City Council, and City staff cooperated closely to identify and place School/ Park sites in their proper location. d. City staff has analyzed safety factors and research indicates that crosswalks without safety guards present an increased risk and provides false sense of security. e. Research recommendations that a strip be painted at the beginning and end of school zones. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Improve funding for acquisition and ideal placement of Park sites. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Limit ingress and egress on the thoroughfares. C. Regulate parking on shoulders of major thoroughfares. d. Improve signalization. e. Develop secondary thoroughfare plan. f. Increase radar police patrol. g. Evaluate street light policy ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1966 PAGE TEN 133 C C CITY MANAGER SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 2.030: the DART light rail." A. Accomplishments. Seek mass transit and inclusion in a. Contact has been made with DART officials and monitoring of DART also occurs through the Mayor's membership in the Metroplex Mayor's Committee. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Voters must authorize a one cent sales tax and implement DART services. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE ELEVEN 134 C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 3.010: "Continue the City's role in housing as one of directing, planning and regulating the development and maintenance of housing." A. Accomplishments. a. Updated building codes to 1982 UBC. b. Added CABO 1 & 2 for dwelling units. c. Added code enforcement officer. d. Training for code enforcement officers. e. Evaluations of house sizes and number of dwelling unites are part of every zoning analysis. f. Quarterly inventory of house sizes. g. Enforced CBD Ordinance to prevent conversion of dwelling units into business establishments, except where historical designation is appropriate. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Establish computer monitoring of data base. b. Update building codes to 1985 UBC. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. c. Address neighborhood integrity. d. Continue to regulate house and lot size as it relates to the Comprehensive Planning tables. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWELVE 135 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 3.020: "Provide a variety of housing densities." A. Accomplishments. a. Planning and Zoning recommended new zoning districts (eq. patio homes, garden homes) be established. b. Planning tables include low, medium and high density residential in almost all neighborhood districts. C. Planning tables have been used to regulate the number of dwelling units in each proposal. d. Current zoning cases are being evaluated using standards that buffer single-family areas from intensive uses with multi -family. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Computerization of data base. b. Adopt new zoning districts in conformance with Comprehensive Plan. C. In advance of zoning, greater emphasis on planning functions. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. d. Plan for quarterly review to evaluate recent zoning in relation to the Comprehensive Plan. 136 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1966 PAGE THIRTEEN 136 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 3.030: "Encourage each housing development to have a variety of architecture and building materials." A. Accomplishments. a. Joint efforts between City and developers to bring a variety of lots in subdivisions and provide variety of builders. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Consider including standards for appearance of housing developments in site review process. b. Investigate and research appearance standards established in other cities. C. Limitations. a_ Would require site plan approval for every single house built in Allen. b. Problem of enforcement. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A. a. Change to read: "Joint efforts between City and developers to provide a variety of lots in subdivisions and provide variety of builders." 137 C. c. Recognition of the problem of enforcement. d. Recognition of the fact that the statement reads "encourage," rather than "require." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FOURTEEN 137 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 3.040: "Redevelop blighted areas and areas with potential of becoming blighted." A. Accomplishments. a. Enforcing CBD Ordinance. b. Technical assistance to developers concerning redevelopment of blighted areas. C. Encouraged zoning and construction of rental units. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. More systematic method of identifying blighted areas. b. Consider strengthening "neighborhood integrity" ordinances. C. Work with Chamber of Commerce to incorporate ® redevelopment strategy into economic development program. d. Relocation assistance to those in need as a result of redevelopment. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FIFTEEN 138 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I. SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 3.050: "Plan for quality housing for all income and age groups." I A. Accomplishments. a. Administration of Planning tables that encourage a diversification of housing. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Develop specific strategies for quality housing that considers methods other than zoning. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Deed restrictions. C. Incentives for home improvements. d. Neighborhood integrity ordinance. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE SIXTEEN 139 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 4.010: "Plan for public and private natural open space in the development of Allen." A. Accomplishments. a. Greenbelt/Linear Park Study, scheduled for completion in June, 1986. b. Requiring delineations of flood plain and wooded lots in all zoning cases. C. Established tree preservation ordinance in a PD. d. Requiring one acre of open space for every 75 dwelling units in a PD. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Strengthen and apply tree preservation ordinance to entire City. b. Implement Greenbelt/Linear Park Study. C. Floodplains should be shown on topographic maps and possibly on the ground. d. Systematic identification of major wooded areas in advance of development in order to plan utilities properly. e. If wooded lots are not obtained through zoning, should be obtained through acquisition. C. Limitations. a. Discrepancies in definition and identification of floodplains dues to complexities of floodplain hydraulics calculations. b. Lack of funding for acquisition of wooded lots outside the floodplains. �e C. Lack of control over private property rights. fi PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE SEVENTEEN 1dn PARRS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 4.020: "Provide for development of a parks system with a full range of facilities and programs for residents." A. Accomplishments. a. Construction and opening of Ford Park Pool. b. Ford Park ballfields scheduled for completion in summer 1986. c. Acquired 10 acre neighborhood park in connection with new school on Malone Road. d. 1986 Bond sale includes funds to acquire second Community Park. e. Continued and expanded recreation programs for ages two to Senior Citizens. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Pursue grant funds from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department towards acquisition of second community park. b. Acquire data to compute demand for park facilities and programs. C. Develop detailed park classification system and standards for development and maintenance. C. Limitations. a. Uncertainty over grant availability. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. d. Improve maintenance of existing park sites. e. Develop a specific strategy for developing passive park areas. (Committee should have a session with Mark Thornton regarding this issue before they complete their report). ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE EIGHTEEN 141 0 PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 4.030: "Provide a high level of park maintenance of park lands and facilities." A. Accomplishments. a. Basing Ford Park Pool fees on costs of operation and maintenance. b. Added one 4 -ton truck, one tractor, a batwing mower, a reel mower and a sprayer as major maintenance items. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Improve financial reporting system to determine operating and maintenance costs. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Improve maintenance of existing park sites. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE NINETEEN 142 r PARRS AND RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 4.040: "Provide safety and security in parks." A. Accomplishments. a. Interdepartment cooperation in planning safety and security matters, eg. Ford Park. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Automatic review of security and safety matters as part of site review process. b. Additional administrative personnel to provide proper response and input on interdepartmental issues. C. Increase security visibility at park sites. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. d. Lights at Reed School/Park need to be reviewed. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COhLMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY 143 CITY MANAGER SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 5.010: "Centralize the municipal complex on acreage presently owned by the City, to include library, police and courts building, city hall, civic center and service center." A. Accomplishments. a. Administered 1985 Bond authorization and 1985 Bond sale. b. Administered selection and negotiations with architect. C. Drafted and mailed RFP in anticipation of hiring Construction Manager. d. Prepare 1986 Bond sale. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Complete selection and contracting with Construction Manager. b. Direct Project Team through design and construction. C. Administer 1986 Bond Sale. d. Pursue new City Hall, Civic Center, etc. e. Establish citizen committees to identify city "image" in city center design process. C. Limitations. a. Future bond authorizations (anticipated for 1990). PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-ONE 144 FIRE DEPARTMENT A. Accomplishments. a. Through zoning process, acquired land on Bethany west of Allen Heights for a new Fire Station. b. Through zoning, acquired property on F.M. 2170 west of Alma for a fire station. C. Preliminary programming for expanding central fire station for full-time firefighters; part of 1935 Bond authorization. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. 1986 Bond sale. b. Secure funding for land acquisition in the event that property is unavailable from developers. C. Limitations. a. Future bond authorizations. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. 11 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-TWO 145 "Plan SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 5.020: for fire stations to allow adequate fire protection in all planning districts." A. Accomplishments. a. Through zoning process, acquired land on Bethany west of Allen Heights for a new Fire Station. b. Through zoning, acquired property on F.M. 2170 west of Alma for a fire station. C. Preliminary programming for expanding central fire station for full-time firefighters; part of 1935 Bond authorization. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. 1986 Bond sale. b. Secure funding for land acquisition in the event that property is unavailable from developers. C. Limitations. a. Future bond authorizations. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. 11 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-TWO 145 POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 5.030: "Provide efficient animal control services for the city." A. Accomplishments. a. Certification of animal shelter by State Department of Health as a rabies quarantine facility. b. Added heaters to shelter since construction to ensure proper temperatures for animals. c. Added minor equipment for capture, euthanization and disposal. d. Evaluating need for additional personnel on the basis of number of complaints and amounts of overtime required by present personnel. e. Improved visibility of animal control function, especially registration and vaccination. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Expand animal shelter during next five-year Capital Improvements Program. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Consider extending enforcement of the leash law to encompass 24 hour availability of Animal Control Officer. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-THREE 146 PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING CITY MANAGER SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 5.040: "Provide adequate and efficient water and sewer facilities." A. Accomplishments. a. Cooperation with NTMWD on location, sizing and "entry points" of District Interceptor (sewer) System. b. Assisted NTMWD in obtaining easements on 42" water line (McKinney Parallel) in order to maximize City options in locating a second delivery point for water. C. Stacy Road Pump Station (second delivery point) scheduled for completion of Spring, 1987. d. Planning increased elevated water storage at Rowlett Road; completion anticipated the the Fall of 1987. e. Cooperation with NTMWD in planning Wilson Creek Wastewater Plant. f. Provide preconstruction workshops for utilities and developers. Provide preliminary plats to utilities. g. Cooperation with individual developers to enter Interceptor System in place of lift stations. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Maximize Allen's position in future water and waste- water services by becoming a member city of NTMWD. b. Strengthen City policies in connection with acquiring gravity sewer lines rather than lift stations in new developments. c. Adopt policy to prevent leap -frog zoning. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. C. Delete this statement. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR 147 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 5.050: "When practical, schools and other public buildings should be designed for public access and multiple use." A. Accomplishments. a. Acquisition of Malone Road School/Park site. b. Ford Park construction adjacent to Ford Middle School. C. Encourage dedication of combined School/Park sites in zoning cases. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE 148 D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARRS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 6.010: "Preserve the scenic natural beauty of the creeks and aesthetic value of the floodplains." A. Accomplishments. a. Greenbelt/Linear Park Study scheduled for completion in June, 1986. b. Required delineation of all floodplain in all zoning cases. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. `j ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-SIX 149 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 6.020: "Emphasize design standards in review of development projects." A. Accomplishments. a. Rigorously reviewed 24 site plans to ensure conformance with zoning ordinance. b. Provided technical assistance to the development community. C. Enforcement of subdivision ordinance. d. Designation of Code Enforcement officer to enforce sign code. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Expand site planning process to include front elevations for high visibility areas. b. Expand site planning process to -include all major developments. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. C. Complete design standards for retail corners. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN 150 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARKS AND RECREATION t SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 6.030: "Research historic sites and structures and determine means of preservation." Ll A. Accomplishments. a. Assisted owner of Inter -urban Depot in getting State Historical Marker for the building. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Assign architectural preservationists to identify historically significant structures. b. Designation of historic parks or areas. C. Museum. d. Develop ordinance to protect historic sites. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT 151 A L COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 6.090: "Emphasize design standards for public projects and public lands. A. Accomplishments. a. Hired full-time City Engineer. b. Hired William Hidell Architects to design City facilities. c. Hired Black and Veatch to design water facilities and minimize visual impact. d. Linear Park and Greenbelt Study scheduled for completion June, 1986. e. City cooperated with developers on west side to minimize tree loss due to Rowlett Sewer Line. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Adopt a landscape plan for Stacy Road Pump Station. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Consider recommendations from Neil Sperry, landscape architect. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE TWENTY-NINE 152 C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 6.050: "Control visual pollution with ordinances and regulations including signs, poles, structures, drainageways and lighting." A. Accomplishments. a. Enforced all relevant ordinances. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1996 PAGE THIRTY 153 CITY MANAGER A. Accomplishments. a. Application and acceptance to TEXCEL, a state - supported program to form public-private partnerships for local economic development. b. Regular attendance at Chamber of Commerce meetings and functions. C. Assistance in Trash Bash (participation of contractor). d. Financial and material assistance for Chamber brochure. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Organize in TEXCEL, to include representatives of small businesses, financial institutions, manufacturers, schools and other sectors of Allen in a formal agreement. b. Provide leadership in formulating economic development goals and objectives. C. Adopt financial incentive program for existing businesses and prospects, eg. interest subsidies, loan guarantees, and equity participation. d. Maintain accurate and comprehensive information on industrial and retail sites, and other development - related items. e. Relocation assistance for businesses in McDermott Road ROW. SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 7.010: "The City should establish and maintain an aggressive posture in quality economic development." A. Accomplishments. a. Application and acceptance to TEXCEL, a state - supported program to form public-private partnerships for local economic development. b. Regular attendance at Chamber of Commerce meetings and functions. C. Assistance in Trash Bash (participation of contractor). d. Financial and material assistance for Chamber brochure. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Organize in TEXCEL, to include representatives of small businesses, financial institutions, manufacturers, schools and other sectors of Allen in a formal agreement. b. Provide leadership in formulating economic development goals and objectives. C. Adopt financial incentive program for existing businesses and prospects, eg. interest subsidies, loan guarantees, and equity participation. d. Maintain accurate and comprehensive information on industrial and retail sites, and other development - related items. e. Relocation assistance for businesses in McDermott Road ROW. 154 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. f. Plan for an information session for Commission to be informed regarding Texcel, etc. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-ONE 154 r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 7.020: "Encourage diversity in economic develooment." A. Accomplishments. a. Zoned 232.7 acres of industrial during last year. b. Zoned 36.5 acres of commercial during last year. C. Zoned 185.1 acres of office during last year. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Continue to identify market needs and proper mix of zoning. b. Develop economic strategy for City. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-TWO 155 CITY SECRETARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 7.030: "Expand the tax base in order to achieve and maintain a balanced tax base among residential, commercial, industrial and other land users. A. Accomplishments. a. Implementation of land use plan that places retail in all neighborhood districts. b. Enjoyed a working relationship with Chamber of Commerce. C. Encouragement by staff to review concept plans for CBD. d. Zoned 185.1 acres of office. e. Zoned 232.7 acres of industrial. f. Cooperated with property owners to honor annexations. D. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Provide public infrastructure and amenities that increase tax base. b. Consider tax implement financing and other financial methods to encouraged development. c. Consider an active interventionist strategy for marketing the City of Allen. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-THREE 156 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARKS AND RECREATION I SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 8.010: "Encourage conservation of trees, vegetation and water resources in all development. A. Accomplishments. a. Required designation of wooded lots and flood plain on all zoning plans. b. City become directly involved in a major zoning case to develop tree preservation policy. C. Participated with NCTCOG to establish guidelines for development along Rowlett Creek. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Acquire wooded lots outside floodplain through other means. b. Strengthen preservation ordinances to enhance enforcement. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-FOUR 157 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 8.020: "Minimize pollution in Allen including visual, air, noise and water." B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Improve and extend site planning process to all major developments and include architectural elevations in high visibility areas. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Re-evaluate uses in Light Industrial areas and possibly include some that are currently included in other districts. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-FIVE 158 A. Accomplishments. a. Chamber of Commerce Trash Bash. b. Sesquicentennial wildflower program. C. Main Street redevelopment. d. Ford Park. e. Median maintenance. £. Continued staff support to the Planning and Zoning and City Council for site planning (24 site plans reviewed). g. Enforced performance standards of zoning ordinance. h. Controlled heavy industries through zoning. i. City departments were available to forward any complaints to proper county and state agencies. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Improve and extend site planning process to all major developments and include architectural elevations in high visibility areas. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Re-evaluate uses in Light Industrial areas and possibly include some that are currently included in other districts. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-FIVE 158 F ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 8.030 "Provide flood and drainage control." A. Accomplishments. a. Reviewed drainage developments to ensure that flood plains have not been encroached. b. Required designation of flood plain in all zoning requests. C. Required drainage plans during site planning process as required by zoning ordinance. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Initiate stormwater retention study. b. Update flood plain regulations and policies. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. a. Change "Initiate" to "Consider." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-SIX 159 r FIRE DEPARTMENT and generation SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 8.040: "Prevent storage/of hazardous materials and waste." A. Accomplishments. a. Adopted Uniform Fire Code, 1985 Edition. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Consider assigning full or partial responsibility to Environmental Health Officer. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Correct SPECIFIC GOAL to show addition to words "and generation." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-SEVEN 160 0 CITY MANAGER SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 8.050: "Develop organizational structure for environmental protection." A. Accomplishments. a. Hired Environmental Health Officer. b. Linear Park/Green Belt Study scheduled for June, 1986. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Consultant should be commissioned to assist in identifying natural and other resources to be preserved and recommend an implementation model. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING C014MISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-EIGHT 161 CITY MANAGER ISPECIFIC "Provide GOAL NO. 8.060: for solid waste disposal." A. Accomplishments. a. City acted as a liason between citizens and the solid waste contractor, particularly citizen complaints. b. Monitored contractor's attempts to obtain permit and develop new landfill location on Hwy. 380. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Explore possibility of a city transfer situation. b. Assist contractor in obtaining permit for new landfill site. C. Limitations. a. Lack of suitable disposal sites in city limits. b. Interjurisdictional permitting.(State Department of Health is requiring new flood plain studies and other revisions to Moore's landfill application.) PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE THIRTY-NINE 162 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.010: "Provide access to a community college/junior college." A. Accomplishments: Response to this goal has been requested from AISD. E. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. 163 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ' JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY 163 CITY MANAGER SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.020: "Provide needed continuing education to the community." A. Accomplishments: Response to this goal has been requested by AISD. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-ONE 164 FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.030: "Establish best approach to provide City paramedic services immediately." A. Accomplishments. a. Hired adequate number of firefighters to allow placement in paramedic school without hurting fire protection. b. Identified costs of establishing paramedic services. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Reserve placements on waiting list for paramedic school ($1200 per man). b. Purchase radio equipment in order to contact MD's ($25,000). C. Purchase necessary drugs ($3000 per year). PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. d. Continue to work toward improvements of this goal. e. Place this as a priority item, recognizing the expense involved. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-TWO 165 POLICE DEPARTMENT El SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.040: "Strive to provide a city free of chemical dependency and abuse." A. Accomplishments. a. Instruction on chemical abuse through muppets program and seminars. b. Increased detection and apprehension of drug dealers (8 to 51). C. Participation in CAPP (Chemical Abuse Prevention People) organization. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Assign a police officer to the school system to work with faculty and students, possibly funded by a state grant. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION B. b. Work with ASA personnel to make contact with young children. C. Encourage contact with youth through the local churches. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-THREE 166 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.050: "Encourage the provision of child care services by churches and other public institutions, or by private industry." A. Accomplishments: None. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? C. Status: There are many child care providers in Allen. Should consider redirecting this goal to particular needs of families with children under this service, eg. monitoring and regulating child care operations and employees; the high cost of child care services, and other specific needs. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-FOUR 167 CITY MANAGER PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.060: "Establish health and human services office in City government." A. Accomplishments. a. Options for a City department have not been explored. b. Community Development Department has hired an Environmental Health Inspector to improve sanitation conditions in public areas. C. Mayor and City Manager have been assisting the United Way to attain funding for private human services providers in Allen. d. AISD and United Way have supported the Allen Information and Referral Service. e. Recreation programs for Allen Senior Citizens. B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Adopt a new health ordinance. b. Work closely with child care providers, schools, restaurants, solid waste contractor, citizens at large, and others to achieve or exceed compliance with State and local regulations. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1996 PAGE FORTY-FIVE R, L COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 9.070: "Encourage the selection/reservation of a site for a future full service community hospital." A. Accomplishments. None B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Establish this goal as part of the economic development strategy. b. Assign qualified personnel to work with health planning agencies to identify the need and future site of health facilities. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-SIX 169 ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 10.010: "Provide quality governmental services in the areas of fire protection and prevention, police, water, emergency ambulance, street maintenance, sewer and wastewater, library and others." A. Accomplishments. a. Striving to hire and retain the most competent personnel available, and providing adequate training opportunities for those personnel. b. Conducting with NCGCOG detailed survey of computerization requirements for City services. C. Constant communications with NTMWD for water and wastewater services. d. Acquired new Type I Modular Ambulance. e. 1985 CIP specifies five (5) street miles per year be overlayed. Continual patchwork program. f. Continual contact with solid waste contractor to ensure adequate service, including intervention according to customer requests. g. Expanded reading program for children and added a professional Children's Librarian. h. Approved specifications for new 1500 GPM pumper; added five new firefighters. i. Added full-time Fire Marshal; certified three firefighters as fire inspectors. j. Added one Police Sergeant and two Patrolmen; expanded in-service Police training. k. Currently reviewing bids for Police records automation system. 1. Increased participation in neighborhood crime watch; increased programs in the public education system by 75%. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-SEVEN 170 ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 10.010 (Continued) B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Add new services; Personnel officer, data processing manager, certified paramedics, adequate personnel to support CIP. b. Yearly or semi-annual surveys of citizens and City personnel to maintain a more constant and reliable feedback mechanism. C. Provide more "in-house" training opportunities. d. Implement City Center/Complex Building program: police/courts building, library e. Complete plan for acquiring and expending Library Collections funds, and begin implementation in order to meet Texas Library Association's Public Library Standards for materials. f. Add administrative personnel to Police and Parks and Recreation Departments. C. Limitations. a. Conflict in expanding administrative services versus operating philosophy to concentrate resources directly to service delivery programs. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No additions or changes. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1986 PAGE FORTY-EIGHT 171 CITY MANAGER SPECIFIC GOAL NO. 10.030: "Encourage public utilities to provide quality services, including gas, electric, telephone and cable television." A. Accomplishments. a. Contacted electric cooperatives to determine extent of service in Allen ETJ; exploratory contact with City of McKinney for their progress in reducing overlapping electric certifications. b. Exploratory talks with TP&L to determine feasibility of underground electric lines. C. Administered City Council review of Lone Star Gas rate request, with assistance from private consultant. d. Docketed Extended Area (telephone) Service case before PUC. e. Cooperated with Southwestern cell to obtain an electronic switching system with software capabilities for Allen - scheduled for July, 1986. AP -0 B. Other than continuing current policies and procedures, what strategies are available for achieving this goal? a. Petition PUC for single certification of election utilities. b. Obtain Extended Area (telephone) Service for Allen residents. C. Reach agreement with TP&L to install all future lines underground in public easements. C. Limitations. a. Costs to TP&L, difficulties in routing. b. PUC regulations and procedures. c. Lack of City authority/original jurisdiction. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION No changes or additions. Correct B -a, "election" should read "electric." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 172 I 11 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 13, 1986 PAGE FIFTY Other Business: (Agenda Item XII) Consensus of the Commission was to set aside one meeting a quarter for review of the Comprehensive Plan, comparing it to actual planning that had occurred. Commission appointed Eileen Karlsruher, Bobby Glass, and tentatively John Garcia to a committee that will meet Tuesday, June 17, 1986, to draft a report to be submitted to City Council concerning their review of the Comprehensive Plan. Commission suggested that Mr. Mark Thornton be con- tacted for input concerning statements made regarding park planning and maintenance. Mr. Bill Petty advised the Commission regarding a request staff had received from the City of Plano as to the alignment of Ridgeview Drive adjacent to Custer Road. Mr. Tom Keener presented the tentative agenda for the June 26, 1986, meeting. Adjourn: (Agenda Item XIII) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the June 13, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 11:47 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved this ���'("' day of r/L,iin-_, 1986. r�.I�Q .manate} -- Bobby Glass, Chairman Wayn L. Ard, Secretary 173