HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 07/24 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ' REGULAR MEETING JULY 29, 1986 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Bobby Glass, Chairman John Garcia Carolyn Latimer Ken Browning Eileen Karlsruher Wayne Armand Charles Lee City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Secretary 195 CALL TO ORDER (Agenda Item I) Chairman Glass called the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:32 p.m. on July 29, 1986, in the City Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes July 10, 1986 (Agenda Item II) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of July 10, 1986, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of July 10, 1986. Tabled Item 258 Acres Joint Venture (Agenda Item III) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Tabled Item - Consider a request by 258 Acres Joint Venture to change the present zoning of "AO" Agriculture - Open Space to "FP -PD" Flood Plain - Planned Development to include Single Family, Local Retail, Community Facilities, and Multi -family on a tract of land situated 195 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Ll JULY 24, 1986 PAGE TWO Tabled Item 258 Acres Joint Venture (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) "in the Shadrick Jackson Survey, Abstract 489, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of the 181.094 acre tract conveyed to Austin -Fairchild Corporation by deed recorded in Volume 1881, Page 140, in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; and a tract of land situated in the D. M. Tucker Survey, Abstract 914, Collin County, Texas, and being the 15.717 acre tract of land conveyed to Austin - Fairchild Corporation by deed recorded in Volume 1881, Page 140 in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, further described as being south of Ridgeview Drive and west of Rowlett Creek." 196 MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item III from the table. The following persons were present to discuss this item with the Commission: Mr. Greg Boyd, Mr, Dennis McDaniel, Mr. Pete Boecher, and Mr. Gary Jost, Mr. Boyd reviewed the land use plan. He stated he had discussed the'Community Facilities tract with Mr. Mark Thornton and had been advised that the City could make use of it. The local retail tract is 2.9 acres and is designed for the use of the local residents and employees from the commercial tract to the north. He stated that Tract 1 would be 80% R-5 and 20% R-4. Mr. Tom Keener stated that the Commission needs to address the issues of the secondary thoroughfare, the turn lanes on Rowlett Road at two intersections, one of which is off-site to this property, and the density question in regard to the treatment of the multi -family tract. Commissioner Karlsruher stated she liked the location of the multi -family, but did not agree with the patio home tract. She was not ready to approve the location of the secondary arterial and preferred to wait for the thoroughfare study to be completed. Commissioner Armand stated he agreed with the location of the multi -family tract. Chairman Glass questioned the Commission as to how they would like to treat the multi -family. Is it in a proper location, or should it be considered a trade-off for the Community Facilities tract. Mr. Boyd stated that proponent felt that Tract 7 was totally separate from the decision on the multi -family tract. They did not understand that this tract would be a trade-off for the CF tract. 196 197 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION i JULY 24, 1986 PAGE THREE Tabled Item 258 Acres Joint Venture (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Chairman Glass stated he would like to delay a decision on the secondary thoroughfare, and therefore the local retail, until after the thoroughfare study has been completed. He stated that proponent could return to the Commission at such time as this road is deemed a secondary arterial and request the local retail zoning at that time. Also, he felt they should reduce the density in the patio home tract. Mr. Gary Jost stated that the secondary thoroughfare is needed in this location because of the zoning in the tract to the north. If the roadway is not determined to be a secondary thoroughfare, the level of service C will be in jeopardy, and revert to a LOS D. Commissioner Garcia stated that the multi -family tract was good planning in its location next to the Community Facilities tract. He did not like the patio homes and the secondary arterial should be addressed after the study is complete. Mr. Bill Petty discussed the report from the Council of Government (COG) and the purpose for the secondary thoroughfares. He stated that this seems to be an appropriate location for a secondary arterial because of its location in respect to Hwy. 121. Mr. Boyd stated that they would be working on an escrow of funds to complete the off-site improvements required for the turn lanes. He discussed the number of dwelling units in the patio home tract. Mr. Keener stated the proponent was in excess on their medium density lots. Commission expressed interest in increasing the minimum floor area on the patio homes. Mr. Boyd stated they would have no problem with increasing the floor area to 1200 square feet. Commission further discussed lot separation on the patio homes and Mr. Keener questioned proponent as to the possibility of a one foot and nine foot side yard separation. Mr. Petty discussed the Patio Home District that is contained in the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance that are presently under consideration. These regulations include 4500 square foot lots and one foot and nine foot side yards. Mr. Boyd stated that they could agree to these requirements. Commissioner Armand questioned whether the southern portion of Tract 4 could be included in the single family Tract 3. He and Commissioner Garcia suggested that the multi -family tract should be tied to the location of the secondary thoroughfare. 197 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Eli JULY 24, 1986 PAGE FOUR Tabled Item 258 Acres Joint Venture (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Chairman Glass questioned Commission as to whether they felt the multi -family was there by right, or did they feel it should be considered a trade-off for Tract 7. Commissioners all indicated that they felt it was a trade-off except for Chairman Glass, who stated that he felt it was an appropriate location and not a trade-off. Mr. Keener stated that if the above is the case, proponent is entitled to 278 low density units and 25 medium density units. Mr. Boyd questioned if it would be appropriate to eliminate Tract 4 and state that within Tract 3 that 25 of these units would fall within medium density, and would be placed along Ridgeview Drive. He stated he would like to see a compromise because they did not understand that the multi -family was a trade-off for the Community Facilities tract. Mr. Keener stated that there were 375 units available for multi -family in this neighborhood district. Two hundred of these are reserved for the intersection of Custer and F.M. 2170. This leaves 175 units available for this neighborhood district. Chairman Glass stated that he did not view the multi -family as a trade-off. He stated that the location proponent shows is much better than originally presented. He likes the idea of the multi -family being next to the commercial, and feels that it is even better located next to the large open space in the community facilities tract. In this case, the density from Tract 7 should be distributed within the residential. Mr. Keener questioned proponent as to whether they were aware that they were only entitled to 175 multi -family units. Mr. Boyd stated that yes, they were aware of that, but understood that a 200 -unit complex was a more workable project. Mr. Keener stated that if the multi -family is not treated as a trade-off, but rather considered to be in a proper location, then there will be allowed 343 single family units, of which 34 units could be medium density. Consensus of the Commission at this time was that the multi- family was not a tradeoff for the community facilities tract. They further decided that if 200 units of multi -family is allowed, they recognized that this is over that which is allowed in the neighborhood district by the Comprehensive Plan, but this would be appropriate because of the large open space adjacent to this tract. Commission stated at this time that the secondary thoroughfare is in a proper location, and that the number of medium density units would be 34, with 4500 square foot lots and 1200 square foot minimum dwelling size. 198 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 24, 1986 PAGE FIVE Tabled Item 258 Acres Joint Venture (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Mr. Keener proposed flexible language that would give proponent the opportunity to place the medium density units where proponent preferred, provided they are in Tract 3 along Ridgeview Road. In this situation, Tract 4 would be eliminated. Proponent offered to escrow funds for the left turn lanes at the time of platting on this development. Mr. Petty questioned the responsibility for maintenance on Tract 7. Mr. Pete Beecher stated that Mr. Mark Thornton suggested the woods would be left alone. He added that the land would be dedicated to the City. Proponent stated that the multi -family tract would not exceed 199 18 dwelling units per acre. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item III, stipulating that Tract 7 will be dedicated to L the City; Tract 4 will be removed and it will become one single tract with 108 of the 343 allowed lots being medium density (34) units) located in Tract 3 generally around Ridgeview; proponent will escrow the funds for the turn lanes; the medium density lot area will be 4500 square feet with floor area of 1200 square feet; the north/ south road will be a secondary thoroughfare north and south of Ridgeview from Hwy. 121 to Rowlett. The motion carried. Tabled Item Majestic Savings/Real World Investments (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Glass did not read the agenda item into the record. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item IV from the table. Mr. Craig Curry explained to the Commission that proponent would like to withdraw the request. He stated that they are in the process of negotiations with Sweet and Barnett regarding the shopping center tract on the property. When this process is worked out the submission will be coming back to the Commission as a new request. A representative of the property owners located adjacent to this property in the City Extra Territorial Jurisdiction requested 199 200 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 24, 1986 PAGE SIX Tabled Item Majestic Savings (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV) that they be notified of any future public hearings on this request. Staff advised that they would make every effort to make this notification to Mr. Roy O'Neill. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to allow proponent to withdraw the proposal. The motion carried. Tabled Item Allen 121 Centre (Agenda Item V) Chairman Glass did not read the agenda item into the record. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item V from the table. Mr. Pat Atkins and Mr. Tom Simmerley reviewed the proposal with the Commission. Mr. Atkins discussed the changes that they �1r, were presenting this evening. The uses that the Commission 11 had requested be removed have been removed. The development policy statement was added indicating that if development begins in the near future it would meet current road conditions at a level of service C. They have identified the tracts in relation to their financial responsibility at the time of development. With regard to the traffic analysis, Hwy. 121 was considered with existing conditions. He added that their calculations show an FAR of 1.2:1 based on net acres. If based on gross acres, it would be 1:1. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item V as presented. Findings: 1. Without redesignation of Hwy. 121 as a freeway the LOS C capacity will not be taxed. 2. The uses prescribed meet the uses allowed under Corridor Commercial concepts in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. FAR's are tied to uses, but will allow flexibility of placement through control at site plan stage. Uses and methodology for development are compatible with the Corridor Commercial zoning to the east. 200 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 29, 1986 PAGE SEVEN Tabled Item Comfort Inn (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Glass did not read the agenda item into the record. Mr. Tom Keener stated that the proponent has requested to withdraw this proposal for financial reasons. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item VI from the table. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to allow proponent to withdraw the proposal. The motion carried. Tabled Item Charles Bush (Agenda Item VII) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows; "Tabled Item - Consider a request by Mr. Charles Bush to change the present zoning of "AO" Agriculture -Open Space to "PD" Planned Development including Corridor Commercial of Office and Retail, and Industrial Technology uses including Light Industrial. This tract of land is situated in the Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract No. 719, and being a resurvey of a called 152 acre tract of land and a called 295 acre tract of land in said Dosser Survey, and a 5 acre tract of land in said Phillips Survey as described in a deed recorded in Volume 203, Page 31 of the Collin County Deed Records; further described as being Tract 1A, located west of U.S. 75 and south of Hwy. 121." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Latimer, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item VII from the table. Mr. J. T. Dunkin appeared before the Commission regarding this request. He discussed the traffic report. Mr. Keener stated that proponent has conformed to the requests made by the Commission at their last meeting. Mr. Petty asked if the proposal contained the statement that roads will be in place prior to any development. Mr. Dunkin stated that yes, it did. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item VII as presented. The motion carried. 201 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY i 29, 1986 PAGE EIGHT Public Hearing LaPetite Academy (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Robert M. Stengele of LaPetite Academy to amend (PD -SC 5) Planned Development - Shopping Center No. 5 with site plan approval for a day care center. The request is on 0.625 acres of land situated in the Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 990, Collin County, Texas, said 0.625 acre tract of land being a portion of that certain tract of land as described in deed to The Fountain Gate Partnership, as recorded in Volume 2076, Page 232, Collin County Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, further described as being north of F.M. 2170 and west of Fountain Gate Drive." Mr. Robert Stengele of Carter & Burgess presented the proposal to the Commission. He stated that they would comply with the comments made by the fire marshal regarding the site plan. They are requesting a variance to the parking requirements similar to other day care centers in the City. Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against this proposal, Chairman Glass closed the public hearing. Mr. Keener advised the Commission that the Fire Marshal recommends that language is needed to say "site plan shall conform to City of Allen standards upon completion of final construction drawings. This is because of an option to use a sprinkler system in the building rather than having fire lanes. Mr. Petty stated that the Commission would need to require sprinklers as the site plan does not show fire lanes. It was determined that at the time of construction the building will be sprinklered to satisfy the Fire Code and offset the requirement for a fire lane around the building as agreed by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Stengele stated that the dumpster would be screened. The play yard will conform to State standards with regard to square feet per student ratio. Mr. Petty advised the Commission regarding the City's new Environmental Health Ordinance. The new ordinance will be going to City Council shortly for approval, and child day care centers will fall under this ordinance. Commission discussed the landscaping and the screening between the child care center and the residential district. 202 I ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 24, 1986 PAGE NINE Public Hearing LaPetite Academy (Cont.) (Agenda Item VIII) In regard to the alley that is needed to the south of this property, the burden of cost for providing this alley would be on the adjacent property owners. The Commission recognized the fact that approval of this agenda item would include a variance to the front yard parking closer to a residential district than is required in the Zoning Ordinance. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve as presented, including the wording on the site plan "site plan shall conform to City of Allen standards upon completion of final construction drawings"; and recognizing that this is a variance to the parking requirements of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Findings: 1. The parking variance has been granted in two other cases. 2. The play areas and other State requirements will be determined by plan review by the Environmental Health Department at the time of construction. Public Hearing Joe Marchman/Nor-Tex Development (Agenda Item IX) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Joe Marchman and Nor -Tex Development Corporation to change the current zoning on 3.553 acres of land from •A -O" Agriculture - Open Space to "SC" Shopping Center on a tract of land situated in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract Number 711, situated in Collin County, Texas, and also being part of that certain 174.057 acre tract of land conveyed to H. Molsen by deed recorded in Volume 580, Page 213, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and further described as being south of F.M. 2170 and west of Hwy. 75." Proponent was not available at this time. Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. 203 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 24, 1986 PAGE TEN i Public Hearing Joe Marchman/Nor-Tex Development (Cont.) (Agenda Item IX) With no one wishing to speak for or against this item, Chairman Glass closed the public hearing. Mr. Keener stated he had made a number of attempts to contact proponent. Mr. Petty stated that staff has a number of questions regarding the adjacent property, and as to participation in the construction of the roadway. Proponent's survey indicates that one of the corners of the property is in the floodway, which would indicate the zoning should be Flood Plain -Shopping Center. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Garcia and a second by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 3 FOR and 4 OPPOSED to deny Agenda Item IX. The motion did not carry. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 4 FOR and 3 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item IX. The motion carried. Public Hearing Bill Dyer - Richard Duke (Agenda Item X) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Bill Dyer and Mr. Richard Duke to change the current zoning on 8.8 acres of land from "A -O" Agriculture -Open Space to "R-5" Residential. This 8.8± acres of land are divided into two (2) tracts and are part of a tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas, in the J. T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, and the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, and being a part of a 71.015 acre tract of land, said part being a portion of the land conveyed by H. K. Shelton, and wife Ruby Shelton to David Witts as recorded in Volume 617, Page 508, of the Collin County Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and further described as being that tract of land known as Buckingham Estates, east of Hwy. 5 and south of Stacy Road." Mr. Bill Dyer spoke to the Commission representing himself and Mr. Richard Duke. He stated this was the same request that he had presented previously. Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against this item, Chairman Glass closed the public hearing. 204 The zoning to the east and south of these properties was discussed. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 6 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to approve as presented. Commissioner Garcia noted that he felt consideration should be given to the six R-3 lots zoned to the south. The motion carried. Final Plat Cottonwood Bend North Phase I (Agenda Item XI) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval by Don A. Tipton, Inc. for Cottonwood Bend North Phase I on a tract of land situated in the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, and the Wm. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and further being part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Landtex Development, a Texas joint venture as recorded in Volume 1171, Page 280 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; further described as being north of Bethany Road and east of Jupiter Road." Mr. Pat Atkins presented the final plat to the Commission. He stated that final engineering has been approved. Mr. Petty stated that the plat agrees with the concept approved in zoning. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item XI as presented. The motion carried. i 205 ALLEN PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION LJULY L 24, 1986 PAGE ELEVEN Public Hearing Bill Dyer -Richard Duke (Cont.) (Agenda Item X) Commissioner Armand questioned the location of the roadway. It was stated that the road is not a part of this request. Mr. Craig Curry stated that his company is still pursuing this zoning case with other owners in the area, and will be bringing the remainder of Buckingham Estates back to the Commission at a future date. The zoning to the east and south of these properties was discussed. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 6 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to approve as presented. Commissioner Garcia noted that he felt consideration should be given to the six R-3 lots zoned to the south. The motion carried. Final Plat Cottonwood Bend North Phase I (Agenda Item XI) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval by Don A. Tipton, Inc. for Cottonwood Bend North Phase I on a tract of land situated in the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, and the Wm. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and further being part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Landtex Development, a Texas joint venture as recorded in Volume 1171, Page 280 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; further described as being north of Bethany Road and east of Jupiter Road." Mr. Pat Atkins presented the final plat to the Commission. He stated that final engineering has been approved. Mr. Petty stated that the plat agrees with the concept approved in zoning. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item XI as presented. The motion carried. i 205 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 24, 1986 PAGE TWELVE a Final Plat Cottonwood Bend North Phase II (Agenda Item XII) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval by Don A. Tipton, Inc. for Cottonwood Bend North Phase II on a tract of land situated in the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and further being part of that certain tract of land as conveyed to Landtex Development, a Texas Joint Venture, and recorded in Volume 1171, Page 280, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, further described as being north of Bethany Road and west of Cottonwood Creek." Mr. Pat Atkins presented the final plat to the Commission. He stated that final engineering has been approved. Mr. Petty questioned Mr. Atkins regarding the greenbelt being dedicated by deed. Mr. Atkins stated the section to the south will be dedicated by deed. �' MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a �,; second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted E 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item XII as presented. The motion carried. Request to Appear Mr. Steve Do (Agenda Item XIII) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Request to appear - Mr. Steve Do of Cypress Development Corporation." Mr. Steve Do requested a workshop to study a site plan for a shopping center at the southeast corner of F.M. 2170 and Hwy. 5. Mr. Petty stated that median cuts will be addressed in the thoroughfare study that has been approved by City Council, and that staff had no objection to reviewing this site plan, but feels it is premature to establish median cuts that would serve properties to the south and to the north. No action was taken on this agenda item. 206 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 29, 1986 PAGE THIRTEEN Consider setting July 29, 1986, as Workshop Date (Agenda Item XIV) Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Consider setting July 29, 1986, as date for joint workshop with City Council to discuss recommended changes and additions to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and consider outline for the meeting." It was the consensus of the Commission that this date and time were acceptable. They were advised that a two-hour limit had been set by City Council for this meeting. Mr. Petty stated that the results of the Commission's workshop meetings have been outlined and prepared for this upcoming workshop. He requested that the Commissioners visit with staff regarding these recommendations before the scheduled workshop meeting. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to call a joint City Council/Planning & Zoning Commission workshop on July 29, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. The motion carried. Other Business: (Agenda Item XV) Mr. Keener reviewed the tentative agenda for the August 19, 1986, meeting. Adjourn: (Agenda Item XVI) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the July 29, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:10 p.m. Reconvene: Chairman Glass reconvened the meeting at 10:11 p.m. 207 Mr. Petty stated a request has come forward to develop Heritage Park Tract 1 in two phases. He asked the Commission for a consensus as would then request to whether this would be appropriate. He City Council for a like consensus. 207 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 24, 1986 PAGE FOURTEEN MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend that proponent be allowed to develop this property in two phases without replatting. Adjourn; MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by Commissioner Garcia, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the July 24, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:30 p.m. H These minutes approved this N-11 ,/1 day of 1986. `t .G L..'Lv✓ ,�Cli?E �.'.J.�.�.fi22i Bobby G1 s, Chairman Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary 0