HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 09/25 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
Commissioners Present:
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Vice -Chairman
John Garcia
Carolyn Latimer
Commissioners Absent:
Eileen Karlsruher
Ken Browning
Charles Lee
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Sally Leeper, Secretary
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation
CALL TO ORDER: (Agenda Item I)
The September 25, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning
Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the City Council
Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen,
Approve Minutes
September 11, 1986 (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
Approve minutes of September 11, 1986, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Latimer, the Commission voted
4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item II as
presented. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Collin County (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Collin County
to change the zoning on 2.583 acres of land from "AO"
Agriculture -Open Space to "SC" Shopping Center, a tract
of land situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Michael
Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. with no one wishing
to speak FOR or AGAINST this request, Chairman Glass closed the
public hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted
4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item III
as presented. The motion carried.
Final Plat
Story Park (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for the
City of Allen on Story Park being a 9.692 acre tract
of land out of the J. A. Taylor Survey, Abstract No.
908, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
and being part of a tract of land as conveyed to
Fox & Jacobs, Inc., as recorded in Volume 1172, Page
766, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas,
and further described as being located at the south-
east corner of Edelweiss Drive and Azalea Drive,
along the southern line of the J. A. Taylor Survey,
Abstract No. 908."
Mr. Mark Thornton presented this plat to the Commission. He
explained that it was a joint venture purchase between the
City and the Allen ISD. The plat does not show the fire lanes
at this time, but will be corrected. He is requesting approval
of the plat sub]ect to inclusion of the fire lanes and signatures
by the City and the School District prior to filing.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986
Page Two
Public Hearing
Collin County (Cont.)
(Agenda Item III)
"Lee Survey, Abstract No. 543,
and being a resurvey
of the remainder of a 3.00 acre
tract described in a
deed from John W. Day at al to
County Judge Don
Weaver Davis and his successors
in office and recorded
in Volume 563, Page 308 of the
Collin County Deed
Records and being further described
as being south
of F.M. 2170 and 0.8 miles west
of U.S. 75."
Mr. Reuben Delgado advised the Commission
that this property is
not being used by the County at this
time, and they would request
a change in zoning from "A -O" to "SC."
Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. with no one wishing
to speak FOR or AGAINST this request, Chairman Glass closed the
public hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted
4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item III
as presented. The motion carried.
Final Plat
Story Park (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for the
City of Allen on Story Park being a 9.692 acre tract
of land out of the J. A. Taylor Survey, Abstract No.
908, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
and being part of a tract of land as conveyed to
Fox & Jacobs, Inc., as recorded in Volume 1172, Page
766, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas,
and further described as being located at the south-
east corner of Edelweiss Drive and Azalea Drive,
along the southern line of the J. A. Taylor Survey,
Abstract No. 908."
Mr. Mark Thornton presented this plat to the Commission. He
explained that it was a joint venture purchase between the
City and the Allen ISD. The plat does not show the fire lanes
at this time, but will be corrected. He is requesting approval
of the plat sub]ect to inclusion of the fire lanes and signatures
by the City and the School District prior to filing.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 Page Three
Final Plat
Story Park (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 4 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item IV pending staff
review and acceptance of the fire lanes and signatures
by the School District and the City. The motion
Executive Summary
Greenbelt Linear Park Study (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Development of an executive summary for the City
Council regarding the Greenbelt Linear Park Study."
Mr. Mark Thornton requested the Commission to develop an executive
summary of their comments, questions and concerns regarding the
Greenbelt Linear Park Study.
The following comments were made by the Commission:
1. The Plan will help the Commission with their work with
developers in defining the floodway.
2. This does not totally define the floodplain, but sets out
a procedure to do so.
3. The developer will be required to bring, along with the
implementation plan, a floodplain plat.
4. Page III -18, 4th paragraph, there is a concern regarding
the handling of the thoroughfare plan. The question is
in regard to bridges.
5. Concern that this document will take precedence over the
Comprehensive Plan.
6. Statements regarding building two feet above the floodplain.
7. Large tract zoning procedures allow the density numbers to
a developer. If additional greenbelt is removed from the
acreage, then the overall size of lots built will be
8. Page IX -62 - the 50 foot "easement" shown adjacent to the
residential property was discussed as to its purpose and
maintenance. The question was raised as to whether this
plan allows flexibility and versatility. It was suggested
that statements be included that this plan is strictly
a "plan," and is not a "requirement."
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 Page Four
Executive Summary
Greenbelt Linear Park Study (Cont.) (Agenda Item V)
9. The drawings need statements such as "This is a guideline and
not a requirement."
10. The land with floodplain or is adjacent to land with
floodplain should have the responsibility for completing
the floodplain study. It was suggested that the burden
of proof should be placed on the developers to show that
their land is outside the floodplain.
11. Statement needed that it is policy that we discourage
single family homes from backing up to the floodplain,
and require parallel roadways.
12. Page V-6 - Article IV, define standards recommended for
lands adjacent... should refer to IX -59 and IX -61.
13. IX -59 - as to "thorough approval of site plan by Planning
& Zoning and Parks and Recreation Board..." does this
statement change the process now in effect to require
approval of plats by the Park Board?
14. IX -65 - regarding the taller buildings being allowed
closer to the floodplain. Buildings adjacent to the
floodplain should have lower number of stories.
It was suggested that the term "standards" be used in
the floodplain and "guidelines" be used adjacent to the
15. what about a development that crosses the floodplain and
the developer does not want the property passable? If a
trail has been planned and the owner will not allow access,
then access would need to be provided around this
A statement is needed that the location of the hiking
trails is a recommendation only and is not set as a
16. Flexibility is needed in the document. The beginning
of the plan a statement is needed that this is a guideline
only, and allows for flexibility.
17. The plan gives a better definition of the floodplain than
ever before.
18. From the standpoint of the Comprehensive Plan, this plan
looks to protect the natural environment.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 Page Five
Executive Summary
Greenbelt Linear Park Study (Cont.) (Agenda Item V)
19. The plan is in the overall good of the City in identifying
the flood areas and also allows for recreation.
20. This is a wonderful implementation process.
Mr. Thornton stated he would like to change the wording in the
introduction of the Plan that would indicate that the Plan is
flexible and add a paragraph in the areas adjacent to the floodplain
that these are guidelines. Otherwise, this document will go forward
to the City Council along with the review from the Planning & Zoning
Commission and the Park Board.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Garcia, Commission voted 4 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to direct staff to write an executive summary,
based upon the above comments, of the Greenbelt Linear
Park Study to be sent to City Council. The motion
Other Business: (Agenda Item VI)
Mr. Keener advised the Commission of items that will appear
on their next agenda.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 4 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to adjourn the September 25, 1986, meeting
of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 9:35 p.m.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved this % day of ��tik LJ
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Bobby Glass, Chairman
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary