HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1987 - 01/22 - RegularC ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 22, 1987 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Wayne Armand, Vice -Chairman Ken Browning Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary John Garcia Carolyn Latimer Commissioners Absent: Charles Lee City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Sally Leeper, Secretary Tom Keener, Development Coordinator CALL TO ORDER: The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice -Chairman Armand at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas 75002, on January 22, 1987. Mr. Bill Petty advised the Commission that former Chairman Glass had submitted his resignation earlier this week from the Planning & Zoning Commission and has filed for Place 3 of City Council. He added that based on action taken in February, 1984, officer election will be held at the first meeting in February. Approve Minutes January 8, 1987 (Agenda Item II) Vice -Chairman Armand read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of January 8, 1987, Regular meeting." Vice -Chairman Armand stated that a correction had been made to the minutes on page 2 to correct the wording in the last paragraph to indicate "MF -2 is 24 units per acre and MF -3 is 18 units per acre." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE TWO Approve Minutes January 7, 1987 (Cont.) (Agenda Item II) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Latimer, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes as corrected. Public Hearing Seeliqson & Sullivan (Agenda Item III) Vice -Chairman Armand read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Henry Seeliqson and Mr. Roger Sullivan, represented by The Nelson Corporation, to change the zoning on 41.6 acres of land from "A -O" Agriculture -Open Space to "PD" Planned Development including single family, multi -family, and shopping center uses, on 41.6 acres of land located in the William Snider Survey, Abstract No. 672, Paqe 82, Deed Records, Ccllin County, Texas, further described as being the southwest corner of F.M. 2551 and F.M. 2170." Mr. Craig Curry, The Nelson Corporation, presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the submission refers to the current zoning ordinance of the City as to the shopping center and multi -family tracts. The density on the multi -family is shown as 16.5 dwelling units per acre, and the open space requirement is satisfied in the multi -family tract. Mr. Curry presented a concept plan, but stated he did not wish to make it a part of the submission. He stated he had met with the residents of High Point Estates last Monday evening. Mr. Bill Petty discussed the existing zoning in Neighborhood District 26. He advised that there are 14 acres of retail and 24 acres of MF currently available, and there are two major corners remaining in the district for retail use; F.M. 2551 and F.M. 2170, and Bethany and F.M. 2551. He discussed the distance restrictions the proponent has across the northern portion of the property. This plan reflects approximately half of the multi- family acreage available in this Neighborhood District, and exceeds the Comprehensive Plan for residential by 9%, or 6 units. He stated staff recommends the dwelling units be reduced by 6 units. The City's agreement with the City of Lucas regarding boundaries is that the present or future alignment of the roadways would constitute the boundary line between the two cities. It is planned that F.M. 2551 will be straightened to go north, and the 1 to li acres involved will be included in the shopping F ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE THREE Public Hearing Seeligson & Sullivan (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) center tract. If this parcel is later included, then the shopping center tract will be approximately 12 acres. The Commission discussed the abandonment of the curved section of F.M. 2551 in question, and the participation of proponent in the construction of the new section. The consensus of the Commission was that the wording of the building materials section of the proposal should be consistent with other districts, and that the wording for the multi -family district should be consistent with the wording for the MF -3 district. Mr. Petty discussed the amendment that was placed on the Majestic tract to the north regarding drainage. The amendment stated that prior to development, proponent would need to submit a staff -approved engineered drainage plan. Staff recommends that if this request is approved, some similar stipulation be added to this proposal. Vice -Chairman Armand opened the public hearing. The following persons spoke in regard to this request. Mr. Ira E. Martin owner of land at F.M. 2551 and Bethany (the northwest corner) Mr. Charlie Couser spoke against the request 303 Clearcrest Mr. Craig Curry responded to comments made by staff. He agreed with comments regarding the multi -family. He stated he felt that language was presently contained in the proposal regarding the drainage situation under site plan review. In response to the variance of the housing, he feels this is because of the lack of flexibility in this tract. fie responded further to comments by Mr. Martin and Mr. Couser. Patty Sharp spoke against the request Lot 199D High Point Estates The following person spoke in favor of the request: Mrs. Susie Seeligson Nash proponent Vice -Chairman Armand closed the public hearing. i I 11 ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE FOUR Public Hearing Seeligson & Sullivan (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Vice -Chairman Armand referred to the letter from Majestic Savings regarding the drainage situation which had been provided to the Commissioners. Commissioner Garcia stated his concerns were mainly with the commer- cial acreage remaining in the neighborhood district after this property is zoned. He prefers the multi -family to wrap around the shopping center. The building materials and side yards for the single family are items of concern to him. Commissioner Karlsruher stated her concerns were only with the number of acres in the shopping center tract. She feels it is too much, considering what will remain available. Commissioner Browning stated no one really knows how much land will be needed for commercial in the neighborhood district, but does feel that F.M. 2170 will require the commercial acreage prior to the intersection of F.M. 2551 and Bethany to the south. Commissioner Latimer questioned the planning stages of the Comprehensive Plan, and how the acreage needs were determined. Mr. Petty stated that the problem with wrapping the shopping center with the multi -family was the limited space between the shopping center and Clearview Estates. He stated that the Comprehensive Plan does suggest that multi -family could be adjacent to a major thoroughfare as an alternative location. He advised the Commission that the shopping center zoned at Malone and Bethany was done before the development of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Browning stated that since the Clearview Estates residents are already there, he feels they should be protected from the shopping center. Mr. Tom Keener stated that the retail acres in the Comprehensive Plan are tied to the number of dwelling units in that neighborhood district. Commissioner Latimer stated she feels the commercial location shown on the Plan is appropriate, and recognized that there is flexibility in the Comprehensive Plan to review it at a later date. She stated the drainage problem had been addressed and was comfortable with the multi -family district as it complies to the new wording. C ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE FIVE Public Hearing Seeligson & Sullivan (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Mr. Keener stated that the open space requirement is shown as being satisfied in the multi -family tract. The traffic study was reviewed by staff and the Council of Governments with an LOS C. He further reminded the Commission that the housing units are over by 6 units or 9%. Mr. Petty stated thatstaff feels comfortable with the open space being allocated in the multi -family district because of the school/park site nearby on Malone. Mr. Curry stated that the six units that the plan is over the Comprehensive Plan are caused by the problems of transitioning. Staff recommended that the Plan should be adhered to in regard to number of allowed units. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Browning and a second by Commissioner Latimer, the Commission voted 9 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to approve the request with the following amendments: (1) the alignment of F.M. 2551 shall be specified to satisfaction of staff; (2) the wording of the building materials shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the same uses; (3) MF -3 district shall be consistent with the wording being proposed for the MF -3 district, which is "the minimum floor area of any dwelling unit shall be 500 square feet, with an average of no less than 775 square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and porches;" (9) prior to site plan approval, a drainage plan shall be submitted that is acceptable to City staff; (5) the density shall be reduced by 6 units. Findings: 1. The Commission realizes that the shopping center is not wrapped by apartments, but Clearview Estates already exists and the single family tract in this development will buffer the existing single family in Clearview Estates. 2. This intersection will probably develop before the intersection at F.M. 2551 and Bethany, and thus the need for commercial is better established at this intersection. 3. The Commission agrees that the open space is best placed in the multi -family tract. 9. The traffic study has been reviewed by City Staff and COG and indicated an LOS C. C ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE SIX Public Hearing Seeligson & Sullivan (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) 5. The alignment with the shopping center district across F.M. 2170 is appropriate. 6. The proposal agrees with the land use plan of the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The number of dwelling units, as amended, meets the land use tables. Final Plat Allen Independent School District (Agenda Item IV) Vice -Chairman Armand read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for the Allen Independent School District for right-of-way dedication, being Tract 1, a 0.0689 acre tract of land out of the James L. Read Survey, Abstract No. 758 and being part of the Allen Independent School District tract as recorded in Volume 293, Page 381, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; and being Tract 2, a 0.1722 acre tract of land out of the James L. Read Survey, Abstract No. 758, and being part of the Allen Independent School District Tract as recorded in Volume 168, Page 125, Deed Records of Collin OSunty, Texas; further described as being two tracts of land east and west of Birch Drive adjacent to the existing McDermott Drive." Mr. Bill Petty presented this plat to the Commission and stated it was a portion of the acquisition of right-of-way for the McDermott expansion. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve this final plat for the AISD. Discussion of Recommended Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item V) Vice -Chairman Armand read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Discussion of recommended changes and additions to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance." ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE SEVEN Discussion of Recommended Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item V) By a vote of 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED the decision of the Commission was to retain the "S" designation for Day Care use in the Corridor Commercial District. The next item for discussion was vehicle parking. It was the consensus of the Commission to table this item for final consideration at the next meeting. Mr. Keener offered to supply the Commissioners with parking ordinances from Plano and one other city. C I D ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE EIGHT Discussion Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Cont.) (Agenda Item V) The following uses were considered appropriate for inclusion in the districts indicated: LI GI Commercial Other RESIDENTIAL USES: 1. Caretaker or Guard Res. S S EDUCATIONAL & INSTITUTIONAL USES: 2. Church S S 3. Day Care for Children S S 9. School ACCESSORY, UTILITY & INCIDENTAL USES: Add Health Club * LC, CC SC, -,B 5. Accessory Building 6. Radio Tower S S 7. Private Swimming Pool RECREATIONAL & ENTERTAINMENT USES: 8. Circus T T 9. Public Playground 10. Restaurant/Private Club Review ordinance for decision 11. Commercial Stable * (S)CF 12. Private Stable (S)CF A -O TRANSPORTATION RELATED USES: 13. Boat Storage 19. Bus Station 15. Helistop T T 16. Railroad Track 17. Light Truck Rental C GB r: ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 Discussion Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Cont.) Apparel Stores LI 18. New Truck Sales and Repair only 19. Truck Storage Auto Display AUTOMOBILE & RELATED USES: use 20. Auto Painting 26. 21. Private Garage 22. Public Garage S S 23. Commercial Parking Lot S S RETAIL & SERVICE USES: PAGE NINE (Agenda Item V) GI Commercial Other C,CC GB * 24. Apparel Stores Incidental use only 25. Auto Display Incidental use only 26. Doctor Office 27. Day Care S S 28. Drug Store Incidental use only 29. Fabric Shop Incidental use only 30. Florist or Garden Shop Incidental use only 31. Hardware Store Incidental use only 32. Office supplies Incidental use only 33. Personal Service Incidental use only 34. Retail Store Incidental use only 35. Travel Agent Incidental use only COMMERCIAL TYPE USES: 36. Bank 37. Circus T T 38. Carpentry, Painting Shop C,LC,CC 11 L ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 Discussion Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Cont.) Motor Freight Terminal S LI 39. Cleaning Plant, Laundry 40. Construction Building T 41. Creamery, Dairy Products 51. 42. Exterminator 43. Farm Implement Sales & Service 44. Field Office T 45. Hotel or Motel S 46. Laboratory, Medical & Dental ordinance for decision 47. Mini -warehouse PAGE TEN (Agenda Item V) GI Commercial Other x * T * * * * T S * * 48. Motor Freight Terminal S S 49. Office Building 50. Office Showroom/warehouse 51. Plumbing Shop 52. Small Job Print Shop 53. Printing Plant or Newspaper 54. Restaurant/Private Club Review ordinance for decision 55. Radio or TV Broadcast 56. Real Estate Sales Office T T 57. Commercial Trade School 58. Sign Shop 59. Warehousing ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1987 Discussion Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Cont.) LI GI PAGE ELEVEN (Agenda Item V) Commercial Other 78. Motor Freight Terminal S S 79. Musical Instruments Assembly 80. Parking Lot (Truck) INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING USES: 60. Apparel and Related Mfg. 61. Bottling Works 62. Carting, Express, Hauling S or Storage 63. Concrete or Asphalt Batch T T Plant 64. Contractor's Yard T T 65. Cosmetic Manufacturing 66. Drugs, Pharmaceutical Mfg. 67. Electrical Generating Plant S 68. Electronics Products Mfg. 69. Food Processing 70. Forge Plant S 71. Gas, Butane, Propane Storage S S 72. Glass Mfg. 73. Heavy Machinery Sales & S Storage 74. Household Appliance Assembly 75. Light Fabrication & Assembly 76. Machine Shop, Welding * * S 77. Metal Fabricator S 78. Motor Freight Terminal S S 79. Musical Instruments Assembly 80. Parking Lot (Truck) �. ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION �I JANUARY 22, 1987 PAGE TWELVE Discussion Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Cont.) (Agenda Item V) LI GI Commercial Other 81. Printing Plant or Newspaper Plant 82. Radio, TV or Microwave Tower S S 83. Soft Drink or Bottling Plant 84. Utility Sub or Regulation Sta. S S 85. Warehousing S AGRICULTURE & RELATED USES: 86. Private Club Stable (S)CF A -O Other Business: Mr. Keener reviewed the tentative agenda with the Commission. Adjourn: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner Karlsruher, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the January 22, 1987, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:30 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved this day of 1987. Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary