HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 07/10 - Regular11 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 10, 1986 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Chairman Bobby Glass Carolyn Latimer Ken Browning Eileen Karlsruher Wayne Armand Commissioners Absent: John Garcia Charles Lee City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Sally Leeper, Secretary CALL TO ORDER (Agenda Item I) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Chairman Bobby Glass at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Election of Officers (Agenda Item II) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Election of Officers." Commissioner Armand placed the name of Bobby Glass in nomination for the office of Chairman, and Commissioner Browning seconded the nomination. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to close the nominations. Commission voted 4 FOR and 1 ABSTAINING to elect Bobby Glass as Chairman of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Browning placed the name of John Garcia in nomination for Vice Chairman. There was no second. 184 A 0 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE TWO Election of Officers (Cont.) (Agenda Item II) Commissioner Karlsruher placed the name of Wayne Armand in nomination for Vice Chairman, and Commissioner Latimer seconded the nomination. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to close the nominations. Commission voted 4 FOR and 1 ABSTAINING to elect Wayne Armand as Vice Chairman of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission. Chairman Glass placed the name of Eileen Karlsruher in nomination for Secretary, and Commissioner Armand seconded the nomination. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to close the nominations. Commission voted 4 FOR and 1 ABSTAINING to elect Eileen Karlsruher as Secretary of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission. Approve Minutes June 26, 1986 (Agenda Item III) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of June 26, 1986, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of the June 26, 1986, Regular meeting. The motion carried. Tabled Item 258 Acres Joint Venture (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Glass did not read this agenda item into the record and it was not removed from the table. Tabled Item Majestic Savings -Real World Investments (Agenda Item V) Chairman Glass did not read this agenda item into the record and it was not removed from the table. 185 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE THREE Tabled Item Allen 121 Centre (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Tabled Item - Consider a request by Don A. Tipton, Inc. for Wines/Shaddock & Cook of Allen 121 Centre to change the present zoning of "AO" Agriculture -Open Space to "PD" Planned Development to include Commercial, Office, and Hotel districts. This request for zoning is on 198.891 acres situated in Collin County, Texas, out of the H. Seaborn and R. F. Clements Survey, Abstract No. 879, and John W. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 762, and being a survey of part of a 165 acre tract described in a deed from Emma Routh to Effir Mendenball as recorded in Volume 27, Page 229 of the Collin County Deed Records more particularly described as being south of State Highway 121, north of Ridgeview Road, east of Stacy, and west of Stacy." Mr. Bill Petty advised the Commission that the traffic analysis was received today from the Council of Governments. Mr. Tom Keener provided the Commissioners with a copy of the report. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove this agenda item from the table. The motion carried. Mr. Tom Simmerley, DeShazo, Starek & Tank, reviewed the traffic analysis with the Commission. The north/south roadway between Ridgeview and Watters running through the Bush and Brown properties was discussed as to whether it should be a four -lane or six -lane divided road. Mr. J. T. Dunkin conferred that this road will be a six -lane divided road at the time of construction. The assumption that Hwy. 121 will be designated as a freeway was discussed, as the traffic study was done with the assumption. Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton Engineering, spoke before the Commission and stated that the property would be developed at a level of service C under the conditions that exist at the time of devel- opment. Mr. Bill Wines stated that the State already has the R.O.W. for an eight -lane road for Hwy. 121, whether it be a freeway or not. Staff suggested that the level of service C be connected to the status of Hwy. 121 when the property develops. M ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE FOUR Tabled Item Allen 121 Centre (Cont.) (Agenda Item VI) Mr. Atkins discussed the different ownerships of this property and suggested that the parcel to the west needs to be developed separately from the parcel to the east as two separate tracts, with the infrastructure completed in each tract before development would occur. Chairman Glass asked Commission if there were any questions con- cerning the use regulations. Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts questioned the batch plant designation and was advised that it would be allowed only on a temporary basis for construction of the streets in the development. Commissioner Armand questioned the definition of Heavy Commercial. Mr. Atkins stated it would be a retail/office mix. Staff stated this term was so broad it would be difficult from an enforcement aspect and Mr. Atkins stated they would be more specific in this regard. Mr. Atkins stated that the setbacks proposed are the same as those in other tracts in this area. He stated that they could provide Commission with existing and future traffic generation rates. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item VI. The motion carried. Public Hearing Comfort Inn (Agenda Item VII) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Comfort Inn for a Specific Use Permit and Site Plan Approval for a hotel with a restaurant/private club as an incidental use on a tract of land being 4.70 acres situated in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, out of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, and being part of Tract #6 North and part of Tract #5 conveyed to Charles A. Forbes, Trustee, by deed recorded in Volume 1407, Page 342, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; further described as being east of U. S. 75 and north of Bethany Road. This tract of land is zoned "LI" Light Industrial." 187 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE FIVE Public Hearing Comfort Inn (Cont.) (Agenda Item VII) Mr. Ed Berger, Fleetwood Property Development, Inc., presented the request to the Commission. Mr. Bill Petty advised the Commission that this building will not be affected by the drainage area. The City's Engineering Department has reviewed the drainage. Mr. Tom Keener stated the request is for a Specific Use Permit for a restaurant/private club, and that the signage plan has not been submitted at this time. Other requirements of the ordinance have been met. The proponent stated that they were not aware that the signage plan was a requirement, but would not have any problem with the requirements. Mr. Berger advised the Commission verbally of a description of the signs for this hotel. Staff recommended that the signage plan would need to be submitted before the recommendation goes to City Council. Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak either for or against this proposal, Chairman Glass closed the public hearing. Commissioner Karlsruher questioned Mr. Berger as to some details regarding Comfort Inn plans. He stated it would be a full-service establishment, including a restaurant and lounge, conference rooms, 105 hotel rooms, in a 3 -story structure. Mr. Petty asked proponent if they were aware of the City's requirements for the operation of a private club. Mr. Berger stated yes. He added that the coffee shop was separate from the club area; however, they planned to serve alcohol in the coffee shop. Mr. Petty requested a floor plan of the area where alcohol would be allowed to be served. Mr. Berger stated that the areas where they plan to serve alcohol would be the bar, restaurant, and coffee shop. This request does not include the pool or the lobby areas. Staff advised the Commission that the fire marshal has approved the fire lane. Commissioner Armand stated he would like to see Ea landscape plan. M ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE SIX Public Hearing Comfort Inn (Cont.) (Agenda Item VII) Mr. Berger stated that there would be approximately 80 permanent employees in this facility with a seasonal increase. Staff requested the additional documents be supplied to staff in time for the next packet to be prepared. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table this agenda item until they received a floor plan of the club, signage plan, and a landscape plan. The motion carried. Public Hearing Dabney -Bowen Joint Venture IV (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Dabney -Bowen Joint Venture IV to change the present zoning of "AO" up Agriculture -Open Space to "R-4" Residential, "R-5" Residential, "SC" Shopping Center, and "CF" Community Facilities. This request for zoning is on 376.462 acres of land in the James T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, and being a consolidation of a 139.155 acre tract of land said 240.986 acre tract of land being that same tract of land conveyed to A. P. Development, Inc. from West Energy, Inc. by deed dated July 11, 1983, and recorded in Volume 1690, Page 693, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 139.155 acre tract of land being that same tract of land conveyed to A. P. Development, Inc. from West Energy, Inc. by deed dated July 29, 1983, and recorded in Volume 1704, Page 489, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 3.678 acre tract of land lies within the right-of-way of proposed F.M. Hwy. #2768 a deed of which is recorded in Volume 1137, Page 863 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and said consolidation being more particuarly described as being south of Stacy Road, north of Exchange Parkway, and east and west of the proposed extension of Allen Heights Drive." Mr. Dan Sefko, J. T. Dunkin & Associates, made the presentation to the Commission. The proposal is located in Neighborhood District 14 and 15 south of Stacy Road and north of Exchange. He stated the alignment of Allen Heights was predicated on previously approved zoning. He stated that they were prepared to dedicate 20+ acres to the City as desired. Their request does not include any medium density or multi -family uses as allowed in the Comprehensive Plan. M ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE SEVEN Public Hearing Dabney -Bowen Joint Venture IV (Cont.) (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. The following persons either had questions regarding this request, or spoke for or against the request. Mr. Don Dillard, Representative Hassie Hunt Tract Mr. Paul Gilliland Mr. Bill Grantland Chairman Glass closed the public hearing. Mr. Tom Keener spoke in regard to the shopping center acreage and the lack of multi -family in the request. He provided the Commission with Deed Restrictions that proponent had submitted. He stated that the high density allocation should not be used in the medium and low density areas; however, the higher density in this request could be compensated in other areas of the district. He added that the traffic study had been submitted to the Council of Governments (COG), and they have advised that there is probably no problem with this request. Their final report has not been received at this time. He stated that 7.6 acres of the proposed dedicated park site are outside of the flood plain. Mr. Mark Thornton advised the Commission that this would be acceptable. Mr. Keener stated that dwelling unit credits were given for the areas in the flood fringe and park dedication outside the flood plain. Mr. Dillard reminded the Commission that their property, which is adjacent to the Dabney -Bowen tract, includes a six -acre park at the water treatment plant. Mr. Petty questioned the net acreage in the shopping center. He was advised that it was 10.7 acres. He further discussed the commercial acreage allowed in this neighborhood district. Mr. Thornton reiterated that the 71� acre park site, in association with the greenbelt, would be sufficient for a park site. Commission discussed further the density already in place in r* this Neighborhood District. Mr. Keener stated the shopping ■L center and the impact of Tract 7 on Neighborhood District 15 are two items the Commission needs to examine. 190 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE EIGHT Public Hearing Dabney -Bowen Joint Venture IV (Cont.) (Agenda Item VIII) Proponent stated that the location of the road exiting the Buckingham property is not a problem for them. Mr. Sefko stated that the park land would be dedicated by use of plat as the area began to develop. Chairman Glass stated that District 14 is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan with respect to dwelling units. District 15 is over to some extent; however, it might be offset by the lower density to the east. If the park is dedicated, then there is some consideration that could be given. The shopping center acreage was a problem. Mr. Sefko stated that his company considered 8 to 12 acres as an appropriate size for a neighborhood shopping center. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item VIII with the modification that the shopping center tract be not more than 9 acres gross in Tract 3 with the balance from the originally submitted 12 acres going to R-5; with recognition of the Deed Restrictions; with recognition that a legal instru- ment will be filed as a running covenent with the land dedicating the park. The motion carried. Commission read the following findings into the record: 1. The eastern part of Neighborhood District 15 is extremely lower than 2.2 in density, which brings this district into parity. 2. Neighborhood District 14 is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The shopping center has been reduced to comply with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The 7� acre park site is somewhat smaller than usual; however, it has been agreed to by the Parks Department because of the adjacent greenbelt. 5. Commission recognizes that the secondary roadway coming from Highway 5 is not necessarily shown at �I the location it will be constructed. 191 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE NINE Public Hearing Charles Bush (Agenda Item IX) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Charles Bush to change the present zoning of "AO" Agriculture -Open Space to "PD" Planned Development including Corridor Commercial of Office and Retail, and Industrial Technology uses including Light Industrial. This tract of land is situated in the Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract No. 719, and being a resurvey of a called 152 acre tract of land and a called 295 acre tract of land in said Dosser Survey, and a 5 acre tract of land in said Phillips Survey as described in a deed recorded in Volume 203, page 31 of the Collin County Deed Records; further described as being Tract 1A, located west of U.S. 75 and south of Hwy. 121." Mr. J. T. Dunkin presented the proposal to the Commission. Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. Mr. Bryan Bush, 5797 S. Laredo Crt., Aurora, CO 80015, spoke in regard to this request. Chairman Glass closed the public hearing. Mr. Keener stated that the Bryan Bush tract to the east was approved with the IT tract as minimum lot sizes of 4 acres. This proposal is requesting as low as 2 acres with an average of 3 acres. COG has not returned the traffic analysis, but preliminary indications are that there is no problem. Mr. Petty discussed the size of the collector streets to the north and south of the property. It has been shown as 60 feet. He stated this road is probably going to need to be the width of an industrial collector road, or 80 feet. Mr. Dunkin stated that the additional ROW would not be a problem for them. Commissioner Armand stated he felt this tract should be consistent 192 with that approved in the Bryan Bush tract. Mr. Petty stated that the location of Ridgeview Drive was not set, and that fact needs to be recognized. The zoning in this case will need to be tied to the center of the road. 192 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE TEN Public Hearing Charles Bush (Cont.) (Agenda item IX) It was further noted that no development should occur until the infrastructure is complete. Commissioner Armand requested that proponent send the Commissioners a copy of his map showing the property owners in this area. Chairman Glass suggested a two-acre minimum with 9 tracts, which would be an average of 4 acres per tract. Mr. Dunkin stated they could allow the minimum 2 acres and a number of tracts that would allow an average of 4 acres, all depending on the alignment of Ridgeview. Commissioner Armand stated the possibility of the road to the west might need to be 80 feet ROW should be recognized. Mr. Petty stated that the need will be for 80 feet of ROW. Commissioner Armand stated he feels the Commission should wait for the traffic study to be returned from COG and the changes suggested tonight should be incorporated in the submission before action is taken. Commission stated that the following items were requested to be changed in the proposal: 1. ROW should be changed to 80 feet. 2. The infrastructure should be completed prior to development. 3. Change the allowable lot sizes. 4. The zoning should be tied to the center line of Ridgeview Drive. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Rarlsruher, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item IX. The motion carried. other Business: (Agenda Item X) Mr. Petty advised the Commission of the City Council's response and action on their report recently submitted regarding the yearly review of the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the Council had approved the 193 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 PAGE ELEVEN Other Business (Cont.): (Agenda Item X) recommendations made. Commission suggested the following three dates for a joint City Council/Commission workshop: Tuesday, July 29, 1986 Thursday, July 31, 1986 Monday, August 4, 1986 Mr. Keener advised the Commission of the upcoming agenda. Adjourn: (Agenda Item XI) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the July 10, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 11:10 p.m. The motion carried. 0 These minutes approved this .174L day of , 1986. ��kQa� Bobby Glass; Chairman I Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary 194