HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1986 - 11/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
NOVEMBER 13, 1986
Commissioners Present:
Bobby Glass, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Vice -Chairman
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary
Charles Lee
Ken Browning
John Garcia
Commissioners Absent:
Carolyn Latimer
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Sally Leeper, Secretary
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
CALL TO ORDER: (Agenda Item I)
The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order by
Chairman Glass at 7:30 p.m. at the Allen Municipal Annex,
City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, 75002.
Approve Minutes
October 9, 1986 (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of October 9, 1986, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Garcia, Commission voted 6 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of the October 9,
1986, regular meeting as presented. The motion
Approve Minutes
September 22, 1986 (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
L "Approve minutes of September 22, 1986, called special
workshop meeting of the City Council, Parks and Recreation
Board and Planning & Zoning Commission regarding the
Greenbelt and Linear Park Study."
Approve Minutes
September 22, 1986 (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a
second by Commissioner Armand, the Commission
voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes
of the September 22, 1986, joint workshop
meeting. The motion carried.
Tabled Item
Oak Grove Development Company (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider request by Oak Grove Development
Company, represented by The Nelson Corporation to change
the current zoning on 5.3± acres of land from "A -O"
Agriculture -Open Space to "MF -2" Multi -family. This
property is a tract of land situated in the Henry Wetsel
Survey, Abstract No. 1026 of the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, said tract being all of a 5.293 acre
tract of land conveyed to Oak Grove Development Co., Inc.
from Doyle V. Toliver as recorded on April 19, 1985, in
Volume 2112, Page 178 of the Deed Records of Collin
County, said tract also being all of Tract 1 of Buckingham
Polo Club Estates, an unrecorded plat prepared by Roy E.
McDaniel, Jr., Registered Public Surveyor No. 437, and being
further described as being east of Hwy. 5 and south of
Stacy Road."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by
Commissioner Karlsruher, the Commission voted 6 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item IV from the table.
The motion carried.
Mr. Craig Curry, The Nelson Corporation, advised the Commission
that proponent had not been able to satisfy the dedication of the
roadway in this case. He requested they be allowed to withdraw
their request.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Browning, the Commission voted 6 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to allow proponent to withdraw the request
for zoning by Oak Grove Development Company. The
motion carried.
NOVEMBER 13, 1986
Tabled Item
Woodrow W. Wells (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider request by Mr. Woodrow W. Wells
represented by The Nelson Corporation, to change the
current zoning on 5.5± acres of land from "A-0"
Agriculture -Open Space to 3.2964 acres "LR" Local Retail
and 2.1827 acres "R-5" Residential. This property is a
tract of land situated in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract
No. 1026 of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, said
tract being all of a 3.32 acre tract of land conveyed
to Woodrow W. Wells from David A. Witts as recorded on
July 26, 1973, in Volume 877, Page 528 of the Deed
Records of Collin County, said tract also being all of
Tract 26 of Buckingham Polo Club Estates, an unrecorded
plat prepared by Roy E. McDaniel, Jr., Registered Public
Surveyor No. 437, and being further described as being
east of Hwy. 5 and south of Stacy Road."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second
by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item V from the table.
The motion carried.
Mr. Craig Curry, The Nelson Corporation, stated that he was
prepared to request withdrawal of this request, but was interested
in determining the Commission's feelings about this use as it
relates to the location of the roadway.
Chairman Glass stated he feels it is important for the City to obtain
the thoroughfare plan before designating this property as local
retail. Commissioner Garcia added that he felt it important to
see the thoroughfare plan before zoning is granted on the property,
and also that the retail zoning in this district is in excess
of the Comprehensive Plan at this time.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Lee, Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to allow proponent to withdraw the request.
The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Collin Baptist Association (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by the Collin
Baptist Association for a Specific Use Permit for a
church site in "PD" Planned Development No. 31
Tract 10-A, being a tract of land situated in the
Public Hearing
Collin Baptist Association (Cont.) (Agenda Item VI)
"G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 326, Collin County,
Texas, and being a part of the tract conveyed to
Utal Development, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume
1991, Page 681, in the Deed Records of said County,
further described as west of Alma Drive and north
of Hedgecoxe."
Bill Petty advised the Commission that this property is
located in the "Utal" tract. He stated that a church is
allowed only by specific use permit. A site plan is
normally brought forth along with the request for specific
use permit; however, since this site is not ready for development
the specific use permit is being requested at this time for
proper layout of the remainder of the tract. The site plan
will be submitted prior to development of the site.
Mr. Blair Mercer, NPC, represented the Collin Baptist Association
and was available to answer any questions.
Commissioner Garcia stated he believed that a church would be
a good use for the property, but was concerned with designation
of proper parking. Mr. Mercer stated that the Association has
taken parking into consideration when deciding on this particular
number of acres. It was also pointed out that the question of
parking would be resolved at the time the site plan is submitted.
Dr. Gilbert Calloway, Collin Baptist Association, stated he was
available to answer any questions.
Chairman Glass opened the public hearing. with no one wishing
to speak for or against this request, Chairman Glass closed the
public hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Armand, Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED
to approve the request for specific use permit by the
Collin Baptist Association with the modification that
approval is dependent upon site plan approval prior to
development. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Bush/Stringfellow (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by George Bush
and Dr. R. D. Stringfellow for rezoning on 68.795
acres of land from "A -O" Agriculture -Open Space to
"PD" Planned Development to include Industrial
Technology, Garden Office, and Multi -family. This
tract consists of 68.795 acres of land situated
in Collin County, Texas, in the Francis Dosser
Survey, Abstract No. 280 and the George Phillips
Survey, Abstract No. 719, and being a resurvey of a
called 152 acre tract of land and a called 295
acre tract of land in said Phillips Survey as described
in a deed recorded in Volume 203, Page 31 of the Collin
County Deed Records, and being more particularly
described as Tracts 3A and 2C, south of S.H. 121 and
north of Stacy Road, west of Watters Road."
Mr. J. T. Dunkin presented the request to the Commission. He
discussed the traffic report, and Mr. Keener provided him with
a copy of the response from Council of Governments.
Chairman Glass opened the public hearing.
The following person spoke with regard to this proposal.
Mr. Jim Rushing
Rt. 1, Box 107
Allen, Texas
Mr. Rushing spoke on behalf of the Kittyhawk Homeowners Association
with concern to the alignment of Stacy Road and the density proposed
in this request.
Chairman Glass closed the public hearing.
Mr. J. T. Dunkin discussed the proposed alignment of Stacy
Road and Mr. Petty advised that the alignment is not set at
this time. There was discussion as to the background of the planning
for Special District 3. Mr. Keener discussed the possible number
of acres that will be needed in Allen for industrial use. He
stated his research indicates that sufficient industrial acreage
is presently zoned for the City.
Mr. Keener advised
the Commission of the revised traffic analysis
made available to
them this evening, and of
the response from COG.
Mr. Firebele reviewed
the traffic analysis.
He stated that this
request represents
8.75% of the traffic on
the two off-site
intersections that
appear to be problem areas
requiring additional
turn lanes.
Public Hearing
Bush/Stringfellow (Cont.) (Agenda Item VII)
Mr. Dunkin indicated that proponents would be willing to commit
to their share of the traffic improvements necessary as per COG
recommendation for the cost of a divided road rather than an
undivided roadway on the north/south collector street, and the
turn lane improvements on the off-site intersections of Stacy
Road and Ridgeview and Stacy Road and Watters.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 6 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request by Mr. George
Bush and Dr. R. D. Stringfellow with the modifications
that the proponents participate in the improvements
for the divided thoroughfare and off-site intersection
improvements at Stacy and Ridgeview and Stacy and Watters,
and the difference of the cost between the four -lane
divided and four -lane undivided on the north/south
collector street between S.H. 121 and Ridgeview, based
on percentage agreed to by COG, prior to development of
either this property or the off-site property. The
motion carried.
1. The land uses in this proposal are compatible with
the surrounding uses.
2. Proponents have agreed to participate in the off-site
roadway improvements.
3. Additional industrial acreage in S.D. 3 is appropriate.
Consider Dates for
Thanksgiving and Christmas (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider options available for the November 27, 1986
(Thanksgiving) and December 25, 1985 (Christmas) meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Lee and a second by Commis-
sioner Browning, t h e Commission voted 6 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to cancel the November 27, 1986, and the
December 25, 1986, meeting of the Allen Planning &
Zoning Commission. The motion carried.
Set Date for Joint Workshop
November 19, 1986 (Agenda Item IX)
Chairman Glass read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Set Joint Workshop with City Council for November 19, 1986."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second
by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 6 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to set a workshop date with the City
Council for November 19, 1986, to further consider
revisions to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The
motion carried.
Items of Interest to the Commission
Tom'Keener provided the Commission with a summary of legal
powers for Commissioners and advised them of the availability
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by
Commissioner Karlsruher, the Commission voted 6 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to adjourn the November 13, 1986, meeting of
the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 9:90 p.m.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved this day of
I� (\'LA '.T
Bobby Glass, Chairman Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary