HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 10/09 - Regular0
OCTOBER 9, 1986
Commissioners Present:
Wayne Armand, Vice -Chairman
Ken Browning
Eileen Karlsruher
John Garcia
Carolvn Latimer
Charles Lee
Commissioners Absent:
Bobby Glass, Chairman
City Staff Present:
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
CALL TO ORDER: (Agenda Item I)
The October 9, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning
Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Allen
Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas 75002.
Approve Minutes
September 25, 1986
(Agenda Item II)
Vice -Chairman Armand read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of September 25, 1986, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Latimer, Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the minutes of September 25, 1986,
as presented. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Morris Homes/Wilmot Properties (Agenda Item III)
Vice -Chairman Armand referred to the agenda item printed in
the posted agenda as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider request by Morris Homes, Inc.
and Wilmer Properties, represented by The Nelson Corpora-
tion, to change the current zoning on 34.2± acres of land
from "A -O" Agriculture -Open Space to "R-5" Residential.
This property is a tract of land situated in the J. T.
Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, and the Henry Wetsel
Survey, Abstract No. 1026 of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, said tract being all of a 10.631 acre tract
of land conveyed to Morris Homes, Inc, from Lawrence N.
Wilkins, et ux as recorded on January 17, 1985 in Volume
2052, Page 687 of the Deed Records of Collin County, all of
a 2.168 acre tract of land conveyed to Wilmore Properties
from Thomas R. Munselle et ux as recorded on September 12,
1984, in Volume 1975, Page 959 of the Deed Records of Collin
County, all of a 2.133 acre tract of land conveyed to
Wilmore Properties from Raymon M. White, Jr., as recorded
in Volume 2004, Page 942 of the Deed Records of Dallas
County, all of a 5.474 acre tract of land conveyed to
Wilmer Properties from Raymon M. White, Sr., as recorded
on October 29, 1984, in Volume 2004, Page 933 of the Deed
Records of Collin County, and all of a 2.153 acre tract of
land conveyed to Morris Homes, Inc., from Lewis E. Bellew,
et ux, as recorded on December 18, 1984, in Volume 2034,
Page 890 of the Deed Records of Collin County, said tract
also being all of Tracts 2, 3, 5, 19 through 23 and part of
Tract 4 of Buckingham Polo Club Estates, an unrecorded plat
prepared by Roy E. McDaniel, Jr., Registered Public Surveyor
No. 437, and being further described as being east of Hwy.
5 and south of Stacy Road.
In addition, this property is a tract of land situated in
the J. T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777 of the City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, said tract being all of a 1.912
acre tract of land conveyed to Wilmer Properties from James
11. Barrett, et ux as recorded on September 18, 1984, in
Volume 1979, Page 57 of the Deed Records of Collin County,
all of a 2.18 acre tract of land conveyed to Morris Homes,
Inc. from Walter Arnold Kappus, et al, as recorded on
January 23, 1985, in Volume 2055, Page 363, of the Deed
Records of Collin County, all of a 2.152 acre tract of land
conveyed to Morris Homes, Inc. from John Kappus Enterprises,
Inc. as recorded on January 10, 1985, in Volume 2048, Page
282 of the Deed Records of Collin County, all of a 2.363
acre tract of land conveyed to Wilmer Properties from Randall
Norwood as recorded on September 12, 1984, in Volume 1975,
Page 972 of the Deed Records of Collin County, and all of a
Public Hearing
Morris Homes/Wilmor Properties (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
"2.931 acre tract of land conveyed to Morris Homes,
Inc. from Mahmoud Kayed Alkam as recorded on January
23, 1985, of the Deed Records of Collin County,
said tract also being all of Tracts 13 through 16 and part
of Tracts 10 and 11 of Buckingham Polo Club Estates, an
unrecorded plat prepared by Roy E. McDaniel, Jr. Registered
Public Surveyor No. 437, and being further described as
being east of Hwy. 5 and south of Stacy Road."
Mr. Craig Curry, The Nelson Corporation, presented the proposal
to the Commission.
Vice -Chairman Armand opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against this proposal,
Vice -Chairman Armand closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Lee questioned the number of dwelling units shown
on proponent's plan, and stated that this number is in excess
of that allowed by the Comprehensive Planning Tables. The
Comprehensive Plan allows 114, R-5 zoning would yield 156 units.
The suggestion was made that the property be deed restricted to
3.9 units per acre and Mr. Curry stated that his client would
agree to this request.
Commissioner Latimer discussed the need for a traffic study.
Mr. Keener stated that staff had not required a traffic study
for the residential submission, but had requested a study on the
local retail and multi -family proposals.
Commissioner Browning stated that 3.7 dwelling units per acre
would bring the proposal into conformance with the Comprehensive
Plan, and Commissioner Garcia asked proponent if he could agree
to deed restrictions of 3.7. Mr. Curry stated he felt they
could consider 3.8 units per acre, but would need to reconsider
on 3.7.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a second
by Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 5 FOR and
1 OPPOSED, with Commissioner Garcia voting against, to
approve Agenda Item III with deed restrictions of
3.9 units per acre. The motion carried.
1. The proposal is consistent with the direction
previously given to proponent.
Public Hearing
Morris Homes/Wilmor Properties (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
2. Dwelling units of 3.9 per acre are probably
all that the land will yield.
3. Dwelling units of 3.9 per acre are equivalent
to 133 dwelling units.
Public Hearing
Oak Grove Development Company (Agenda Item IV)
Vice -Chairman Armand referred to the agenda item printed in
the posted agenda as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider request by Oak Grove Development
Company, represented by The Nelson Corporation to change
the current zoning on 5.3± acres of land from "A -O"
Agriculture -Open Space to "MF -2" Multi -family. This
property is a tract of land situated in the Henry Wetsel
Survey, Abstract No. 1026 of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, said tract being all of a 5.293 acre tract
of land conveyed to Oak Grove Development Co., Inc. from
Doyle V. Toliver as recorded on April 19, 1985, in Volume
2112, Page 178 of the Deed Records of Collin County, said
tract also being all of Tract 1 of Buckingham Polo Club
Estates, an unrecorded plat prepared by Roy E. McDaniel,
Jr., Registered Public Surveyor No. 437, and being further
described as being east of Hwy. 5 and south of Stacy Road."
Mr. Craig Curry presented the plan to the Commission. He
requested that the Commission table this item as proponent has
not reached an agreement with the property owners in the area
regarding the roadway. He added that the traffic study is
not complete at this time.
Vice -Chairman Armand opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against this request, Vice -
Chairman Armand closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Garcia stated that the Commission needs the traffic
study and is also interested in seeing the City's thoroughfare
study completed before making a decision on the placement of
this proposed roadway. Vice -Chairman Armand stated he would not
want to see this item delayed very long, and Mr. Curry stated he
felt that they would be ready to come back in two meetings.
Mr. Curry questioned the Commission as to their feelings regarding
the location of the roadway and requested he be given direction on
the issue of the zoning.
Public Hearing
Oak Grove Development Company (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Keener stated that if a roadway plat is approved before the
Thoroughfare study is completed, the plat would take precendence
over the study. Mr. Curry discussed the fact that they had
spent a great deal of money and time getting this proposal
together, and again asked for specific direction from the
Mr. Keener discussed the zoning to the north in the Hassie
Hunt property. The remaining multi -family and commercial acres
available in this district have been granted to that property.
Mr. Curry stated the plan that he has brought to the Commission
is a result of the direction he felt he was given by the
Commission at previous meetings.
Vice -Chairman Armand stated that the Commission would require the
traffic study and the plat on the roadway and would like to have
those items by November 13, 1986.
Commission discussed whether they would agree with the proposed
MF -2 zoning. Commissioners Browning, Karlsruher and Armand stated
they would agree with the MF -2 designation. Commissioner Lee
stated he did not agree, and he expressed a concern about the
proposed uses. Commissioner Garcia stated this plan would exceed
the Comprehensive Plan, and is still uncomfortable with the
location of the roadway. Commissioner Latimer stated she would
agree with the MF -2 designation, but is concerned with the location
of the roadway.
Mrs. Billie West asked the Commission whether a property owner
that would not want to donate land for this roadway would be
required to do so. Mr. Curry stated that proponent has put an
agreement together that would state that a property owner not
ready to develop their property would not be required to pay their
share for the roadway until development does occur.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a
second by Commissioner Rarlsruher, Commission
voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item
IV only until December 11, 1986. The motion
Public Hearing
Woodrow W. Wells (Agenda Item V)
Vice -Chairman referred to the agenda item printed in the
posted agenda as follows:
Public Hearing
Woodrow W. Wells (Cont.) (Agenda Item V)
"Public Hearing - Consider request by Mr. Woodrow W.
Wells represented by The Nelson Corporation, to change the
current zoning on 5.5± acres of land from "A -O" Agriculture -
Open Space to 3.2964 acres "LR" Local Retail and 2.1827
acres "R-5" Residential. This property is a tract of land
situated in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026 of
the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, said tract being
all of a 3.32 acre tract of land conveyed to Woodrow W.
Wells from David A. Witts as recorded on July 26, 1973, in
Volume 877, Page 528 of the Deed Records of Collin County,
said tract also being all of Tract 26 of Buckingham Polo
Club Estates, an unrecorded plat prepared by Roy E.
McDaniel, r., Registered Public Surveyor No. 437, and
being further described as being east of Hwy. 5 and south
of Stacy Road."
Mr. Craig Curry presented this proposal to the Commission and asked
that it be tabled for two meetings.
Vice -Chairman Armand opened the public hearing.
The following person spoke in favor of this proposal.
Robin Russell
Route 1, Box 166K
Allen, TX 75002
Vice -Chairman Armand closed the public hearing.
Mr. Keener stated that this request is over the allowance of the
Comprehensive Plan for the R-5 tract. Commission responded by
indicating they would like to see this property deed restricted to
3.9 units per acre.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Karlsruher, Commission voted 6 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item V. The motion
Vice -Chairman Armand added that proponent should be aware that the
traffic study is needed, and that they should be prepared with the
submission by December 11, 1986, as in the previous case.
Mr. Keener
discussed the
intersection improvements on S.H.
5 at
Stacy and
at Exchange.
Final Plat
La Petite Academy (Agenda Item VI)
Vice -Chairman Armand read the agenda item into the record as
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for La Petite
Academy, being a 0.625 acre tract of land situated in
the Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 990, Collin
County, Texas, said 0.625 acre tract of land being a
portion of that certain tract of land as described in
deed to The Fountain Gate Partnership, as recorded in
Volume 2076, Page 232, Collin County Deed Records,
Collin County, Texas, further described as being north
of F.M. 2170 and west of Fountain Gate Drive."
Mr. Robert Stengele, Carter & Burgess, requested final plat
approval for the La Petite Addition.
Mr. Keener advised the Commission that the City Engineering
Departmenthad given approval on this plat.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve Agenda Item VI as presented.
The motion carried.
Other Business (Agenda Item VII)
Mr. Keener advised the Commission of the upcoming agenda.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Browning, Commission voted 6 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to adjourn the October 9, 1986, meeting of
the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 8:40 p.m.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved this /-;?tz day of
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary